Jackson County Biographies
Jackson County Biographies
From The Memorial & Biographical Record of Kansas City
and Jackson County, Missouri
Stands today among the most prominent members of the Kansas City bar, and,
by reason of his oratorical abilities, his sound logic and knowledge of
the law, is no one more worthy of a place in this work of representative
He was born May 25, 1835, in Roanoke county, Virginia, and is a son of
William and Martha G. (Haythe) Woodson, who were also natives of the Old
Dominion. He traces his ancestry back to Dr. John Woodson, who emigrated
to Virginia with Sir William Harvey, the latter being sent from England to
act as royal governor of the colony of Virginia in 1632. When the
oppression of the mother country had become so great that the colonies
attempted to throw off the yoke of tyranny, the male representatives of
the Woodson family were found among the patriots who fought long and
earnestly for American independence. Different ones served in the various
military capacities, some winning distinction as officers of the colonial
army, while in the Indian war preceding and in the war of 1812 the
Woodsons were also defenders of their country. In various walks of life
they became distinguished, and especially in the legal profession there
were many eminent members, while in the affairs of state they were also
prominent. The Woodson family has furnished governors to some of the
southern states, and by intermarriage they have become connected with some
of the best known and honored people of Virginia and Kentucky. The
maternal grandfather was also a general in the revolutionary war. The
father of Major Woodson was a farmer and died when a young man, leaving 4
sons and 1 daughter: Achilles A., now a merchant and farmer of Virginia;
Blake L.; William D., who operates the old homestead; and Charles A., a
Baptist minister of Virginia.
The Major remained upon the old home farm until 15 years of age, and
attended the country schools and boarding schools of the neighborhood. His
literary education was completed by his graduation at Lynchburg College,
in 1858, with the degree of A. B. He determined to make the practice of
law his work and began his preparatory studies in the law school of John
W. Brockenbrough, of Lexington, Virginia, and subsequently attended the
university of his native state.
On the breaking out of the civil war, Mr. Woodson enlisted, in May, 1861,
in the Confederate army, raising the Lynchburg Beauregards, of which he
was made first lieutenant, while his cousin, a graduate of a military
institute, served as captain. During the 1st year of the war he was
stationed at Norfolk in the artillery service, and when that place was
evacuated he went to the command of John B. Floyd in western Virginia,
where was organized the 45th Virginia battalion, to which Mr. Woodson's
command was attached, while he was promoted to the rank of major, and
brevet lieutenant-colonel. He served with this battalion until the close
of the war, in May, 1865, and was twice wounded, first during a skirmish
by a shell and the second time by a gunshot. He was captured at the battle
of Piedmont in July, 1864, while he lay on the field wounded, but was
paroled and exchanged on account of his wound. He was in all the
engagements in which his battalion participated, including some of the
most hotly contested battles of the war, and was a fearless, courageous
When the war ended, Major Woodson was paroled and returned to his home.
There he immediately began a review of his law studies at Fincastle,
Virginia, and remained in that locality until 1868, when he was elected a
member of the Virginia legislature as the representative from Craig and
Alleghany counties. This was a memorable assembly. It was the first
legislative assembly that convened after the war, and in consequence the
lawmakers had an arduous task upon their hands. It was a necessity to
change the statute law of the state to conform with Virginia's new
constitution, which had been framed at a constitutional convention held in
1867. Those who took their seats as members of this assembly continued in
an uninterrupted session until 1871.
In July of the same year, Major Woodson left his native state and
emigrating westward took up his residence in Kansas City, Missouri, where
he entered into a law partnership with Hon. Robert E. Cowan, which
connection continued until the latter's election to the bench. They won a
foremost place among the leading law firms of the city and from the public
received a liberal and extended patronage. In 1884 the major was elected
prosecuting attorney, and so capably did he fill the position that he was
again called to that office in 1886, serving 2 terms of 2 years each. He
was for some time judge of the criminal court of Jackson county, and has
held many other positions of an important nature in civil life. He has
been and is today a prominent man of the city, and his legal skill and
ability are widely recognized. He has been retained as counsel on many
historical cases, and his arguments are often eloquent, always telling and
seldom fail to convince.
Judge Woodson has been twice married. In 1870 he was joined in wedlock
with Miss Lelia Word, of Fincastle, Virginia, daughter of Colonel William
E. M. Word. She died in August, 1871, after a short but happy married
life, and after remaining single for a number of years the Major was again
married, in the Fall of 1880, his second union being with Miss Nora
Delany, of Kansas City, by whom he has 3 children - Constance D., Mary B.
and Nora G.
Judge Woodson is an esteemed member of the order of Knights of Pythias,
with which he has been connected since 1877. He also belongs to the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He has always taken an active
interest in charitable and benevolent work, giving freely of his means to
those less fortunate in life than he with the true spirit of kindness and
generosity for which Virginia's sons are noted. He also contributes
liberally for the advancement of public enterprises calculated to benefit
the city. He possesses to the fullest extent those qualities which go to
make up the successful advocate. As an energetic, upright and
conscientious lawyer he is destined for still higher successes at the bar
of his adopted city.
Major Woodson is of fine physique, standing 5 feet 10 ˝ inches in height,
and weighing about 200 pounds, having had always remarkable health; he is
strong and active. While a man who would not be considered handsome, he is
a gentleman of fine address and appearance, always greeting strangers and
friends with a hearty welcome. He is courteous to all, and the first
impression one obtains of him is a lasting one.
Physician and surgeon, is one of the distinguished practitioners of the
medical profession in Kansas City. He is a gentleman so well known in
professional social and literary circles that a brief review of his life
will be of exceptional interest. Of marked personality in his youth, he
early evinced talents of an uncommon order, and although his early
educational advantages were somewhat interfered with by the influence of
the late war upon his early life, it in no wise materially checked his
rise and progress in the world. He was an indomitable spirit in youth,
obstacles he overcame, persistency and courage were strong characteristics
in his nature and he always arose equal to the occasion. The qualities
here indicated were undoubtedly inherited by him from his sturdy English
and Welsh ancestors. He is a native of North Carolina, born in Davidson
county, May 23, 1845, and is a son of Thomas and Lucy (Brummell) Jones,
natives of the same state. It is a matter of record that the Brummell
family are of English descent, and settled in Virginia about 1750; the
Jones family came from Wales in the 17th centure and located in North
Carolina. Members of both these families bore a prominent part in the war
of the Revolution and the later contests of our country with foreign
powers. Charles Lannier, a grand uncle, was a gallant soldier in the war
of 1812; Randall Brummell, an uncle, participated in the Mexican war, and
died of cholera at Camargo, Mexico, in 1847. Charles Brummell, a lawyer of
fine attainments, and the friend of education, was a pioneer in the
establishment of the public-school system in North Carolina. The father of
our subject was a prominent Methodist minister, notable for zeal and
courage in his calling. His whole work was done in his native state; he
died in 1856. He wife, a lady possessing many of the graces of ideal
womanhood, and a devout Christian, is also dead. They were parents of 4
children, 2 living: Mrs. W. H. Picher, of Joplin, Missouri; and Brummell,
the subject of this memoir. He was educated at Trinity College, where he
was in 1861, when the war broke out between the states. Although only 16
years old he enlisted in Company L, 22nd North Carolina infantry, the
gallant Colonel J. Johnston Pettigrew commanding. This regiment belonged
to General A. P. Hill's division of “Stonewall” Jackson's corps. With his
command he participated in many of the most sanguinary battles of the war,
second Manassas. Seven Pines, Yorktown, Fredericksburg, Hatcher's Run, and
the incessant long-drawn-out struggle of the Wilderness, where he was
wounded by a gunshot, having his left hop broken and being shot through
the abdomen. He was sent to Charlotteville and subsequently to Lynchburg
for treatment, remaining in both places about 6 weeks. The wounds were
severe and he was furloughed home, remaining 6 months. When convalescence
was established and he regained his strength, he rejoined his command. On
the memorable 2nd day of April, 1865, when Richmond and Petersburg fell,
he belonged to the rear guard that covered Lee's retreat. After some
narrow escapes he reached Greensboro, North Carolina, and reported for
duty. Upon one occasion he stood in the waters of the Appomattox up to his
chin, for 10 hours, to escape capture at the hands of a colored cavalry
patrol! The Doctor admits the water was a little chilly, it begin in
April, but thinks he could have endured it a week rather than capture.
After the close of hostilities he returned to Lexington, North Carolina,
where he took up the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr.
Robert L. Payne. In 1866 he entered Jefferson Medical College at
Philadelphia. Two years later, in 1868, he graduated, and came immediately
to Missouri, first locating in Pettis county, and later in Sedalia, where
he successfully practiced 15 years. While here he was health officer of
Sedalia and coroner of Pettis county. He was the nominee of his party for
re-election to these positions when he took his departure from Sedalia in
1882, to come to Kansas City, where he was built up an extensive and
lucrative practice, making a specialty of diseases of the brain and
nervous system. For 6 years he was connected with University Medical
College of Kansas City, filling the chair of materiamedica and
therapeutics and later that of physical diagnosis and clinical medicine.
In 1895 he was elected to the chair of diseases of the brain and nervous
system in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Kansas City. He is
chairman of the committee on practice of medicine of the Missouri Medical
Association and chairman of the committee on feeble-minded children,
Missouri State Teachers' Association, of which latter he is an honorary
member. Dr. Jones has long been interested in securing a home for the care
and training of feeble-minded children. He lately appeared before the
state legislature, which he addressed on this important subject, and
awakened so much interest that it is confidently expected that a bill will
be passed in the next session authorizing the founding of such a home and
school. Dr. Jones has acknowledged literary ability, and is widely and
favorably known as literary circles, devoting the most of this spare
moments to Shakespeare and Goethe. During the existence of the Scribblers'
Club, he was its president, and he is now president of the Shakespeare
Club, one of the most popular in the city, its membership extending to
several states and comprising some of the ablest men in the country. He is
a forceful, pleasing speaker. He is also a writer of notable ability,
having contributed largely to leading magazines and newspapers. Of al the
prominent medical societies he is an honored and valued member, and is the
medical examiner at the gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian
Association. In 1882 he married Miss Miriam Vickars, of Lafayette county,
Missouri, a woman of rare attainments. The Doctor has two promising boys,
Paul and Frank. JOHN R. LEWIS, M. D.
Was born in Albemarle county, Virginia, October 28, 1831, and is a
representative of one of the old families of that state. His grandfather,
Thomas Walker Lewis, was a native of Virginia, and was of Scotch and Welsh
descent. He made farming his life work and always lived in the Old
Dominion, his death occurring there at an advanced age. His wife survived
him for a number of years and died in Missouri.
Charles T. Lewis, the father of the Doctor, was born on the old family
homestead, and became a large plantation farmer and the owner of about 50
slaves. He was joined in wedlock with Mary Quarles, also a native of
Virginia, as was her father, William Quarles, an old-time planter of that
state descended from Welsh ancestry. In 1835 Charles T. Lewis brought his
family to Missouri and first located in Cooper county, near Booneville.
His death occurred in 1854, at the age of 54 years, and his wife passed
away at the ripe old age of 86. He served in the war of 1812, where his
meritorious service won him promotion to the rank of colonel. In religious
belief he was a Universalist, while his wife was connected with the
Baptist church. Their family numbered 12 children, -- 5 sons and 7
daughters, of whom 5 are now living, namely - Eliza, widow of John R.
