Miller County, Missouri

Marshal Family Cemetery

Miller County home page

Saline Township; Section 35, Township 42 North, Range 15 West, Miller County, MO.

This cemetery is now non-existent. I talked to the people who now own this property and they know nothing of a cemetery and they have been living there for nearly twenty years.

This is the old directions: This cemetery is located east of Eldon. Go to Route M and take the first left hand road, Scrivner Road. Go down Scrivner Road and just before you would cross what was long ago the old railroad line you go right, into private property. There is a transmission line leading across the road and across an open field. At the second pole there is a small clump of trees. The small cemetery is located in the area of these trees.

Inventoried by Dianna (Hale) Mattingly & Glenda (May) Crawford (March 28, 2002).


Marshal, Thomas J. 
died 2 June 1860 - age 63 years
Miller County Records

Marshal, Susan Ann 
died 11 Nov. 1860 - age 15 years 
d/o Thomas J. and Susan V.
Miller County Records

Marshal, Susan V. 
19 Aug. 18?? - age 56 years
Miller County Records

Miller County home page

Last update: 17-Mar-2018