Jackson County Biographies
Jackson County Biographies
From The Memorial & Biographical Record of Kansas City
and Jackson County, Missouri
One of the most progressive physicians of Kansas City, is a native of
Indiana. He was born in Vevay, March 10, 1826. The West has been settled
up by a class of men who came to this section of the country to secure
homes and who have bent every energy to this undertaking. The entire
section of the country therefore has become imbued with the spirit of
enterprise and progress, producing a phenomenal development that could not
be accomplished by the conservative East. Amid such surroundings the
Doctor was reared and has naturally partaken of the spirit of the times,
and this has characterized his entire professional career.
He traces his parental ancestry to this country to John Todd, a native of
Lanarkshire, Scotland, who with his parents fled to Ireland under the
persecutions of the reign of Charles II, and in 1736 accompanied his son
Robert and 2 other sons and a daughter to America, making his home near
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. David Todd, son of Robert, born in the county
of Down, Ireland, came with the family to America, and soon afterward
married Hannah Owen, of Welsh parentage. Both died at Lexington, Kentucky.
Their son, Owen Todd, was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, in
1762, and in early life took up the study of law, but coming West
afterward entered the employ of the government as a surveyor of bounty
land reserves in Kentucky and southwestern Ohio. He served as a soldier in
the war of 1812, holding the rank of captain under General Wayne in the
battle of “Fallen Timbers,” and was the first presiding judge of the court
of quarter sessions of Clermont county, Ohio. “Todd's fork,” of the Little
Miami river was named for him. He was reared in the Presbyterian faith,
and died in Vevay, Indiana, at the age of 55 years. One of his 11 children
was David Andrew Todd, father of the Doctor. He was born in Clermont
county, Ohio, October 7, 1799, and for many years engaged in
merchandising. He became a pioneer settler of Indiana, and erected one of
the first brick houses in Madison, that state. His last years were spent
at his home in Vernon, Indiana. He wedded Mary Ogle, born March 27, 1802,
a native of Montgomery, now Carroll county, Virginia, and a daughter of
Hiram Ogle, who was born in Randolph county, North Carolina, and married
Sarah Richardson, of Grayson, nor Carroll county, Virginia. Later he made
his home near Vevay, Indiana, where he carried on farming and milling. He
was of English descent, and died in 1845. David A. and Mary Todd became
the parents of 10 children, 7 sons and 3 daughters, of whom 6 are now
living, namely: Hiram H., Simeon S., Owen W., Elhanan P., Robert S. and
Catharine M., widow of Alexander Lattimore, of Washington, District of
Columbia. Those who have passed away are John H., Marion D., Sarah J., and
Mary B. Marion D. Todd was a prominent minister of the Christian church,
preaching for some time in Chester, and in Liverpool, England, and was a
warm personal friend of Spurgeon, the great Baptist divine. He died at Los
Gatos, California. The parents were both members of the Christian church
and the father, David Todd, was for many years an elder in that church. In
early life he served as justice of the peace for many years. His death
occurred in 1864, when he was aged 65, and his wife in 1865, at the age of
63. Both are buried at Vernon, Jennings county, Indiana.
The Doctor was reared in Madison, Indiana, and acquired his education in
the common schools, studying the classics under private tutorship. He took
up the study of medicine at the age of 18, under the direction of Dr.
William Davidson, of Madison, Indiana, a Scotch physician of considerable
repute, but before he had completed his course he enlisted for service as
a private in the Mexican war. On his return he entered the Indiana Medical
College at LaPorte, Indiana, and was graduated at that institution in the
class of February, 1849. Immediately afterward he began practice, opening
an office in the autumn in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, where he continued
until 1854. In that year he emigrated to California, practicing his
profession in Plumas county, where he remained for 2 years. In 1857 he
removed to Santa Rosa, Sonoma county, where he continued the practice of
his profession till the breaking out of the civil war. In 1861 he opened
an office in San Francisco, and soon after was commissioned surgeon of the
4th California volunteer infantry, and served until after the South had
laid down its arms and the preservation of the union was an assured fact.
Dr. Todd then returned to “the states” and settled in Kansas City, where
he has since continuously engaged in practice. Up to 1885 he engaged in
general practice, but since that time has made a specialty of the diseases
of women. He was the projector and prime mover in the establishment of the
Kansas City Medical College, and for many years was dean of the facility,
and for 27 years has been a teacher of the diseases of women, to which
chair he was appointed on the organization of the school. He now holds the
chair of emeritus professor of obstetrics and diseases of women - an
honorary position - and continues to deliver lectures occasionally. He
belongs to the Jackson County Medical Society, the Kansas City District
Medical Society, the Kansas City District Medical Society, the State
Medical Society, of which he has been vice-president and president, and
the Missouri State Medical Association, of which he is an honorary member.
He is also an honorary member of the Kansas State Medical Society, and
other organizations of his profession. He was the pioneer west of the
Mississippi in introducing surgery in women's diseases, and his superior
skill and ability has given him a foremost place in the ranks of the
On the 10th of October, 1850, Doctor Todd was united in marriage with Miss
Judith Ann, daughter of Jeremiah Ridgway, of LaPorte, Indiana. Her mother
bore the maiden name of Sarah Ann Willetts. 4 children were born of this
union, but 2 died in infancy. Rush B. and Frank S. are now residents of
California, and the latter married Miss Nannie E. Mann, by whom he has 4
children. The mother of this family died in 1861. She was a member of the
Society of Friends, and a most estimable lady. On January 21, 1867, the
Doctor married Mrs. Thirza F. Dean, widow of Dr. William H. Dean, and
daughter of Thomas Scott, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. She also was reared a
Quaker, and was called to the home beyond this life March 14, 1888. On the
7th of November, 1889, the Doctor was joined in wedlock with Miss Frances
Williams, of Lucas county, Iowa, daughter of Alonzo and Rachel Williams.
They are both members of the Unitarian church, and the Doctor is a Master
Mason, also belongs to the Loyal Legion, and to George H. Thomas post, G.
A. R. In politics he is a republican.
Of the popular law firm of Lathrop, Morrow, Fox & Moore, Kansas City,
Missouri, is a gentleman of eastern birth and education. He was born in
East Lyme, Connecticut, September 9, 1853, son of Henry and Elizabeth
(Beckwith) Fox, natives of Connecticut and representatives of families
long resident in New England. Their remote ancestors came to this country
from England, and some of them were participants in the Revolutionary War.
Mrs. Fox's father, the grandfather of our subject, was a veteran of the
War of 1812, having served as a lieutenant in that war. Henry Fox was in
early life a teacher, but later settled down to farming, and was thus
occupied for a number of years. He held various local offices of
prominence and trust, and was regarded as one of the most worthy citizens
of his community. He died in 1884. The widowed mother is still a resident
of Connecticut. Their family was composed of three children, John M. being
the 2nd born.
John M. Fox spent his early life on his father's farm, and the first
school he attended was the country school near his home. Later he was a
student at the Connecticut State Normal School, where he graduated with
the class of 1874. Then he entered Yale College, graduated at that noted
institution in 1879, and in 1881 received a diploma from the Columbia
College Law School. Yale College conferred on him the degree of Bachelor
of Arts; the Columbia College Law School, Bachelor of Laws; and the
University of Kansas, Master of Arts. Immediately after his graduation at
the law school in 1881, Mr. Fox came west and located in Kansas City,
where he has since been successfully engaged in the practice of his
profession. At first he was employed as clerk for the firm of Lathrop &
Smith, prominent attorneys, and subsequently he formed a partnership with
T. A. F. Jones. In the Fall of 1884, by invitation of his old employers,
Mr. Fox returned to them, and in January of the following year became a
partner of the firm, which is now one of the best known law firms in the
city. They are attorneys for a large number of corporations, railroads,
banks, etc., and conduct a most extensive general practice. Mr. Fox is not
only well posted in law, and an active, energetic business man, but he has
the happy faculty of ingratiating himself with all with whom he has
dealings, and thus by being able to adapt himself to all kinds and classes
of people he is a valued member of the firm.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nettie Fuller, like himself, a native of
Connecticut. They have 2 daughters - Anna E. and Marion L.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox are members of the First Congregational church of Kansas
City, in which he is now a deacon.
Is one of the ablest members of the bar of Missouri. Native talent and
acquired ability have won him eminence, and the profession and the public
both accord him a leading place in the ranks of the legal fraternity.
Thoroughly conversant the law in all departments and familiar with its
subtleties, he is a student and worker, possessing that dauntless energy
without which one must fail of success in any line of endeavor.
Major Hampton was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, December 2, 1838. The
family if of English lineage and was founded in America in colonial days.
The paternal grandfather, Wade Hampton, was a native of Kentucky and
reared a large family, including George S. Hampton, Sr., father of our
subject. He, too, was a native of Kentucky, and was a lawyer by
profession. He first married Miss Sallie Long, of his native state, but
the wife died in early life and their 3 children also passed away in
childhood. Mr. Hampton afterward married Mrs. Ann (Fairfax) Hepburn, a
native of Virginia, who by her first marriage had 5 sons and a daughter.
Colonel W. P. Hepburn is the youngest and the only surviving son. The
daughter, Frances M., is living, now at the age of 72 years. By the
marriage of the parents of our subject, 6 children were born, 4 sons and 2
daughters, but the only ones now living are Catherine C., wife of William
Bremner, of Marshalltown, Iowa, and the Major. Mrs. Hampton was a daughter
of Dr. Hanson Catlett, a successful physician who served as surgeon in the
war of 1812. He was a native of Virginia, was of English lineage and died
at an advanced age. His wife was a sister of Matthew Lyon, a man of
considerable note who served as a member of congress from three different
states. He was elected the last time while in jail, having been imprisoned
for resisting the alien and sedition laws.
In 1840 Major Hampton's parents removed with their family to Iowa, where
they spent their remaining days. That was during the territorial era, and
his father, George S. Hampton, Sr., took a very prominent part in the
organization of the state, serving as secretary of the first
constitutional convention of Iowa, and was clerk of the supreme court of
the state for 10 years. In the latter part of his life he was for a number
of years superintendent of public instruction in Iowa. During the war,
loyal to the union, he enlisted in what was known as the Gray-beard
regiment and served for 2 years, although he had formerly been a
pro-slavery democrat. His abilities and fitness for leadership made him a
prominent and influential citizen of the state. Both he and his wife were
pioneers in the work of the Baptist church in Iowa. His death occurred in
1874, at the age of 73.
Major Hampton was reared in Iowa City, acquired his education there, was
one of the first students to enter the State university, and held a
certificate for graduation. He spent a portion of his boyhood in his
father's office and at one time acted as page in the state legislature.
