Obituary Index
Obituary Index
This is the central index for our obituaries and funeral cards. These
are from mainly Southwest Missouri papers at this time, ranging
from the 1840's to present day.
Mabary, Clinton 1945
Mabary, George D. 2006
Mabary, Nancy June Sutton
Mabry, Charles H. “Dutch“ 2007
Mabry, Jackie R. “Jack” 2011
Mabry, Lizzie
Mace, Eunice D. 1995
Mace, Jackson Wayne 1997
Mace, Lee 1985
Mace, Lucian Thomas 1972
Mace, Mary Katherine Morrow
Mace, Mattie 1996
Mace, Woodrow Wilson
Machon, Carl 1985
Mack, Myrtle E. 1915
Mackey, Preston Newton 1999
Maddox, William A.
Maddux, Edward Lee 2006
Madole, Roy Carmine 1987
Magness, James Michael 2009
Maher, Opal (Yokley)
Maher, Raymond H.
Major, Edward T. 1885
Major, Thomas Porter Jr. 1848
Malley, Christopher Michael 1999
Mallory, Judith O. 1883
Malmberg, Imogene 1997
Malmberg, John E. "Jake" 1981
Malmberg, Otis T.
Malone, Catherine 1921
Manahan, Helen E.
Mangus, Sarah Ellen Krepps 1918
Mangus, William Henry 1947
Manis, Goldia A.
Mann, Anna Odessa Catron 1994
Mann, Gene C. 2000
Mann, John M. 1994
Manning, Irene Joyce
Manuel, Ida Marie
Maples, Kathryn H.
Marberry, James W.
Marler, Dale Wayne 1999
Marriott, Bessie J. 1996
Marriott, Marcy 1998
Marsh, Claudie Otho 1893
Marsh, Jewell Hester 1936
Marshall, Betty Ann 2005
Marshall, Billy Joe 2013
Marshall, Emma Hauenstein 1935
Marshall, Robert Melville 1935
Marshall, Theresa A. 2013
Martens, Tamsey Hammond 1921
Martie, Ben 1944
Martin, Arvell F. Jr.
Martin, Betty I.
Martin, Carol Francis 2006
Martin, Charlsie M. 2004
Martin, Dave L. 1963
Martin, Earl Edward
Martin, Edith C.
Martin, Glenn A.
Martin, Harvey William 2000
Martin, Hazel E. 2000
Martin, Hazel L. 1976
Martin, Herbert
Martin, James O.
Martin, John C. 2001
Martin, Johnnie
Martin, Kenneth L. 1995
Martin, Laura
Martin, Luna L.
Martin, Lura Belle Conner
Martin, Lyle Warren 1954
Martin, Madison Lee 1958
Martin, Noah 1897
Martin, Pam
Martin, Paul J. 1990
Martin, Paul T. 1996
Martin, Sophia E. 1996
Martin, Velma L. 2005
Martin, Vernon C. Sr.
Martindale, St. Clair 1911
Martinez, Albino Galicia 2012
Marvin, Mrs. Freddie J. 1972
Mashburn, John H. 1928
Mashburn, William 1915
Mashburn, Wilma Fay 1999
Mason, Joseph Francis 1998
Mason, Lee W.
Matheis, Webster Valentine 1982
Mathes, Mr.
Mathews, Raymond L. 1995
Mathiesen, Brian 2014
Matthews, Dwight Irwin 1999
Matthews, Elmer E. 1994
Matthews, James A.
Matthews, James Robert 2000
Matthews, Oliver P. 1994
Matthews, Ora W.
Matthews, Wayne 1999
Maurer, Oleta 2010
Mawhiney, Erma Louise "Mammie" 2001
May, Juanita M. 1995
May, Vesta V.
Mayfield, Alma K. Kallenbach 1996
Maylee, Sylvia J. 1985
McAdoo, Lois Phillips 2001
McAfee, M. C. 1895
McAlister, Lee Wesley 2006
McBee, Jerry L.
