Ozark County Burial Index
Index of Burials in Ozark County
The following information has been gathered from many sources
and is intended to help you begin to identify the burial locations
for Ozark County. It is in no way complete, as I doubt any
record will ever completely cover all burials. It is, however, a
great place to start your research, allowing you to quickly identify
burials from many different cemeteries in one location. With the
information contained here, you can go to the transcription of the
cemetery and find additional information on the Cemetery Page.
Format: Name, Date of death, Cemetery
Note: "NDL" means No Date Listed
W., H. K. NDL Lutie Cemetery
Wade, Douglas Perry 1947 Souder Cemetery
Wade, G. H. 1922 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wade, Lytha NDL Souder Cemetery
Wade, Mary J. 1908 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wagner, David Edmonds 1977 Clear Springs Cemetery
Walker, Alice M. 1974 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Walker, Betsey A. 1892 Welch Cemetery
Walker, Bettie 1927 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Betty 1936 Gainesville Cemetery
Walker, Charles G. 1957 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Deboray M. 1969 Sims Cemetery
Walker, Earl 1936 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Edna 1895 Gainesville Cemetery
Walker, Hannah B. 1904 Gainesville Cemetery
Walker, Hawk 1925 Gainesville Cemetery
Walker, Jess Russell 1969 Gainesville Cemetery
Walker, Lula W. 1925 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Lum 1918 Gainesville Cemetery
Walker, Mary E. 1956 Norris / Piland Cemetery
Walker, Mary J. 1944 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Mary M. 1919 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Nora Ethel NDL Jackson Cemetery
Walker, Ollie Ellis 1922 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Rosa NDL Jackson Cemetery
Walker, Samuel NDL Jackson Cemetery
Walker, Taylor E. 1925 Souder Cemetery
Walker, Thomas G. 1948 Souder Cemetery
Wallace, A. L. “Lonnie” 1974 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Allen 1960 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, Anna 1957 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Barry Lynn 1950 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Cora Ray 1902 Lutie Cemetery
Wallace, D. D. “Dow” 1968 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, D. O. 1939 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Daughter NDL Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, David Oliver 1900 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Elvira 1912 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, Floyd 1962 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Fred 1938 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Gary Randell 1958 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Georgia A. 1951 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Wallace, Glendell M. 1949 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Grant 1936 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Harold Arnold 1950 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Hattie M. 1964 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Hervel 1923 Igo / Sallee Cemetery
Wallace, Homer 1931 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Infant son 1915 Igo / Sallee Cemetery
Wallace, Infant son 1950 Lutie Cemetery
Wallace, Infant sons 1899 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Iva M. 1965 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, James A. 1936 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, James C. 1924 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, James S. (Jimmie) 1931 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Lawrence 1925 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Lesley 1908 Igo / Sallee Cemetery
Wallace, Leslie Waldo 1922 Piland Cemetery
Wallace, Lexie Sterlin 1978 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Lura J. 1968 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Maree 1911 Igo / Sallee Cemetery
Wallace, Martha 1951 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Nona E. 1930 Jackson Cemetery
Wallace, O'Beta 1945 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Ocie 1911 Igo / Sallee Cemetery
Wallace, Opal 1918 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Oren NDL Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Oren C. 1956 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Oscar J. 1972 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Pleas H. 1944 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, Rayferd M. 1945 Thornfield Cemetery
Wallace, Robert 1901 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Robert J. 1957 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, Saloma E. 1911 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, Verdie J. 1957 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, Waco 1918 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Wallace, Wendell A. 1949 Wallace Family Cemetery