When his literary education was completed he studied law in Iowa City and
was admitted to the bar in 1860; but after the breaking out of the civil
war he could not content himself to follow a quiet business career when
the existence of his country was in peril, and enlisted at the first call
for 3 year men. He became a member of company H, 13th Iowa infantry, as a
private, but soon rose to the rank of lieutenant, and with his regiment
took part in the battle of Shiloh. After that engagement he was made a
staff officer, with the rank of captain, and for 2 years was on the staff
of Brigadier General Thomas J. McKean, of Iowa. He was with him at the
battle of Corinth, and took part in the invasion of Mississippi. He was in
the siege of Vicksburg, and after its surrender went with the troops to
Nebraska to aid in quelling the Indiana in their depredations. In the Fall
of 1864 he served as assistant adjutant general on the staff of Major
General James G. Blunt, and took part in the Price raid. He was in the
battle of Lexington, Big Blue, the defense of the fords of the Little
Blue, the defense of the fords of the Little Blue, the battle of Westport
and was present at Mine creek when Generals Marmaduke and Cable were
captured. With the troops he then pursued the enemy until they crossed the
Arkansas river. At the close of the war he was mustered out, being at that
time captain and assistant adjutant general. During the service he was a
member of the famous “Crocker Iowa brigade.”
When the South had laid down its arms and his services were no longer
needed, Major Hampton returned to the practice of law and established an
office in Lawrence, Kansas, where he practiced for 13 years. In the Spring
of 1877 he came to Kansas City, but in the following autumn removed to
Cherokee county, Kansas, where he continued a member of the bar until
1884. He was also deputy county attorney for 1 term. For 11 years past he
has been a member of the Bar of Kansas City, and has a large clientage, to
which his abilities and fidelity to duty well entitle him.
On the 27th of October, 1863, Major Hampton married Maria Louisa Asay,
daughter of A. B. and Mary (Lewis) Asay. They have 3 children: Frank H.,
the eldest, now has charge of the drapery department of the North
Furniture Company, of Kansas City, with which he has been connected for 10
years. He married Lina Eaton, and they have 1 child, Louisa True. His 2nd
son, Alexander A., is foreman of the steel department of the Scotford
Stamp and Stationery Company, of Kansas City, in whose employ he has been
for 9 years. His only daughter, Mary Ann, is a young lady of considerable
musical talent and is at her parental home.
The parents and children are members of the Methodist church. Major
Hampton is a Master Mason, a member of the Odd Fellows and Knights of
Pythias societies, and of George H. Thomas post, G. A. R. In politics he
is a republican, and during Harrison's administration was deputy internal
revenue collector under General Devol. He is now attorney for several
insurance companies and the Cooper Chemical Company. His home is at 2903
Locust street, over which his wife presides with gracious hospitality,
while to their many friends they ever extend a hearty welcome.
Attorney at law of Kansas City, was born in Ross county, Ohio, April 27,
1843, and descended from German and French ancestry. His father, Robert
Bower, was a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, and the grandfather, Valentine
Bower, spent his entire life in his native land. He reared a large family
and lived to an advanced age. The mother of our subject, who bore the
maiden name of Genevieve Sheibley, was an Alsatian, and her father spent
his entire life in France. While in the land of his birth Robert Bower
served as a member of the old guard under Napoleon. In 1826 he crossed the
Atlantic to America and located in Stark county, Ohio, where he made his
home for a few years, then removed to Ross county, same state, where he
spent his remaining days. His death occurred in 1864, and his wife died in
1857. They were members of the Lutheran church. In their family of 11
children were 7 sons and 4 daughters, six of whom are now living, namely:
Mary, widow of Basil Bogen; Barbara, widow of Albert Mertz; Genevieve,
widow of Philip Dair; Jennie, John and Charles J.
The last named resided in Ross county until 11 years of age, when he
started out in life for himself, and whatever success he has achieved is
due entirely to his won efforts. He grew to manhood in Kenton and Carroll
counties, Kentucky, and at the age of 16 he engaged in teaching school.
With the money thus acquired he obtained his own education, being a
student in Des Peres Institute in St. Louis county, Missouri, in 1857-8.
Later he atteneded Wittenberg College, at Springfield, Ohio, where he
continued until the war broke out, when he enlisted in the southern army
as a member of the 4th Kentucky cavalry, Company F, and served until
hostilities were over. He served under Generals Marshall, Preston,
Breckinridge, Williams, Echols, Jones and John H. Morgan: he was in all
the campaigns of that famous regiment. He was wounded in the right leg at
Bull's Gap, Tennessee, but continued at the front until after the war was
ended. He surrendered at Mount Sterling, Kentucky, May 1, 1865.
Returning then to Carroll county, Kentucky, Mr. Bower was there engaged in
teaching school for a time, when, wishing to follow the legal profession,
he began studying law in 1867. His thorough application and persistent
efforts enabled him to graduate in the Spring of 1868 at the Cincinnati
Law College, and in September of that year he came to Kansas City, where
he practiced until August, 1894. For 26 years he was a member of the bar
of Jackson county and had a good practice, which attested his skill and
ability. He was ever a painstaking and conscientious practitioner,
laboring earnestly for his clients' interests, a logical thinker, a clear
reasoner and a forceful speaker. These qualities brought to him success
and won him a place among the leading lawyers of the city, county and
state. In August, 1894, he suffered an attack of paralysis, which
necessitated his abandonment of his profession.
On the 11th of May, 1870, Mr. Bower was united in marriage, in Kansas
City, with Miss Sarah Chaplin, a daughter of Benjamin G. and Sarah (Ward)
chaplin. They have 6 children - 3 sons and 3 daughters - namely: Frank A.,
Mary C., Jennie W., Morrison Munford, Henry W. and Florence A. Mr. Bower
and his wife attend the Central Presbyterian church, of which he is a
member, and since 1871 they have made their home at the corner of 35th
street and Cleveland avenue, where they extend a warmhearted hospitality
to their many friends. Frank A. Bower, the eldest son, graduated at
Washington University, St. Louis, in 1891, and is now a promising young
lawyer of the Kansas City bar.
Mr. Bower is a member of the Masonic fraternity and in politics is an
unswerving adherant of the principles of the democratic party, taking a
very active part in its work and doing all in his power to promote its
growth and insure its success. He has been a delegate to the county and
state conventions since 1876, and was the original Cleveland delegate in
this state. He was also the organizer of the ex-Confederate Benevolent
Association, which has a large membership. A kindhearted and genial man of
strict integrity of character, Mr. Bower is highly esteemed by all who
know him, and has a large circle of friends.
The men who attain eminence, or even a fair standing, at the bar or in
other professional lines in the leading cities of this country, must be
“brainy” progressive, up-to-date men; and this fact obtains none the less
in Kansas City than in some of the more populous cities of the union. The
Kansas City bar has many able representatives, and among its list of
prominent lawyers is found the name of Francis M. Hayward, a biography of
whom we are pleased to accord place in this volume.
Francis M. Hayward is of eastern birth. He was born in New Hampshire,
February 28, 1856, son of John W. and Easter C. (Morse) Hayward, the
former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of New Hampshire; both of
English descent. Dr. Lemuel Hayward, the great-grandfather of our subject,
was a distinguished man and surgeon in the Revolutionary war; he was an
uncle of Chief Justice Shaw, of Massachusetts, and died in 1821. John W.
Hayward, the grandfather of Francis M., was a lawyer of Boston and died in
that city when comparatively a young man. His son, John W., the father of
our subject, is a farmer and still resides in New Hampshire, where he is
well known and highly esteemed, he having frequently been honored by
official preferment; has served in numerous minor offices and also in the
state legislature of New Hampshire. To him and his wife were born three
children, Francis M. being the eldest.
On his father's farm, located near Walpole, Mr. Hayward was reared. His
early education was obtained in the common schools, and at Meriden, New
Hampshire, and in 1876 he entered Dartmouth College, where he graduated in
1880. After this he spent 2 years in the Harvard Law School. In September,
1882, he came West and located at Topeka, Kansas, where he was soon after
admitted to the bar and where he entered upon the practice of his
profession, remaining there until 1887, when he came to Kansas City. Both
by natural and acquired ability is he fitted for the legal profession, and
his ability together with his close application soon gained for him high
standing among the leading members of the bar in this city. In 1888 he
formed a partnership with F. W. Griffin, under the name of Hayward &
Griffin, which existed until November, 1893, when it was dissolved, and
since that time he has practiced alone.
Mr. Hayward was married in 1884 to Miss Kate S. Davis, of Galesburg,
Illinois, and their union has been blessed in the birth of 3 children -
Charles D., Margaret and George M.
Mr. Hayward is Republican in his views, and, while he has always taken a
laudable interest in public affairs, he has never been an office-seeker,
nor has he ever allowed his name to be used in any campaign, his whole
time and attention being given to his profession. He and his wife are
members of the St. George's parish, Episcopal church, and he is vestryman
in the same. Thus, in brief, is outlined the life of one of Kansas City's
prominent lawyers and most worthy citizens.
Deputy county clerk, Independence, Missouri, dates his birth in the
neighboring state of Illinois. He was born in Ottawa, LaSalle county,
January 1, 1855, 9th in the family of 11 children - 5 sons and 6 daughters
- of B. T. and Margaret (Reynolds) Phelps. B. T. Phelps was of Virginia
birth, born in Bedford county in 1810, while his wife was born in
Kentucky. In 1882 he came with his family to Independence, Missouri, and
here passed the closing years of his life and died, his death occurring
June 1, 1895. Mrs. Phelps survives him and still makes her home in this
James L. Phelps was reared and educated in Ottawa and is a graduate of the
high school of that place with the class of 1874. After completing his
high-school course he took up the study of law, and in 1878 was admitted
to the bar. From that time until 1885 he made his home in Arkansas and
Kansas, practicing law in Newport, Arkansas, and Atchison, Kansas, and in
the last named year removed to Independence, Missouri. Here he was for a
time employed by different abstract and loan firms, gained a wide
acquaintance and soon became a favorite among the people with whom he had
dealings. In January, 1889, he was appointed marshal of the court of
appeals in Kansas City, which position he ably filled until January, 1895,
and since then has been chief deputy in the office of the county clerk at
Mr. Phelps was married in Independence, August 7, 1883, to Miss Nellie
Gregg, a native of Jackson county, Missouri, and a daughter of Samuel and
Maria (Bryant) Gregg, now residents of Independence.
All his life Mr. Phelps has taken a deep and enthusiastic interest in
political affairs, always affiliating with the democratic party. While a
resident of Atchison he was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace,
which he filled most acceptably; and indeed all his services in the
various positions which he has occupied have ever been characterized by
fidelity and efficiency. He has been a member of the Christian church
since 1889, and since 1892 has been a deacon in the church.