William, Charles Quarles; John R.; Emma, wife of Thomas W. Davis; and
Helen, wife of J. R. Mills.
The Doctor was a child of only 5 years when his parents came to Missouri,
and his residence in this state covers a period of 59 years. He began his
education in one of the old-time district schools of Cooper county, but is
now a man of broad general information. He prepared himself for the
practice of medicine, by a course in the St. Louis Medical College, where
he was graduated in 1855. He began practice in Cooper, but after a short
time removed to Ridge Prairie in Saline county, where he practiced for 25
years. On the expiration of that period he took up his residence in St.
Joseph, where he remained for 5 years, when on account of failing health
he came to Kansas City and opened a drug store in this place in January,
1893. He also to some extent engaged in general practice. He has a well
appointed store, and has secured from the public a well merited patronage.
On the 30th of September, 1857, the Doctor was united in marriage with
Miss Texanna O. Johnson, daughter of Captain Colin Johnson, who served as
a soldier in the War of 1812. Her mother was Mary Ellis Johnson. Eight
children were born of this union - 6 sons and 2 daughters, but Colin and
Meriweather are now deceased. Charles Thornton, the eldest, married Miss
Rebecca B. Wallace and resides in Kansas City. They have 4 children -
Blanche, Texanna, Mamie and Charles T. John R. married Miss Louise
Quarles, and resides in Kansas City. He is associated with his father in
the drug business, and his family numbers 2 children - Ruth, John R., Jr.
(3rd) James E. married Miss Mary Horton, and is living in Decatur, Texas,
where he is operating a cotton-seed-oil mill and also engaged in
agricultural pursuits. Emslie is a traveling salesman, representing a
wholesale dry-goods house. Marie is engaged in teaching instrumental and
vocal music. In this art the young lady is very highly accomplished. She
is a pupil of Prof. Philip B. Perry, a composer of some note. Annie, also
studying vocal and instrumental music, completes the family. They have a
pleasant residence located at No. 2207 E. 8th Street, and the drug store
is situated at No. 1920 E. 10th Street.
The Doctor and his wife are members of the Olive Street Baptist church. In
politics he has always been a democrat, and though deeply interested in
the success and growth of his party he has never been an office-seeker.
This is pre-eminently an age of progress and advancement, and there has
been no greater improvement in any line than that of medicine. A leader in
this advancement Dr. Halley is especially well known as a surgeon, and
today ranks among the foremost members of the profession in Kansas City.
He was born in Aurora, York county, Ontario, Canada, September 10, 1839,
and is a son of George and Jane Halley. His paternal grandfather was a
lineal descendant of Sir Edmund Halley, the renowned English astronomer.
The grandfather died of typhoid fever when a young man, leaving only 2
children - George and Mrs. Jeannette. The maternal grandfather of the
Doctor was James Baird, a native of Scotland and an engineer. He lived to
an advanced age, and had a family of 3 sons and 2 daughters.
When the Doctor was only 7 years of age, his parents removed to Peel
township, Wellington county, Ontario (the then “backwoods”), which was
then a new and undeveloped region, where in the midst of the forest they
made a farm. This was no easy task, involving arduous labor, which is
almost unknown to young men of this day on account of the superior
implements and means wherewith to work. In the early days there was no
school in the neighborhood, but young George was taught to read at home,
and the very fact that he was deprived of educational privileges probably
caused him to peruse more assiduously the books to which he had access.
His father's library consisted mainly of Rollins' Ancient History, Hume's
and Smollett's Histories of England, Addison's Spectator, Reid on the
Human Understanding, the works of Shakespeare and the Bible. With these he
became very familiar, gaining noble thoughts, an excellent command of
English, as well as the historical, philosophical and ethical facts
contained therein. He was 15 years of age before he entered school. A
district school was then established in the locality, which he attended
through the winter term from 1854 until 1857, inclusive. In 1858 he became
a student in the county grammar school, and took up the studies of Latin,
French, mathematics and the higher English branches, preparatory to
entering the University of Victoria College. His studies were greatly
interrupted by the illness and death of his 2 brothers, but he studied
under private instruction at home, in 1865 passed the matriculation
examination in the University of Victoria College, and then entered upon
the study of medicine in the city of Toronto.
This seemed to lead to the fulfillment of his hope of becoming a
physician. In 1867 he was appointed professor of the chair of anatomy, and
devoted much of this time to acquiring a thorough knowledge of that
branch. In March, 1868, he went to New York, took the spring course at
Long Island College Hospital, and attended the clinical instruction at the
hospitals and dispensaries of New York City through the summer, returning
home in time to enter Victoria College. In March, 1869, he passed the
final examination, and in June of that year received his diploma with the
degree of M. D. It was not possible for him, however, to engage at once in
practice. His father had died, and it was necessary that he should
superintend the cultivation of the farm and the settling up of the estate.
He was thus occupied until January, 1870.
During this period Dr. Halley had been considering the question of a
suitable location. He believed the new but rapidly developing west would
furnish a good field of labor, and after traveling through Kansas and
southern Missouri he identified his interests with those of Kansas City,
and has since been numbered among the successful practitioners of that
place. At that time the medical institutions of Kansas City were the
College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Kansas City Medical College.
During the ensuing summer, however, these two were consolidated under the
name of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Dr. Halley was offered
and accepted the position of assistant demonstrator of anatomy in the new
faculty, thus serving until 1871, when he was elected to the chair of
anatomy to succeed Dr. A. B. Taylor, who had been elected to the chair of
surgery. For 10 consecutive years he acceptably served in that position,
and on the death of Dr. Taylor was elected to fill temporarily the chair
of surgery, delivering his first course of lectures on that subject during
the school year of 1880-1. When Dr. W. S. Tremain removed from the city
Dr. Halley was elected to succeed him as professor of surgery, and
continued in that position until 1891. For the past three years he has
been professor of surgery in the University Medical College. He performed
the first ovariotomy in Kansas City, in May, 1874, and was highly
successful in the work, his patient yet living.
The professional career of Dr. Halley has been one of arduous and almost
unremitting labor, yet has brought its reward. He has carried his
investigations far and wide into the science of medicine and surgery,
taking up every department with pronounced thoroughness, and gaining for
himself a most enviable reputation for skill and ability. It is a
successful teacher of anatomy and surgery, however, more than by any other
gauge, that his achievements will be measured. He is throughout the west
recognized as the authority on surgical diagnosis, and its most popular
and successful teacher, and has made the University Medical College to
lead all western colleges, having built it from an attendance of 60 to 273
matriculants. Dr. Halley is recognized in this college as one of the
foremost promoters and teachers of surgery in all the west. Prominence is
accorded only to merit in this profession, and the public is slow to
bestow its favors, but when once given stands staunchly by those whom it
supports. Such has been the case of Dr. Halley, and though he had much to
overcome in his career, he is today recognized as a leader in his
specialty. He now conducts a private hospital at the corner of 8th and
Lydia streets, and has a very large and lucrative patronage. In 1884 he
became associated with Dr. A. L. Fulton in the publication of the Kansas
City Medical Record, a valuable medical journal, which has won the same
success that crowns everything with which he is connected.
In 1871 Dr. Halley was united in marriage with Miss Florence Chiles, and
for many years theirs was a very happy home; but in March, 1887, at the
age of 51 years, Mrs. Halley died. She was a consistent member of the
Methodist Episcopal church, and had many warm friends. In November, 1889,
the Doctor was again married, his 2nd union being with Miss Jessie
Egelston, daughter of Dr. J. Q. Egelston, of Olathe, Kansas. They now have
2 children, George E. and Eleanor J. In the Methodist Episcopal church,
south, they hold a membership, take an active part in its work and
upbuilding. Their home is pleasantly located at No. 2425 Tracy Avenue.
Has for 35 years been a resident of Kansas City, and for more than a
quarter of a century has been connected with the bar at this place. He was
born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 15th of May, 1847, and is a son of
William and Harriet (Walpole) Quarles. The family is of Welsh origin and
was founded in America by the grandfather, William Quarles, a native of
Wales, who on emigrating to the new world took up his residence in
Kentucky in pioneer days and became one of the extensive landowners of
that state. Prominent and influential in public affairs, he served for 20
years as sheriff of Franklin county, discharging his duties with a
fearlessness and fidelity that caused his long retention in office and won
him the confidence and high regard of all. He made his home near
Frankfort, the county seat, and was about 70 years of age at the time of
his death. His family numbered 14 children.
The maternal grandfather of our subject, Luke Walpole, previous to the
panic of 1821, carried on the most extensive mercantile business west of
the Alleghanies, his store being located in Zanesville, Ohio; but in the
financial depression that then swept the country he lost much of his
property, his remaining possessions being valued at about $100,000. This
was a very small amount compared with his princely fortune. In 1828 he
removed to Indianapolis, Indiana, where his death occurred, in 1838, when
he had attained the age of 70 years. He descended from the prominent
Walpole family of England, and was a native of that country. He was a
graduate of Oxford, and when a young man came to America simply to visit
the country, but was so pleased with the new world that he would not
return. He started in business life here as a school teacher, and steadily
worked his way upward until he had become the most extensive merchant west
of the Alleghanies. His wife descended from the Gillespie family to which
James G. Blaine traced his ancestry, and the Ewings of Ohio were also
members of the same family.
William Quarles, father of our subject, was a native of Kentucky and in
his early life studied law. Establishing an office in Indianapolis, he
attained considerable prominence as a legal practitioner, and was known as
one of the finest criminal lawyers in the state. He married Harriet
Walpole, a native of Pennsylvania, and they became the parents of 9
children - 5 sons and 4 daughters - of whom 2 are now living, namely:
Robert W.; and Ida, who lives with her brother. The father died in
Indianapolis, in December, 1849, at the comparatively early age of 44
years. His wife survived him until 1870, her death occurring in Kansas
City, which had become her home in 1860. Mr. and Mrs. Quarles were both
consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Robert W. Quarles, whose name introduces this review, was a youth of 13
years when he came with his mother to Kansas City. Here he began clerking,
which pursuit he followed for many years, and then took up the study of
law under the preceptorship of Messrs. Karnes & Ess, well known
practitioners. He was admitted to the bar in 1869, and has since engaged
in the prosecution of his profession here. He has met with good success in
his undertakings, is a man of precision and keen perception, and while
strongly fortifying his own case often attacks with unanswerable argument
that of his opponent. He now has a large clientage and is doing a good
On the 18th of October, 1871, Mr. Quarles was united in marriage with Miss
Augusta P. Williams, and they had 4 children, but Percy and Hattie are now
deceased. The living are Robert and Ivan. Mrs. Quarles is a member of the
Presbyterian church. Mr. Quarles is a prominent republican, and for 3
terms has served as city counselor of Kansas City, and at various times
has been chairman of the republican city, county and congressional
committees, and also a member of the state committee.
There is no one in Kansas City who has taken a more active interest in the
upbuilding, improvement and development of the city than this gentleman.
He is always found on the side of progress, and to him the community is
indebted for many of its progressive interests. The true measure of one's
success is what he has accomplished, and he best fulfills his mission in
life who best uses his abilities and opportunities. When measured by these
standards John W. Kidwell must be classed with those successful men who
have made the most and best of themselves.