Wallace, William C. 1944 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, William Edgar 1925 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wallace, William Howard 1910 Igo / Sallee Cemetery
Wallace, Willie W. 1937 Lutie Cemetery
Wallace, Wilmagene 1930 Jackson Cemetery
Wallace, Zana (Boyle) 1974 Thornfield Cemetery
Waller, Dicky 1963 Gainesville Cemetery
Waller, Logan NDL Loftis Cemetery
Waller, Three babies NDL Loftis Cemetery
Wallin, Ama 1930 Trail Cemetery
Wallin, Beverly NDL Trail Cemetery
Wallin, Celia NDL Trail Cemetery
Wallin, Dale E. 1950 Trail Cemetery
Wallin, Fay 1913 Trail Cemetery
Wallin, George 1927 Trail Cemetery
Wallin, George NDL Trail Cemetery
Wallin, Judy Kay 1952 Trail Cemetery
Wallin, Mary 1961 Trail Cemetery
Wallrath, Jack 1985 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Wallrath, Myrtle Hillhouse 1983 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Walls, Dessie 1937 Wasola Cemetery
Walls, Glenda 1940 Wasola Cemetery
Walls, Ira J. Jr. 1949 Wasola Cemetery
Walrath, Alvin 1973 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, Billy Dean 1960 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, Frank 1941 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, George S. 1935 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, Jennie 1946 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, John V. 1967 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, Sanford 1929 Mammoth Cemetery
Walrath, Walter E. 1960 Mammoth Cemetery
Walsh, Bertha 1959 Thornfield Cemetery
Ward, A. W. 1899 Old Herndon Cemetery
Ward, Austin 1944 Lutie Cemetery
Ward, Etsel E. 1951 Lutie Cemetery
Ward, Etta 1971 Lutie Cemetery
Ward, G. G. 1901 Old Herndon Cemetery
Warden, Etta 1945 Ball Cemetery
Warden, J. W. 1909 Hale Cemetery
Warden, James 1913 Hale Cemetery
Warden, Judson 1941 Ball Cemetery
Warden, N. J. 1941 Hale Cemetery
Warden, Nannie 1914 Hale Cemetery
Warden, Thomas 1901 Hale Cemetery
Ware, Clara NDL New Friend Cemetery
Warner, B. R. 1900 Franklin Grove Cemetery
Warren, Alma (Blair) 1985 Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, Arthor J. 1917 Martin Cemetery
Warren, Arthur 1970 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Belle 1968 Marshall Cemetery
Warren, Charlie 1969 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Clarence O. 1952 Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, Clyde 1984 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Warren, Dora Isabelle 1970 Martin Cemetery
Warren, Eldie NDL Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, Elija NDL Ball Cemetery
Warren, Elish NDL Ball Cemetery
Warren, Ernie 1922 Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, Eugene 1967 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Frank 1943 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Goldie 1905 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Homer NDL Ball Cemetery
Warren, Huby NDL Ball Cemetery
Warren, Huey 1900 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Infant NDL Ball Cemetery
Warren, J. R. 1917 Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, John 1967 Ball Cemetery
Warren, John Thomas 1915 Martin Cemetery
Warren, Linnie 1962 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Lorena 1920 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Lue 1935 Martin Cemetery
Warren, Lula May 1918 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Malinda 1900 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Mary 1969 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Mollie Mary 1975 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Warren, Nellie (Adams) NDL Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, Oda 1980 Clear Springs Cemetery
Warren, Pinkney 1936 Ball Cemetery
Warren, Robert 1929 Martin Cemetery
Warren, Ruth Jane 1946 Lutie Cemetery
Warren, Serena 1971 Ball Cemetery
Warren, William NDL Ball Cemetery
Warren, Windel NDL Ball Cemetery
Warrick, Albert E. 1965 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, Angie J. 1932 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, Infant son 1935 Wasola Cemetery
Warrick, J. Monroe 1914 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, James Roy 1923 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, Jesse “Bud” 1972 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, Joseph E. 1972 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, Maude C. 1983 Peters Cemetery
Warrick, Nellie P. 1928 Peters Cemetery
Waterhouse, Frank D. 1932 Clear Springs Cemetery
Waterhouse, Maggie M. 1955 Clear Springs Cemetery
Watkins, Edna Cearley 1933 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Watkins, Francis 1950 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Watkins, Harley 1966 Ball Cemetery
Watkins, Henry NDL Hale Cemetery
Watkins, Robert 1914 Hale Cemetery