McBride, Alma Nell 2001
McBride, Lilburne V. 1938
McBride, Mary J. Sanders 1992
McCaslin, Charley 1930
McCaslin, Claude 1956
McCaslin, Frank 1955
McCaslin, James Elbert 1928
McCaslin, Lucinda 1928
McCaslin, Mary Ella 1959
McCaslin, Ollie Ida 1930
McCaslin, Stacy 1924
McClaren, Shirley Mae 2000
McClelland, Eunice 2006
McClelland, Michael H. 2000
McClure, Floyd Allen 1943
McCollum, Lester C. 1999
McColm, Anna Emily Story 2000
McColm, Earl Gene 1998
McColm, Eva Elizabeth 2000
McColm, William Ralph 1999
McComb, Bert 1994
McComb, Clara 1981
McComb, James Ellis 1996
McComb, Myrtle 1992
McCommons, John Glenn 1995
McCommons, Opal Edith 1972
McConnell, Evelyn M. 1999
McConnell, Leota Marie 1995
McCord, Winona Fern 1999
McCormick, Shirley N. 1999
McCowan, John Ezra (Mac) 1994
McCoy, Alice Katherine "Kay" 2006
McCoy, Ella Frances 1961
McCoy, Fern
McCoy, Joe Anna 1993
McCracken, Cody 1948
McCracken, Elenor J. Stephenson 1904
McCracken, J.B. 1908
McCracken, Lafayette 1957
McCracken, Minervy Ann Sapp 1931
McCracken, Richard William 2000
McCracken, Thomas A. 1924
McCracken, Virginia Coon 1934
McCubbin, Bethel L. Stamper 1996
McCubbin, Buell 1989
McCubbin, Burnell
McCubbin, Dorothy Jean 1991
McCubbin, Jewel
McCubbin, Liza (McComb) 1939
McCubbin, Ray F. 1992
McCubbin, Sarah Ann
McCubbin, Z. T. 1940
McCulley, Jesse E. 1954
McCurdy, David James 1999
McCurry, Phyllis Marie 1998
McDaniel, Brenda Renee 1997
McDaniel, Robert Ray 1999
McDaniel, Roy H. 1996
McDermott, William Joseph Sr. "Bill" 2000
McDonald, Bert
McDonald, Gay
McDonald, L. Nip 1896
McDowell, Archie Eugene 1996
McDowell, Benjamin Franklin 1992
McDowell, Bill 2004
McDowell, Charles Arthur 1967
McDowell, Charles W. "Buster" 1996
McDowell, Charlie 1985
McDowell, Cora G. 1987
McDowell, Curtis 1965
McDowell, David H. 1971
McDowell, Dorothy 1974
McDowell, Elisha 1992
McDowell, Elphia L. Shepherd 1979
McDowell, Elsie 1967
McDowell, Evelyn G. 1988
McDowell, Fannie Louella (Shelton) 1964
McDowell, Frank
McDowell, Frank 1992
McDowell, George 1937
McDowell, Mrs. George 1890
McDowell, George Stanley 1990
McDowell, Gerald Fredrick 1976
McDowell, Goldie H. 1990
McDowell, Goldie May 1966
McDowell, Gordon Luther
McDowell, Greene B. 1956
McDowell, Helen A. 1989
McDowell, Irene 1995
McDowell, Irene Anna 1997
McDowell, James Andrew 2001
McDowell, John Anderson 1953
McDowell, John Otis 1972
McDowell, Joseph Calvin 1941
McDowell, Joseph Elmer
McDowell, Lee "Curley" 1992
McDowell, Leona 1998
McDowell, Lillian B. 1995
McDowell, Lola Irene 2004
McDowell, Lukas Cheyenne 2000
McDowell, Lynn
McDowell, Malcolm Charles 1987
McDowell, Mary Frances 1945
McDowell, Nettie 1964
McDowell, Oliver S. 1944
McDowell, Ralph M. 1995
McDowell, Ronald Glenn 2003
McDowell, Rosie E.
McDowell, Roy E. 1968
McDowell, Thurman Buck 1983
McDowell, Veda L. 1995
McDowell, Vernon E. 1952
McDowell, Wilford Melvin 1986
McDowell, Willard W. 1997
McDowell, William Raleigh 1950
McDowell, Winston R. "Burr" 1964
McGarity, John F. Sr. 1998
McGeough, Christy Hedges 1990
McGinnes, Dorothy E. 2000
McGinnis, Alma Bernice 1997
McGinnis, Rev. Austin 1998
McGinnis, Helen V. 1998
McGinnis, Lucille 1998
McGinnis, Robert Joseph “Bob” 2006
McGinnis, Velma
McGowan, Everett "Jim" 1992
McGowan, Kay Frances 2001
McGowen, Arlie W.