Who is now living retired in Lee's Summit, has long been identified with
the history of Jackson county, and has taken an important part in the
development and upbuilding of the locality with which he has been
connected. True to all the duties of public and private life he has so
lived as to command the confidence and respect of all, and now is his
declining years has the high regard which should always accompany old age.
He was born on the 3rd of February, 1813, in Worcester county, Maryland.
His father, William Dryden, was a native of that state, born in 1783, and
is a son of William and Rachel (Morgan) Dryden. The grandfather also was
born in Maryland, and descended from one of four brothers who came from
England at a very early day. William Dryden, the father, removed to Ohio,
in 1813, taking up his residence in Adams county, where he made his home
until his death, which occurred in 1858. He married Nancy Newton, who was
born in Maryland in 1793, a daughter of Levin Newton, who was born in
Maryland and was of English lineage. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dryden
also was celebrated in the native state, and the latter died in 1886. They
had 6 children - Isaac N.; Thomas G., Maria Louisa, Samuel, Mrs. Sarah
Morgan and William H. C.
Our subject is the only surviving member of the family. During his infancy
his parents removed to the Buckeye state and in Adams county he was reared
and educated. The wild scenes of frontier life thus early became familiar
to him and he aided in the arduous task of developing a new farm. At the
age of 19 he began farming on his own account and has since been dependent
upon his own resources, so that whatever success he has achieved in life
is due entirely to his own efforts.
In 1839 Mr. Dryden was united in marriage with Elizabeth Ellis, a native
of Brown county, Ohio, and a daughter of Samuel Ellis, who served in the
war of 1812, and removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio during his boyhood.
Mrs. Dryden died in 1860. In the family were 9 children, 5 of whom reached
maturity; Samuel, now a merchant of Lee's Summit; Isaac N., who was killed
at the battle of Chickamauga, when faithfully defending the union cause.
He enlisted in the 24th Ohio volunteer infantry as a private, but his
ability and meritorious service won him promotion and he rose to the rank
of captain, in which capacity he was serving at the time of his death. He
was then but little more than 21 years of age and was a brilliant young
man. Maria Louisa is the wife of W. H. Pittinger. Sarah Arabella is the
widow of James F. Shepherd. Thyrza A. is the wife of John Munns, of
Prairie township.
Mr. Dryden became a resident of Missouri in October, 1865, and after
spending one winter in Blue township, Jackson county, removed to Prairie
township, where he purchased an improved farm. Shortly afterward he sold
this property and purchased a tract of unimproved land in the same
township, to the improvement of which he devoted his energies. He followed
farming exclusively as a life work, and placing acre after acre under the
plow transformed his land into a valuable and productive farm. He is a
self-made man in the best sense of that oft misused term, and energy,
perseverance and capable management have been the important factors in his
success, securing to him a competence which now enables him to live
In May, 1889, Mr. Dryden was united in marriage with Elizabeth Ellis, a
native of Brown county, Ohio, and a daughter of Samuel Ellis, who served
in the war of 1812, and removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio during his
boyhood. Mrs. Dryden died in 1860. In the family were 9 children, 5 of
whom reached maturity; Samuel, now a merchant of Lee's Summit; Isaac N.;
who was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, when faithfully defending the
union cause. He enlisted in the 24th Ohio volunteer infantry as a private,
but his ability and meritorious service won him promotion and he rose to
the rank of captain, in which capacity he was serving at the time of his
death. He was then but little more than 21 years of age and was a
brilliant young man. Maria Louisa is the wife of W. H. Pittinger. Sarah
Arabella is the widow of James F. Shepherd. Thyrza A. is the wife of John
Munns, of Prairie township.
Mr. Dryden became a resident of Missouri in October, 1865, and after
spending one winter in Blue township, Jackson county, removed to Prairie
township, where he purchased an improved farm. Shortly afterward he sold
this property and purchased a tract of unimproved land in the same
township, to the improvement of which he devoted his energies. He followed
farming exclusively as a life work, and placing acre after acre under the
plow transformed his land into a valuable and productive farm. He is a
self-made man in the best sense of that oft misused term, and energy,
perseverance and capable management have been the important factors in his
success, securing to him a competence which now enables him to live
In May, 1889, Mr. Dryden was united in marriage with Martha Elizabeth
Bush, a native of Callaway county, Missouri, and a daughter of William F.
and Lydia Jane (Cheatham) Powell, the former a native of Maryland and the
latter of Kentucky. Mr. Powell was born in 1813, and during his boyhood
days came to Missouri, where at the age of 21 years he was married. His
first wife having died he was again married, at the age of 25, to the
mother of Mrs. Dryden. They always lived in Callaway county, Missouri,
where Mr. Powell followed farming. Their family numbered 4 children, 3 of
whom are now living, namely: Mrs. Dryden, Lemuel F. and Mrs. Lydia J.
Thomas. The first named was born December 15, 1840, and by her first
marriage had 2 children - Sallie J., now the wife of Charles R. Curry, and
Lemuel J. Bush.
In 1845 Mr. Dryden became a member of the Masonic fraternity, but is now
dimitted, and in the same year united with the Christian church. In
politics he has been a stanch republican since the organization of the
party, is deeply interested in its growth and success, and served as
delegate to its conventions at a time when it was a dangerous thing to
announce one's self as an advocate of republican principles. He was also
president of the vigilance committee at an early day. Fearless and
outspoken in defense of what he believed to be right he has ever been the
champion of the poor and friendless, the down-trodden and oppressed, and
his generous, kindly nature has won recognition in the friendship of many.
There is no business man in Kansas City that stands higher in the esteem
of his fellow townsmen that Mr. Reed, who is now serving in the capacity
of postmaster. A man of strong convictions, he is positive in his
character and of incorruptible integrity. A useful, intelligent citizen,
he justly takes rank among Missouri's leading and representative men and
has been an important factor in the business interests of Kansas City. His
career has by no means been an uninterrupted era of prosperity. He has had
many difficulties to overcome and in his early years received few
advantages, and after his father's death was largely thrown upon his own
Mr. Reed was a native of Jackson county, Michigan. He was born on the 26th
of August, 1847, and is the only son of Thomas H. and Mary (Wilcox) Reed,
natives of New York. The family from which he descended was early founded
in the Empire state, where was established in pioneer days a colony which
located what was known as the Reed's farm. James Reed was a captain in the
French and Indian war, and served as quartermaster in the revolutionary
war. The father of our subject was a farmer by occupation, and in 1840
came to the west, taking up his residence in Jackson county, Michigan,
where he built a log cabin, in which Kansas City's present postmaster
first opened his eyes to the light of day. The father soon afterward
embarked in the mercantile business at Leslie, which he carried on
continuously until his death, which occurred in 1866. In this enterprise
he achieved moderate success and his entire attention was devoted to his
business interests. His wife died in 1893.
Mr. Reed of this review was reared in the rural districts of Michigan,
taking advantage of such opportunities as came in his way; but these were
somewhat meager. He attended a country school, preparing himself for
college as well as he could, and in 1864 entered the University of
Michigan. He was, however, unable to pursue a continuous course. On his
father's death he was obliged to lay aside his text-books and care for the
business interests of his mother. Subsequently he re-entered school and
was graduated with the class of 1872. He then studied law for a year, and
in 1873 came to Kansas City and was admitted to the bar, where he
practiced his profession, very successfully, for some time. He was and is
a close student and possesses the keen discernment, analytical mind and
sound judgment which insure success to a member of the bar. While
practicing his business lay largely in the direction of real-estate law,
and he invested considerable sums of money for both eastern and western
capitalists in real estate. This led to a familiarity with the real-estate
market, and from time to time Mr. Reed made judicious investments and now
owns and controls extensive property interests in Kansas City. He has been
very successful in his business endeavors and has accumulated a
Mr. Reed has taken an active part in politics, though never seeking
office. In May, 1894, he was appointed to the position which he now fills,
and has discharged his duties with a promptness and fidelity that has won
him high commendation. He is connected with various benevolent,
charitable, literary and social organizations. He was a charter member of
the Humane Society, and is a member of the Kansas City Benevolent Trust
association, and the Children's Free hospital. He is a man of broad
sympathies and quick to respond to a story of distress or need.
In 1869 Mr. Reed was united in marriage with Miss Laura Coates, daughter
of the late Colonel Kersey Coates. Since the latter's death, Mr. Reed has
been associated with J. L. and A. C. Coates in the management of the
extensive property interests of the estate, including the erection of the
new Coates house, one of the most renowned hotels of the West. He has
always been an officer of the Coates House Management Company, the Coates
Estate Hotel Company, and the Coates Opera House Company, and is also
president of the Forest Hill Cemetery, entirely directing and controlling
its policy.
In the subject of this sketch is found an enterprising and thoroughgoing
man, and one who, as superintendent of the streets of Kansas City, has
proved himself to be the right man in the right place. In this connection
some personal mention of him will be of interest, and a brief sketch of
his life is as follows:
Thomas A. Dodds was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, February 15, 1855,
son of Thomas and Nancy (Stewart) Dodds. Both the Stewart and the Dodds
families have long been residents of America, their arrival here being
prior to the Revolutionary period. Some of the ancestors of our subject
were soldiers in the Revolution. Thomas Dodds was a farmer and
tobacco-buyer, passed his life in Ohio, and died in that state about the
year 1857. His widow survives and is now a resident of Kansas City. Thomas
A. Dodds, our immediate subject, is one of their family of 2 children, the
other being deceased. In his native county he spent the first 17 years of
his life, receiving a limited education in the common schools and learning
the trade of harness-maker. This trade, however, he never followed. In
1871 he and his mother removed to Osage City, Kansas, where he was
employed as superintendent and general manager for the Carbon Coal &
Mining Company, at Scranton, Kansas. Subsequently he became manager of a
hardware store, where he remained thus occupied until 1883, when the
company removed to Kansas City. On taking up his abode here Mr. Dodds
turned his attention to the real estate business, which he carried on
successfully several years. He was for one year in the employ of the
Armour Packing Company. In April, 1894, he was appointed to his present
position, that of superintendent of streets, by Mayor Webster Davis. The
push and enterprise which characterized his labor in other lines stands
him in good stead here, and in this responsible position he is rendering a
high degree of satisfaction. Politically, Mr. Dodds has all his life been
a staunch Republican and has taken enthusiastic interest in public
affairs, but has never been an office-seeker. He maintains a membership in
the Elks and the National Union.
Mr. Dodds was married May 5, 1881, to Miss Mary Bethel, a native of
Newburg, Indiana. But their happy married life was a brief duration,
ending with her death in 1884. She left a little daughter, Eva B.
