Obituary Index 

Obituary Index
This is the central index for our obituaries and funeral cards. These are from mainly Southwest Missouri papers at this time, ranging from the 1840's to present day. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Abbet, Florence B. 1983 Abbet, John Randolph 1951 Abbett, Bernice 1997 Abbett, Betty Mae Abbett, Mary J. Henley 1996 Abbot, Alfred Wesley 1946 Abbott, James Richard 1995 Abbott, Lucinda Catherine 1942 Abel, Wesley Branson "Neg" 2000 Acker, Jacob Rudolph 1927 Acker, Lawrence 1944 Acker, Mary Ann Snyder 1931 Acock, Ada I. 1988 Adams-Miller, Beeda A. Adams, Betty Mae Adams, Catherine Lorene Adams, Cecil Henry 2000 Adams, Floyd P. 1960 Adams, Grethel Casey 1944 Adams, Jack B. 2000 Adams, Judy B. Adams, Loran Leon 1994 Adams, Martha Jane 1944 Adams, Nell M. 1994 Adcock, Garland B. Adcock, Harold W. Adcock, Ocra 1997 Adkins, Hoyt "HT" 2000 Adkins, Jesse Adrian, Rosa Frances 1997 Agee, Mrs. Martha Watson Holliway 1931 Agee, Mildred B. 1997 Agnew, Ida 1989 Ahart, Bradford 1999 Ahart, Gary L. Ahart, James J. 1995 Ahart, Ralph Aiken, Andrew Jackson Airhart, Harvey 1895 Akery, Myrtle Malee Akins, Wilbert Kenneth 2000 Albertson, Merrel E. Albl, Bernice Marie 1992 Albrecht, Bill Alcorn, Sarah Alexander, Carlis Raymond 1996 Alexander, Cora A. Alexander, Donald Ray 1995 Alexander, Mary Elizabeth Alexander, William 1898 Alexanderson, Jens 1994 Alieksaites, William P. Allee, Dickson Allee, Emerson Layne Allee, Emery H. 1970 Allee, John P. 1957 Allee, John Patrick 1957 Allee, Lola Allee, Lucy Jane 1969 Allee, Mae Allee, Mae 1977 Allee, Maude 1995 Allee, Ora 1991 Allee, Warren James 1997 Allen, Bess Amy 1960 Allen, Bobby Gene 2008 Allen, Charles 1896 Allen, Gertie May 1994 Allen, Glenn 1972 Allen, James J. 1999 Allen, Joseph Bruce 1997 Allen, Lewis T. Allen, Rev. Logan T. 1999 Allen, Melvin H. Allen, Norma Lorene Allen, Priest 1990 Allen, Roletta 2006 Allen, Roxie 1892 Allen, Stella 1994 Allen, Vancil L. 1996 Allen, Vyrle Brumley 1996 Allgood, Fern (Shelton) 1967 Allison, Everett Bruce 2000 Allison, Roy 1983 Allison, Velma "June" Almeling, Keith James Althen, Mina Altic, James William 2000 Ambrose, Girland J. 1964 Ambrose, Lola 1994 Ames, Jewell 1985 Ames, Norma-Jean Amiss, Lewis E. 1946 Amlin, Floey Estella Ammerman, Betty Jean 2015 Amos, Cecil M. 1999 Amos, Eula Mae Martin 1936 Amos, Herschel A. 1997 Amos, Lela M. Amos, Ruby Anderson, Betty Jeanne Anderson, Edna Louise 1995 Anderson, Eulice F. 1992 Anderson, Gary Van 1999 Anderson, Huston J. "Andy" 2000 Anderson, John Jr. 2014 Anderson, Luella 2001 Anderson, Mattie J. Anderson, Myrtle