Delinquent by W.G. Brumley, Collector. for the Taxes of the year 1874, and back taxes yet due and unpaid for years ____? 1860 and 1872 inclusive. The copies of this microfilm are difficult to read. I have attempted to include township and range when I was able. Many names are repeated in this list, but I will try to avoid that in the interest of space. Initials were particularly difficult to determine so I have made a best guess. The microfilm is available for interlibrary loan from the State Historical Society in Columbia, MO.
Abber, Francis Abber, Randolph Abbet, R Adams Benj D de'd Adams, Charles R Adams, Evi Albertson, L W Alden, J Alden? Nathaniel Alexander, Benj Alien, E M (Allen?) Allen, E M Allen, J Anderson, Daniel Anderson, Mahala Anslemp Arberison, J W Arheart, Michael Ar-slgook, Joan Athcart, Michael Atwell, T Ayer, Wm Babcocke, G Babcocke, T J Bagby, Jessee Ballance, Winniford Barbour, C C Barks, Jesse W Barley, Lucinda Barnet, Zach Barnet, Zach Barr, John F Barter, Uriah Barton Bentley Barton, Beaties? Barton, Kate Beach, Posey Beal, Thomas Belshe, Saml Benake, J A Benake, J A Benshe? J A Betch, J Ed Beverage & Vance Bills, J M Bilyeu, R M Bilyeu, Richard B Bilyeu, Sishon P Birdsong, Josiah Blackston, Mary J Blanton, Jasper Boan? Marten Bogarth, Mar? Borgmeyer, Geo Bower, Daniel Bowlin, John Boyd, Landon Boyd, Mary Bradshaw, S J Brakely Abraham Brandon, A R Brandon, Buel Brandon, J H Brandon, J R Brandon, N H Brandon, W L Bray, Thos A Brazier, John R Brazier, L T Bridwin, W Brown, J D Brown, Matthew Brown, W H Buck, E W Buessey? Fred Burgess, Richard Burke, Wm Burks, Jesse Burlingame, Asa Bush E W Buster, Griah Buster, Leroy Buze P L Buze, Wm Calico, William Campbell, J T Cantrell, J J Capps, Jason Cariey, A B Carley, A B Carnhan, D Fine Carrauder, A Carrolion, John Carroll, Miles Carroll, Morris Carson, David Carson, James Carty, Herman Ca--tlinger, Gen Caulk, Samuel Chandler, R Chappell, Anderson Chase, Moses Chauncey, C C Chechner, John M Chrickton, John Clark, John B Coggill, P M Colburn, Wm Cole, Lewis Conner, Dorcas Conner, James Conner, Sarah Copeland, W A Cotten, John Cox, Joseph Craggshall, J M Crane, B H Crickton, Jno Crisman, Wm Crismond, Henry Cummings, D Currence, L M Curry, Benj Curtis, A B Dade, Thomas Dagean, Rachel Dake, E H Dake, George Daley, E J Davenport, D Davis & Reiger Davis, Hez Davis, R A Davis, T T Dawson, WM Dean, M W Dean, W M C DeBroeck, Wills Delchon? Horace Devore, Alfred Devore, J W Devore, P M Dewerf, Lewis Dial, S W Dial, W L Dickerson, J R Dickerson, T J Digging, Frank Dishrow, Lneas Dishrow, Lucas Dishrow, Owen Dixen, Honey R Donner, Levi Doolittle, T B Doughty, D S Douslusen, Jhen T Duffey, Jhen Duncan, Gifford Duncan, J J Duncan, Racks? Duncan, Richard Dunthon, William Durgee, Gee Dutrell H J Dyer, Joseph Edgeman, Thos Eisey, John Elliot, J W Elsay, John Esey, E H Evans, J H Evans, W W Hahn, Philip Hail, John R Hake, G H Hale, Sarah Hall, James B Hall, Mur- Hammond, W T Hannah, Benj Hannah, John W Hanson, John Harrison, D? Harrison, T C Hartman, John Harvey & W---don Harvey, George Haskins, F B Hatcher, Jhon Hate (Hake?) Felix G Hawk, Clarinda Hawk, G Hawk, H C Healy, Robert Heard, Jhon Heff, Augustin Henderson, Kauzada E Hendrinson, H G Herick, Ja B Hiaklesorge? J Hicky, G B Hill, E G Hit, J R Hit, Wm Hitt, Isaac K Hixden, P Hoe-stanler, Martin Hoffman, Sam Hollinger, Geo