Who is successfully engaged in the practice of medicine at Lee's Summit,
is one of the worthy citizens that Kentucky has furnished to this county.
He was born near Bardstown, Kentucky, March 10, 1827, and is the 7th in
order of birth in a family of 11 children. His paternal grandfather,
Robert Strother, was a native of Virginia, and removed to Kentucky before
the beginning of the 19th century. He located near the present site of
Louisville, which at that time, however, was little more than a frogpond.
Subsequently he removed to Barren county, where he spent his remaining
days. Two of his sons were soldiers in the War of 1812.
The father of our subject, John Dabney Strother, was a native of Culpeper
county, Virginia, but was reared a farmer in Kentucky. He was a
self-educated man and the success of his life was the reward of his own
labor. He started out for himself as a farm hand, working for $8 a month,
and while thus employed he was one day accosted by General Lucas, who
asked him if he would accept a position as deputy sheriff. Mr. Strother
answered in the affirmative and served in that capacity and as high
sheriff of Nelson county for 12 years. He was also offered an excellent
position by the governor of the state, but declined.
He married Nancy Ann Slaughter, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of
Robert and Catherine (Pendleton) Slaughter. In the 18th century they
removed to Kentucky and became pioneer settlers of Nelson county, making
there a permanent location. Mrs. Strother was reared and married there,
and they began their domestic life in Bardstown. An aunt of our subject
became the wife of Judge Carpenter, and another married Captain Matthew
Duncan, of the United States army, both gentleman of considerable
prominence. The Doctor's parents continued their residence in Bardstown
until called to the home beyond. In politics the father was an old-line
Whig, and in religious belief he was an Episcopalian. His death occurred
in 1850, and his wife passed away in 1839. To his children he gave good
educational privileges, and of the family of 11 sons and daughters all
reached years of maturity. Elizabeth became the wife of Enoch Hinton -
both deceased - and had 2 children. Mary became the wife of Henry
Glasscock, of Paris, Missouri, and had 5 children. The parents are both
deceased. Margaret, living in LaRue county, Kentucky, is the widow of
William Slaughter, and has 5 children. Sarah is the wife of Frank
Bealmean, of Lee's Summit. Robert is a physician of Kentucky. Maria D. is
the deceased wife of William B. Howard. Dr. William is the next younger.
Emily is the widow of Charles Cowherd, of Kansas City, and has 3 children.
Ben H., of Kansas City, married Miss Frances McCawley, of Washington, DC.,
and they have 4 children. Catherine is now deceased. Dr. John D., now
deceased, married Miss Esther Elliott, of Kentucky, and they have 2
children. Two sons served in the civil war, Dr. Robert Strother having
been a surgeon in Genral Bragg's command, while Dr. John D., was surgeon
of the first Arkansas regiment, and was at the 1st battle of Manassas.
Dr. Strother of this review completed his literary education in St.
Joseph's college, of Bardstown, and afterward read medicine with his
brother Robert. He was graduated in the medical department of the
University of New York City with the class of 1851, and began practice in
his native city, where he remained for a year. During the following
quarter of a century he was a prominent and successful physician of
Bullitt county, and the year 1876 he spent in practice in Texas. He then
returned to Bullitt county, and in 1882 came to Jackson county, having
since made his home at Lee's Summit, where he is engaged in the practice
as a member of the regular profession. He served for five years as
visiting physician of the Jackson county asylum and poor farm, and for one
year was the resident physician there.
In May, 1855, the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Julia Sanders, a
native of Bullitt county, Kentucky, and a daughter of Josseph and Susan
(Sommers) Sanders, both of whom are deceased. The lady was born August 29,
1836, and died July 9, 1885. The Doctor and his wife had become the
parents of 10 children, 9 of whom reached adult age. Mary Elizabeth is the
wife of J. C. Fields, of Lee's Summit. Dr. Joseph S. married Miss Mattie
Cowherd, of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and they have 2 children, Edmund and
Julia. John D. is an attorney at Blue Springs, Missouri. Lillian is now
deceased. George B. married Miss Nannie Parks, an attorney of Belton, and
has 2 children, Bessie and George. William Howard married Miss Mussie
Parks, lives at Wakefield, Kansas, and has one child, Duvall. Ben
Slaughter, who is engaged in the real-estate and insurance business in
Kansas City, married Nellie Whiting. Samuel B. is an attorney at Kansas
City. Juliette completes the family.
The Doctor is a stalwart democrat, unswerving in his support of the
principles of the party, and doing all in his power to promote its growth
and insure its success. His skill and ability in his profession have
brought to him a liberal patronage, while the social qualities of his
nature have gained him many friends.
Is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Jackson county, dating his
residence here from 1854. For many years he was connected with the
agricultural interest, but is now living retired.
He was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, October 3, 1820, and belongs to
one of the old Virginia families. His grandfather, William Jones, was a
native of the Old Dominion, and in pioneer days removed to Kentucky. He
served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, valiantly aiding in the
struggle for independence. The father of our subject, Joshua Jones, was
born in Wayne county, Kentucky, and when a young man left home, removing
to the western part of the state. He was married in Mercer county, to
Nancy Sanders, a native of Fauquier county, Virginia, and a daughter of
Olmond Sanders, who went to Kentucky in an early day and spent his
remaining years there. Mr. and Mrs. Jones began their domestic life in
Mercer county, and then removed to Washington county, but later returned
to Mercer county, where the father died in 1857. He was a soldier of the
War of 1812. His wife long survived him and passed away in December, 1892.
She was a member of the Baptist church, and a most estimable lady. In
their family were 5 children, namely: William S., Mrs. Martha Bull, Mrs.
Sarah Robertson, Mrs. Lucy Huffman and James Harvey Jones.
Our subject was the eldest. He was born in Mercer county and spent his
childhood days in that county and in Washington county. The common schools
afforded him his educational privileges and after laying aside his
text-books he learned the black-smith's trade, which he followed for
several years. He also carried on agricultural pursuits, and in order to
secure a home removed to Boyle county, Kentucky. As a companion and
helpmate on life's journey, Mr. Jones chose Miss Jemima Best, and the
wedding was celebrated in 1842. The lady was born in Garrard county,
Kentucky, and was a daughter of Banks and Elizabeth (Heptonstall) Best,
both natives of Virginia, and early settlers of Kentucky. Their last days
were spent in Mercer county, where the father died in 1853, the mother in
1860. They had 13 children, but only 3 are now living, namely: John, Mrs.
Jones and William. The grandfather, Caleb Heptonstall, was a soldier of
the Revolution. Mrs. Jones was born February 20, 1824, and proved to her
husband a faithful companion and helpmate. Their family numbered 5
children, who are yet living.
The record of the family is as follows: Mary E., the eldest, is the wife
of Hiram G. Townsend, of Kansas City, and they have 2 children, Maud and
Blanche. John W. married Eliza Ritter and lives in Prairie township. Ada,
Wallace, Thornton, Lester, Walter and Marian are their 6 children. Nannie
E. is the wife of Burwood Brown, of Washington township, and they have 4
children, Mabel, George W., Maud and Harrie. George Alfred wedded Mary
Jones, and with their 3 children - William R., Minnie Lee and George A.,
-- they reside in Prairie township. Minnie Lee, the youngest of the
family, is the wife of James Bengers, of Kansas City, and they have 3
children - Maud, Margy and James L.
After his marriage, Mr. Jones carried on farming in Boyle county,
Kentucky, in 1854, when he came to Jackson county, Missouri. For 45 years
he has lived either in Lee's Summit or within 3 miles of the town except
during the period of the war. In the Fall of 1861 he joined Captain
Duncan's company of Colonel Rosser's regiment and participated in the
siege of Lexington. Being taken ill he was sent home on a furlough, after
which he went to Upton Hayes' camp, and in the battle of White Oaks was
wounded by a minie ball which entered the right breast, penetrated the
right lung and came out under the shoulder blade. His wound forced him to
remain at home until the next spring, at which time he was taken prisoner
and sent to Kansas City, where he was incarcerated for some time. When he
was given his freedom, as he could not stay in Jackson county, he went to
New Mexico with a freighting train owned by George Bryant. While on this
trip war order No. 11 was issued, and his family was obliged to leave
Jackson county, Missouri, where they remained until the Fall of 1866. In
December, 1863, Mr. Jones returned and after much search secured trace of
this family. When he again returned to his farm he found everything in a
dilapidated condition, for ruin and devastation had followed in the wake
of the armies. He now owns 250 acres of valuable land in Prairie township,
all highly cultivated, but during the past 6 years he has lived retired,
leaving the development of his farm to others, while with a comfortable
competence he is resting in the enjoyment of the fruits of his former
Mr. Jones and his wife are members of the Baptist church of Lee's Summit,
in which he has served as deacon and trustee, but has not resigned.
Socially, he is connected with the Masonic fraternity, the Knights of
Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In politics he has
always been a stalwart democrat and has served as school director. The
greater part of his time and attention, however, have been devoted to his
business interests, which well managed, have brought to him a handsome
return. He is public-spirited and progressive, aiding as he can in those
enterprises which are calculated to promote the general welfare and build
up his community.
Is more than a physician and surgeon: he is a scientist, who in his
investigations has given to the medical profession many valuable truths.
His practice, crowned with excellent success, places him at the head of
the medical fraternity in Kansas City and all acknowledge that his
position of eminence is justly merited.
Dr. Wainright was born in Lewis county, Missouri, July 11, 1858, and is a
son of Daniel T. and Amanda F. (Agee) Wainright, both of whom were natives
of Virginia. The father descended from Huguenot ancestry, while the mother
was of English lineage. Throughout the country, Daniel T. Wainright has
traveled as a minister of the Methodist church, south, devoting his entire
life to the work of Christianity and to the uplifting of his fellow men.
He has established many churchs in northern Missouri, and after a long and
useful life is now living retired in Newtonia, Missouri, at the age of 84
years. His wife was called to her final rest in 1889, but her memory
remains as a blessed benediction to those who knew her. Their family
numbered 10 children, 9 of whom are living, namely: Mrs. Jennie Boston, of
Newtonia, Missouri; Mrs. Julia King, of that place; William M., a
Methodist Episcopal minister, of Carthage, Missouri; George R., of Kansas
City; Thomas, who is engaged in the banking business in Monett, Missouri;
Dr. S. H., a missionary in Japan, where he has been stationed 7 years;
Mrs. Sallie Burk, of Miami, Indian Territory; and Dr. Wainright, of this
Our subject is indebted to the public school system and to the Monticello
Seminary for a liberal literary education, and at the age of 18 years took
up the study of medicine. It is said that success awaits every individual
if he will but enter the field of labor for which nature designed him and
continue faithful therein; and if success be any criterion, nature
certainly intended that C. F. Wainright should be a physician. He was
graduated at the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis, and immediately
entered upon the practice of his profession in Shelby county, this state,
where he remained for 8 years, during which time he seved as coroner, and
was also secretary of the Shelby County Medical Society. He has always
been a student of his profession, and in order to fit himself still more
perfectly for his life work he took a course in the Bellevue Hospital
College, of New York City, at which institution he was graduated in 1889.