Watkins, Spency NDL Hale Cemetery
Watkins, Sylvester 1934 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Watson, Alice Lou 1936 Wasola Cemetery
Watson, Bessie 1966 Lutie Cemetery
Watson, Bobbie Lyn 1983 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Watson, Coleman 1971 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Watson, Cornelaus B. 1963 Jackson Cemetery
Watson, Elizabeth 1959 Jackson Cemetery
Watson, Hiram E. 1942 Wasola Cemetery
Watson, Lucy 1893 Jackson Cemetery
Watson, Maggie Lou 1943 Wasola Cemetery
Watson, Rebecca E. 1891 Parsons Cemetery
Watson, Sarah Ann 1963 Jackson Cemetery
Watson, W. W. 1950 Jackson Cemetery
Wattenbarger, Emeline 1917 Gainesville Cemetery
Wattenbarger, Thomas 1895 Gainesville Cemetery
Watts, B. F. NDL Mammoth Cemetery
Watts, Bertha Gertrude 1897 James Cemetery
Watts, Clyde B. 1986 Elijah Church of Christ Cemetery
Watts, Delphia Gertrude 1916 James Cemetery
Watts, E. F. 1963 James Cemetery
Watts, Lillie M. (Dean) 1951 James Cemetery
Webb, Amanda Mahan 1936 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Bernice 1949 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Florence 1956 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Frankie Mellard 1913 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Gertie May 1889 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, James C. 1890 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Mildred 1937 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, No first name NDL Loftis Cemetery
Webb, Noah A. 1953 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Nora L. 1899 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Shelton 1909 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, Susie E. 1925 Mammoth Cemetery
Webb, W. D. 1935 Mammoth Cemetery
Webster, Arther 1884 Isabella Cemetery
Webster, Elizabeth 1886 Isabella Cemetery
Webster, Elizabeth (Turley) 1883 Sanders (South) Cemetery
Webster, Everett 1969 Lutie Cemetery
Webster, Franklin Dee 1983 Centerpoint Cemetery
Webster, G. A. 1935 Lutie Cemetery
Webster, George Washington 1909 Isabella Cemetery
Webster, Ida 1909 Centerpoint Cemetery
Webster, Infant daughter NDL Tempy Hutchison Graveyard
Webster, Marvin 1971 Centerpoint Cemetery
Webster, Oliver 1937 Centerpoint Cemetery
Webster, Shirly 1926 Centerpoint Cemetery
Wedgeworth, Alta Mae 1959 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
Weeks, Sarah E. 1944 Wasola Cemetery
Weeks, Thomas G. 1932 Wasola Cemetery
Weese, Mahala 1917 Bakersfield Cemetery
Weiher, Andrew 1920 Hart Cemetery
Weiher, Ellen 1905 Hart Cemetery
Weiher, Eual Shelby 1916 Hart Cemetery
Weiher, Infant son 1909 Hart Cemetery
Weiher, Martin Luther 1909 Hart Cemetery
Welch, Annie NDL Souder Cemetery
Welch, Benevie 1935 Trail Cemetery
Welch, Benjamin F. NDL Welch Cemetery
Welch, Bennie A. 1974 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, C. Bernice 1958 Jackson Cemetery
Welch, C. Clinton 1917 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Cleo 1969 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, Dale Russell 1957 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, Doll 1965 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, Eli William 1959 Jackson Cemetery
Welch, Elsa C. (Freeman) 1978 Eaton Cemetery
Welch, Eulah NDL Hicks Cemetery
Welch, F. R. 1920 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Fannie A. 1972 Trail Cemetery
Welch, Freda Elaine 1978 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, H. J. “Bud” 1969 Trail Cemetery
Welch, Howard E. 1977 Eaton Cemetery
Welch, J. S. NDL Old Herndon Cemetery
Welch, John L. 1908 Old Herndon Cemetery
Welch, Larry Joe NDL Hicks Cemetery
Welch, Lexie Waldo 1917 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Lorine 1941 Trail Cemetery
Welch, Lowell 1924 Welch Cemetery
Welch, M. E. 1933 Old Herndon Cemetery
Welch, Marshal 1928 Souder Cemetery
Welch, Mary J. 1944 Souder Cemetery
Welch, Matilda 1925 Lutie Cemetery
Welch, Millie 1959 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Mollie 1916 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, Newton 1966 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Racine 1970 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, Rebecca 1926 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Rosella 1979 Patrick Cemetery
Welch, Roy 1938 Thornfield Cemetery
Welch, Sally Jane 1961 Jackson Cemetery
Welch, W. Amos 1917 Welch Cemetery
Welch, William E. 1922 Welch Cemetery
Welch, Winnie C. 1917 Old Herndon Cemetery
Welker, Charles E. 1955 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Welker, John Adam 1942 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Welker, Lewis S. 1932 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Welker, Melvin Leslie 1909 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Welker, Samuel 1909 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Welker, Sarilda A. 1909 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wells, B. P. 1967 Hart Cemetery
