Miller County, Missouri

Wickham Cemetery

Miller County home page

Osage Township: Section 18, Township 40 North, Range 12 West Miller County, MO.

Take Hwy 52 to Jct. PP & turn right. Go to Streumph School Rd. and turn left. Go 1.2 mile and turn right. Go .55 mile to a steel gate and go through the gate. Go .1 mile & turn right. Go up a hill .1 mile to the cemetery. This cemetery is fenced and well tended

Inventoried by Dianna (Hale) Mattingly & Glenda (May) Crawford & Mindy (Halderman) Hicks (18 June 2001).


stone -no info

Boyd, Ruth  (Clark)   
29 Oct. 1801 VA - after 1869 when will was prepared. 
w/o James Boyd
w/o Thomas Mills
sister of John "Hoppin" Patterson Clark, Sr.
oldest burial sight in this cemetery according to Miller County records

Boyd, Willie
no dates - no info
s/o Robert & Cynthia (Grosvenor)
Miller County records

Hamilton, Infants
no dates - no info
c/o Pauline Hamilton
Miller County records

Johnson, Joseph Vance 
5 Nov.1969 - 5 Aug. 1991

Jourdan, Cleo (Wickham) 
19 Oct. 1918 - 24 Jan. 1988 
s/o John & Bessie 

Juhl, Juanita (Wickham) 
15 Sept. 1923 - 16 Nov. 1975

King, Aaron T. 
17 Jan. 1972 - 26 Apr. 1989 

King, Garland E. 
22 Sept. 1935 - 24 Mar. 1999 

King, Garrett B. 
29 Jan. 1934 - 23 Mar. 1997 

Landreth, David Lee 
born & died - 12 Sept. 1955 
s/o Fred & Dorothy

May, Alfred 
no dates -no info 
Co. E 33rd MO. Infantry

Mikolaszuk, V. Rowena (King) 
20 July 1931 - 30 Aug. 1992 

Simpson, Infant 
no dates - no info 
Miller County records

Wickham, Bessie B. 
14 Apr. 1892 - 14 May 1970 
same stone as John H.

Wickham, Carrie E. 
13 Dec. 1881 - 17 May 1889 
d/o N. R. & M. B.

Wickham, Clara V. 
14 Sept. 1886 - 10 May 1948 
same stone as Eddie I.

Wickham, Eddie I. 
17 Jan. 1886 - 26 Mar. 1964 
same stone as Clara V.

Wickham, Infants
no dates - no info
c/o William
Miller County records

Wickham, James H. 
29 Aug. 1921 - 23 Apr. 1942 
s/o John & Bessie 

Wickham, John H. 
7 May 1889 - 31 Aug. 1966 
same stone as Bessie B.

Wickham, Livona Pearl 
2 Dec. 1896 - 21 Feb. 1897

Wickham, Marzila (Grosvenor) 
29 June 1867 - 23 May 1946

Wickham, Nelson 
no dates - no info 
Co. G 16th KS. - Calvary

Wickham, Orva 
2 Nov. 1906 - 19 Oct. 1911 
s/o N. R. & M. B.

Wickham, Raymond 
15 Mar .1918 - 21 Sept. 1921

Wickham, S.E. 
24 May 1855 - 23 Feb. 1883 
w/o N. R.

Miller County home page

Last update: 19-Mar-2018