A broader field of labor being offered him in Kansas City, Dr. Wainright
removed to this city in January, 1890, and was soon established in a large
general practice which has proved the ladder on which he has climbed to
eminence. There is no profession which offers better opportunities for a
successful career and none in which success depends more upon the merits
of the individual. In 1891 Dr. Wainright was elected to the chair of
professor of clinical medicine and physical diagnosis in the University
Medical College, which position he still occupies. He is also professor of
physiology in the Scarritt Training School; professor of anesthetics in
the Western Dental College; professor of the principles and practice of
medicine in the Woman's Medical College, and is consulting physician in
All Saints Hospital, Scarritt Hospital, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad
Hospital and the Missouri Pacific Railroad Hospital. He also serves as
medical examiner for various insurance societies, including the Bankers'
Life of Kansas City, the Bankers' Life of Des Moines, the Bankers' and
Merchants' of Chicao, the Endowment Bank of the Knights of Pythias
fraternity, and the Knights and Ladies of Honor.
Dr. Wainright is an honored and valued member of various medical
societies, is a member and one of the founders of the Academy of Medicine,
which was organized in his office in March, 1891, and which is recognized
by the profession as one of the best societies in the United States. He
also belongs to the Jackson County Medical Society, is corresponding
secretary of the Missouri State Medical Society, is a member of the
American Medical Association, and of the District Medical Soceity.
Socially he is connected with the Knights of Phythias fraternity, the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a Scottish-rite or 32 degree
In the autumn of 1882 was celebrated the marriage of Dr. Wainright and
Miss Ella C. Parsons, a native of Shelby county, Missouri. They have 2
daughters - Helen and Alice. The Doctor and his wife are members of the
Methodist Episcopal church, south, and in politics he is a democrat. His
record entitles him to a prominent place in this work, for his life is an
example of the power of patient purpose and resolute working, and
illustrates in no uncertain manner what it is possible to accomplish when
perseverance and determination form the keynote of a man's life. The
spirit of self-help is the source of all genuine worth in the individual,
and as exhibited in the lives of many it constitutes the true source of
natural strength.
One of the leading layers of the Kansas City bar, has attained eminence in
his profession, and an honorable place among his fellows. He has a well
balanced judgment and possesses strong analytical and logical reasoning
power. He delves deep in legal science in the endeavor to bring to light
new facts and principles, and is thoroughly versed in his chosen calling,
a fact which has placed him in an honorable and foremost position among
the members of the fraternity in Jackson county.
Mr. Lyman is a native of New York City, born December 1, 1853, and is a
son of Henry and Ellen Lyman, also native of that place. The father was a
contractor and builder who enjoyed a very extensive trade. Under the
parental roof our subject was reared to manhood, and in the metropolis of
the east acquired his literary education, being graduated at Manhattan
College with the class of 1874. The same year he was admitted to the bar,
and at once established an office in New York, where he remained as a
legal practitioner until 1885, coming thence to Kansas City.
In the 10 years of his residence here Mr.Lyman has succeeded in building
up a large practice, and in 1890 was assistant prosecuting attorney under
H. M. Withers, serving until the term of the latter expired in 1891. In
the Fall of 1890 Mr. Lyman was elected to the state legislature, where he
served during the regular session and in the extra session of 1892. During
both terms he served as chairman of the committee on appropriations, and
was a useful and valuable member of the house, so ably representing his
constituents that in 1892 he was elected to the state senate, his term
expiring in 1897. He is chairman of the committee on railroads and a
member of the committee on appropriations, also a member of the judiciary
committee and several others. He introduced and secured the passage of the
appropriation bill for the Missouri exhibit at the World's Columbian
Exposition, also introduced the first appropriation bill for the state
militia that had been passed since the war. He was largely instrumental in
having the present election bill passed, and has been very active in both
houses, proving a good officer and laboring earnestly for the welfare of
the general public.
In politics, Mr. Lyman is a stalwart democrat, deeply interested in the
success of his party, and as a campaign speaker his services are much in
demand. He is an orator of superior ability, both on the political
platform and before judge and jury, and the standing that is accorded him
in his profession well indicates superior merit.
Superintendent of the Kansas City workhouse, is a native of Tuscarawas
county, Ohio, born September 14, 1833, and is a son of Seth and Rachel
(Jackson) Brant. Among his ancestors on both sides were numbered heroes of
the Revolution. The father of our subject was a native of Pennsylvania,
the mother was a native of Virginia, and from the same family to which she
belonged was descended the brave and intrepid Stonewall Jackson of the
Confederate service. Both the Brant and Jackson families were founded in
Ohio at a very early day and the maternal great-grand-father secured from
the government a tract of land which he afterward distributed among his
children. His son, Thomas J., always lived upon this grant. The ferry at
Wellsville, Ohio, was established by a member of the Jackson family, and
is still operated by one of his descendants. The great-grandfather Jackson
was taken prisoner by Big Foot, an Indian, just as Poe was approaching
with his party. A tomahawk was thrown which broke his shoulder, but he
outran the Indian and found protection in Poe's escort.
Familiar with the experiences of pioneer life in Ohio, Seth Brant, the
father of our subject, also became a frontier settler of Indiana, casting
his lot with the early settlers of Owen county. There he spent his
remaining days, and his death occurred in 1853. By occupation he was a
farmer and followed that pursuit as a means of livelihood throughout his
entire career. His family numbered 4 children who grew to maturity: the
Major, whose name heads this sketch; Rev. J. E., Margaret J. and Thomas
J., who is cashier of a bank in Utica, Nebraska.
Major Brant was reared in the state of his nativity and acquired the
greater part of his education in the public schools, but also pursued his
studies for a short time in the University at Greencastle, Indiana. He
afterward engaged in teaching in Lancaster, Indiana, for awhile. He had to
give up a cherished plan of securing a collegiate education on account of
the death of his father, and soon after he left Indiana and came to
Missouri, arriving in this state in 1857. Here he located in Macon county,
and opened the Bavier coal mines on land which he had purchased, taking
the first coal from this mine. Subsequently he removed to Mercer county,
Missouri, where he engaged in farming and merchandising near Pleasanton,
until the breaking out of the civil war. He also engaged to some extent in
dealing in stock, doing quite a profitable business along this line. He
would take stock in exchange for merchandise and drive them to Westport,
where he would sell to freighters.
Immediately after the breaking out of the civil war, Mr. Brant enlisted in
the first Iowa militia, in April, 1861, and was elected first lieutenant
and afterward as captain of the company. He served the three months term
of enlistment, and then went to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he joined the
service as a private of the 5th Kansas cavalry, in which he remained for
little more than 3 years. He was the first sergeant of his company,
afterward was made first lieutenant, and gallantly participated in all the
battles of his regiment. He had a shoulder broken while on skirmish duty
by his horse falling. When his term as a cavalryman had expired,
Lieutenant Brant re-enlisted in the Hancock veteran corps in 1865, and for
another year remained at the front. There were 16 men in this company,
including Mr. Brant, who had been officers, yet would not accept any
official position in the company, caring not for the insignia of rank and
content to faithfully perform their duty as loyal defenders of the old
flag and the cause it represented, having only the approval of their own
After 5 year of faithful and meritorious service, Major Brant returned to
Missouri to find that he had lost all of his earthly possessions, and that
he must begin life anew. He located in Lexington, Missouri, where he
carried on a livery stable for a time and subsequently a grocery store.
During his residence there he was marshal and collector of Lexington for 4
years. In the Fall of 1876 he came to Kansas City, where he engaged in the
dairy business, which he carried on for a few years, when he purchased the
broken down plant of the Kansas City Oil Company and began business, under
the name of Brant & Son Oil Company. After successfully managing the new
enterprise until 1890, he sold out to Sutton Brothers. Once more he
resumed the livery business, which he conducted for about 3 years, when,
in April, 1894, he was appointed to his present position and has since
been the efficient superintendent of the Kansas City workhouse. He has
planned a new building, which is now under course of construction, and
planned after the manner of his suggestions, and will be one the best
equipped and most substantial city buildings imaginable.
Major Brant is one of the well known and prominent men of Kansas City. He
is a valued member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Grand Army of the
Republic, and is now serving as commander of McPherson post. His interest
in military affairs has never abated, and he was one of the organizers of
Company A, the largest company in the third regiment of the Missouri
national guards. For several years he was in command of the company, which
was excellently drilled, as he was a splendid disciplinarian.
In 1857 Major Brant was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Fairleigh,
by whom he has had 3 children, -- all deceased. He is a popular citizen, a
gentleman of courteous, genial and kindly manner, and his circle of
friends is limited only by the circle of his acquaintances.
Has for nearly half a century maintained his residence in Independence,
Missouri, and is therefore entitled to rank foremost among its pioneers.
There are now only 11 men living in this city and township who were here
when Dr. Henry came to Independence in the Spring of 1849.
James P. Henry was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, June 29, 1819, and
when small removed with his father's family to Harrison county, that
state, where he was reared. Jesse Henry, his father, was a man of local
prominence in his day. For some 20 years he served as sheriff of Harrison
county, his home during this period being in Cynthiana. In 1845 he left
his Kentucky home and came over into Missouri, first making settlement in
Booneville, and a year later removing to Independence, where the closing
years of his life were passed and where he died in the Spring of 1852. He
was one of the first mayors of this city. His wife, the Doctor's mother,
was before her marriage Miss Nancy Porter. She died in Independence in the
year 1876. In their family were 6 children, 3 sons and 3 daughters - James
P., being the eldest.
He received an academic education at Cynthiana, and was there deputy
sheriff under his father for several years. Later he filled the position
of deputy clerk of the circuit and county court for about 2 years in
Harrison county. Then he took up the study of medicine, at first in
Cynthiana and subsequently in the Transylvania University at Lexington,
Kentucky, where he graduated in the Spring of 1843. After practicing one
year in Cynthiana he came, in October, 1844, to Missouri, locating at New
Franklin, Howard county, where he remained 5 years, or until his removal
to Independence in the Spring of 1849. Since that date he has been a
constant practitioner. At this writing he is regarded as the oldest
practicing physician in Jackson county; and throughout his whole residence
here he has in many ways been prominently identified with the best
interests of the city. For about 10 years he was the regular attending
physician at the county asylum and for a number of years was one of the
curators of the orphan asylum of Kansas City, having been appointed to the
latter position by Governor Woodson.