Wells, Bill NDL Hawkins Ridge Cemetery
Wells, Blane E. 1961 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wells, Catherine V. 1887 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Wells, Elizabeth NDL County Line Cemetery
Wells, George W. 1912 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wells, Henderson NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Wells, Hiram 1970 Lutie Cemetery
Wells, Infant son 1896 Hawkins Ridge Cemetery
Wells, James NDL County Line Cemetery
Wells, Jane 1907 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wells, Jane NDL New Friend Cemetery
Wells, John W. 1920 Hawkins Ridge Cemetery
Wells, Linda L. NDL Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wells, M. S. 1911 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wells, Mary E. 1923 Hawkins Ridge Cemetery
Wells, Mary F. 1959 Hart Cemetery
Wells, Thomas NDL New Friend Cemetery
Wells, W. N. 1906 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wescott, Delaney Ivan 1976 Clear Springs Cemetery
Wescott, Faye P. 1960 Clear Springs Cemetery
Wesley, Peter NDL Loftis Cemetery
West, George S. 1941 Elijah Church of Christ Cemetery
West, Mary A. (Harden) 1967 Elijah Church of Christ Cemetery
Westfall, Nellie Welson 1968 Lutie Cemetery
Westmoreland, Carl 1960 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Westmoreland, George 1971 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Westmoreland, J. G. 194? Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Westmoreland, Mae NDL Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Westmoreland, R. W. 1950 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Westmoreland, Willie NDL Elijah Church of Christ Cemetery
Weston, Hiram Joseph 1914 Weston Graves
Weston, Howard D. 1947 Lutie Cemetery
Weston, Huey NDL Weston Graves
Weston, Joe S. 1933 Lutie Cemetery
Weston, Silas James (Rev.) 1970 Lutie Cemetery
Wetherell, Raymond L. 1915 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wheat, James William 1971 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wheat, Mary 1954 Ball Cemetery
Wheeler, Anna NDL Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wheeler, Dick 1982 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whillock, Audra 1949 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
Whillock, Edgar 1957 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
Whillock, Purl 1951 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
Whirlow, Clarence S. 1968 Faye Cemetery
Whisenant, Claude 1974 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whisenant, E. A. B. 1929 James Cemetery
Whisenant, Etta 1981 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whisenant, Marcella NDL Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whisenant, Marion 1964 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whisenant, S. P. 1912 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whisenant, Samuel 1936 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Whisnant, Betty 1949 Sims Cemetery
Whisnant, Billy Dean 1950 Sims Cemetery
Whisnant, Cleo 1978 Sims Cemetery
Whisnant, Hershel 1973 Sims Cemetery
Whisnant, Jimmy 1966 Loftis Cemetery
Whisnant, John 1937 Sims Cemetery
Whisnant, John Thomas 1939 Sims Cemetery
Whisnant, Timothy Lee 1981 Patrick Cemetery
Whisnant, William 1939 Sims Cemetery
White, Alpha NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Anne 1982 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Authur 1888 Franklin Grove Cemetery
White, Bonnie NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, C. A. 1911 James Cemetery
White, C. C. “Lum” 1938 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Chester J. D. 1973 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Clara 1959 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Cleo 1980 Clear Springs Cemetery
White, Columbus NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Delpha NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Donna Lea 1960 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Dora E. 1903 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Dora Loucel 1924 Sallee Cemetery
White, E. H. 1925 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Enos 1908 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Farice Jake 1972 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, George 1921 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Gertie 1917 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Infant NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Infant daughter 1918 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Infant son 1900 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Isabella 1973 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, J. T. (Dr.) 1941 Gainesville Cemetery
White, James (Rev.) 1925 Gainesville Cemetery
White, James J. 1944 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, James W. 1950 Lutie Cemetery
White, Jane 1966 Lutie Cemetery