Anderson, Nora E. Anderson, Rolla E. 2000 Anderson, Roscoe B. 1994 Anderson, Thomas Jay 1994 Anderson, William Presley Anderson, Dr. Willie Ruth (Gibson) 2007 Andres, Eugene L. Sr. 1996 Andrews, Franklin Verner 1966 Andrews, John 1905 Andrews, Lallah Brooks 1976 Andrews, Roscoe 2000 Ankrom, Ray 2000 Ankrom, Willa Jean 1999 Ankrom, Willard "Red" 2000 Anthony-May, Kathryn Alice 2010 Apperson, Bert J. 1987 Apperson, Beulah 1997 Apperson, Cecil Louie 1983 Apperson, Howard Paul 1998 Apperson, Infant Apperson, Margie 1999 Applegate, Helen 2000 Armbrust, James Leroy 1999 Armentrout, Dorlis G. 1994 Armstrong, Anna Burris 1999 Armstrong, Golden Rosella Dill Brakebill 2000 Arnold, Belle 1949 Arnold, Charles W. 1994 Arnold, Dorothy Ellen Arnold, Dorsey E. Arnold, George W. 1929 Arnold, Sylvia 1997 Arnold, Walter Anderson 1967 Arnote, Sarah Ruth 1998 Aronis, Theodore Arsenault, Ellen Artz, Eliza L. 1995 Artz, Trusa 1999 Ash, Albert F. "Sam" Ash, Elmer T. 1995 Ash, Helen Walker Ash, Jane Ash, Warren C. 1995 Ash, Wesley Ash, William Walter Ashlock, Grace Ruth Hartley 1999 Ashmore, Ferd W. 1967 Atchison, David E. 1993 Atkin, Billye L. 1996 Atkin, George Raymond 1959 Atkin, Nila L. 1997 Atkinson, Mabel 1995 Atkison, Hig Atkison, Ollie Mace 1995 Atkisson, Clinton O. Atkisson, Cyntha J. E. Jones 1922 Atkisson, James D. (Dutch) 1976 Atkisson, Lucy Margaret 1849 Atnip, William Preston Atwell, Rev. Archie B. Atwell, Bessie Mae Atwell, Geraldine Atwell, Lorraine Mae 1996 Atwell, Nora G. Atwill, Carol Anne Zink Atwill, Oral V. 1990 Atwill, Spurgeon T. Atwill, Sylvia (Pemberton) Atwood, Julius E. "Curly" 2000 Audley, Dora Taylor Ault, Henry L. 1995 Aust, Charles Wayne 1997 Aust, Charles Wilbert Aust, Geneva 1992 Aust, James Gail 1995 Aust, Sadie 1970 Austin, Floyd 2004 Avila, Jose Isabel 2012 Awad, Dr. M. Michael 1999 Aye, Raymond Ayres, William L. I.
Babbitt, Frank 1915 Bach, Iola Pauline 1994 Bachtel, Emma Jane Jackson 1999 Bacon, Kenneth R. 1995 Bacon, Ruby F. Hale 1996 Bagby, Debra Ann (Powers) 2006 Bagby, Everett O. 2006 Bailey, Anna J. 1981 Bailey, Eunice Eva Bailey, Sarah 1948 Bair, Robert Wayne 2001 Baird, Marjorie F. 1974 Baker, David Eugene 2017 Baker, Doris I. 1998 Baker, Leon Beauford 2000 Baker, Stefanie E. Baldwin, Elizabeth LaMoine 2001 Balke, Benjamin Ball, Charles Winfield Jr. 2009 Ball, Francis Earl 2008 Ball, Greg Dwayne 2017 Ball, Helen Nadean 2012 Ball, Howard Harold 2014 Ball, John R. Ballard, Ray J. Ballenger, John Lowell "Jack" 2000 Ballenger, R. S. "Buck" 1960 Ballinger, Reuben L. 1999 Ballman, Agnes 1997 Ballou, Horace G. 1848 Bandel, Garland G. 1955 Bank, Moses Banker, Don O. 