Dr. Henry is a man of family. He was married in Clark county, Kentucky, in
April, 1845, to Miss Eleanor Smith, a native of that county, and to them
were born 2 children - Mary E. and Charles M. Charles M., died in
Independence, January 17, 1895. He was for many years deputy recorder in
Kansas City.
Early in life Dr. Henry was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry,
and has been a Royal Arch Mason since 1845.
Judge of the circuit court, and one of the most eminent representatives of
the bench and bar of Missouri, now living in Kansas City, is a native of
Kentucky. He was born in Cynthiana, Harrison county, January 27, 1825, and
is a son of Jesse and Nancy (Porter) Henry, who were also natives of that
His father was a very prominent man, being recognized as a leader in
public affairs, and for many years served as sheriff of Harrison county,
while his business energies were directed toward merchandising. In the
Spring of 1845 he came to Missouri, locating in Boonville, but about 3
years later he went to Independence, where he spent his remaining days,
his death occurring in 1852. His wife survived him about 15 years. They
were both members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and people of the
highest respectability. Their children numbered 6, three of whom are now
living, namely: James P., a physician of Independence, Missouri; Mary T.,
wife of J. Brown Hovery, once a prominent lawyer of Kansas City; and John
The paternal grandfather of the Judge was Watson Henry, a native of
Virginia, who in the pioneer days of Kentucky settled in that state. He
reared a large family and lived to an advanced age. The maternal
grandfather of our subject, Andrew Porter, spent his entire life in
Kentucky, and engaged in business as a millwright.
In the state of his nativity the Judge was reared to manhood and acquired
his education. Early in life it became his desire to enter the legal
profession, and at the age of 16 he took up the study of law, being
graduated in the law department of the Transylvania University before he
had attained the age of 20 years. He is a man of broad mind, of keen
discrimination and quick perception, -- qualities which are very essential
to the successful advocate. Being fitted for active practice, he at once
entered upon the prosecution of his chosen profession, with which he has
since been connected. As an advocate he was thorough and painstaking,
laboring earnestly for his clients' interests. He seemed intuitively to
recognize the important points in a case and give them their proper weight
and argument, and he won many important cases. His professional career has
always been connected with Missouri. He continued in general practice
until 1875, when he was made judge of the circuit comprising Macon,
Schuyler, Adair and Putnam counties, Missouri. He was on that bench from
1872 until 1877, when he was elected to the supreme bench, and served 10
years. In 1887 the Judge came to Kansas City, and since 1889 has occupied
the position which he is now creditably and acceptably filling, that of
judge of the 16th judicial circuit. He has a mind particularly free from
bias and from impetuosity. His decisions are the results of careful, calm
deliberation, of thorough weighing of the evidence and of the law
applicable to it. He rarely if ever makes a mistake, and his long
connection with the bench, covering a period of about 20 years, indicates
his special fitness and the confidence resposed in him. He is indeed a
leader in the profession in Missouri, which has ever stood as the
protector of the rights and privileges of the people of every civilized
nation. He has also served in other official capacities, having in the
winter of 1854 been appointed superintendent of the schools of Missouri.
For 50 years the Judge has been a resident of Missouri, and in the early
days of the history of the state he traveled over 40 counties, making
speeches. He has ever been a promoter of the public welfare, deeply
interested in all that pertains to the upbuilding of the state, and is one
of the most prominent and highly esteemed citizens in all Missouri.
In 1849 was celebrated the marriage of Judge Henry and Miss Maria
Williams, daughter of Frank and Martha (Talbot) Williams. They have 5
children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. Nannie is now the wife of E. C. Johnson,
and they have 3 children, -- Hattie, Henry and Marie. Jesse married Miss
Katie Davidson, and resides in Jefferson City, Missouri, with their three
children - Donald, Porter and Jesse P. Frank, an Episcopalian minister
located at Greeley, Missouri, married a Miss Turner. Robert is serving as
deputy county clerk of Jackson county. Martha died in infancy. The mother
of this family is a member of the Christian church. Their home is located
on Linwood avenue, on the outskirts of the city.
Among those who have passed the center milestone on life's journey,
leaving behind them a career untarnished, is numbered this gentleman.
Almost with the first introduction of civilization into Jackson county, he
took up his residence here. Wild was the land, the forests unbroken and
progress still a thing of the future. Indians frequently visited the
neighborhood and Jackson county was indeed a frontier settlement. In the
labors that have transformed it into its present high improved condition,
with its excellent farms, splendid homes and extensive business interests,
Mr. Boggs has ever borne his part.
Our subject was born in Lee county, Virginia, October 30, 1818, and traces
his ancestry back to colonial days. His grandfather, James Boggs, was a
native of North Carolina and a soldier in the Revolution. The father, John
Boggs, was born in Virginia, in 1771, and in that state was married to
Nancy Wells, who was born in Lee county, Virginia in 1773. In 1822, they
removed to Kentucky, spending their last days in Lawrence county. They had
14 children, all of whom reached years of maturity, namely: James, Hugh,
Mrs. Eleanor Shepherd, Mrs. Phoebe Kendall, David (deceased), Mrs. Nancy
Burton, Mrs. Elizabeth Sparks, William, Mrs. Mary Holbrook, Mrs. Rebecca
Holbrook, John O., Elijah, Mrs. Aurenia Gamble and Mrs. Jemima Gamble. Two
of the sons, William and John, were soldiers in the Confederate army. The
parents were both faithful members of the Baptist church, and Mr. Boggs
took a very active part in its work.
Our subject is the only survivor of the family. On a Kentucky farm he was
reared to manhood and early became familiar with all the labors incident
thereto, but his school privileges were exceedingly meager and he is
principally self-educated. In 1839 he came to Jackson county, Missouri,
and made his home 3 miles North of Lee's Summit.
For 6 years he worked for others and then began trading in the stock
business. In 1849, attracted by the discovery of gold in California, he
crossed the plains with ox teams, leaving Jackson county on the 7th of
May, and arriving at the gold diggings on the 7th of September. He made
the trip in safety and there engaged in trading in hogs, cattle, mules and
horses. In this venture he won considerable success and the following year
he returned home by way of New York.
Mr. Boggs then purchased a farm 3 miles North of Lee's Summit - a tract of
wild prairie land on which stood no house or other improvement. He has
killed deer all over this prairie and has seen here the Shawnee, Wyandotte
and Delaware Indians. For some years after locating on this farm, Mr.
Boggs did his own housekeeping as well as farm work. The labor of
cultivating the farm was carried steadily forward until the once wild
lands yielded to him a good return.
After a time he secured as a companion and helpmeet on life's journey Mrs.
Peace McGuire, nee Kennedy, a widow lady and a native of Kentucky. They
were married in 1857, and her death occurred at Lee's Summit, March 26,
1876. By her 1st marriage she had 2 children: Eliza, now the wife of James
Inskip, of Kansas City, by whom she has one son, William; and Paulina,
wife of Joseph M. Cooper, of Kansas City, who has 3 children - James,
Walter and Peace. Mr. Boggs reared and educated his wife's daughters. He
was again married January 7, 1877, his 2nd union being with Mrs. Elizabeth
Crane, widow of Dr. Crane, of Ashland, Ohio. She was born in the Buckeye
state, and died March 25, 1895.
Mr. Boggs was living upon his farm when the war began. He had over 300
acres of land, all fenced, owned a few slaves and was doing well, but both
armies invaded this region and from his farm took whatever they desired.
Fences were torn down and it seemed that ruin reigned in the neighborhood.
Our subject entered the Confederate service and participated in the battle
of Lone Jack. He then went South, joined Captain Longhorn's company, which
formed a part of Colonel Upton Hayes' regiment and Shelby's command. He
was afterward commissioned captain, was assigned to Colonel Slayback's
regiment, and was in the commissary department. He took part in the battle
of Prairie Grove and in the campaign against the Red river expedition of
General Banks, also the engagement at Mark's Mill, where over 1,500
prisoners were captured. He was all through the Arkansas campaign and in
the various battles and skirmishes until the surrender of General Shelby
at Shreveport, Louisiana. He next went to Baton Rouge and drew rations for
the regiment at that place and St. Louis. He assumed command of the
regiment after General Slayback went to Mexico, and returned home with and
disbanded the troops. He was never wounded or captured, but returned to
his farm to find that the labor of years had been all swept away, the
crops used for food for the armies and the fences and houses burned to the
With characteristic energy Mr. Boggs began again the work of making a good
farm, erected new buildings and continued the improvement until 1873, when
he sold out. He is still engaged in the stock business and was also for a
time engaged in selling dry goods.
Politically, Mr. Boggs has always been a democrat, has frequently served
as delegate to the party conventions and has been deeply interested in the
success of the democracy. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, and his
religious beliefs is that of the Baptist church, in which he has served
both as trustee and clerk of the congregation at Lee's Summit. He has been
called to public office on various occasions, having been constable of
Prairie township, and a member of the city council of Lee's Summit. He has
also been mayor of the city and for 20 years was Justice of the Peace. He
has allowed nothing to interfere with his faithful performance of duty,
and his public and private life are alike above reproach.
One of the ablest representatives of the medical profession in Kansas
City, is a native of Ohio, born in Dresden, February 15, 1840, son of
Ezekiel and Rebecca (Bryant) Carter, who were natives of Parker county,
Virginia. The father of our subject was a farmer by occupation and he
removed to Columbus, Indiana, in 1850, at which place his death occurred
in 1873. Mrs. Carter died in 1856. They had a family of 8 children, 4 of
whom are living, our subject being their youngest child. He was reared on
a farm, and in the common schools and the high school of Indianapolis he
obtained a good practical education.
In 1857, when 17 years of age, he began the study of medicine, first under
a preceptor and afterward at the Kentucky School of Medicine at
Louisville, at which he graduated March 1, 1861. Immediately thereafter he
located at Lawrenceville, Illinois, where he practiced till July 6 of the
same year. At about that time, the war feeling was running pretty high and
Doctor Carter's pariotism manifested itself by making speeches to
encourage enlistment in a company that was raised in the neighborhood. He
had volunteered himself, and when the company was made up he was elected
captain by a unanimous vote. The Illinois quota of this call was filled,
and the company could not at this time be mustered into service. Captain
Carter at once telegraphed Governor “Dick” Yates that he had 110 men and
asked for instructions. Governor Yates ordered him with the company to St.