A native of Washington county, Ohio, he was born March 25, 1838, and in
1840 was taken by his parents to Pike county, Illinois, the family
locating on a farm that crowned one of the bluffs of the Mississippi. The
family afterward removed to Barry, same county, where our subject spent
his boyhood days. He was only 12 years of age when his father died, and
from that time he was not only dependent upon his own resources but the
other children, 4 brothers and a sister, all except the sister, younger
than himself, largely depended upon him for support. For about 4 years he
worked in a brickyard, receiving from 6-7 dollars per month. He then
secured a clerkship in a store, remaining in the employ of one house until
he had attained his majority. His employer carried on general
merchandising and also handled grain and pork; and so faithful was Mr.
Kidwell to the trust reposed in him and so earnestly did he labor to
promote the interests of the business that he was made general manager.
Subsequently he engaged in teaching school. He had himself received but
limited school privileges, but through experience, observation and study
in his leisure hours he became a well informed man. Desirous of more
advanced knowledge he entered school, but while thus engaged was asked to
take charge of a school from which the teacher had been dismissed. He did
so and managed to keep up with his classes at the same time. He continued
teaching for about 7 years throughout the neighborhood and was very
successful in this work.
Feeling that his country needed his services, he enlisted in 1862 as a
member of the 68th Illinois infantry, under Colonel Taylor, and served at
Alexandria and Fairfax, Virginia. Upon his return home he resumed
teaching. Another important event in his life occurred about this time,
when, in the Fall of 1863, was celebrated his marriage to Miss Eliza M.
Jones, who had also been a teacher. They afterward taught together at
Rockport, Illinois, and in 1867 came to Missouri, locating on a farm in
Index township, Cass county, east of Harrisonville. The land was still in
its primitive condition, not a furrow having been turned or an improvement
made thereon, but Mr. Kidwell began developing the property, and soon had
a fine farm. He made his home thereon for 10 years, and in March, 1877,
came to Kansas City.
On his arrival here Mr. Kidwell turned his attention to gardening. After
renting land for a time he purchased 15 acres of the old Holloway
homestead, where he still resides. He still owns the greater part of this
tract, but has platted a portion of it. He has always carried on
gardening, and for some years did an extensive business along that line,
having a large wholesale trade. There is always something attractive in
this work, -- in watching the growth and development of a tiny plant until
it has reached perfection. The business has also proved very profitable,
for there is ever a constant demand for first-class garden products, and
Mr. Kidwell places upon the market fine varieties. Each season he has from
4-5 acres planted in tomatoes, and from 5-10 acres in sweet potatoes. He
has until recently had a stall in the Central Market, and though he has
partially retired from business the income from his garden is still a good
one. In 1887 he embarked in the loan business, under the firm name of the
A. D. Beedle Company, with which he was connected until 1890. His real
estate interests are now valuable, and he is enjoying a prosperity which
is the reward of his own well directed efforts.
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Kidwell comprises two daughters, -- Minna A.
and Anna M. Both are natives of this state and graduates of the high
school of Kansas City. After 2 years spent in Lawrence University they
entered the Leland Stanford University, and were graduated in 1895, with
the first class completing the course in that institution. The younger
daughter is now a successful teacher in the Missouri State University, at
Columbia, Missouri, having charge of the Spanish classes. She is also a
proficient scholar in German and other modern languages.
Socially, Mr. Kidwell is connected with McPherson Post, No. 4, G. A. R.,
and has taken quite an active part in the work of the order. In 1894 he
was elected to the city council as alderman from the 10th ward, and was
also a member of the lower house of the common council, and is chairman of
the committee on water and also on parks and boulevards. He was a stalwart
advocate of the present system of parks and boulevards in Kansas City, and
always stands for progression in all things. He is always found on the
side of improvement, and has been the promoter of many interests which
have proven of material benefit to the welfare of the city. He advocated
the establishment of the new gas company, the enlargement of the
stockyards, the improvement of the market system, and advocated the
purchase of the water works. He is a champion of municipal reform,
believing that the affairs of the city should be controlled by honorable,
conscientious and progressive men, regardless of party affiliations.
Kansas City may well be proud to number him among its residents, and in
its history he well deserves representation.
The esteemed pastor of the Little Blue and Pleasant Prairie Cumberland
Presbyterian churches, resides in Sniabar township near the former place.
He was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, June 7, 1824, and in his 15th
year came to Missouri with his parents, William and Mary (Renick) Dalton.
His father was a native of Albemarle county, Virginia, and the mother of
Rockingham county. They made the journey to Missouri by wagon, being about
2 months on the road, but at length arrived at Lexington. They were in
limited circumstances, but the father succeeded in purchasing 200 acres of
unimproved land in Jackson county, 12 miles northwest of Warrensburg. His
death occurred in 1842, at the age of 72 years. He was noted for his power
of endurance as a walker, and made the journey on foot from the Old
Dominion. At his death he left a family of 5 sons and 3 daughters, of whom
3 are now living. His wife died in 1857.
Mr. Dalton, of this sketch, and his twin sister were next to the youngest
of the family. James G. remained at home until he had attained his
majority and then engaged in school teaching. In 1847 he had become a
member of the church, and in his 25th year began to preach, delivering his
first sermon on the first Sunday in May, 1848, in the little church in
Johnson county. He united with the presbytery about October 1, 1847, was
licensed in October, 1849, and ordained on the 1st of April, 1852, near
Dover, LaFayette county, by the Lexington presbytery, with which he has
always been connected. He spent 5 years on the circuit work in Johnson,
Henry, St. Clair and LaFayette counties, with 28 appointments. The
territory at that time was but sparsely settled and there were few church
organizations and no houses of worship in the circuit. He preached almost
entirely in private homes and occasionally in a school house or court
house. During the summer from July to October he was engaged in camp
meeting, and at each had from 25 to 100 conversions. At a meeting held in
Johnson county, after an exhortation made by Uncle Jake Crow, over 100
penitents came forward. Uncle Jake, who lived in the community, was
undoubtedly one of the most powerful exhorters ever known. A man of little
education he had no training for this work, “but out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth speaketh,” and he was a power in church work. He
established the Little Blue church, assisted only by Mrs. Lobb, who would
do the singing. He had a brother, named Ben, who was his exact counterpart
in appearance and their own children could scarcely tell them apart.
In the year 1842 there occurred the greatest religious revival that had
ever been held in this locality, resulting in the establishment of several
flourishing churches. In the spring of 1854 Mr. Dalton came to his present
home and took charge of the Little Blue Cumberland Presbyterian church, 3
miles north of Blue Springs. In the same year the congregation erected a
frame house of worship, which was in use for 40 years, with Mr. Dalton as
pastor. It had a membership of 50 when he assumed charge, but it continued
to grow, and in 1860 its membership had reached over 200. Again Mr. Dalton
held successful revival services, receiving more than 50 converts into the
church, at 2 meetings. He seemed specially fitted for this department of
religious work, and the influence that he has exerted on the higher life
of western Missouri has been immeasurable. Since the war he has also been
the pastor of Pleasant Prairie church, formerly the Union church, at Bone
Hill. It now stands on Pleasant prairie in LaFayette county, 9 miles east
of his home. He has been the regular pastor of the Little Blue church for
41 years, of Pleasant Prairie church for 28 years, and for about 15 years
was pastor of the Chapel Hill church, from which service he retired 2
years since. He organized the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Blue
Springs, of which he remained in charge for 2 years.
The Little Blue church has now about 100 members, but the churches at Blue
Springs, Lee's Summit and Wood's Chapel are all the outgrowth of Little
Blue. The last named was organized by Rev. William Horn about 1847, with 5
members, namely: Aquilla Lobb and wife and Rev. Cornelius Yeager and wife,
and a Negro who belonged to Mr. Lobb. There are still some members
connected with the church who were there when Mr. Dalton assumed the
pastorate. These include Calvin and Andy Lowe, William N. Crenshaw, J. A.
Steele and Mrs. Daniel DeWitt.
Rev. Mr. Dalton was married on the 30th of November, 1865, to Miss Lucy
Jane Crump, daughter of Samuel Crump, of Sniabar, who had been one of his
pupils in the public schools and whom he had baptized into the church at
the age of 15 years. Their family members 3 children: Samuel Grigsby, who
was born June 12, 1867, and aids in the cultivation of the home farm; Mary
Elizabeth, who is engaged in teaching; and Paulina Agnes, at home.
In 1871 Mr. Dalton moved upon the farm which he has since made his home.
He makes his ministerial work his chief duty in life but in his leisure
hours engages in the cultivation of his farm and the improvement of his
land. In politics he is independent, supporting the man whom he thinks
best qualified for the office. His career has been such as to commend him
to the regard of all, of both his own and other denominations, and the
most genuine respect is universally extended him.
A skilled physician and an eminent scholar of Kansas City, is numbered
among the native sons of the Empire state, being born in Pitcher, Cortland
county, New York, February 10, 1830. While it is true that some men
inherit greatness and “others have greatness thrust upon them,” the larger
number of citizens win their prominence entirely through their own
efforts, and are architects of their own fortune. Such a one is Dr.
Bowker, and he has built nobly and broadly. Neither has he yet reached the
zenith of his career, for a man of his progressive spirit is continually
advancing, and judged by the past the future still has many honors in
store for him.
The Bowker family came from Canada to the United States. The grandfather,
Frank Bowker, a Canadian by birth, emigrated to New York in colonial days,
and, when unable longer to withstand the British oppression the colonists
attempted to secure independence, he joined the ranks of the Revolutionary
heroes. His son, Comfort Bowker, the father of our subject, was born in
Granville, New York, in 1805, and was by occupation a farmer and
speculator. He died in 1882, at the age of 77 years. The mother of our
subject bore the maiden name of Eunice Brooks, and was a daughter of
Samuel Brooks, a native of New England, who was also a soldier of the
Revolution. Mrs. Bowker died in 1843, at the age of 42 years. Of the
family there are now 5 surviving members, namely: Simeon, who is living
retired in Odebolt, Iowa; Mrs. Sarah Huntington, of McGrawville, New York;
Philander, a contractor and builder at Watertown, New York; Harmon, who is
living retired in Indianapolis, Indiana; and the Doctor.
Our subject was reared in Chenango county, New York, to which place his
parents removed during his early boyhood. When very young he began to earn
his own living, and in this way he earned the money with which to educate
himself. After completing a common school course he entered Dennison
University, of Granville, Ohio, in 1852, and was graduated in that
institution in 1857 with the degree of Master of Arts. He then entered the
work of the ministry as a preacher of the Baptist church, and to that
service devoted his energies from 1857 until 1867. In the latter year he
came to Kansas City and entered the Kansas City Medical College, at which
he was graduated in March, 1871. Immediately afterward he began practice
here, but in a short time removed to Colorado, where he prosecuted his
profession for 10 years. Since 1880 he has been a permanent resident of
Kansas City and an able representative of the medical fraternity.
