Lincoln County 1878 Atlas
1878 Lincoln County Patrons of the Atlas
If you have information to add, please send me email. If no occupation is listed, it is farming. Name Post Office Birthplace Year came to Occupation Lincoln Co. Newell Ackerman Troy New Brunswick NJ 1872 Clerk of Court David Allen Burr Oak Valley Lincoln Co MO 1822 Joseph B. Allen Troy Lincoln Co MO 1841 Attorney R.J. Archer Auburn White Co IL 1851 Daniel Argent Cap au Gris Lincoln Co MO 1832 H.N. Baskett New Hope Shelby Co KY 1841 J.W. Birkhead Chain of Rocks Lincoln Co MO 1846 W.W. Birkhead Troy Nelson Co KY 1830 Livery Stable Edward Black Millwood Europe 1850 J.P. Blanton Troy Cumberland Co KY 1874 Prin. High Schl. Henry Boeving Old Monroe Germany 1876 Eugene N. Bonfils Troy Alabama 1829 Probate Judge M.D. Bosman Brussels Somerset Co MD 1838 J.W. Bourland Troy Ballard Co KY 1858 Physician A. Bradley Paynesville Bourbon Co KY 1845 John Brevator Cap au Gris England 1871 John Bricker Mackville Clermont Co OH 1871 John R. Britton Troy Rappahannock Co VA 1841 Joseph W. Bush Millwood Prince George Co MD 1840 O.F. Buswell Troy Lorain Co OH 1869 Hotel Prop. Isaac Cannon Nelson Lincoln Co MO 1833 S.D. Cannon Hawk Point Lincoln Co MO 1824 John B. Carson Troy St. Louis MO 1873 T.M. Carter Troy Pittsylvania Co VA 1830 Francis B. Clare Mackville Pulaski Co KY 1826 John Cockrell Chain of Rocks Virginia 1853 O.N. Coffey Louisville Lincoln Co MO 1835 George W. Colbert Troy Lincoln Co MO 1850 Attorney P.M. Colbert Hawk Point Lincoln Co MO 1831 William Colbert Troy Lincoln Co MO 1827 Clk. Circuit Ct. J.R. Cooper Troy Mason Co KY 1850 G.H. Copher Hawk Point Clark Co KY 1828 Samuel L. Cox Auburn Loudon Co VA 1869 Joel Crenshaw Cap au Gris Bullit Co KY 1831 Wm. M. Crenshaw Burr Oak Valley Lincoln Co MO 1833 B.S. Crews Troy Halifax Co VA 1870 Physician J.D. Damron Nelson Albemarle Co VA 1844 Samuel Daniel New Hope Fauquier Co VA 1842 Jonathan Deets Truxton Pennsylvania 1865 Henry Dillon Olney Guernsey Co OH 1857 A.J. Dixon Louisville Scott Co VA 1859 James D. Dodson Brussels Shelby Co KY 1834 David C. Downing Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1834 John C. Downing New Hope Lincoln Co MO 1833 T.J. Downing New Hope Lincoln Co MO 1839 Nat. C. Dryden Troy Marion Co MO 1876 Attorney A. Duff Millwood Lincoln Co MO 1824 H.C. Duncan Linn’s Mill Lincoln Co MO 1837 George T. Dunn Troy Callaway Co MO 1865 Attorney D.A. Dyer Flint Hill Monroe Co MO 1846 T.B. Dyer Linn’s Mill Christian Co KY 1875 R.B. Edwards Rockford Pike Co MO 1867 Isaac Ellis Auburn Shelby Co KY 1850 James C. Elmore Troy North Carolina 1861 Sheriff R.T. Elsberry Nelson Bourbon Co KY 1837 W.A.K. Elsberry Nelson Lincoln Co 1840 J.H. Erret Truxton Palmyra MO 1874 Jno. Eversmeyer Mackville Prussia 1834 G.T. Felty New Hope Wythe Co VA 1870 John Ferry Nelson Lincoln Co MO 1834 J.W. Finley Auburn Shelby Co KY 1829 W.S. Finley Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1839 Walker Finley Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1848 William Finley Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1836 T.D. Fisher Troy Lincoln Co MO 1843 Editor Henry Frank Hawk Point Bavaria 1873 Levi J. Garrett Troy Pittsylvania Co VA 1866 W.N. Gibson Nelson Lincoln Co MO 1840 A.J. Gilliland Cuivre Lincoln Co MO 1831 B.A. Gilliland Cuivre Simpson Co KY 1830 R.S. Gilliland Millwood Lincoln Co MO 1844 David W. Gladney Auburn Fairfield Co SC 1820 J.M. Gladney Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1830 Samuel Gladney Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1847 W.S. Gladney Auburn Fairfield Co SC 1820 W.H. Grave Linn’s Mill Germany 1860 James Graves New Hope Albemarle Co VA 1832 William Guy Nelson Calhoun Co IL 1865 William