Maple Hill Cemetery Transcription
Maple Hill Cemetery
Kansas City, Kansas Photographed by Jane Owens, transcribed by Johnna Quick. This is only a small portion of the cemetery, for more burials please contact the funeral home at this page: Maple Hill Funeral Home AKERD David A 1848 1917 ALBRIGHT Elizabeth 7/23/1891 10/5/1984 Mother ALDWELL Esther 2/22/1882 7/9/1956 ANGELL Clyde W 1896 1937 ARMSTRONG Benjamin J Co E 13 IND Cav ASHBAUGH Walter, Elsie & Emery Children of CW & E AURA John E 1899 1958 John 1863 1909 Johny Jr. 1896 1897 Clara B Aura Mann 1905 1980 Arthur W 1893 1914 Ella 1865 1958 Mother Albert L 1890 1928 Husband BARGER Malissa A 1/11/1845 2/22/1907 James V 2/26/1842 7/19/1923 BARNETT Margaret 1900 1919 BATH J A 7/3/1873 9/2/1939 Carrie 9/26/1863 8/5/1938 BAUSWELL Alb’t W Co K 7 MO Cav BEARD Thomas J Co D 2 US V Inf BECK Ambrose W 1856 1917 Laura S 1861 1918 BERRY Francis J 1861 1918 BIRT Florence L daughter of ES & E 2/28/1872 3/25/1885 Edwin husband of E 7/23/1831 5/12/1893 BLATCHLY Oscar P 5/27/1850 2/11/1937 Fannie A 5/24/1855 6/19/1921 BOEHM John R died 9/30/1903 aged 52 yrs BOGARD Joseph Co G 135 ILL Inf BONDURANT Verne A 4/17/1894 11/15/1930 Kansas Pvt Cas Det 425 Demob Gp WWI BOOKOUT Francis Marion 9/9/1833 5/17/1925 son of Wright and Sarah (Black) Bookout Amanda wife of FM daughter of Dr. Tillett of Kentucky 2/23/1841 11/9/1904 BORGSTEDE John Henry 1855 1918 Father William John Henry 1886 1933 Son Louise M 1856 1934 Mother BORING Chester E 9/22/1908 10/16/1917 John W 7/24/1911 11/21/1922 BOWEN Baby 2/17/1898 2/21/1898 Philura 9/29/1875 12/21/1901 BROOKS Thomas died 2/14/1894 aged 27-2-? Joseph B 1885 1969 Audrey B. wife of Joseph 1886 1969 BROWN Thomas V died 11/14/1941 Arkansas Band Sgt 1 Engrs 1 Div Charles G 10/12/1841 7/30/1905 BUNTON Elizabeth died 12/11/1911 aged 71 years BURGESS Peyton died 2/5/1907 aged 51 yrs CASHNER James W 1846 1932 8th OH Battery Laura I wife of James 1847 1923 WRC No 177 CHILDS Arthur W 1882 1918 Son Mary 1860 1930 CHISAM Joe A 18?? 1913 Sarah wife of Joe 1842 1933 CHRIST Austin 1862 1901 Ernestine Small 1933 COATS J P 1837 1912 CONNOR James 1849 1915 COPELAND Patricia Ann (Shirley) 5/19/1948 5/17/2002 CORRELL S R 1817 1918 Father CROSECLOSE Brown 1887 1918 DECKER Henry 1862 1939 Father Marie S 1861 1926 Mother Louise S 1881 1902 Daughter DIMMITT Ruth G 10/2/1893 2/15/1959 DRENNEN Myrtle Dudley 1899 1918 DUBACK William O 1905 1966 Brother Lillian A 1905 1928 Sister DUKE Sergt John H Co H 13 W VA Inf DUNN C M 1854 1928 EVERSOLE Floyd L 5/24/1906 12/11/1920 Flora A 3/17/1861 5/10/1944 Mother Wm. V 11/4/1859 1/28/1946 Father FAIL Christine M (Darnell) 1909 1996 Married 1926 J Truman 1907 1964 son of Albert Hugh & May Fail FARMER Bessie M 1889 1975 Mother Jane Lee 1944 1945 Baby FETTER Jacob Co E 19 IA Inf FLOYD Warner T 2/21/1877 8/22/1901 Orrilla S 11/20/1853 3/30/1955 Mother FORD Joseph L 1870 1927 Husband Bertha L 1877 1958 Wife FORREST Frank R 1845 1922 Corp Co P 192 PA Inf FOSTER George W Co I 39 IA Inf FREEBURG Eva Belle wife of JO Freeburg 9/18/1918 GAGNEUR Joseph died 3/6/1917 aged 32 yrs Son GARDNER Rev. Simon A 1876 1932 Father Clara M 1875 1953 Mother GEBHART Hazel L 1894 1957 Hurley F 1889 1942 GILLMORE Myron 1841 1918 Flora E 1847 1929 GILMORE Gem 3/13/1880 5/5/1899 GLENN Viola Julia 1/22/1917 2/27/1917 GOFF George W 1857 1947 Father Ella R 1871 1921 Mother GRAY Edward 1893 1918 James 1890 1918 GREENUP Malinda J 8/18/1847 3/18/1923 