Louis, where, August 8, they were mustered into service, as Company C,
11th Missouri infantry, Captain Carter being mustered as commander of the
company. His regiment was actively engaged throughout the war,
participating in 19 hard-fought battles without receiving a scratch; but
upon one occasion his hat was shot from his head and his sword broken by a
piece of shell. On the 24th of April, 1864, his company having become
greatly decimated by death and capture, it became necessary to consolidate
it with Company G, 7th Missouri infantry, when Captain Carter resigned his
Upon his return to civil life he resumed practice at Lawrenceville, where
for 22 years he lived attending to the demands of his practice, and for 12
consecutive years of the time was public administrator of the county, and
for 4 years Justice of the Peace. Since settling in Kansas City he has
been actively engaged in the practice of his profession and has built up a
large and lucrative business. He is now professor of diseases of children
n the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kansas City, having been called
to the chair in September, 1894.
A republican in politics, he was a member of the city central committee
from 1888 to 1894. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges,
becoming connected with both orders in Illinois in 1865; was connected
with the grand lodge of the I.O.O.F. of Illinois for 12 years; a member of
the grand lodge of Masons of Illinois for 18 years; was an officer in that
body from 1878 to 1884; and has been secretary of Heroine lodge, No. 104,
A. F. & A. M., of this city since 1890.
Dr. Carter was married January 24, 1865, to Miss Kate J. Feagans, a native
of Virginia, of which union 2 children were born, one living - Bertha H.,
wife of B. W. Walley, of Kansas City.
In both professional and social circles, Dr. Carter is prominent, being
widely known as a Mason throughout the country, and as a physician he
ranks with the ablest.
Editor and manager of the Daily and Weekly Sentinel, Independence,
Missouri, was born in 1850, at Tazewell, located between Cumberland and
Clinch mountains, in east Tennessee. He has been connected with the
Sentinel since 1887, and manager and editor of the same since 1890. The
Sentinel is a Democratic paper and in favor of free coinage of silver, is
now in its 13th year, having been established in 1865, and is one of the
best known weekly papers in the state. Mr. Southern is averse to making
business changes and will doubtless retain control of the Sentinel as long
as he lives.
Mr. Southern came to Missouri in 1870. In 1874 he went to Texas and
engaged with a corporation by which he was employed for 13 years. During
that time he returned to Independence and married Miss Emma Henley,
daughter of Alonzo and Elizabeth Henley.
Editor and proprietor of the Independence Progress, Independence,
Missouri, as a gentleman well known in western Missouri, and needs no
introduction here.
As early as 1832 Mr. Webb's grandfather, Larkin Webb, came from Giles
county, Tennessee, to this state and settled in Jackson county. About a
year later he purchased land on the Sni creek, in the northern part of Van
Buren township, where his closing years were spent, and where he died,
leaving a widow and family of small children. His son, Andrew Jackson
Webb, the father of our subject, was born in Giles county, Tennessee,
July, 1831, and was therefore only a year old at the time of their
emigration to Jackson county. At his father's death Andrew J. was yet a
mere boy, but upon him devolved the principal care and support of the
family, and he provided for them as best he could as long as his mother
lived. He was married in 1855 to Miss Sarah Ann Lynch, a native of Platte
county, Missouri, born in 1832. Soon after their marriage he purchased a
tract of new land in Van Buren township, built a cabin on it, settled
there and devoted his energies to the improvement and cultivation of his
farm. He still makes his home on it. During the civil war he was a soldier
in the Confederate army and served under General Shelby, being in the
ranks about 3 years. He and his wife are the parents of 5 children,
namely: William Larkin, David R., Mary E., George A. and Midian M.
William Larkin was born on his father's farm January 12, 1856, and made it
his home until 1891, being absent, however, much of the time. After
completing his studies in the common schools he attended the normal school
at Warrensburg, Missouri, and the William Jewell College in Liberty, this
state, and after leaving college was for some time engaged in teaching,
spending his winters in the schoolroom and his summers in work on the
farm. Also he served as deputy assessor of Van Buren township. In the
summer of 1887 he was appointed by President Cleveland to the position of
United States gauger for the western district of Missouri. This office he
filled for about one year, when he resigned. In the summer of 1888 he was
nominated for the state legislature, to represent the first district, and
in the Fall of that year was elected by a large majority. In 1890 he was
re-elected. While a member of that honorable body he rendered able service
on a number of committees, among which were the emigration committee,
internal improvement committee and the committee on local bills: of the
first named he was chairman.
In 1891, at the close of his 2nd term in the legislature, Mr. Webb came to
Independence and assumed the editorship of the Independence Progress. A
few months later he purchased a half interest in the paper, still a few
months later bought the other half, and has since been sole owner and
proprietor. The Progress is a bright, and proprietor. The Progress is a
bright, neat and newsy sheet, has a circulation of about 800, and under
the present management is enjoying prosperity. The Progress is a bright,
neat and newsy sheet, has a circulation of about 800, and under the
present management is enjoying prosperity. Mr. Webb takes an active
interest in all that pertains to the public good. He is public-spirited
and generous, and can be depended upon to aid with his influence and means
any movement which promises to advance the best interests of his town. In
his religious views he is broad and liberal. Politically, he has always
acted with the democratic party. He is a member of both the Masonic order
and the Knights of Pythias, maintaining membership in Christian lodge, No.
392, F. & A. M., and Rescue lodge, No. 3, K. of P.
March 15, 1894, in Independence, he was married to Miss Mabel Brown,
daughter of the late Dr. J. T. Brown, of this city, where she was born and
The life history of him whose name begins this review most happily
illustrates what may be attained by faithful and continued effort in
carrying out an honest purpose. It is the story of a life whose success is
measured by its usefulness, and it furnishes an example of a man who has
risen by his own efforts to a position of prominence in the profession
which he chose as the field of his life labor.
Dr. King is numbered among the native sons of Missouri. He was born in
Macon county, near where the little town of Callao now stands, on the 21st
of December, 1839. His parents were William and Lucy King. The mother in
her maidenhood also had the surname of King. By their respective parents
they were both brought during their infancy from Madison county, Kentucky,
to Missouri, in the year 1816. This was during the territorial days of the
state, when Missouri was a frontier region and gave little promise of
development. Situated thus on the far western frontier - at old Franklin,
in what is now Howard county, opposite the present day of Booneville - the
parents of the Doctor were reared in true pioneer style and had the usual
experiences of life in far western districts. The following winter after
their arrival the King families had to seek protection in forts on account
of the incursions of the Indians. The years passed and the two little
cousins, William and Lucy King, grew to maturity and were married in 1834.
After the Indians had been driven from the country the families removed to
the vicinity of the present village of Armstrong, between Glasgow and
Roanoke. There were born to Mr. and Mrs. William King a son and daughter.
With their little family they afterward removed to Macon county, a new
settlement, and again went through the experiences of pioneer life, its
hardships and privations.
Something of the primitive condition of the times and locality is shown by
the fact that until the Doctor was 10 years of age there was no
schoolhouse in the neighborhood. Up to that time he had no mental training
save that which his home life afforded. The people of the community were
not a highly education class. They were more intent on founding homes and
developing this wild region that in gaining knowledge. There were no
newspapers and no books. About 1849 a little log schoolhouse was built and
therein the Doctor began his education, attending school through the
winter months for 3-4 years. This, however, did not content him. With a
mind that sought eagerly after better opportunities he made the most of
his privileges, but found these far too limited, and his unsatisfied
craving for learning caused him to run away from home when 14 years of age
that he might go to localities where there were good schools.
He worked for farmers through the summer months and in the winter pursued
his studies as well as he could. The obstacles and difficulties in his
path he overcame by persistent effort, pressing his way on to the goal of
his hopes. When the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad was being built he
worked in the pit with the construction gangs, driving a cart, for he was
too young to use the shovel and the pick. He hoarded his money, spending
not a cent that he could help, for he wished to save it for an education.
After a time he returned to Howard county - to the old neighborhood, where
his parents had lived - and entered school; for Howard county had by this
time (1856-1858) become an old community compared with Macon county, and
good schools have been established. Dr. King once more resumed his studies
and attended and taught school alternately until 1861. In that year he was
teaching in Pettis county, Missouri, south of the river.
One of the most important events of his life occurred in that year - his
marriage to Miss Albina Hoss, of Pettis county, who was then a maiden of
16 summers, while the Doctor was little past 21 years of age. Soon after
he took up the study of medicine, which he pursued in the intervals of
school teaching for sometime. At length he entered the St. Louis Medical
College, and after his graduation in 1866 went at once to Vernon county,
in southwest Missouri, where he practiced for 2 ½ years. In November,
1868, he removed to Nevada, the county seat of Vernon county, where he
remained for 6 years, and during that time further perfected himself in
his chosen profession by pursuing a full course in Bellevue Hospital
Medical College, New York, in the winter of 1870-1, an ad-eundum degree
being conferred upon him in March, 1871. In November, 1874, he removed to
Sedalia, Missouri, wishing for a broader field of labor, where greater
opportunities would be afforded him for the practice of surgery and
genecology, for which departments of the science he was specially fitted.
He is extremely competent along these lines and had gained a most enviable
In 1875 Dr. King was made a local surgeon of the Missouri Pacific
Railroad, and has ever since been in the service of the company. In 1884
he went to New York, where he took a post-graduate course in the
polyclinic, and again in 1889-90 and 1890-91. In 1885 he was appointed
assistance chief surgeon of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and was put in
charge of the Sedalia (now Kansas City) division of the hospital
department, and in charge of the hospital of said division, then located
at Sedalia. In 1888 the hospital was removed to Kansas City, and the name
changed to the Kansas City division. This embraces about 3,000 miles of
The Doctor is a valued member of various medical organizations. He has
served as president of the Pettis County Medical Society; was president of
the Missouri State Medical Association in 1881 and 1882, and senior
vice-president of the American Medical Association in 1890 and 1891. For 3
years, beginning in 1881, the Doctor was the lecturer on diseases of women
in the medical department of the Missouri State University; for 4 years he
held a similar connection with the University Medical College, of Kansas
City; for 2 years he lectured on orthopedic surgery in the same college;
and for the past 3 years he has been the lecturer on railway surgery. He
is a fluent and forcible speaker, presenting his thoughts in a clear,
concise and interesting, as well as instructive manner. His contributions
to medical literature have also been of great value to the profession.
Among them is an article entitled “Ligation of Common and External Carotid
and Superior Thyroid Arteries for Aneurism of Internal Carotid within the
Brain: Recovery;” also an article on “Wiring the Fractured Symphysis
Pubis, Supplemented by a Steel Clamp.” He is also the author of a book of
400 pages entitled “Stories of a Country Doctor,” 10,000 copies of which
have already been published.