McGuire, Bertha Lollar 2001
McHan, Ruby Mildred Wicker 2000
McIntosh, Helen Cromwell 1999
McInturff, Sarah Margaret 1964
McKee, Anne Lemmon 2000
McKee, John "Dean" 1996
McKeehan, Charley E. 1960
McKenna, Enola 1960
McKenney, Telitha C. (Campbell)
McKenzie, Ethel Agnes 1998
McKinney, Edna Faye 2000
McKinney, Ellen Stevens
McKinney, Gladys Hammons 2006
McKinney, Gladys Jane 2000
McKinney, Henry M. Jr. 1998
McLin, Mary Louella 1954
McMasters, Thomas Benton 1999
McMillan, Lillian Longcrier 2000
McMillan, William 1885
McMillen, Milo R. 1977
McMillen, T. C. 1932
McMillin, Charles L. 1984
McMillin, Howard R. 1992
McMillin, James Edward 2009
McMillin, Lyle Everett 2018
McMillin, Martha 1885
McMillin, Mildred E.
McMillin, Raymond Gene Sr. 1991
McMillin, Ruby Irene 1981
McMinn, Lelia J. 1927
McNally, Della (Thornsberry) 1980
McNeal, Timothy Andrew 1983
McQuitty, David W. 1999
McQuitty, Velda E. 1999
McQuown, David B. Jr. 2018
McShane, Ella Lona 2001
McShane, Wendall 1999
Meachum, Laura 1883
Meador, Elonzo 1896
Medlock, Jon Jaye III
Meek, Zaida
Mefford, Maggie
Meiburger, Theresia A. 1996
Meier, Norma Jean Lodwick
Meisel, Martha G. 1995
Melton, Maude E. 1975
Melton, Nell Ruth 1997
Melton, Rayma
Mendenhall, Cleo 1955
Mendenhall, Freda Fay 2000
Meredith, Elvin N. 2007
Meredith, Henry 1902
Meredith, Hiram Jewell
Meredith, James Emery 1937
Meredith, James Noble 1991
Meredith, Lucy Boswell 1901
Meredith, Mary 1868
Meredith, Oma V. 1987
Meredith, Oral Nancy Boswell 1996
Merrell, Paul Uhrig 2000
Merritt, Glenn F.
Mewbourne, Karan Rhea 1999
Meyer, James Carl
Meyer, Tipha 1898
Mezzacasa, Nelson 2006
Mezzacasa, Warren 1985
Michel, Clinton L.
Michel, Herman
Michel, Nora Myrtle Dalton 1945
Michelson, Patricia J. 1995
Mickelson, Betty Lou 1999
Milam, Juanita 2006
Milas, Vasile 2000
Milburn, Doris D. 1996
Milburn, Logan
Miles, Flossie Belle
Miles, Ina F. 1995
Miles, Kathleen White 2007
Miles, Othello Chalmers 1954
Miles, W.H. 1905
Miller, Beulah Marie 1997
Miller, Caroline 1900
Miller, Clara 1997
Miller, Clarissa Jane 1998
Miller, Dennis Leroy
Miller, Denton Wayne 2006
Miller, Ernest 1994
Miller, Herman Wayne 2006
Miller, Ida
Miller, Rev. James E. 1995
Miller, Jesse Harden 1933
Miller, John D. 1997
Miller, John W. 1981
Miller, Kristina L.
Miller, Mary Francis 2000
Miller, Mary Myrl 2000
Miller, Michael 1883
Miller, Michael N.
Miller, Norma Lee 1998
Miller, Regina Bird Duncan 1938
Miller, Rollin 1998
Miller, Sarah
Miller, Sarah Elizabeth
Miller, Vera A. 1982
Miller, Dr. Wallace D. 1999
Miller, Wanita Ruth 2000
Miller, Mrs. Will 1938
Miller, Zena Maurine Grammer 2000
Millican, R. Doris 1999
Milliner, Dale 2006
Mills, Leland Otis 1986
Mills, Lenah B.