Dr. Bowker organized the Kansas City Hospital College of Medicine. He drew
around it a professorship of great ability and the college attained a high
standing. Its charter was afterward changed and it is now known as the
Kansas City Homeopathic Medical College. The character of the original
college was non-ethical, and conferred degrees of the allopathic, the
homeopathic and eclectic systems of medicine; and, although the state
board of health at first refused to recognize the graduates of the school,
a decree of the supreme court of Missouri compelled them to issue
certificates of graduation and license to practice. Dr. Bowker has won a
most enviable success in his chosen calling and makes a specialty of
surgery and gynecology. He is a man of broad culture and liberal
education, not only in the line of his profession but in the field of
literature and science, and is a finished Latin, Greek and Hebrew scholar.
As a specimen of his pungent style of public address we may quote from his
discourse to the graduating class of Kansas City Hospital Medical College
in March, 1883:
“If you do you work well you will be rewarded with the grateful affection
of your patients, and a cheerful and liberal remuneration for your
services. Perhaps it will prove true that you will have greater facilities
and more frequent calls than other men to demonstrate your willingness to
labor without pay; yet this is not the object for which you have chosen
the medical profession. Honesty requires you to state fully at the outset
that you pretend to undertake nothing but a business enterprise by which,
in common with other professions, you hope to provide for yourselves and
those dependent upon you. Any flourish of words, such as we often hear on
occasions like this, such as we often hear on occasions like this, that
would lead the people to believe that you have been endowed by Heaven with
the grace of giving to them your unrequited life toil is the cheapest sort
of quackery and deception. The people of this age are not to be hoodwinked
into the belief that in choosing this as a calling you have thereby
constituted yourself into a benevolent society. With all your skill in
hiding your true motives, they will mark you as a heartless pretender. If
the time ever comes when you do not enjoy the confidence and a reasonable
share of the patronage of the people, you better conclude that they have
discovered in you one of 2 hindrances to success; either a lack of
knowledge needed in your profession, or a prostitution of your powers to
base purposes. The very common remark that a well-educated and honest and
active physician will often suffer starvation for lack of business, while
the “ignorant pretender” may enjoy the confidence and patronage of the
people, no longer bears even the semblance of truth. The people will
employ the man who curses them without regard to name or outward
“We send you forth with no shackles upon your consciences or your
intellects. We bind you in no chains or iron-clad oaths with which to
hinder your grasp of every possible phase of truth. We bid you in the name
of God and all that is honest to be on the alert for all facts that will
increase your powers over disease and render you a blessing to mankind;
and we entreat you to 'quit you like men' in breaking away from every
alliance to 'incorporated monopolies' which come to you in 'sheeps
“Your enemies will traduce you and cry 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians,'
and charge you with imposing upon the credulity of the 'dear people.' Not
because you, forsooth, know less than they do, but because it makes all
the difference in the world 'whose ox is gored.' They will tax their
fiendish skill to brand you with opprobrium. They will call you quacks,
irregulars. They will try to divert the attention of the people to the
finely wrought distinction between similia similibus curantur and
contraria contraries curantur. They will do a thirdrate practice, and, to
atone for their lack of a foothold among the people, will obtain a cheap
notoriety by falsely declaring that they have the prestige of a university
in full blast, and in all its appointments, when not a dozen lectures have
been delivered outside of the meagerly equipped medical department.”
During the war Dr. Bowker served as chaplain of the 124th Ohio volunteer
infantry, under Colonel O. H. Payne, the son of Hon. H. B. Payne,
afterward senator from Cleveland one year. From 1880 to 1888 Dr. Bowker
was United States pension surgeon in Kansas City, during which period he
examined 10,000 soldiers. For 30 years the Doctor has been a Master Mason,
and he is a member of the Order of Knights and Ladies of Honor, also of
the Order of the Eastern Star and of the Grand Army of the Republic.
In 1849 the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Judelia Wood, of
Norwich, New York. To them were born 10 children, but only 4 are now
living, namely: Mrs. Emma Wood, of Kansas City; Mrs. Agnes M. Clark, of
Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Eunice I. Gray, of Kansas City; and Mrs. Nellie M.
Clark, of Sunshine, Colorado.
Is a retired shipmaster now living in Kansas City. There are few men in
all America whose lives have been filed with more interesting and ofttimes
thrilling adventures than that of the Captain, who has traveled all over
the globe and undergone experiences which if written out in detail would
frequently prove more exciting than the overdrawn tales of fiction.
Through the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific he has sailed, visiting the
islands of the west and the interesting nationalities of the orient,
gaining through travel a knowledge of the people and places that could
never be secured through reading.
Captain Freeman is a native of Massachusetts. He was born in Brewster,
Barnstable county, on Cape Cod, October 31, 1831, and descends from some
of the most illustrious families of New England. He traces his ancestry in
direct line back to Edmond Freeman, who was born in Devonshire, England,
in 1590, and came to American in 1635, on the sailing vessel Abigail. His
son, Major John Freeman, married Marcy Prince, a daughter of Governor
Prince and a granddaughter of Elder Brewster, who was one of the original
pilgrims and probably the founder of Brewster, Massachusetts. Their son,
Dea Thomas, married Rebecca Sparrow, and they became the parents of
Colonel Edmond Freeman, who wedded Phoebe Watson. Their son, Captain
Watson Freeman, wedded Sarah Gray, and to them was born Elkanah Freeman,
who married Abigail Mayo. The next in the line of direct descent was
Captain Elkanah Freeman, the grandfather of our subject, who married Polly
Myrick. He was a seaman on the sloop Wolf, commanded by Nathaniel Freeman
during the Revolutionary War, and was captured by the British. In the War
of 1812 he commanded a privateer and was again captured, being
incarcerated in Dartmoor prison.
On the maternal side the ancestry is also traced back to Edmond Freeman,
the founder of the family in America, but the lines diverge in the 3rd
generation, which on the paternal side is represented by John Freeman, who
wedded Sarah Myrick. Their son, Nathaniel, wedded Mary Wadsum, and to them
was born a son, Prince Freeman, who married Abigail Dillingham. Their
daughter, Abigail, became the wife of Theophilus Pinkham, by whom she had
a daughter, Mary, who became the wife of General Elijah Cobb. General and
Mrs. Cobb were the maternal grandparents of Captain Freeman of this
review. Elijah Cobb has the right to two titles, -- that of “Honorable”
from the fact of his being in the Massachusetts senate, and “General”
because of his commission in the Massachusetts militia.
For many generations the male members of the family on both sides have
been seafaring men. General Elijah Cobb went to sea when only 12 years of
age, and for many years was captain of a vessel. He kept a journal, which
is full of reminiscences of adventures, and one entry in this interesting
little volume recounts an experience which he had in France. It occurred
in the summer of 1794, when he was 26 years of age. While sailing on the
high seas his vessel was captured by a French frigate and sent to Brest,
France. America at that time had no consul nearer than Paris, and General
Cobb therefore had no one to advise or aid him. It was at the time of the
upheaval in that country, when France was under the reign of terror and
when Robespierre was at the height of his power. General Cobb had to
depend upon his own judgment. After several months of delay he secured
possession of his vessel, which he sent home in charge of the mate, while
he remained to get pay for his goods and secure damages. He obtained a
permit to go to Paris in one of the government mail coaches. The
difficulty of travel at that time is a matter of history; but finally he
secured a passport from an official, and the journey, which was attended
with much danger, was at length accomplished. After applying to the
American consul and several different officials, who advised him to wait
patiently, he resolved to apply to Robespierre, and sent a card on which
was written -
An American citizen, captured by a French frigate on the high seas,
requests a personal interview in order to lay his grievances before
Citizen Robespierre. Respectfully, E. Cobb.
An hour later a reply came, which read as follows:
I will grant Citizen Cobb an interview tomorrow, at 10 a.m. Robespierre.
He met the leader of the revolution the next day in the Tuilleries and
told his story. The name of Robespierre was an open sesame at the official
headquarters, and a few days later his business was satisfactorily
settled. On the 28th of July, General Cobb witnessed the execution of the
wily and diplomatic but inhumane leader of the French revolution, together
with other instigators of that reign of terror. General Cobb afterward
made other voyages to France and to different parts of the world. He
commanded a vessel during the War of 1812, and being captured was confined
on the prison ship Jersey. He was a man of prominence in public life, and
represented his district in the state senate.
Captain Frederick Freeman, father of our subject, was also born in the Bay
state, and married Ann, daughter of General Cobb. He was master of
merchant vessels engaged in the West India trade, and followed the ocean
for many years, was engaged in merchandising at Trinidad, a city on the
southern coast of Cuba. Much of the boyhood of Captain Frederick Augustus
Freeman was passed there, having been taken to that place during his
infancy. His education was acquired there and in Warren, Massachusetts. He
learned the Spanish language and continued his residence in Cuba until his
father's death. In 1840, when a boy, he made his first voyage, acting as
cabin boy upon a vessel that sailed to the Spanish main and the West
Indies, that trip consuming 9 months. He then shipped before the mast, and
was promoted from rank to rank, until he became chief officer of a ship,
subsequently entering his father's counting-room, where he obtained a
practical commercial education.
Afterward he was made master of a vessel engaged in the East India trade.
During the greater part of his active business life he was connected with
the East India and the China trade. He continued as master of a vessel for
16 years, and during ˝ of the time was in the employ of an Arabian
mercantile company, sailing from Calcutta for the firm of Hadjee,
Jackariah, Mahommed & Company, of Calcuta, in the Arabian and China trade.
He sailed in the Indian ocean, and opened trade for that firm in the
Persian gulf, commanding the largest ship that had then sailed on that
gulf. This company was the owner of 35 vessels, and in 5 years he advanced
from the position of junior officer until he was made commander of the
fleet with the rank of commodore. He was also the only one that obtained
the fullest confidence of his employers, who told him to take his vessel
and do the best he could, and all other captains had to dip ensigns on
passing his vessel. He acquired a thorough knowledge of the languages of
the various peoples with which he dealt, also of their habits and methods
of traffic. The vessels which he commanded had a mixed crew of Bengalese,
Arabs and Malays. At one time he was detained with his ship under the guns
of the fort at Muscat, Arabia, for 118 days, owing to complications
between the Arabian and British governments; but while there was
entertained by the sultan, whose interpreter was educated in Salem,
Massachusetts. On another occasion a mutiny arose and 60 of his mixed
crew, who had indulged too freely in the use of opium, refused to do their
duty. They were therefore taken in charge by the authorities and sent in
irons to Bombay, while the voyage was completed with Arabs from the
desert. In 1840, when a boy, he made his first voyage, acting as cabin boy
upon a vessel that sailed to the Spanish main and the West Indies, that
trip consuming 9 months. He then shipped before the mast, and was promoted
from rank to rank, until he became chief officer of a ship, subsequently
entering his father's counting-room, where he obtained a practical
commercial education.
Afterward he was made master of a vessel engaged in the East India trade.