1998 Banks, Cecil 1999 Banks, Pauline 2001 Banner, John 1996 Banner, Thomas A. 1997 Barbarick, Oma Albertson 1996 Barbour, Lt. John Herschel 1997 Barbour, Lela Audra 1998 Barbour, Nina S. 1998 Barbour, Opal Edith Rains Barker, Charles W. 1999 Barker, Howard 1996 Barker, Inez Irene 2000 Barker, Madelene E. 1994 Barker, Robert Eugene 1999 Barker, Truman H. "Pud" 1994 Barkerin, Nancy Barklage, Maurice J. 1991 Barkoski, Grace Maxine 1960 Barnard, Thomas 1882 Barnes, Ida Alice Beem Barnes, Lovie M. 1999 Barnes, Vernon W. Sr. 2001 Barnett, Della Barnett, Dorothy Helen 2000 Barnett, Ed 1963 Barnhart, Bridgett Briggs 1976 Barnhart, Everette H. Barnhart, Geneva Barnhart, James W. 1997 Barnhart, Johnny Wesley 1996 Barnhart, Olive E. Barnhart, Patricia Ann Barnhart, Vada Barrett, Ottavia B. 1999 Barron, Orene T. 2008 Barron, Ruth 1974 Bartee, Talma Jean Perry 2006 Barth, Opal Adeline Burris 1983 Bartholomew, Lulu 1997 Bartlett, Elmer Buel 2008 Bartlett, Nancy 1885 Barton, Bashaba 1957 Barton, Kermit A. 1997 Bartshe, Eliza Murphy 1955 Bartshe, Pearl 1896 Basinger, Frances E. 1999 Bass, Theophilus Bastion, Mabel Quick 2000 Bastion, Nicholas T. 2000 Batchelder, Lena “Mae“ 1999 Bates, Bill Jr. 1999 Bates, Carl Lee 1994 Bath, Vera Lorene Low 2000 Bauer, Leoba Marie 1970 Baughman, Judy 1997 Bauman, Genard W. Baumgardner, Bernice L. 1998 Baumgardner, Charles Benton Baumgardner, Leona May 2006 Bax, Adolph F. 1995 Bax, Al 1995 Bax, Alma C. Bax, Andrew J. 1966 Bax, Anna G. 1996 Bax, August G. 1997 Bax, Henry P. Bax, Marie E. 1995 Bax, Peter J. 1998 Bax, Theodore J. 1990 Bax, Thomas W. Bays, Bertha 2001 Bays, Clarence Jake 2000 Baysinger, John Harold 1979 Beals, Earl Laverne 2000 Bean, Edwin Marshall 2000 Beanland, Minnie Josephine 1983 Beard, Shirley Jean Beasley, Hester M. Farr 2000 Beck, Elizabeth 1983 Beck, Holden 2014 Beck, Nora 1958 Becker, Carrie Ida 1956 Beckley, Cassie Mae 2000 Beckman, Freda Constance Kehr 1995 Beebe, Cecil Ray 1999 Beeghly, Ellis S. 2000 Beeson, Benjamin F. 1995 Bel, Douglas Warren Jr. 1999 Belew, Gladys Pauline 1994 Belk, Charley Belk, Clay Douglas Sr. 1996 Belk, Denice Michel 1964 Belk, John Thomas Belk, Preston Belk, Priscilla 1931 Bell, Rev. Charles 1895 Belshe, Hazel O. Bemboom, Imogene F. 2000 Bemboom, Wanda Drinkard 1998 Benage, Mary Jane 1997 Benedict, Eugene J. 1995 Benedict, Joseph E. 1905 Benne, Timothy Craig 1986 Bennett, Asa 1980 Bennett, Esther Berniece 2006 Bennett, Norman Chester Bennett, William Eugene “Gene” 2006 Benskin, Anna Mae (Redburn) 2006 Benson, Charles E. 2000 Berbach, Edith 1994 Berendzen, Adolph William 1997 Berendzen, Clem J. Berendzen, Emil