Mincks, Garley Elmer 2001
Mincks, Leonard Eugene 2000
Mincks, Vernon Orville 1999
Mingus, Cora Bell 1995
Minks, Samuel Darwin “Pood“ 1999
Minnick, Gladys E. 2000
Mitchell, Albert Norwood 2000
Mitchell, Cora Mae 1999
Mitchell, Cordelia Edythe 1960
Mitchell, Edrie Opal 1982
Mitchell, Emma Jean 2000
Mitchell, George M. 1960
Mitchell, Jamie Bond 1960
Mitchell, John C.
Mitchell, Marion Alanson 2000
Mitchell, Nathanial
Mitchell, Ralleigh
Mitchell, Veyne Pierce 1998
Mitchem, Charles W. 1997
Moad, Harvey James 2005
Mobley, Charity L. (Harbison) 1982
Mock, Jim
Moffitt, Orvil 2000
Moffitt, Ozella M. 1998
Mohr, Alma
Mohrman, Laura Josephine Skaggs
Molder, Audra Irene 2006
Molder, Ervin D.
Moneymaker, Bobby Gene 1996
Moneymaker, Charles Dewayne
Moneymaker, Rufus Franklin 1951
Monteer, Richard Lee
Montgomery, Alton
Montgomery, Gerald "Lee" 2001
Montgomery, John
Moody, John Alan 1998
Mooney, Bill E. 2000
Mooney, Melissa Agnes 2013
Moore, Charley C. 1975
Moore, Evelyn
Moore, Harold D. 2009
Moore, Harvey Lane 1999
Moore, Henry Almont 1896
Moore, Lawrence Samuel 2000
Moore, Marie Marceline Bruce 1998
Moore, Rose Mary
Moore, William Franklin 1915
Morff, Martina 1996
Morgan, Betty (Effie Frances) 1985
Morgan, Christine 2006
Morgan, John W. 1896
Morgan, Leonard C. 1983
Morgan, Lon 1960
Morgan, Patricia C. 1998
Moriondo, Eugene 2000
Morley, Charles E. Sr. 2008
Morley, Thomas 2008
Morley, Wanda V. Quick 2002
Morris, George B.
Morris, Maj. Lewis E. 1995
Morris, Mable Lorraine Scrivner 1994
Morris, Mary Price 1995
Morris, Pearl Elizabeth (Cardwell) 1990
Morrison, Setta 1980
Morrison, Wayne Eugene 2015
Morrow, Alvina Marie 1999
Morrow, Ethel B. 1976
Morrow, Eva G. Miller 1998
Morrow, Joe B. 1996
Morrow, Laura R. 1994
Morrow, Ophia Mae
Morrow, Robert
Morrow, William L. "Cotton" 1992
Morse, Joyce Ann 2000
Morton, Charles Ephraim 1941
Morton, Ernest Oliver 1958
Morton, Harry F. 1948
Morton, Ina Elsie Thornton 1949
Morton, Nancy A. 1948
Morton, Nancy Crutsinger 1948
Moschner, Roger
Moseley, Irene 1996
Moseley, Okle J. 1998
Moseley, Ozell 1994
Mosier, Alta Faye 1998
Moss, Barbara L.
Moss, Bobbie Lee 1998
Moss, Jasper Lee 1971
Mosser, Jacob 1896
Mountain, Robert Eugene
Mowell, William L. 2006
Mowery, Weldon
Mudd, Inez 1997
Muenks, Nellie "Catherine"
Mulcahy, Mamie
Mullings, James Lee 1999
Mullings, Wanda J. 2000
Mullins, Stella
Munden, Patty
Mundy, Olen W. 1999
Munroe, Marjorie Allen 2000
Murk, Gertrud 2000
Murphey, Jason Lei II 1999
Murphey, Robert Dale 1999
Murphy, John Marshall 1944
Murray, Charley W. 1960
Murray, Delbert Wilby 1999
Murray, John
Murray, Loren J. D. Sr. 1999
Murray, Marvin E.
Murray, Robert E.
Murray, Robert E. 1999
Murray, Robert K. 1963
Murrell, Marvin E.
Muse, Gladys Marie
Musick, Curtis L.