White, Jerry R. 1974 Clear Springs Cemetery
White, John 1906 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, John NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, John D. 1931 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, John Dan 1931 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, John Wallace 1945 Clear Springs Cemetery
White, Josephine 1913 Gainesville Cemetery
White, L. Z. 1966 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Leslie 1975 Clear Springs Cemetery
White, Lila 1923 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Mable Norton 1905 Gainesville Cemetery
White, Maggie 1893 Franklin Grove Cemetery
White, Margie 1912 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Nora 1977 Clear Springs Cemetery
White, Octa M. 1959 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Oletha Faye 1982 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Perry C. 1877 Parsons Cemetery
White, Purnie L. 1979 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Rachel Lannie (Langston) 1968 Clear Springs Cemetery
White, Robert Samuel “Bob” 1981 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Ruby 1946 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, S. B. 1894 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
White, Sam NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Sarah 1891 Franklin Grove Cemetery
White, Sarah NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
White, Shelby 1891 Franklin Grove Cemetery
White, Willard 1968 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, William 1844 Gainesville Cemetery
White, Wilma Fay 1944 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
White, Wm. P. 1940 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
Whitner, Ava NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Whitner, Clarence NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Whitner, Columbus NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Whitner, Losson H. 1891 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Whitner, Marvin NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Whitner, Sadie NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Whitwell, Jefferson 1946 Sims Cemetery
Wicker, Elisha H. 1931 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wicker, Mary A. 1919 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wicker, Posey M. 1954 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wicker, William J. 1952 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wicker, William P. 1905 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wiere, May NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Wiggins, Edward Jr. 1966 Isabella Cemetery
Wiggins, Enoch E. 1946 Isabella Cemetery
Wiggins, Sarah 1943 Isabella Cemetery
Wilbanks, Barton 1958 Pontiac Cemetery
Wilbanks, Dolph 1937 Pontiac Cemetery
Wilbanks, Infant 1905 Pontiac Cemetery
Wilbanks, Infant son 1919 Pontiac Cemetery
Wilbanks, Matthew Cartwright 1963 Pontiac Cemetery
Wiles, John N. 1918 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wiles, Robert 1914 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wiles, Sarah E. 1945 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wiles, William T. (M.D.) 1961 Baptist Hill / Bridges Creek Cemetery
Wiley, Leroy 1909 Franklin Grove Cemetery
Wilkening, Leila 1918 Thornfield Cemetery
Wilkinson, George R. 1962 Thornfield Cemetery
Willard, Pearl 1965 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Willard, Shawn Craig 1980 Elijah Church of Christ Cemetery
Willbanks, Alice 1930 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Ann 1904 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Georgia 1917 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Luzinda 1917 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Mary E. 1957 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Ollie May 1904 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Sarah F. 1919 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Thomas 1918 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, William H. 1927 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, William M. 1915 Pontiac Cemetery
Willbanks, Winford 1904 Pontiac Cemetery
Willhoit, Alfred R. 1947 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Clara 1972 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Elizabeth 1924 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Ellen Lucille 1949 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, George (Rev.) 1942 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Hershel K. 1906 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Howard (Rev.) 1950 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, James 1926 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, John R. 1947 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Louie 1936 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Mary Ann 1927 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Thomas B. 1928 Lutie Cemetery