During the greater part of his active business life he was connected with
the East India and the China trade. He continued as master of a vessel for
16 years, and during ˝ of the time was in the employ of an Arabian
mercantile company, sailing from Calcutta for the firm of Hadjee,
Jackariah, Mahommed & Company, of Calcutta, in the Arabian and China
trade. He sailed in the Indian ocean, and opened trade for that firm in
the Persian gulf, commanding the largest ship that had then sailed on that
gulf. This company was the owner of 35 vessels, and in 5 years he advanced
from the position of junior officer until he was made commander of the
fleet with the rank of commodore. He was also the only one that obtained
the fullest confidence of his employers, who told him to take his vessel
and do the best he could, and all other captains had to dip ensigns on
passing his vessel. He acquired a thorough knowledge of the languages of
the various peoples with which he dealt, also of their habits and methods
of traffic. The vessels which he commanded had a mixed crew of Bengalese,
Arabs and Malays. At one time he was detained with his ship under the guns
of the fort at Muscat, Arabia, for 118 days, owing to complications
between the Arabian and British governments; but while there was
entertained by the sultan, whose interpreter was educated in Salem,
Massachusetts. On another occasion a mutiny arose and 60 of his mixed
crew, who had indulged too freely in the use of opium, refused to do their
duty. They were therefore taken in charge by the authorities and sent in
irons to Bombay, while the voyage was completed with Arabs from the
desert. At another time pirates chased and boarded his vessel and a severe
fight occurred, but they were at length repulsed, although the captain
sustained several severe wounds. His officers were Americans and English.
The remainder of his seafaring life was in the general China, Austrailia
and California trade, and in 1870 he left the ocean, having visited all
the leading points of the orient, including the Himalayas of India.
On the 16th of July, 1868, Captain Freeman was married, in Farmington,
Maine, to Miss Selina E. Tufts, of that place, a daughter of Hon. Peter R.
Tufts, of Farmington, and one of the prominent citizens of the Pine Tree
State. The wedding trip of the Captain and his wife consisted of a voyage
around the world! The Captain and his wife had one child, Frederick
Mellville, who died in early manhood and in the year of his graduation.
On his retirement from the sea in 1870, he located in California. He was
engaged in merchandising and ranching until the fall of 1881, when, on the
21st of September, they arrived in Kansas City. Here the Captain became
interested in the real-estate and loan business.
Captain Freeman is a very prominent Mason. He was initiated into the
mysteries of the order in 1859, at Taylorsville, Kentucky, riding 75 miles
across the country to take his 1st degree. He became a Master Mason in
Quaboog lodge, of Warren, Massachusetts, just before sailing for India. He
has been welcomed into Military, No. 235, Mauritius; St. Luke, No. 1150,
English register of Dum Dum, India; Fidelity lodge, No. 1042, Singapore,
Eastern Archipelago; British lodge, No. 1038, Hong Kong, China; Humility
with Fortitude lodge, No. 779, English register, Calcutta; Courage with
Humility lodge, No. 551, English register, Calcutta, of which he became a
member; St. Thomas in the East, No. 404, Scotch register, Calcutta;
Tretland, No. 68, Hong Kong, China; Star of Burmah, No. 614, Rangoon;
British Columbia, No. 1187, English register, Victoria, Vancouver's
island; Australia lodge of Harmony, No. 556, Sydney, Australia; Robert
Burns, No. 817, and Unity No. 1169, of Sydney, Australia. On the 4th of
March, 1871, he placed his membership with Sebastopol lodge, Sonoma,
California; was dimitted January 16, 1875, to Calistoga lodge, No. 233;
and to Rural lodge, No. 316, Kansas City, October 12, 1881.
On the 16th of December, 1865, Captain Freeman was made a Royal Arch Mason
in Holy Zion chapter, No. 392, of Calcutta, India, and now belongs to
Orient chapter, No. 102, R. A. M. He became a charter member of Orient
chapter on the 26th of December, 1882, was captain of host under the
chapter, and was promoted from rank to rank until he became high priest in
December, 1886. He was anointed and consecrated to the holy order of
priesthood at St. Louis in1887; was dubbed and created a Knight Templar in
Oriental commandery, No. 35, of Kansas City, November 3, 1882; became a
Scottish Rite 32nd degree Mason in the consistory of western Missouri in
June, 1885; and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Ararat Temple, December
28, 1887.
In politics the Captain is a stalwart republican, having always supported
that party, to which he gives an unwavering allegiance. In education he is
far above the average, possessing that broad general information which
comes from travel. He is a linguist of superior ability, and few men are
better informed concerning nationalities, their customs and habits and
those events which form the history of the 19th century.
Who since 1881 has engaged in the practice of medicine, in Kansas City, is
a native of Kentucky, his birth having occurred in Todd county, on the
31st of May, 1854. His parents, Robert and Fannie (Turnley) Chappell, were
also natives of Kentucky, the former born in Owen county, the latter in
Todd county. For some years the father engaged in merchandising at Elkton,
Kentucky, but soon after the death of his wife he sold out and removed to
Boston, Massachusetts, where he followed the same pursuit. When the civil
war broke out he offered his services to the government and with a
Massachusetts regiment went to the south. He participated in a number of
important engagements and was wounded at the first battle of Manassas.
When the war was over, he returned to Massachusetts, where his death
occurred in 1867. He was a member of the Baptist church, and his well
spent life gained him the high regard of those with whom he was brought in
contact. His father, Robert Chappell, was a Virginian.
The Doctor was only 6 weeks old when his mother died. He was reared on a
farm in the county of his nativity and his elementary education, acquired
in the common schools, was supplemented by a course in the Southwestern
Presbyterian University at Clarksville, Tennessee. Wishing to enter the
medical profession, he took up the study of medicine in the Vanderbilt
University at Nashville, Tennessee, at which he was graduated in 1876.
After that he attended the old Nashville University, and later became
interne in the city hospital, a position which he filled for 8 months. On
the expiration of that period he removed to Memphis, Tennessee, to take
charge of the western division of the penitentiary hospital, where he
remained for a few months, when he returned to Todd county, Kentucky,
spending about 6 months there. His next place of residence was Long View,
Christian county, Kentucky, where he engaged in practice for 3 years. In
the winter of 1880-1 he pursued a post-graduate course in the Bellevue
Hospital, of New York city, and in February of the latter year he came to
Kansas City, where he has since remained. The Doctor has succeeded in
building up an excellent practice here. He is thoroughly versed in his
profession, is continually studying in order to further perfect himself,
and now has a large and lucrative business. He is yet a young man, and may
attain still greater successes in the future.
In January, 1881, the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Rena Shaw,
and they now have 2 sons, -- William Edwin and Thomas C., who add life and
brightness to their pleasant home, which is located at No. 906 E. 6th
Street. In politics the Doctor is a democrat, socially is a Master Mason,
and is a gentleman of unvarying courtesy, highminded and scrupulously
faithful to every trust committed to his care.
Ranks among the most prominent business men and popular citizens of Kansas
City. Throughout the greater part of his life he engaged in stock
dealings; and well directed efforts, close application and sound judgment
have brought to him a prosperity that places him among the wealthy
residents of this place. Among the galaxy of distinguished men who have
been foremost in promoting the welfare of Jackson county and aided the
material prosperity of the entire state of Missouri, he occupies a most
honorable position. Launching his life-boat at the age of 17 years without
money but with courage and brains to direct it he has successfully
weathered life's storms till now, and is safe within the harbor of
honorable success.
A native of Ohio, Mr. Snider was born in Lancaster, on the 3rd of March,
1833. His boyhood days were passed on the old home farm in the Buckeye
state, and during his boyhood he was employed by a stock drover, taking
cattle across the Alleghanies. At the age of 17 he took a drove of mules
to Singapore, India, about 1 year being consumed in this task. On the
expiration of that period he returned to Ohio, and then, prompted by a
spirit of adventure and a desire to improve his financial condition, he
came to the west, locating at Leavenworth, Kansas, where he engaged in
stone contracting. Among the buildings which he erected was the old stone
fort in use until quite recently. Mr. Snider also went to overland to
Pike's Peak
during the time of the gold excitement there and spent a year engaged in
mining. When the report of the discovery of gold in Montana reached him,
he proceeded to that state. At that time Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky,
was governor of Montana territory and Mr. Snider served as brigadier
general on the governor's staff. He was interested in mining in the
northwest until 1869, when he left Fort Benton for New Orleans, traveling
by steamer. His intention was to purchase a plantation in the South, but
certain circumstances arose which led him to change his plan and instead
he located in Platte county, Missouri, where he remained for a year. In
the spring of 1870 Mr. Snider came to Kansas City, and engaged in the
Texas cattle business, owning a large ranch in the Cherokee strip of the
Indian territory. He raised large herds of cattle there, selling as high
as 30,000 head per annum. He did not give his personal supervision to the
ranch, leaving it to the care of a foreman, but managed his interests from
Kansas City, and here established the commission house of Barse & Snider,
stock jobbers of Kansas City. This firm was in existence from 1873 until
1887, and did a very extensive and profitable business. He was one of the
leading dealers in the stockyards of this place and his trade assumed
extensive proportions. He studied closely the market and his foresight was
displayed in his advantageous purchases and profitables sales. His
commission business he closed out in 1887, but continued to carry on the
ranch until 1889. He is still interested to some extent in cattle dealing,
but has largely laid aside business cares to enjoy the fruits of his
former labor. His life has been a varied and eventful one and he is
familiar with many of the experiences of frontier life. Thrown into
contact with all classes of people, his charming cordiality of manner and
genial, social disposition has won him a host of warm personal friends
wherever he has gone.
In Platte county, Missouri, Mr. Snider was united in marriage with Miss
Hannah C. Berry, and they had two sons: Andrew J., who died in 1887, at
the age of 32 years, was a prominent business man and a member of the firm
of Andrew J. Snider & Company. In his youth he served for 2 years as a
cadet at West Point; but failing health compelled him to leave that
institution, and he went to Colorado, where he was greatly benefited, but
never entirely regained his original strength. He was an active and valued
member of the firm and possessed excellent business and executive ability,
and his honor and integrity were above question. A man of magnetic
personality, he was very popular and had the high regard of all who knew
him. Chester A., the other son, is now engaged in the stock commission
business and is a worthy successor to his honored father.
Mr. Snider and his wife reside at a beautiful home located at the corner
of 10th and Forest streets. Mr. Snider is a lover of fishing and hunting,
and finds one of his chief sources of recreation in this way. He usually
takes a hunting trip each year, and he spends his winters in Florida, in
the more balmy climate of that beautiful southern district. He is a man of
fine personal appearance, a courteous gentleman of the old school and his
standing in business and social circles in Kansas City is among the
Is the vice-president of the great livestock commission company, the
Evans-Snider-Buel Company, of Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, being
the resident manager of the company at its Kansas City office. Actuated by
an honest, manly purpose and with firm confidence in the right, he has by
earnest effort secured the favorable result that usually rewards
well-directed labor, and by his straightforward course has won the respect
and confidence of his associates. He is a young man imbued with the
progressive and enterprising spirit of the age, and stands as a leader in
his line of business in Kansas City.
Mr. Snider was born in Platte county, Missouri, August 9, 1860, and is a
son of Andrew J. and Hannah (Beery) Snider. The family name has for the
past 25 years been prominently connected with the city's live stock
interests. Reared on a farm near Lancaster, Ohio, his father early began
driving cattle to market across the Alleghanies, and later turned to the
West and engaged in contracting, some of the old buildings at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas, being erected by him. He passed through the early
mining experiences of Colorado and Montana during the gold excitement.
Returning to the states in 1870, he identified his interests with those of
Kansas City, and for nearly 20 years was the leading cattle merchant of
this city.