W Haines Millwood Ohio Co IN 1870 G.A. Hamilton Troy Lincoln Co MO 1841 F.W. Harbaum Troy Germany 1869 Blacksmith F.D. Hardesty Burr Oak Valley Shelby Co KY 1850 G.W. Hardesty Chantilla Bourbon Co KY 1836 James Harlow Brussels Pike Co IL 1872 Joseph Hart Troy Germany 1854 Merchant J.M. Heady Troy Nelson Co KY 1851 Hiram Hendricks Cuivre Montgomery Co PA 1849 Jno. T. Hetherlin Louisville Lycoming Co PA 1871 H.H. Higginbotham Louisville Amherst Co VA 1867 J.W. Higginbotham Louisville Amherst Co VA 1868 Stephen Hilton Burr Oak Valley Washington Co KY 1846 J.H. Holkembrink Auburn Hanover, Germany 1853 Logan Howell Troy Lincoln Co MO 1837 Merchant Horatio Humphreys Millwood Caswell Co NC 1840 W.S. Hutt Troy Lincoln Co MO 1842 Merchant Samuel Hutton Cuivre Lincoln Co MO 1828 T. Ives Olney Westfield MA 1874 A.G. Jabin Wright City, Warren Co Lincoln Co MO 1856 Fred L. Jabin Wright City, Warren Co Germany 1852 Margaret C. Jamison Louisville Augusta Co VA 1859 W.D. Jamison Nelson Pike Co IL 1840 W.W. Jamison Nelson Pike Co MO 1872 Barney Keller Chain of Rocks Germany 1868 Peter T. Keller Hawk Point Germany 1877 French Kemper New Hope Culpepper Co VA 1832 A.L. Kennedy Hawk Point Lincoln Co MO 1831 Alex Kennedy Hawk Point Lincoln Co MO 1824 Chas. W. Kimler Corso Loudon Co VA 1837 John T. Kinder Millwood Loudon Co VA 1837 Charles H. Knox Old Alexandria Lincoln Co MO 1843 Henry T. Lanche Hawk Point Lincoln Co MO 1855 I.M. Lemmon Truxton Ralls Co MO 1865 W.J. Lewis Prairieville, Pike Co Albemarle Co VA 1835 William Lewis Chain of Rocks England 1850 William Lilley New Hope Massachusetts 1837 T.B. Linn Linn’s Mill Woodford Co KY 1831 Robert R. Logan Auburn Shelby Co KY 1848 L.Z. Long Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1837 W.H. Long Auburn Pike Co MO 1841 Hn. L. Luch Auburn Caroline Co VA 1857 W.S. Luckett New Hope Smith Co TN 1828 Michael Lyons Louisville Ireland 1860 C.T. Magruder Auburn Henry Co KY 1852 Dennis Magruder Auburn Henry Co KY 1852 Elias Magruder Cap au Gris Henry Co KY 1852 Euphemia J. Magruder Brussels Lincoln Co MO 1835 C.W. Martin Chain of Rocks Campball Co VA 1838 Charles Martin Troy Lincoln Co MO 1845 Attorney Thomas D. Martin Burr Oak Valley Pike Co MO 1850 John McDonald Troy Missouri 1853 County Treasurer W.C. McFarland Troy Lincoln Co MO 1846 Attorney A.V. McKee Troy Harrison Co KY 1850 Attorney James M. McLellan Troy Clay Co MO 1862 Attorney Marcus N. McLellan Troy Lake Co OH 1870 Physician & Surgeon M.A.E. Meriwether Prairieville, Pike Co Washington Co AR 1864 M. Milsap Truxton Lincoln Co MO 1848 George W. Mohr Troy Germany 1856 Postmaster & Mcht. George W. Moore Nelson Indiana 1849 William Moore Troy Lincoln Co MO 1840 Teacher & Farmer H.H. Morris Burr Oak Valley Lincoln Co MO 1841 J.H. Morris Corso North Carolina 1835 Jas. H. Morris Corso Lincoln Co MO 1833 Jacob Mosley Hawk Point St. Louis Co MO 1866 Thomas P. Mosley Millwood Shelby Co KY 1844 Mary E. Motley Louisville Ralls Co MO 1854 S. C. Motley Jr. Corso Pittsylvania Co VA 1838 Henry H. Mounce Auburn Montgomery Co KY 1844 D.J. Moxley Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1847 J.V. Moxley Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1839 Solomon R. Moxley Auburn Fauquier Co VA 1836 Joseph A. Mudd Chain of Rocks Lincoln Co MO 1842 Doctor Robert Mudd Millwood Washington Co KY 1843 L.T. Myers New Hope Lincoln Co MO 1847 Henry Myser Louisville Prussia 1846 Thomas J. Nalley New Hope Buckingham Co VA 1845 J.B. Nelson Cap au Gris Franklin Co OH 1856 J.M. Newland Old Alexandria Lincoln Co MO 1847 E. Norton Troy Scott Co IN 1841 Miller Porter E. Norton Troy Lincoln Co MO 1855 Prop. Livery Stable R.H. Norton Troy Lincoln Co MO 1848 Attorney W.M. Norton Troy Lincoln Co