Willhoit, Wilma 1961 Lutie Cemetery
Williams, A. L. 1931 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, Bill and family NDL Hale Cemetery
Williams, Christine 1918 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, Clara NDL Eaton Cemetery
Williams, Claude 1962 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, David Ellison 1905 Peters Cemetery
Williams, Elizabeth 1909 Peters Cemetery
Williams, Freedom D. 1978 Noble Cemetery
Williams, Gertie 1928 Marshall Cemetery
Williams, Horace 1960 Marshall Cemetery
Williams, Irvin 1949 Lilly Ridge Cemetery
Williams, Jessie Sallee 1978 Thornfield Cemetery
Williams, Josie 1963 Marshall Cemetery
Williams, Kenneth 1937 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, Larry 1940 Clear Springs Cemetery
Williams, Lawrence 1907 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, Leroy 1940 Clear Springs Cemetery
Williams, Louise J. 1911 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, Mamie 1934 Mammoth Cemetery
Williams, Sarah Polly NDL Hale Cemetery
Williams, Three stones, no first names NDL Hale Cemetery
Williams, Viola Ellison 1926 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Williams, Walter 1907 Marshall Cemetery
Williamson, Darleen M. 1940 Thornfield Cemetery
Williamson, Kenneth C. 1976 Thornfield Cemetery
Williamson, Robert Henry 1974 Thornfield Cemetery
Willis, William Moses 1942 Bakersfield Cemetery
Wilson, Adeline 1911 Noble Cemetery
Wilson, Baby NDL Franklin Grove Cemetery
Wilson, Cordia 1918 Thornfield Cemetery
Wilson, Dorothy 1933 Clark Cemetery
Wilson, Etta 1918 Thornfield Cemetery
Wilson, Evert 1885 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wilson, Homer 1895 Franklin Grove Cemetery
Wilson, Infant son 1912 Noble Cemetery
Wilson, Infant son 1913 Noble Cemetery
Wilson, J. L. 1918 Thornfield Cemetery
Wilson, Joday 1905 Franklin Grove Cemetery
Wilson, Lewis 1925 Noble Cemetery
Wilson, Lutitia 1908 Noble Cemetery
Wilson, May 1897 Franklin Grove Cemetery
Wilson, Minnie F. 1948 Lutie Cemetery
Wilson, Newton L. 1969 Lutie Cemetery
Wilson, Oliver L. 1921 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wilson, R. O. 1885 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wilson, Sarah 1907 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wilson, Volumnia 1907 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Wilson, W. Isom 1918 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wilson, W. T. 1915 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Wilson, Walter Lee 1918 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Winfree, Betty Jane 1948 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Winfrey, Marie 1944 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Winger, Henry 1898 Gainesville Cemetery
Winn, H. 1941 Gaulding Cemetery
Winn, M. T. 1914 Gaulding Cemetery
Winn, Malisa 1897 Daniel Cemetery
Winn, Margaret 1923 Gaulding Cemetery
Winn, William H. 1882 Gaulding Cemetery
Winn, Willie NDL Gaulding Cemetery
Winslow, Clarence 1920 Lutie Cemetery
Winslow, E. A. 1932 Lutie Cemetery
Winslow, Jerome L. 1947 Lutie Cemetery
Winslow, Julia 1927 Lutie Cemetery
Winslow, R. J. Jr. 1932 Lutie Cemetery
Winslow, R. L. 1932 Lutie Cemetery
Winters, Mabel 1917 Pontiac Cemetery
Winton, Mary Luna 1962 Gainesville Cemetery
Wisdon, Sarah L. 1944 Pontiac Cemetery
Wissinger, Dan 1933 Peters Cemetery
Wissinger, Lillie 1947 Peters Cemetery
Witt, Edith C. Swearengin 1903 Centerpoint Cemetery
Witt, Henry 1916 Centerpoint Cemetery
Wolf, Austin 1956 Lutie Cemetery
Wolf, Deward 1936 Lutie Cemetery
Wolf, Floyd NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Wolf, Loyd NDL Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery
Wolf, Lura 1960 Lutie Cemetery
Wolf, Millie 1965 Lutie Cemetery
Wolfe, Brilla D. NDL Hicks Cemetery
Wolfe, Diana Kay NDL Hicks Cemetery
Wolfe, Ernest NDL Hicks Cemetery
Wolfe, Hannah NDL Hicks Cemetery
Wolfe, Hiram NDL Hicks Cemetery
Wolfe, Orvil W. NDL Hicks Cemetery
Wolff, John 1966 Ball Cemetery
Wolff, Kathern 1973 Ball Cemetery
Womack, Alma 1959 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, C. N. NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, Charles 1961 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, Francis 1931 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, Freda NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, Golda NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, Lee NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Womack, Preston 1953 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Wood, Ada 1968 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Belle 1938 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Charlotte 1922 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Clarence C. 1920 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Claude NDL Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Daniel B. 1947 Wood Burial Ground