Musick, Elmer L. 1997
Musick, Joseph Clinton 1972
Musick, Mabel 1996
Musick, Otis Harold 1996
Musson, Neva Marie 2000
Mustain, Thomas Richard 2000
Myers, Barbara Jean
Myers, Helen Louise
Myers, Mary Russell 1991
Myers, William W.
Mygatt, Steven Eugene 2000
Nagel, Alexander 1929
Nance, Debra “Debbie” Kay 2010
Nance, Hershal Franklin 2000
Nance, Judy Marilyn 2009
Nations, Frank 1995
Neal, Lola E. 2000
Neaves, Orrin D.
Neece, Flora Amanda 1925
Neece, James 1898
Neff, Mary E. 1927
Neil, Everett L. 2000
Neill, Juanita 1998
Neill, Ray 2000
Nelms, Josephine 1896
Nelson, Alberta
Nelson, Jesse L. 1922
Neuhart, Betty Jane 2006
Neuhart, Jonathan L. 2000
Neuhart, Orlen William “Bill” 1998
Neuhart, Orlen William “Bill” 1998
Neville, G. W. 1904
Newberry, Hazel Vivian 1999
Newell, Christina 1936
Newhart, Arba Harold 1996
Newhart, Lowell E.
Newland, Eddie Marquis 2006
Newland, Robert Randolph "Randy" 2000
Newman, Eileen E. Fouts
Newman, Jean
Newton, Delbert B. 2001
Newton, Patrick
Nibert, Icel 1995
Nichols, Mrs. Eva B. 2006
Nichols, Ollie Marie 1994
Nichols, Ray S.
Nicholson, Agnes 1882
Nicholson, Allen Neal 1938
Nicholson, John Robert 1995
Nickel, Violet Leola 2000
Nickels, Guy Carl 2000
Nickleson, Margaret1896
Nishke, Shirley Pipes Kemp 2006
Nixdorf, Jessie H. 1995
Nofsinger, Dora Wall
Nofsinger, Dutch Vernon 1975
Norfleet, Eunice Emma
Norfleet, Lee 1980
Norfleet, Opal Irene 1998
Norman, Alfred 1963
Northcutt, Bertha 1998
Norwood, Zoe Irene Woods 2000
Nottingham, Ethel Belle Hopper 2000
Novicky, Christopher 1993
Nunn, James D. 2000
Nutt, Mary
O'Bryan, Bertha F. 1993
O'Bryan, Edgar 1983
O'Bryan, Othel 1979
O'Hara, Jon Jason
O'Leary, Michael J.
Odeam, Willis
Oldaker, Arnold Gaston 2001
Oligschlaeger, Alma E. 1994
Oligschlaeger, Emil John
Oligschlaeger, Raymond Paul 1997
Oligschlaeger, Ursuline C. 1995
Olive, Ross F.
Oliver, Crystal June Hill
Oliver, G. W. 1924
Orellana, Herson 2012
Orman, Basil
Orndorff, Helen Matilda McCarthy 1999
Orrell, Glen Dwight Lee 2001
Orrell, William Ralph 1999
Orrick, Rev. Haskell 1994
Oster, Bob
Osterman, Henry 1882
Osterman, Matilda 1994
Oswald, Alpha L.
Othick, Roy
Othick, Ruth Marie
Otto, Clemens J. 1983
Otto, Norbert J.
Otto, Walter W. 1991
Overbeck, William "Bismark" 1885
Overshiner, Gladys Anna 1999
Owen, Edna L. 1985
Owen, George H. 1980
Owen, Meta Joyce (Whanger) 2008
Owen, Sylvia Ann Prier
Owens, Fred Luther
Owens, James Merle 2012
Owens, Jewell Hinkle 1994
Owens, Lottie 1958
Owens, Louis Edward 1993
Owens, Lula (Witt) 1977
Owens, Mattie (Hobby) 1954
Owens, Mayme June 1983
Owens, Robert Thomas
Owens, Shirley
Owens, Stanley F. 2000
Owens, Stephen William
Owens, Virginia 2000
Owings, Alfred Winifred Morris 1964
Owings, Sanford J. 1964
Owings, Sarah Phebe Gardner
Owsley, George Lester 1982
Owsley, Robert Hoyt 2010