H. Berendzen, Jacob Frank 1995 Berg, Robert William Bergstrom, Ingra 1924 Berry, Dorothy Ellen 2006 Berry, Edmond 1866 Berry, Guy 1997 Berst, Ezra 1905 Bertch, Evelyn J. Besser, Dan 2015 Besser, Donald W. 2010 Bethel, Patricia Ann Bewley, Chester Dee 2006 Bibb, M. (Drake) 1888 Bigby, Christine 2000 Bigler, James Monroe 1951 Bigler, John C. 1904 Bigler, Mary Evalina Johnson 1932 Bigler, Mildred Vote 1999 Bigler, Thomas 1958 Bilyeu, Clifford L. 2001 Bilyeu, Leonard 1979 Bilyeu, Matthew William 1991 Bilyeu, Rosaline M. 1996 Binkley, Annetta 1980 Binkley, Dixie P. 1995 Binkley, John Logan 1995 Binkley, Tina Angeline 1998 Bird, Rev. John Birdsong, Beulah W. 1988 Birdsong, Claude C. 1994 Birdsong, Harold L. "Jack" 1996 Birdsong, Henry J. 1992 Birdsong, Lloyd V. Birdsong, Lola Dell (Kesterson) 1977 Birdsong, Loretta Curry Birdsong, Walter Wayne 1996 Bishop, Dorothy L. Bishop, Herschel W. "Buck" 1995 Bishop, Rada Grace (Marsh) Bittle, Esther 1995 Bittle, Mildred E. 1981 Black, Cirrelda Burris Snider 1990 Black, David Randolph 1996 Black, Hettie Enix 1997 Black, Julia Mae Richards 2000 Black, Robert Richard 2000 Blackwell, George W. 1924 Blair, Robert L. 1995 Blakely, Paul 1994 Blakemore, George Allder 2001 Blakey, Sarah E. (McElrath) 1891 Blankenship, Edith 1998 Blankenship, Mattie C. 1999 Blankenship, William Earl "Bud" 2001 Blankinship, Mabel O. 1994 Blanton, Elzie (Warren) 1885 Blanton, George H. 1897 Blanton, Morris 2001 Blehm, Dean 1999 Blevins, William David Blomberg, Henry John 1995 Bloomer, Mary Edith Blosser, Nolan Paul 2000 Blount, Jefferson Davis 1934 Blum, Auguste Marie Blythe, Neva E. Boan, Olivia 1994 Bock, Elizabeth B. 1997 Bock, Elizabeth H. 1994 Bock, Rosa Helen 1998 Bodamer, Charlotte W. 1995 Bodenhamer, Ruth M. Leek 2000 Bodine, Velma Faye 2000 Boeckman, Herman William Jr. Boggess, Lottie Mae 2001 Bohon, Henry Joseph Bohrn, Sammy Dean 1994 Boller, Betty R. 1999 Boller, Richard N. 2008 Boller, Robert O. 1962 Boller, William F. 1957 Boltz, Floyd S. 1997 Bond, Anna M. Bond, Bruel G. 1996 Bond, Carl D. 1997 Bond, Clara M. 1998 Bond, Dorothy L. 1997 Bond, Howard Eugene 1995 Bond, Inez B. 1997 Bond, Jack Bond, Marvin Bond, Maud 1995 Bond, Phyllis W. Bond, Rachel Roann Allee Bond, Ralph R. 1978 Bond, Tandy E. 1997 Bond, Thressa Lourane 1995 Bonner, Josiah Bonney, Luella May 1999 Boots, John E. Boren, Mary Elizabeth Peden 1926 Boren, Minnie C. 1960 Boren, W. C. 1936 Boren, Zilpha Ellen 1968 Borgmeyer, Mathilda 1997 Boring, James Edward 1955 Boswell, Floyd Weldon 1999 Bottoms, Corinne Hauenstein 1998 Bowden, Bonnie S. 1995 Bowers, William Porter 1922 Bowlin, Clara