MO 1845 Miller John P. Nun Corso Montgomery Co MO 1843 E.B. Omohundro Paynesville Amherst Co VA 1875 S.J. Omohundro Paynesville Amherst Co VA 1875 John A. Overall Chantilla Lincoln Co MO 1838 E.D. Owen Cuivre Campbell Co East VA 1840 W.J. Page Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1852 John W. Palmer Burr Oak Valley Shelby Co KY 1854 William Palmer Jr. New Hope Lincoln Co MO 1825 Howard S. Parker Troy Lafayette Co KY 1876 Attorney W.T. Payne Brussels Fauquier Co VA 1847 W.S. Pennington Truxton Lincoln Co MO H.W. Perkins Troy Lincoln Co MO 1835 Bank Cashier G.W. Pollard Chain of Rocks Pittsylvania Co VA 1832 I.N. Pollard Chain of Rocks Lincoln Co MO 1851 Charles V. Porter Troy Fredericksburg VA 1835 J.C. Porter Corso Lincoln Co MO 1830 James Porter Corso Nashville TN 1817 William C. Porter Mackville Lincoln Co MO 1831 W.T. Powell Troy Halifax Co VA 1843 W.H. Priest New Hope Ralls Co MO 1859 F. Raney Old Alexandria Washington Co KY 1844 Thomas R. Reid New Hope Lincoln Co MO 1835 H. Richards Rockford St. Charles Co MO 1827 J.H. Schafer Wright City, Warren Co Prussia 1859 W.W. Shaw Corso Bedford Co VA 1847 M.E. Sheets Troy Franklin Co KY 1830 Jas. D. Shelton Troy Pittsylvania Co VA 1829 P.G. Shelton Troy Pittsylvania Co VA 1837 County Collector A.M. Shults Troy Rappahannock Co VA 1853 E.G. Sitton Millwood Lincoln Co MO 1837 J.B. Sitton Chantilla Lincoln Co MO 1836 J.W. Sitton New Hope Lincoln Co TN 1819 W.C. Sleet Burr Oak Valley Gallatin Co KY 1873 W.L. Smith Rockford Pike Co MO 1867 A.C. Snethan Troy Lincoln Co MO 1847 Deputy Sheriff H.W. Sperry Olney Otsego Co NY 1837 T.M. Stephens Troy Pennsylvania 1870 Wagon & Plow Maker Joseph G. Sudeik Old Monroe Germany 1875 Priest Jefferson Sullenger Auburn Henry Co KY 1854 A. Teague Auburn St. Charles Co MO 1819 I.B. Thomas Olney Logan Co KY 1857 Jesse Thompson Nelson Warren Co KY 1829 W.J. Thurmond Troy Pike Co MO 1873 Editor D.W. Tice Troy Warren Co MO 1856 O.C. Todd Chain of Rocks Pike Co MO 1853 Doctor N.D. Trescott Burr Oak Valley Morgan Co OH 1852 George W. Vaughan New Hope Pike Co MO 1863 Reid Wallace Brussels Garrett Co KY 1872 C. Watts Nelson Smith Co TN 1829 M.R. Watts New Hope Smith Co TN 1829 Seneca Watts New Hope Smith Co TN 1829 William L. Weems Auburn Baltimore Co MD 1874 B.C. Welch New Hope Pike Co MO 1857 H.F. Wells New Hope Albemarle Co VA 1837 J.C. Wells Corso Tyler Co WV 1854 Jeptha Wells Troy Lincoln Co MO 1852 Attorney D.H. Whiteside Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1831 Isaac Whiteside New Hope Lincoln Co MO 1831 William Whiteside Auburn Shelby Co KY 1828 William D. Whiteside Louisville Lincoln Co MO 1845 R.T. Wigginton New Hope Trimble Co KY 1846 J.C. Wilkinson Nelson Lincoln Co MO 1846 T.D. Wilkinson Troy Marion Co KY 1857 A.H. Williams Auburn Fayette Co KY 1830 B.A. Williams Olney Lincoln Co MO 1830 J.C. Williams Corso Logan Co KY 1850 R.J. Williams Wright City, Warren Co Lincoln Co MO 1821 R.S. Williams Troy Alleghany Co PA 1867 G.G. Wilson New Hope Lincoln Co MO J.S. Wilson Louisville Lincoln Co MO 1823 James M. Wilson Troy Lincoln Co MO 1822 John W. Wilson Troy Lincoln Co MO 1828 L.M. Wilson Auburn Lincoln Co MO 1846 C. Wing Troy Lincoln Co MO 1848 F. Wing Troy St. Charles Co MO 1820 J.A. Withrow Troy Lincoln Co MO 1851 Jeweler Thomas W. Withrow Troy Lincoln Co MO 1840 Harness Maker J.R. Witt Hawk Point Todd Co KY 1844 J.M. Wommack Troy Lexington VA 1837 Retired Richard Wommack Old Alexandria Halifax Co VA 1823 C.T. Woodson Chain of Rocks Lincoln Co MO 1853 William A. Woodson Troy Lincoln Co MO 1843 Clerk Co. Court L.C. Wright Troy Bourbon Co KY 1835 Carpenter Charles L. Zumwalt Mackville St. Charles Co MO 1858
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