Wood, Eddie 1892 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Edward NDL Griffith / Truevine Cemetery
Wood, Henry R. 1932 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Ida E. NDL Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, James 1916 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Jesse 1891 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Jesse E. 1902 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Jessie Carter 1937 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, John T. “Taber” 1971 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Lee 1937 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Lorene 1965 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Margarett 1899 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Margarette 1930 Wood Burial Ground
Wood, Mary F. 1928 Wood Burial Ground
Wood, Mary Nora 1949 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Maurice 1967 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Nancy J. 1942 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Oliver 1966 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Rebecca 1917 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, Vester G. “Chuck” 1960 Gainesville Cemetery
Wood, William 1914 Wood Burial Ground
Wood, William Cline 1901 Wood Burial Ground
Woods, Annie L. 1972 Thornfield Cemetery
Woods, No first name NDL Hale Cemetery
Woodward, Ada 1941 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Woodward, Ira 1946 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Woodworth, Emma B. 1972 Bakersfield Cemetery
Woolf, Clifford O. 1961 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Woolf, Connie Faye 1978 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Woolf, Gerald D. 1984 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Woolf, Pearl E. 1960 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Woolsey, May 1961 Patrick Cemetery
Workman, Claude L. 1971 Eaton Cemetery
Workman, Dan 1912 Clark Cemetery
Workman, I. H. 1944 Trail Cemetery
Workman, Maude (Tetrick) 1973 Eaton Cemetery
Workman, No first name NDL Martin Cemetery
Workman, Sarah 1940 Trail Cemetery
Worthy, Harrell J. 1961 Wasola Cemetery
Worthy, James A. 1938 Wasola Cemetery
Worthy, Lillie 1954 Wasola Cemetery
Worthy, Mary 1970 Wasola Cemetery
Wray, Averill Doy 1932 Pontiac Cemetery
Wray, Gary 1946 Lutie Cemetery
Wray, Henry J. 1971 Pontiac Cemetery
Wray, Homer NDL Isabella Cemetery
Wray, Josie 1945 Isabella Cemetery
Wray, Josie 1965 Pontiac Cemetery
Wray, Lula 1913 Pontiac Cemetery
Wray, Neata Paulette 1947 Pontiac Cemetery
Wray, S. J. 1936 Isabella Cemetery
Wright, Ada C. 1941 Thornfield Cemetery
Wright, Bonnie June 1934 Gaulding Cemetery
Wright, Fred J. 1971 Gaulding Cemetery
Wright, H. G. 1929 Howards Ridge Cemetery
Wright, John Wesley 1937 Gaulding Cemetery
Wright, Maggie NDL Jackson Cemetery
Wright, Vena 1938 Piland Cemetery
Wright, William E. 1960 Thornfield Cemetery
Yandel, Carmel 1918 Clear Springs Cemetery
Yandel, Matilda (Dawson) 1935 Clear Springs Cemetery
Yates, Jack 1960 Pontiac Cemetery
Yates, James Walter 1942 Ball Cemetery
Yates, Jay 1944 Ball Cemetery
Yates, Nancy Jane NDL Ball Cemetery
Yocham, Bessie 1961 Lutie Cemetery
Young, Alice L. 1950 Jackson Cemetery
Young, Annie Moriah (Hutchison) NDL Tempy Hutchison Graveyard
Young, Baby NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Betty NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Charles NDL Gainesville Cemetery
Young, Edith 1927 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Edna NDL Eaton Cemetery
Young, Effie 1954 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Fannie 1961 Eaton Cemetery
Young, Floy M. 1890 Sheppard Cemetery
Young, Infant Clinton NDL Oak Mound Cemetery
Young, Infant Dora NDL Oak Mound Cemetery
Young, Infant son 1895 Jackson Cemetery
Young, J. L. NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, J. M. 1948 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, John NDL Sheppard Cemetery
Young, John M. 1981 Eaton Cemetery
Young, Junior 1945 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Lelon 1920 Eaton Cemetery
Young, Mamie NDL Eaton Cemetery
Young, Mary E. 1956 Souder Cemetery
Young, May Harris 1960 Souder Cemetery
Young, Other G. 1890 Sheppard Cemetery
Young, Richard J. 1986 Bushong Burial Ground
Young, Rome G. 1899 Sheppard Cemetery
Young, Ruby Wood 1956 Gainesville Cemetery
Young, Samuel J. 1924 Souder Cemetery
Young, Sarah NDL Sheppard Cemetery
Young, Vera 1916 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Vilas NDL Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, W. E. 1927 Jackson Cemetery
Young, W. J. 1965 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Young, Zoria 1923 Smith Chapel Cemetery
Zeigler, Jesse Owen NDL Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Zeigler, Nettie 1969 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Zeigler, Owen Lester 1978 Sweeton Pond Cemetery
Ziebell, S. Clarence 1963 Udall / Price / Mitchell Cemetery