A. 1995 Bowlin, Leland Gerald "Jerry" 1991 Bowlin, Robert Thurston 1999 Bowlin, Ronald Ray "Odie" 1991 Bowlin, Vergie Ellen 1989 Bowline, A. J. 1916 Bowline, Clara E. 1996 Bowline, Loren Aeril 1997 Bowline, Ralph Olney 1988 Bowling, Rev. Loyd G. 1960 Box, David D. 2000 Box, Edward Floyd 2017 Box, Lois I. Davis 2000 Box, W.M. 1907 Boyd, Belvia Boyd, Eliza 1997 Boyd, Greenville 1931 Boyd, June 2001 Boyd, Maggie Jane McDaniel 1994 Boyd, Mrs. Marcus Boyle, Barbara Ann 2000 Bozarth, Gary Ray Bradbury, Leota L. Bradley, Lola Ann Bradley, Nora 1938 Brady, Shirley June Brakebill, Henry 1896 Branam, Pritchett R. 1961 Brandon, J. P. 1891 Branstetter, Hazel B. Morris Holstein 2000 Branstetter, James David Braun, Delores Marion 1999 Braun, Mary Frances 1982 Breeding, Benjamin Franklin Breeding, Benton Fred 2017 Breeding, Elois (Upton) 1975 Breesawitz, Paul "Tommy" Howard Breeze, Ann Pare Yeager 1938 Brenneke, Martha C. 1990 Brent, Barbara Breshears, James Henry 1955 Breshears, Norris 1964 Breshears, Rolla Ervin 2000 Breshears, Shirley Frances 2000 Breshears, Truman C. 2011 Breshears, Velma 1999 Breshears, Vivian Tuck Breshears, Willis Dean 2009 Brewer, Edward M. 1999 Brewer, Evan David 2001 Brich, Dwayne M. 2000 Brich, Jean M. 1999 Bridges, Wilma Faye Briggs, Arthur 1958 Brill, James Michael 2000 Bristow, George Henry 1848 Britt, Marjorie 2006 Brockman, Peter 1885 Brooks, Berniece Brooks, Edna Quick 2009 Brooks, Ethel B. 2000 Brookshire, Maria Edson 1934 Brookshire, Roy 1934 Browder, John A. Brown, Beulah Maude Creed 2000 Brown, Blanch Robbie Brown, Bondena "Bonnie" 2000 Brown, Charles Ludwig 1959 Brown, Cora H. 2000 Brown, Dalton J. “Tony” 2001 Brown, Rev. Earl Basil 1988 Brown, Emmit D. 1924 Brown, Fay A. 1981 Brown, Frank D. Brown, Garland Robert Brown, George Edward Brown, Grace E. 1992 Brown, James E. 1971 Brown, John S. 1896 Brown, Kendall Paige 2000 Brown, Leslie R. 1982 Brown, Loy Dean Brown, Mildred I. Brown, Ova Mildred 1998 Brown, Robert W. “Bob” 2015 Brown, Ross 1993 Brown, Russell J. Brown, Susan M. 1885 Brown, Thomas E. 1995 Brown, Uel B. 1987 Brown, Wilford W. "Wick" 1998 Brown, William E. 2000 Brown, William Robert Browne, Robert J. 2006 Browner, Ethel Lee Broyles, Inous Pauline 1998 Broyles, Tim E. 2000 Bruce, Irene DeGraffenreid 2000 Bruce, Ruel Eugene 1998 Bruch, Rev. Father Bruer, Mary Elizabeth 2000 Brumble, Milton Virgil 2004 Brumfield, Sarah E. 1998 Brumley, Camilla Gertrude Patterson 1994 Brumley, Harrison Marshall 1959 Brumley, Irene Brumley, James D. 1979 Brumley, Kenneth C. 1991 Brumley, Loranzia Gail Brumley, Loranzo J. 1962 Brumley, Otto Albert 1973 