Our subject was about 10 years old when he began his education in the
public schools of Kansas City, and completed his studies in Bethany (West
Virginia) College. At the age of 21 he laid aside his text books to learn
the sterner lessons of practical business life. Returning from college, he
went to his father's cattle ranch, which was located on the Cherokee
strip, Indian Territory, where he remained for some 3-4 years. His father
retiring from business, owing to ill health of his eldest son, our
subject, after a year's travel abroad, entered the commission field, the
Evans-Snider-Buel Company being imcorporated in 1889. This company has
since conducted the largest livestock business in this country. During the
past 7 years it has handled on commission at its 3 offices over three
million head of livestock, and its actual money transactions during this
time have aggregated over one hundred and eleven millions of dollars!
On August 23, 1882, Mr. Snider married Miss Lillie C. Hyatt, daughter of
W. W. Hyatt. The only child by this marriage, Lillie Hyatt, is now 12
years of age. The mother's death occurred on Thanksgiving day, 1883. On
December 27, 1888, Mr. Snider married Miss Olive Olga Oglesby, eldest
daughter of Governor Richard James Oglesby, of Illinois. They were married
in the executive mansion in Springfield. Mrs. Snider spent her girlhood
days in Decatur, and acquired her education in Springfield and in a
convent near Washington, D. C., while her father was serving as United
States senator there. One child has been born of this marriage, Catherine
Oglesby Snider.
Mr. Snider is a valued and esteemed member of various business and social
organizations, belonging to the Kansas City Club and the Commerical Club,
and is a director of the National Bank of Commerce and the Union Avenue
Bank of Commerce. He served for 5 years in the directory of the Kansas
City Livestock Exchange, declining a further election. Lovers of music,
both he and his wife take an active interest in promoting this art in
Kansas City. Mr. Snider is at present the vice president of the Symphony
Their home is noted for its hospitality, and their circle of warm friends
is extensive. The home is adorned with many choice paintings and other
works of art - all that refined taste can suggest. The library is one of
the finest private collections in the west. Few persons in this commercial
section of the world know as well as Mr. and Mrs. Snider how to manage
their wealth to the best advantage, obtaining more happiness out of a
given sum that untrained people can. Many persons think that if they only
had a little more money they would be happy, even when they are in
possession of more than other, happier people in their community. Not so
with the subject of this brief notice, who knows the more important art of
spending money, as well as the art of earning it.
To its farming community Jackson county is largely indebted for its
progress and upbuilding. The rich lands surrounding the cities and towns
of this locality furnish trade to the commercial centers and utilize their
railroad facilities for shipping. The well conducted business interests of
the farmers is the foundation upon which rests the activity in trade
circles. Mr. Noel is a representative of a family that has long been
connected with farming interests and has devoted his own energies to the
cultivation and improvement of land until he is today one of the leading
agriculturists of Jackson county.
Our subject is numbered among the native sons of this county, his birth
having occurred September 18, 1841, in Van Buren township, on the
adjoining section to his present home. His grandfather, John Noel, was a
native of Kentucky, whence he removed to Anderson county, Tennessee, where
he married Sallie Tatum. Their family numbered 4 sons and 4 daughters,
namely: James, John, William, George, Polly, Barbara, Elizabeth and Martha
Jane. Elizabeth was the wife of Spencer Rice. The father of our subject,
James Noel, was born in Claiborne county, Tennessee, and was reared in
that state on a farm. He married Rachel Powell, who was born in the same
county, in 1812, a daughter of Joseph and Annie (Jusan) Powell, who were
early settlers of Jackson county, Missouri, and lived with their children
here until their death. The father served as an officer in the
Revolutionary war.
Mr. Powell was 3 times married. He first wedded Susan Edward, and their
children were Thomas, Joseph and Abraham. His second wife bore the maiden
name of Ruth Jones, and their only child, Ruth, became the wife of John
Smith. The children born to Joseph and Hannah Powell were John, who
married Esther Bealer; Jonathan, who married Annie Rice; Richard, who
married Susan Mayes; Joab, who married Anna Bealer; Absalom, who married
Elizabeth Rice; Annie, wife of James Bridges; Jane, wife of John Bealer;
Polly, wife of Stephen Adams; Rachel, wife of James Noel.
There were 8 children born to the paternal grandparents of our subject.
The eldest was the father of James W. John, who died in California in
1851, married Melinda Jackson, and had 3 children: Nancy, who died in
1857; George, who died in the Confederate service in January, 1862; and
Sarah, wife of D. A. Linder, of Delavan, Missouri. William, who married
Raney Waters. George, who married Minta Farmer, and had 2 children -
Alice, who died in 1883, and Henry, who is living with his mother. After
the death of her husband Mrs. Minta Noel married James Gates, and now
lives in Vacaville, California. Polly and Barbara were the next of the
family. Elizabeth became the wife of Spencer Rice. Martha Jane was the
youngest. Hon. Thomas E. Noel, who was a law partner of General Frank P.
Blair, of St. Louis, Missouri, and died in the United States service, was
a second cousin of our subject. Ephraim Noel, a prominent Methodist
minister, was also a second cousin.
The parents of our subject were married in Tennessee, where they lived
until 1832, when they came to Missouri and made a temporary location on
the Roop farm, on Section 32, Van Buren township, Jackson county. They
afterward made a permanent location on Section 14. The land on which they
settled was all wild, and Mr. Noel entered the greater part of it from the
government, but it is now one of the oldest improved places in the
township. There the father carried on agricultural pursuits until his
death, which occurred March 28, 1877, while his wife died August 17, 1893.
In their family were 14 children. The eldest, John P., is deceased. Elmira
is the wife of Frederick Bunn, of Oregon, and they have 1 child, John
Marion. Louisa and Alvis Taylor are both deceased. Sarah Jane is the widow
of Walter Davidson, and has 3 children - James, William N., and Mary Anna.
Since the death of her first husband she has been again married, and 1
son, Alvis W. Biggs, has been born of this union. Joseph E. married Jennie
Meador, and lives in Cass county, Missouri, with his wife and 2 children -
Ralph and Ethel. James W. is the next younger. Absalom Marion and Emeline
have passed away. Mary became the wife of T. T. Maxwell, and died leaving
6 children - Lydia, James N., Mary, Ollie, Thomas and Grover Cleveland.
Margaret Ann became the wife of Thomas Sanders, who died leaving 2 sons -
Ernest and Watts. She has since married David Mays, by whom she has 2
children - Susie and William. William A. married Addie Colburn, now
deceased, and their 2 children have also passed away. His home is now in
Kansas City. Martha is deceased. George Henry married Minnie Shaw, by whom
he has 1 son, Joseph, and resides on Section 14, Van Buren township. The
mother of his family was a member of the Missionary Baptist church. 3 sons
served in the Civil War, namely: Alvis T., Joseph E. and James W., -- all
members of the same regiment.
We now take up the history of James W. Noel, feeling assured that it will
prove of interest to many of our readers, as he is both widely and
favorably known in his native county. He is indebted to the district
schools for his educational privileges: was reared on the old home farm,
all of the children of the family remaining at home until after they had
reached mature years. During the Civil War, when sectional feeling ran so
high on the border between Missouri and Kansas and one was obliged to
announce his sympathies either with one party or the other, he joined the
Confederate service and was with the commands of Cockrell, Upton Hayes and
Robert Renick, participating in the battle of Lone Jack, and was afterward
arrested by Colonel Penick and held a prisoner in Independence. On his
release he went to Carroll county, Missouri,where he remained until the
close of the war.
When hostilities had ceased Mr. Noel returned home; but after 2 years went
to Texas, where he remained for about 12 months. The following 8 years he
spent in Johnson county, Kansas, then formed a partnership with his
brother, William A., and operated the home farm and engaged in cattle
dealing in Colorado and New Mexico for 11 years. He now lives upon the
farm, which was the old Major & Russell ranch, having made his home here
since 1888. It comprises 640 acres of valuable land, all highly improved
with the exception of an 80 acre tract of timber. Mr. Noel successfully
carries on general farming and stock raising and is a wide awake,
progressive business man, energetic and far-sighted. He has achieved
considerable success in life and now ranks among the substantial farmers
of the community.
In 1883 Mr. Noel was united in marriage with M. J. Cox, a native of Van
Buren township, and a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Keirsey) Cox, both
now deceased. Their family numbered 3 children, viz: Mrs. Noel; Fannie,
wife of Jonah Tucker; and Mattie, deceased. 3 children also grace the
union of our subject and his wife, namely: James Cox, William Lee and
Forest Rothwell. Mrs. Noel is a member of the Missionary Baptist church,
and her many excellencies of character have gained her a warm circle of
friends. In politics Mr. Noel is a stanch democrat, and is a warm advocate
of Grover Cleveland. He is now serving as president of the local school
board of the Plum Grove district, and takes an active interest in
educational and all other work or interests calculated to prove of public
Who is serving as supervising grain inspector of Missouri at Kansas City,
was born at Chatham, Ontario, August 29, 1868, and is a son of James and
Mary (McIntyre) Tait, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of
Canada. They had a family of 5 children, of whom 4 are now living, Martin,
James, Duncan M. and Nan. The father is a Miller of Polo, Missouri, having
resided in that locality since 1869 - the year of his arrival in Missouri.
In religious faith he is a Presbyterian, while his wife is a member of the
Baptist church.
The paternal grandfather of our subject was James Tait, a native of
Scotland, who crossed the Atlantic to America and died in Canada at an
advanced age. He reared a large family. The maternal grandfather, Duncan
McIntyre, was also born in Scotland, and was a farmer, and died in Canada,
at the age of 80 years. His family numbered 2 sons and 6 daughters.
During his early childhood our subject was brought by his parents to
Missouri and was reared in Taitsville, while in the public schools of the
neighborhood he acquired his education. His father following the milling
business, he became familiar with that trade in early life, and learned
much about grains. This proved an excellent preparation for his present
service. In 1889, at the age of 21 years he removed with his parents to
Polo, where his father continued the milling business, while in 1893 he
came to Kansas City. Soon afterward he was appointed grain inspector by
the board of railroad and warehouse commissioners, and is now capably
discharging the duties of that office.
On the 25th of October, 1892, Mr. Tait was united in marriage with Miss
Mae Cowgill, a daughter of James and Ella (Myers) Cowgill. One daughter
was born to this union, Helen by name. The mother is a member of the
Baptist church, and is an estimable lady who has many warm friends in the
community. Socially, Mr. Tait is connected with the Knights of Pythias
fraternity, and in politics is a stalwart democrat. He is well known for
his sterling worth and all who know him have for him high regard.
An esteemed member of the bar of Kansas City, was born in Genesee county,
New York, July 4, 1828, and is a son of Daniel J. and Eliza Charlotte
(Cleveland) Moulton. His maternal grandfather was Moses Cleveland, to whom
the land on which the city of Cleveland, Ohio, now stands was granted by
the government in consideration of military services. His mother is a
cousin of President Grover Cleveland. The father of the Judge, removing
from the Nutmeg state, became a resident of New York in 1824, and there
followed the occupation of farming until his death, which occurred 50
years later. His wife survived him 13 years, and died in 1887, leaving 5
children out of a family whose original number was 12. These are Ms.