Of Kansas City, president of the National Reserve Association, is one of
the most prominent and popular insurance men of the west. He was born in
Amboy, Lee county, Illinois, June 1, 1863, and is a son of Warren Clark
and Nancy (Ives) Sears, the former a native of Massachusetts, born at
Greenwich, on the 1st of August, 1834. In his earlier business career he
followed banking and afterward turned his attention to merchandising. He
served as a member of the state militia during the civil war, and is still
living at Burlington, Kansas, at the age of 61 years, while his wife has
reached the age of 57. There were only 2 children in the family, and the
sister died in 1880, at the age of 22 years.
Mr. Sears descended from 1 of the heroes of the Revolutionary war, and is
a representative of 1 of the oldest families of New England. The founder
of the family in America was Richard Sears, who crossed the Atlantic from
England about the year 1644. His son Silas became the father of Josiah
Sears, and the last named was the father of Roland Sears, whose son,
Freeman Sears, aided the colonies in their struggle for independence. His
son, Andrew Turner Sears, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was a
native of Massachusetts, and there spent his entire life. The maternal
grandfather of our subject, Almond Ives, was a soldier of the war of 1812,
and his father, Enos Ives, also aided in that struggle which was followed
by the establishment of this glorious republic.
The gentleman whose name introduces this sketch spent his boyhood days in
his native city and displayed special aptitude as a student in the public
schools, being graduated at the high school of Amboy, at the age of 14
years. He then accompanied his parents on their removal to Burlington,
Kansas, and through the following summer attended the Coffey County
Institute, while in the succeeding winter, having secured the
highest-grade teacher's certificate, he taught school. He has always
maintained his interest in educational affairs and is himself a man of
ripe scholarship and broad general information, who has read extensively
and is thoroughly in touch with the questions of his native land.
Since 1880 Mr. Sears has been a resident of Kansas City. He first sough
and obtained employment in the wholesale drug house of Woodward, Faxon &
Company, and after leaving that employ engaged in business for himself as
a real-estate and insurance agent. His energies were devoted to that
vocation until 1891, when in connection with other prominent businessmen
of Kansas City he organized the National Reserve Association, of which he
has been president from the beginning. This is a fraternal life insurance
company, and has some very noteworthy features. It differs from any other
fraternal organization in providing against excessive cost in any one year
by placing a limit thereon, and by securing protection through a reserve
fund. Its certificates are paid up and non-assessable in 20 years. These
features, combined with the low rate of mortality, have made the company
strong and popular under the guiding hand and careful management of Mr.
In 1883 was celebrated the marriage of our subject and Miss Marie E.
English, of Cincinnati, Ohio. They have an interesting family of 2
children - Warren Frank, aged 10 years; and Helen Clara, who is 7 years of
age. Mr. Sears is prominent in social circles, is an honored member of the
Odd Fellows society and the Knights of Pythias fraternity, and is a 32nd
degree Mason. In manner he is social and genial, easily wins friends and
his genuine worth enables him to retain them.
A well-known physician of Kansas City, whose skill and ability are
demonstrated by his successful practice, was born on the 10th of May,
1857, a native-born son of this place. There is particular interest
attaching to the fact that he thus belongs to the city where he has lived
and labored to good result, gaining that honor which is proverbially
denied to a prophet in his own country. That there is intrinsic truth in
the adage of experience is evident, since it is never so difficult for one
to gain distinction as in the community where he has passed his entire
life, and where, from the consecutive phases of development, rarely
noticeable in their transitions, it is well nigh impossible for the people
to realize the superior ability of one from their ranks. It is then
significant that in Jackson county Dr. Lester is accorded a marked
recognition as a foremost medical practitioner.
A son of Dr. Thomas B. Lester, he was born, reared and educated here, and
was graduated at the high school of Kansas City. From his earliest boyhood
he was familiar with the profession, his father being a well-known
physician; and it seemed but natural that his choice of calling should be
what it is. He began the study of medicine under his father's direction
when young, and after pursuing a course in the Kansas City Medical College
was graduated at that institution in 1879. The following year was spent in
study in the Bellevue Hospital, in New York. Returning to his native city
on the 9th of July, 1880, he at once began practice, while he has
continued up to the present time, building up a very large business.
Although a young man he today ranks among the foremost of the profession.
He has been president of the Jackson County Medical Society for 1 year -
an honor justly deserved. For 6 years he served as demonstrator of anatomy
in the Kansas City Medical College, and was then lecturer on, and
subsequently made professor of, anatomy, and professor of diseases of
children in the same institution, filling the latter chair at the present
time. He has been connected with this college continuously since 1881. He
was professor of the Kansas City Dental College for 5 years, when he
resigned owing to the arduous demands made upon his time by his private
practice. He is a member of the Jackson County Medical Society, the
Academy of Medicine, the Missouri State Society, and the American Medical
Association. He is alternate examiner for the New York Life Insurance
Company, and by the profession and the public is accorded a high rank in
medical circles. His political support is given the Democratic party.
Deceased. It has been left to modern civilization to perpetuate by written
record the lives of those who in the quieter walks of business life
faithfully perform their duty and win success. Deeds of battle have been
the theme of story and song from the earliest ages, but the man who
remained in the ranks of commercial or professional life, performing each
day's work as it came to him and thus promoting the general prosperity,
was unnoted by the singer, poet and historian. Modern civilization,
however, accords to all their rightful place in their country's annals,
and Macaulay says that the history of a country is best told in the lives
of its citizens.
Dr. Lester occupied an eminent position in medical circles and did much
for the profession by his valuable contributions to the medical literature
of the country. It is with pleasure, therefore, that we record a sketch of
his life work. He was born in Charlotte county, Virginia, June 24, 1824,
and was a son of Bryan W. and Elizabeth (Friend) Lester. The family
emigrated to Illinois in 1835, and in Salem, that state, in September
1837, both parents died, leaving him an orphan at the early age of 13.
Thus thrown upon his own resources and forced to make his own way in the
world, the success he achieved was a doubly creditable one. His elementary
education was acquired in the common schools, and subsequently he attended
the Mount Vernon Academy and Shurtleff College at Upper Alton, Illinois.
In the Fall of 1841 he began the study of medicine under the guidance of
Dr. M. W. Hall, of Salem, Illinois, and attended his first course of
medical lectures in the medical department of the Missouri University, now
the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis, during the session of 1845-6.
During that time the Mexican war was in progress, and in the spring of
1847 a second call for Illinois volunteers was made, to which Dr. Lester
responded, becoming a member of Company I, first Illinois infantry, at
Alton. On the arrival of the regiment at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the
regular medical staff failing to report, he was detached and appointed
acting assistant surgeon, a rank he held until he was mustered out at the
close of the war. From Fort Leavenworth he accompanied the battalion
commanded by Lieutenant Boyakin across the plains to Santa Fe, New Mexico,
where Brigadier General Sterling Price was in command. In December, 1847,
he was put in charge of the general hospital at this point, and in
February following was transferred to a similar position at Albuquerque,
where he remained until the close of the war.
Upon his return, Dr. Lester once more entered the medical department of
the Missouri University, and was graduated in the class of March, 1850,
whereon he formed a partnership with Dr. A. F. Haynie, and earnestly began
practice in Salem, Illinois. While residing there he was married, on the
4th of June, 1850, to Miss Julia Ellen Horner, of Lebanon, Illinois, and
their 3 children are Dr. Charles H., of Kansas City; Mrs. George Peake;
and Mrs. Dr. J. H. Thompson.
Dr. Lester came to Kansas City in 1854, and cast his lot with its early
settlers, numbering at that time only about 400 population. Until his
death he was actively identified with the city's upbuilding and progress
and was especially instrumental in promoting the interests of his
profession here. At the organization of the Kansas City Medical College,
formerly the College of Physicians and Surgeons, he was elected to the
chair of principles and practice of medicine, and in 1877 was made
president of the faculty. His services in the early day were required by a
mixed population - men of culture from the east who had sought homes here,
the adventurous emigrants crossing the plains and the Indians who still
lived in the neighborhood, who called him “the great white medicine man.”
He was president of the Medical Association of Missouri in 1870, several
times served as a delegate to the American Medical Association, and was
vice-president at the time of his death. He was ever a close student,
carrying his investigations far and wide into the mysterious realms of
medicine and disease, and elucidating many of its mysteries. He was one of
the most capable and thoroughly informed members of the profession west of
the Mississippi, and his contributions to medical journals were many and
valuable. He was the author of a valuable treatise on “Points of Analogy
between Typhoid Fever and the Exanthematae, -- an argument in favor of its
specific nature,” which appeared in the Kansas City Medical and Surgical
Review in July, 1860; “Malarial Poison and the Variety of its
Manifestations,” published in the Kansas City Medical Journal in August
and October, 1871; and the “Chronic Pulmonary Consolidations of
Inflammatory Origin, and their Termination,” which was read before the
Kansas City District Medical Society in January, 1875. As a writer he was
precise and methodical, and as a lecturer ready of speech, clear and
Socially, Dr. Lester was in 1848 initiated into Military Lodge, U. D., of
the Masonic order, at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and served as worthy master of
Heroine lodge, No. 104, of Kansas City. His early political support was
given the whig party, with which he affiliated until 1856, when he joined
the democracy, continuing as one of its members until his death. He served
as alderman of Kansas City in 1857-8, and in the latter year was president
of the council. From 1867 until 1870 he was a member of the board of
education, and then declined a renomination, for his professional duties
were too pressing to allow of further efforts in public life.
His duties, however, were never so great but that he had time to speak a
word of encouragement to the downhearted, to give substantial aid to the
poor and needy, or to extend a helping hand to those who were struggling
to rise. He was especially the friend of young medical students, and did
all in his power to aid their advancement in the profession. In manner he
was always genial and kindly, but possessed a modest and retiring
disposition. For many years he was one of the most active and faithful
members of the Central Presbyterian church of Kansas City, and from 1867
until his death served as senior elder, while to its support he made
liberal contributions. His public and private career were alike above
reproach, and his eminent professional standing was equaled by his high
moral character.
Shortly after coming to Kansas City he had purchased an acre of ground
south of 6th street and extending from Main to Walnut streets. In 1858 he
built the house afterward known as the Grand View Hotel, on the high bluff
overlooking Main street, and in 1859 erected the old family mansion on the
southwest corner of 6th and Walnut streets, which was long one of the
landmarks of the city. This eventually became very valuable property, the
rapid growth of the city causing a corresponding rise in real estate
values. His profession also brought to him a handsome competence, but the
monetary question was ever made a side issue when his medical services
were needed, and he would as readily respond to a call from one where he
knew there was little hope of pecuniary reward as from one who would give
him ample return for his labors. He died February 24, 1888, in the 64th
year of his age.