Brumley, Ralph J. 1992 Brumley, Rozenna E. 1993 Brumley, Ruby Faye 1995 Brumley, William C. 1968 Brumley, William Carroll 1977 Brummell, Ida 1997 Bruning, Flora 1994 Bruns, Arthur Joseph 1986 Bruns, Dorothea D. Bryan, John C. Bryan, William 1904 Bryant, Ida Jane 1999 Bryant, Ruby D. 1994 Bryant, Tracy Anna 2016 Bryson, Mrs. Rose B. 2006 Buchanan, Edgar S. 1995 Buchanan, Kenneth Wayne Buck, Harry M. 1954 Buckley, Chambers 1898 Buckley, Don 1999 Bucklinger, Floyd Dean 2000 Bucklinger, Louisa A. 1999 Buckmaster, Jon M. 1998 Buckner, John Edward 2001 Buechter, Anna Marie Buechter, Arthur "Ed" 1996 Buehler, Charles Henry 2000 Buehner, Susan Ann 1994 Buffington, Glenda Bullard, Inez Rodgers 2000 Bumgarner, Johnny Eugene Bunch, Basil James 1999 Bunch, Bertha 1996 Bunch, Dawn D. 1998 Bunch, Erie Edith 1998 Bunch, Herbert W. 1988 Bunch, James Bunch, John S. 1995 Bunch, Leonard D. Bunch, Leta B. 1997 Bunch, Rita Bunch, Rufus 1995 Bunch, Stella F. 1995 Bunch, Thomas W. 1994 Bungart, Virginia M. 1995 Burch, Joshua Ryan 2000 Burd, Amy Viola 1997 Burgess, Eric 1994 Burkhart, Audrey Marie Burks, Bobby R. 1998 Burks, Esther O. 1999 Burks, Johnie Redus 1992 Burks, Lee 1997 Burks, Lillian G. 1996 Burks, Luckie Ray 1995 Burks, Ola Mae Burks, Ruby Fern 2005 Burks, Virgie Hasten 1994 Burks, Walter Gail 1997 Burnham, Loren Charles Edgar 1999 Burns, Floreine H. 1999 Burrell, Leo Franklin Burris, Anna Inez Howser Burris, Barbara Jean 1998 Burris, Basil E. 1985 Burris, Betty Lou Burris, Carl Donald 1985 Burris, Carol Jean Tipton 1998 Burris, Clara M. 1995 Burris, Daniel Ulrey 1994 Burris, Eva Clementine Burris, Lee Manuel "Camel" 1996 Burris, Martha Bowlin 1932 Burris, Milo M. Jr. 1996 Burris, Oliver Clinton 1982 Burris, Dr. Otis E. 1963 Burris, Sam W. 1990 Burris, Susan Gregory 1988 Burris, Dr. Wallace Miles 1989 Burris, Willis Mastin 1926 Burton, Bonnah Avis 2001 Burton, Doris Hope Petrie Burton, George L. "Pete" 1993 Burton, Gyneth Eloise Burton, Lawrence O. 1981 Burton, Leo Alva 2001 Burton, Mel O. 1999 Burton, William 1896 Busby, Rev. Alfred Busby, William Busick, Glover H. 1982 Buster, Lucille 1997 Buster, Monroe 1995 Buster, Ward L. 1994 Butcher, Dorothey L. Butler, Bob 1999 Butler, Charlie Oliver 1999 Butler, Glenda Darlene 1999 Butler, Ivan Wesley 1999 Butler, Joshua Owen 1904 Butler, Louise F. 1999 Button, William Ralph 2005 Butts, Jamie Don Buxton, Lucille 2000 Bybee, George Dewey 1986 Bybee, Leta M. 2005 Bybee, Marie Josephine 1980 Byers, Virgie R. Byrd, Albert Franklin 1988 Byrd, Mrs. John Byrd, Lloyd Franklin 1994 Byrd, Mary 1908
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