Louisa J. Warner, now living in Cleveland, Ohio; John Jay, a resident of
Springfield, Illinois; George A., who makes his home in San Francisco,
California; Mrs. Frank Rogers, now of Chicago; and the Judge.
In early manhood our subject, leaving the Empire state, went to Mobile,
Alabama, where he engaged in reading law, and was admitted to the bar in
that city in 1849. He at once entered upon the practice there and
continued his labors as a member of the profession until the beginning of
the war, when he entered the Confederate service as a private of Company
A, Mobile Continentals, first Alabama regiment. February 25, 1861, he was
commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 48th Alabama regiment, of which
Colonel Makinstry was in command at the time; and when the latter was made
judge advocate of the southern Confederacy Mr. Moulton was commissioned
colonel of the regiment. He also served on the staff of Governor Gill
Shorter, of Alabama, and from 1864 till the close of the war he served on
the staff of Governor H. Watts, of Alabama, and at this time he was still
in command of the 48th regiment and was a member of the state legislature.
To this position he was elected by the conservative party whose political
object was to bring the war to a close. He remained in the legislature 4
terms and then returned to the service, continuing in the Confederate army
until the close of the war.
When hostilities had ceased, Colonel Moulton resumed the practice of law
in Mobile, and in 1866 was elected to the office of city attorney. He was
afterward prosecuting attorney, and in July, 1868, was appointed judge of
the circuit court at Mobile, and served in that capacity for 8 years,
discharging his duties in a most efficient manner. In 1875 he removed to
St. Louis, where he practiced law until 1882, and then retired to the farm
which he had previously purchased in Bates county, Missouri. For 6 years
he devoted his energies to the management of his agricultural interests.
In 1873, while on the circuit bench of Mobile, Alabama, he was elected
mayor, and reelected in 1874. In 1888 he came to Kansas City and opened an
office for general practice here. For a time he was associated in business
with Webster Davis, and the partnership continued one year. The Judge has
since been alone and now enjoys a liberal clinetage.
Judge Moulton was married in 1858 to Miss Ruth Perkins Pomeroy, of East
Hampton, Massachusetts. The children of this marriage are Williston Jay, a
farmer now residing near Adrian, Missouri; John Dane, a merchant of Kansas
City; Reverdy Halleck, who is engaged in merchandising in Harrisonville,
Cass county, Missouri; and Cleveland F., who is now following farming near
Adrian, Bates county. The mother of this family was called to her final
rest February 19, 1892, and her remains were interred in the cemetery at
Ex-dean and professor of material medica in the Kansas City Homeopathic
Medical College, was born on the 23rd day of March, 1854, in the town of
Delhi, Delaware county, New York. His father, Judge Albert Edgerton, was a
native of the same state and a son of one of the Revolutionary heroes who
aided the colonies in their struggle for independence. The Judge was a
self-made man and became quite prominent in the community in which he
lived. In 1859 he removed with his family to St. Paul, Minnesota, and in
that city the Doctor attended the public and high schools, after which he
entered the Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin, Delaware county, New
York, where he completed his literary education. In 1874 he took up the
study of medicine under a preceptor in St. Paul, Minnesota, and in the
centennial year went to the city of Philadelphia.
Mr. Edgerton, however, had another object than that of visiting the
exposition. He entered the Hahnemann Medical College there, pursuing a 3
year course in that justly celebrated institution, under the preceptorship
of Dr. Charles Mohr, at the same time making his home with the Doctor,
whom he found a wise counselor and faithful friend. His earnest
application and thorough investigation gave him an excellent knowledge of
his chosen calling, and he left the college to learn the most practical
lessons in the school of experience. In March, 1879, he was graduated and
granted a diploma.
Immediately afterward he started for the west and spent a few days in
Kansas City, but continued his journey to Junction City, Kansas, where, on
the 3rd of May of that year, he was united in marriage with Miss Lillian
Gray, whose acquaintance he had formed several years previously in St.
Paul, Minnesota. After a short bridal trip the young couple located in a
small town in southeastern Nebraska, where the Doctor opened an office and
practiced for about 1 ˝ years. Not finding country practice congenial,
however, he removed to Stillwater, Minnesota, a city of about 17,000
inhabitants, where he entered into a partnership with Dr. W. H. Canie, a
friend of his boyhood days. Better success came to him in his new home,
and he remained there for 2 years, when, on account of failing health, due
to the long, severe winters, he decided to find a new location, where the
climate conditions were more favorable. This led to his connections with
Kansas City, where he opened an office in June, 1885. In 1887 Dr. Edgerton
became a charter member of the Kansas City Homeopathic Medical College,
and was elected to the chair of physiology. After lecturing for 3 years on
this branch he was tendered the chair of material medica, -- the most
important professorship in the institution - which he accepted and has
since creditably and satisfactorily filled. During his connection with
this institution he has for 5 years been honored with official positions,
serving for the past 2 years as dean of the faculty. The duties of
teaching added to the cares of a very extensive practice, makes his life a
busy one, and did he not possess an excellent constitution and robust
health he could not stand the arduous demands made upon his time. That he
is recognized as one of the most capable members of the profession is
shown by his large patronage, and his brethren of the fraternity also
acknowledge his superior skill and merit.
The Doctor and Mrs. Edgerton have one child, an interesting little
daughter of 5 years, whom they have named Ruth Gray, and who is the light
of the parents' home. The Doctor is especially fond of children and young
people, whom he is ever ready to aid and encourage as they seek
improvement. Aside from his profession he is a man of broad mind, of
general information and liberal culture, and since coming to Kansas City,
under a competent foreign-born German professor, he has learned to read,
write and speak the German language fluently. Improvement has ever been
his watch word and is the keynote to his success.
It is much to achieve success, it is infinitely more to win the gratitude
of the suffering and afflicted. For about 28 years this gentleman has
devoted his time and energies to the aid and relief of his fellow men, has
worked his way upward to a foremost rank in the medical profession, and
such has been the cordial, kindly, generous manner of this ministration
that in the hearts of those who have received it there is a sense of
grateful recognition that words cannot express.
Dr. Hall is a native son of Missouri, his birth having occurred at Arrow
Rock, March 10, 1845. The ancestry of the family is Scotch and English.
The paternal grandfather, Rev. Nathan H. Hall, was a Presbyterian
minister, a native of Kentucky. For a quarter of a century he engaged in
preaching in Lexington, Kentucky, and then spent some years in pastoral
labor in St. Louis. His death occurred in Columbia, Missouri, when he had
attained the age of 76 years. He was a man of striking personal
appearance, large and well formed, and was an orator of superior ability,
an earnest, logical speaker and a successful evangelist.
The Doctor's father, Matthew W. Hall, was born in Kentucky, and also
followed the medical profession. In February, 1845, he removed to
Missouri, locating at Arrow Rock, where he made his home for 12 years. On
the expiration of that period he took up his abode on a farm near
Marshall, where he spent his remaining days. He was united in marriage
with Miss Agnes J. Lester, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of Bryan
Lester, who was born in Charlotte, Virginia, and was a farmer by
occupation. He was a man of great force of character but of very amiable
disposition, gentle and considerate. To many of his slaves he gave their
freedom. He reared a large family and died when about 60 years of age. Dr.
Matthew Hall and his wife were prominent settlers of Arrow Rock, and were
numbered among Missouri's pioneers. In the Presbyterian church they held a
membership, and the Doctor served as elder, taking a very prominent part
in its work. During the civil war, he served as surgeon in the Confederate
army. In the community where he lived he was a recognized leader, and
twice represented his district in the legislature. His death occurred on
the 7th of November, 1894, at the age of 78 years, and his wife passed
away in 1883. They were the parents of 11 children, 8 of whom are now
living, namely: Dr. C. Lester; William Ewing, of Kansas City, Missouri;
Dr. John R., of Marshall, Missouri; Louisa F., wife of W. W. Trigg, of
Booneville, Missouri; Matthew W., of Saline county, Missouri; Florida L.,
wife of Judge D. W. Shackleton, of Booneville, Missouri; Dr. Thomas B., of
Saline county; and Effie B., wife of Fred B. Glover, of Parkville,
Dr. C. Lester Hall was reared in Saline county, this state, and acquired
his early education there. He afterward attended school at Booneville
until 17 years of age, when, in 1862, he joined the army of General Price,
and went to Lexington, Missouri. At that place he was taken sick and
returned home, but in December he again joined the army. At Milford's
surrender he was taken prisoner and held in captivity for 3 months, after
which he took the oath of allegiance to the United States and returned
The Doctor began studying medicine in 1864, in Booneville, and
subsequently attended the St. Louis Medical College through the school
year of 1864-5. During the winter of 1866-7 he was a student in Jefferson
Medical College, of Philadelphia, and in the spring of 1867 he graduated
and joined his father in the practice of his chosen profession, this
partnership continuing for 6 years. In 1873 Dr. Hall removed to Marshall,
Missouri, where he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice until September,
1890, when, desiring a broader field of labor, he came to Kansas City,
where he has since made his home. Although he successfully engages in
general practice, he makes a specialty of the diseases of women. He is a
member of the American Medical Association, the Western Association of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Jackson County Medical Society.
He is now the honored president of the Missouri State Medical Society, and
in 1894 was president of the Kansas City Academy of Medicine.
On the 16th of June, 1869, Dr. Hall was united in marriage with Miss
Katherine Sappington, daughter of Hon. E. D. and Penelope (Breathitt)
Sappington, her grandfather Breathitt being at one time governor of
Kentucky. Five children were born by this marriage - Darwin Walton,
Penelope, C. Lester, Katherine May, and one who died in infancy. The
Doctor and his family hold a membership in the Central Presbyterian
church, take a deep interest in its prosperity, and while living in
Marshall he served as elder of the church. He is a Master Mason. The
family home is located at No. 2720 Troost avenue, and is noted for its
One of the most eminent members of the medical profession and successful
practitioners of Kansas City, was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, on the
7th of September, 1841, and is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Kummler)
His father was a native of Vermont, and during the war of 1812, as a
member of the American army, fought in the 2nd encounter with England. His
wife was born in Perry county, Pennsylvania, and was of German lineage.
They were married on the 5th of April, 1830, and in 1837 emigrated to
Iowa, which was then a territory. The father died in Birmingham, Van Buren
county, that state, in November, 1855. He was a very prominent man,
possessing superior intelligence and ability. A graduate of Yale, he was
familiar with 6-7 languages, and possessed broad general information and
ripe scholarship. For many years he was county judge of Van Buren county,
Iowa, and throughout his life was a stalwart advocate of Democracy. There
were only 3 white families living in Van Buren county when he took up his
residence there in 1837, and his nearest neighbor was 6 miles away. The
Indians, however, were very numerous and the wild and undeveloped land was
unmarked by any trace of civilization. Mr. Foster took a very prominent
part in the work of upbuilding and progress, and his name is enrolled
among the pioneers of the Hawkeye state. His wife long survived him,
finally passing away in Marion county, Missouri, in 1886, at the age of 94
years. Their family numbered 6 sons - Joseph, born January 21, 1831; Hiram
I., born August 2, 1832; Judah H., born July 14, 1834; Benjamin U., born
February 8, 1837; James, who was born August 24, 1839, and died on the
24th of December, following; and William Davis, of this sketch.