Homeker, Cresley Horton, Isaac Horton, Isaac Housten, C C Howard & Ross Howard Nathan Hubbell, John J Hughs, F R Hume, John G Hummel, Fred Humphrey, Robert Hutchison, J B Imtiody? Noah Lackey, Henry Lamb, Isaac Lawson, Joseph R Lederton, M Lemmon, M R Loggeeh? Tho H Louis, Allstein Lucas, John Lutrell, Silas Macon, Jas S Madden & Tallman Madden, Thomas Maguire, John Mandel, Morris Manning T B Martin, Jas Martin, Robert S Martin, W Z Martinewisky, Wehzel McA--ster, Gill- McCasland, Francis McCasland, J H McCasland, S C McCasland, Seth McClean, Andrew McCommons, S S McCubbin, J T McCubbin, Jas McCubbin, Margaret McCubbin, S McCurdy, James McCurdy, S Mc--fifethlin?, Ennis McGraw, Austin McKay, J C McKee, Susan, R McKin, Bridget McLoring, Wm McNary, John McSmith, Henry Melville, David Meyers, Jacob Milk, Joseph Miller Wm A Miller, Randolph Mitchell, J E Moon, J S Moore, Thomas L Morrow, J M Morrow, T Mou--rdy? James Moyes, James Mu--en, Samuel Murphy, Michael Music, James A Myer, John G Nally, Thos L Neal, Thos J Neff, W J Nelson & Neal Newkirk, J S Nirindirt? Sarah Norton, J M O'Neal, T F Osborne, Silas Otten, John Padgett, Wm Patterson, Jno Perkins, A J Pheian, Maurice Phelps E D Phillips, George Phillips, Irwin Phillips, J A Pincher, Jacob Pipken, J N Pittman, Alex Pittman, John Pjank, W J Porter, J de'd Procter, Lucy R & R M Ratcliff, Jesse Rawden, Jacob Reed, James Reed, John K Reiger & Davis Remuel, Conrad Reynolds, Benj Reynolds, J A Rhea, Archibald Rhea, R D Rice, Alonzo Rice, P M Ricehammer, Lewis Richardson, J Rigg, Geo F Roark, A H Roark, John Roberts, Richmond Roberts, Thos Robinett, Daniel Robinett, H Rogers, Jacob Rose, John Ross & Howard Ross, Thos A Rowden, John H Rowden, Wm de'd Rucker, S P Rulten?, M Salsman, J D Salsman, W R Schaffer, H W Schaffer, Henry J Schultz, G M Scott, G S Scott, Sarah Seikorst, Morgan Shadwick, James Sharp, H Shea, Henry Shefron? W L Shelton F F Shelton Peter Shelton, A T Shelton, A W Shelton, G W Shelton, Shepard Shelton, W W Shockley, A J Shockley, J R Short, B Short, N R Short, W R Slawson, Joseph Sloan, T S Smith, Barbara Smith, J W Smith, Reuben Smith, Wm H Snellen or Shelton, WW Snider, R R Southdown, W Staniel, C P Stark, Chas Stark, Chas Stephens, Wm Stimmerman, Wm Stinson, G A Stone, James A Stott, Charles Sullivan, Gary Sullivan, Mary Tallman & Madden Tallman, Charles de'd Tallman, Charlotte Tallman, J W Tally, Henry Taylor, Peter de'd Thacker, Lawson Thompson, Smith Thompson, Wm Thorn, Joseph Thornesbury, H H Tindel, Calvin Tod, Clark Tolten, Mary L Tracy, Judith Trowbridge, T W Turner, Elizabeth Vance & Beverage Vanderpool, Phoeba Vaughan, John Vernon, Jeremiah Wadd, H T Wadley, Wm Wagner, S Wait, Andrew Wait, J W Waite, R C Wakefield, James Walker, B B Walters, John Walters, John B Warner, O A Warren R A Watt, Andrew Watt, T B W---don & Harvey Weaver, D A Weber, John Webster, L T Well, Nancy Wheeler, John Wheeler, T B Whipple, G W Whitaker, M H White, Edward Whitehanse, J J Whitney, C W Whitney, W Whittie, Peter J Whittle, Peter J Williams, Thos G Willis, Fleming Wilson, J W Wilson, Jo- Jn Wilson, V R Winchell-Amey E Window, L T Windsor, S L Windsor, W F Winfrey, G Winfrey, Wm G Winget, Daniel Wise, Solomon Wishan, Frank Witt, Archer Witt, Jesse M Woff, Nancy Wood, H T Woodard, Wm Woodman, R F Workman, T O Wright, W K Wupple? G W Wyrick, Jno Wyrick, Michael Yount, William Yous, James |