The Doctor acquired his literary education in the public schools and
academy of Birmingham, Iowa, and to fit himself for the practice of
medicine, which he determined to make his life work, he entered the office
of the late Dr. David Prince, the distinguished surgeon of Jacksonville,
Illinois. He began his studies in 1857, but circumstances prevented him
following a continuous course. He, however, made the best of his
opportunities, and in the winter of 1860 attended medical lectures in the
University of Pennsylvania.
In the early spring of the following year, the country became involved in
civil war, and with the blood of Revolutionary forefathers flowing in his
veins, Mr. Foster with patriotic ardor entered the army, and in addition
to aiding his country he made rapid progress in his studies under the able
guidance of Elery P. Smith, surgeon of the 7th cavalry, Missouri
volunteers, at the same time gaining an experience which was of
incalculable benefit to him. With the opening of the campaign in 1863 he
was commissioned surgeon of that regiment, thus serving until the close of
the war. During the active operations of the forces in Missouri, Arkansas
and Louisiana, Dr. Foster was engaged with various boards of operating
surgeons, his duties being the examination of applicants for discharge on
surgeon's certificates, for transfer to the invalid corps, for leave of
absence and for furloughs on surgeons' certificates of disability. After
the battle of Lone Jack, Missouri, on the 16th of August, 1862, he
assisted in the organization of the hospital at Lexington, and after the
battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas, December 7, 1862, he aided in the
organization of the hospitals at Fayetteville, that state. He was present
at the capture of Little Rock, and during the military occupancy of that
city was in the hospital service there.
The “bloodless battles” of the war were often as arduous and dangerous as
those that took place on the field, and the part which the army surgeons
performed in the service was no less beneficial to the country than that
of him who carried a rifle in the ranks. His labors have not as often been
made the theme of story and song, but they are no less worthy the
gratitude of the nation. When the war was over, Dr. Foster located in
Hannibal, Missouri, where he entered into partnership as a practitioner
with Dr. George B. Birch, now deceased. During his residence there the
question of homeopathy came prominently before him, he began research and
investigation along that line, and becoming convinced of its superiority
he began practice as an advocate of the new school. By reason of his
active temperament, industry and aggressive course he speedily built up a
large and lucrative practice, and in 1869 he was graduated at the
Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri, in St. Louis.
In 1881 Dr. Foster became a resident of Kansas City, and soon was
recognized as one of the most skilled and prominent surgeons of the
western part of the state. He was called to the chair of surgery in the
Kansas City Homeopathic Medical College in 1889, and is still filling that
position, while at the annual election in April, 1894, he was elected dean
of the faculty. The phenomenal growth of this institution is largely due
to his energy, influence and perseverance. He keeps himself thoroughly
abreast with the times, is an advocate of all advanced surgical methods
and an enthusiast on the subject of asepsis and antisepsis. He has a large
private practice and visits all parts of the west in consultation and
operations. Dr. Foster is a valued member of various medical
organizations, and is recognized authority on many matters pertaining to
his profession. He is a senior member of the American Institute of
Homeopathy, belongs to the Missouri Institute of Homeopathy, is a member
of the Kansas State Homeopathic Medical Society, is a member of the
International Homeopathic Medical Congress at Basle, in 1886, and is chief
surgeon of the Kansas City, Osceola & Southern Railway.
In 1878 Dr. Foster married Mrs. Christe Farwell, a native of Yonkers, New
York. Socially, he is connected with the Masonic lodge of Hannibal,
Missouri, belongs to the Loyal Legion, of Missouri, is a member of the
National Association of Railway Surgeons, and holds membership in various
other benevolent and fraternal organizations.
His success in life is an example of the power of patient purpose,
resolute working and steadfast integrity. In his character he combines the
qualities of mind and heart that render him deservedly popular, and secure
to him the warm friendship of all who enjoy his acquaintance.
There is nothing more important to the welfare of a city or more
effective, than the preservation of property as well as life, the chief
institution for which purpose is a well equipped and conducted fire
department; and the man who successfully fills the position of chief must
possess keen foresight, unbounded energy and an alertness and readiness to
respond at every call. Of no department has Kansas City more reason to be
proud than her fire department, which in its proficiency, equipments and
the skill of its members is almost without a peer. Standing at the head of
this organization is George C. Hale, who has practically given to the
department its prestige - a scholarly, genial, courteous gentleman, who
places duty above every other consideration and who takes just pride in
the efficiency of his men and their faithful performance of the tasks
allotted to them. There is in Kansas City few men who are more widely
known and none who is held in higher regard by his friends than George C.
This gentleman was born in Colton, St. Lawrence county, New York, October
28, 1849, and when a youth of 14 came to the city which has since been his
home. This was in 1863, and he at once obtained a situation with the firm
of Lloyd & Leland. His close application, his thoroughness and his earnest
endeavor to perform to the best of his ability every task intrusted to his
care soon attracted the attention of his employers and he was raised from
the position of shop boy and put in charge of a large engine that ran the
machinery of the shops. He held that position for some time and during
that period lost no opportunity to master every detail connected with the
business. He undoubtedly possesses natural talent as a machinist and was
very quick to learn; and it was often remarked that if he saw a piece of
work done he could at once duplicate it. His ability in the line of
mechanics has been constantly demonstrated. In 1866 he took charge of the
machinery of the great bridge that spans the Missouri river at this city,
under the direction of O. H. Chanute, the engineer for the Hannibal & St.
Joseph Railroad Company, and remained in that service until the completion
of the bridge and the ceremonials attending its dedication July 4, 1869.
Soon afterward Mr. Hale became connected with the Great Western
Manufacturing Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, where he remained until the
fall of 1871, and then returned to Kansas City. His connection with the
fire department covers a period of a quarter of a century. In that year he
was appointed engineer of John Campbell Engine, No. 1, the first engine
ever owned by Kansas City. Subsequently he was transferred to engine No.
2, where he served until 1877, whenthe introduction of the water works
system into the city caused the steamers to be thrown out of commission
for a number of years and Mr. Hale was appointed foreman of one of the
hose companies. In 1881 he was promoted to the position of assistant chief
under Colonel Frank Foster, and upon the retirmement of the latter in 1882
he was selected as the best man to place in charge of this responsible
office; and his 13 years' administration has shown the wisdom of the
choice made. Colonel Foster said of him: “I have known Mr. Hale for 12
years and know him to be a fine mechanic and most practical fireman, a
thorough gentleman, and one whom I can, in my judgment, recommend as the
most competent in our whole city to control and manage our fire
department. I assure you if Mr. Hale is appointed you will never have
cause to regret it.”
Our subject has put forth every effort to make the Kansas City fire
department equal to any in this country and has succeeded in accomplishing
this result, bending every energy to that end. He possesses all the
necessary qualifications for an able fire department chief, and, though
realizing to the fullest extent the responsibilities resting on him, in
times of fire he is perfectly cool and collected, and therefore able to
capably direct his men and make their service the most effective. His
judgment is sound - an essential quality, for in case of fire the chief is
autocratic and his word is a law from which there is no appeal. Mr. Hale
is perfectly fearless in the discharge of his duties, and not only
commands his men but leads them where the danger is greatest. His method
of fighting fire is at once systematic and scientific, and consequently no
time is wasted in false moves, which is sometimes the case where there
exists a lack of system. His discipline, while firm, is not severe or
arbitrary, and his kindness and solicitude for the welfare of his
subordinates has won him the esteem of the entire force of the department.
Mr. Hale has closely studied the whole field of Kansas City and laid his
plans so as to make the service most beneficial. The various departments
are equipped in a most complete manner with all modern machinery and
accessories, including several of Mr. Hale's inventions. Among the chiefs
of other fire departments he has the reputation of being the mechanical
genius of the order. His inventive mind has been steadily engaged upon new
and important devices whereby a fire can be most scientifically and
successfully fought. Most of his inventions have been in connection with
fire apparatus and department supplies. One of his earliest inventions,
however, was the Hale rotary steam engine, which is highly recommended by
the United States navy. His device for hitching horses used in fire
departments, whereby at the sounding of the alarm the halter becomes
detached, allowing the animal to spring to position, was also among his
earlier inventions. Believing that one moment at a fire in its incipiency
is worth an hour after it is fairly underway, Mr. Hale's inventions have
been perfected with this aim in view. One of the most important of these
is the Hale swinging harness. It embraces the most complete, the quickest
and least complicated method of hitching in use, and is employed in fire
departments throughout the United States. The time required for hitching
by this method is from one and three-quarters to three seconds. In
February, 1888, he completed his automatic horse cover. He also invested
the Hale cellar pipe with improved spray nozzle. This is designed for
fires in cellars and basements. The Hale tin-roof cutter and the Hale
electric wire-cutter were two very important additions to fire appliances;
the Hale improved telephone fire-alarm system, which was the production of
his mind, has proved of the greatest importance to the fire department of
Kansas City; also the Hale water tower, which is perhaps one of the most
important additions to fire apparatus of the 19th century.
Mr. Hale had the honor of representing his nation in the International
Fire Congress held at Agricultural Hall, London, June 12 to 17, 1893. With
a picked crew of 8 members of the Kansas City fire department and a team
of trained horses, together with all the necessary equipments found in a
model engine-house, he left Kansas City, and after being handsomely
entertained by the Chief Engineers' Club of Massachusetts, in Boston, and
by the New York Press Club and others in New York, he and his men took
passage on the City of Rom on the 27th of May, and on the 4th of June, as
the steamer neared Moville, Ireland, they were met by a small boat having
on board a committee of reception to escort them to London. On the evening
of the same day they landed at Greenock, Scotland, and visited in Glasgow
for 2 days, where they were royally entertained. They received like
treatment in Edinburg, and floating over many of the large buildings in
the different cities could be seen the American flag in honor of their
visit. On the morning of the 8th of June they arrived in London and were
escorted with ceremony to the Royal Agricultural Hall. After the opening
ceremonies the various fire companies representing the different nations
passed in parade around the extensive arena, and America was given the
post of honor, leading all other nations with the stars and stripes
floating above. The little band of picked men from the Kansas City fire
department gave several creditable exhibitions, which won the heartiest
applause from the multitude assembled, and demonstrated the superiority of
the methods of protection against fire in the country. On the evening of
June 17, immediately after completing their last exhibition, they were
marched up before the royal box, and after a very complimentary speech
delivered by Lieutenant Colonel Seabrook upon the American methods of
drills and displays of apparatus each one was presented with an elegant
gold medal, the presentation being made by Miss Shaw, daughter of Sir Eyre
M. Shaw, ex-chief of the London fire brigade. They were also presented
with 2 handsomely engraved diplomas for best drills and apparatus. In
Glasgow, where they were again entertained most royally and where they
gave exhibitions, they were presented with a handsome silver water set.
The honors which Mr. Hale received were certainly well merited, and he is
indeed a worthy representative of that line of service on whose faithful
performance so often depends not only extensive property interests, but
the safety of many lives. The deeds of the firemen today rival in bravery
those of the chivalrous knights of olden times. Personally, Mr. Hale is a
broad-minded man, a student, analytical, carrying his researches and
investigations far beyond the required limits of his duty. In manner he is
pleasant, courteous and genial, and to his hosts of warm friends at home
he added many during his stay abroad.