GREGORY G W died 9/21/1904 aged 44 yrs GROSCHE Ida L 1917 2004 Daughter Emma A 1889 1974 Mother Adolph E 1889 1932 Father HALE Chas T 12/8/1881 8/5/1900 Ben F 2/8/1853 3/24/1923 Arzona 1/19/1864 6/11/1927 Frank 1896 1918 HARDINE Benjamin G 1866 1941 HARROW Sadie J 10/31/1875 3/27/1949 Joseph 1830 1906 Father Sarah E 1833 1916 Mother HAVLICEK Agnes 1880 1950 Wife Joseph 4/13/1863 5/3/1917 Vaclav W 2/9/1867 11/30/1952 HAYES Harry 1860 1920 HEATHERTON Richard N 3/8/1916 5/23/1999 US Navy WWII Harry N 1887 1971 Hattie C 1888 1980 William D 1859 1919 Father Jennie 1865 1944 Mother HERRING John W Co H 50 ILL Inf Josephine Slagle Herring 1861 1935 HESTER Ida A 1863 1917 Mother HOERNER Josephine 8/8/1909 10/16/1918 HOLLAND Robert W 1887 1905 C C "Bud" 1856 1931 Father Hannah F 1858 1945 Mother HOLMES Alexander C 1869 1918 HOWARD Harry 1899 1918 HOWE May 1887 1918 Sister HUNT Corp Wesley Co C 102 ILL Inf HUTCHINGS Edna R 1903 1919 JACKSON Martha 1875 1920 JAMES Thomas 1856 1917 JONES Abner Co F 91 ILL Inf Lillian 1897 1918 KELLY William E 1880 1914 George W 1882 1950 Florence L 1864 1914 Julian M 1855 1932 KLEPPE Fannie Glasgo 1877 1937 Mother KNOWLES John 5/10/1863 3/25/1917 Husband Jessie Boyer 11/17/1861 5/19/1935 Wife Jessie 5/19/1893 10/4/1896 KOENEMAN Willie 8/16/1879 5/3/1903 KOONTZ Jacob Co B 160 Ohio N G Inf KRETSINGER Baby no dates KUNKEL George A 1866 1944 Father Ida May 1871 1930 Mother LANIER Mary 1903 1952 LEWIS Olia 12/28/1861 9/7/1917 LINDQUIST Robert E 1935 1937 LOCKE David William 12/25/1848 3/21/1929 Father Isabelle 4/21/1856 1/7/1920 Mother LOCKHART Belle 1870 1960 Mother Ed 1868 1931 Father MABIE Corpl Levi Co A 13 IA Vet Inf MABRY George O 1886 1962 Father Minnie D 1883 1951 Mother Ethel I 1905 1920 Daughter Mayetta 1871 1961 Mother Joel 1861 1937 Father MAUL Lillie M 1879 1940 Mable 1907 Baby Edward H 4/28/1878 10/25/1968 MAXSON Ernest L 1890 1956 Mary Etta 1869 1956 Mother Lawton L 1859 1925 Father Mary E died 5/4/1902 aged 72 yrs Corpl. Lorenzo Co F 102 ILL Inf McCLELAND Florence M 1866 1913 Geo. R 1868 1946 McGIRK Mother 1862 1922 Hazel 8/16/1892 12/28/1919 MEANS Emma 1882 1916 Millard Guy 1881 1975 Isabel 1894 1975 MESSIMER David W 4/15/1860 4/20/1918 MEYN Lottie O 1897 1942 Dorothy K 1914 1968 MOORE Clarence A 1875 1934 Lois H 1877 1965 Sophia 1852 1917 MORRIS Chastine L 5/21/1863 6/9/1918 MOSS Miss Susie born 1/27/1874 death date sunk below ground MULLEN Marg. M 1865 1932 Mother NEEDELS Mary E 1890 1918 Mother NORTON Mary 1882 1918 Mother ORUP Elizabeth 1879 1931 Mother OWENS Leah 1836 1917 Mother PARTONNAR Geo. P 1840 1918 Father Margaret 1845 1928 Mother Anna B 3/16/1869 2/8/1897 Daughter Mary 1873 1913 Daughter PETERSON Isaac 1838 1900 Father Sarah 1844 1918 Mother PETZOLD Julius 8/25/1887 5/1/1922 Husband Alex 1862 1946 Anna 1866 1926 PEUGEOT George F 1848 1923 Iora Lee 1866 1938 PHILLIPS Iva Ruth (Schierbaum) 1900 1980 POLLIE Mary Warren 1875 1955 RAGLAND Hazel 1895 1938 REYNOLDS George J 1845 1917 Father Maria A 1855 1918 Mother RICHEY Sarah E 3/26/1857 3/20/1918 ROBERTS Ethel E 1893 1920 ROBERTSON Lida W 1880 1919 Infant daughter of JA & Ruth no dates ROWE Mary B 6/9/1872 7/7/1896 Sister RUNYAN William C 1855 1920 Husband Mary E 1866 - Wife RUPERT Mary 5/24/1830 11/2/1896 Mother SABLE William F 1854 1944 Father Virginia E 1865 1951 Mother Arista C 1883 1945 Son Jessie 1890 1980 Edna E 1894 1984 SALTS Andrew died 8/21/1917 SANDERS James R 1883 1935 Father Crystal 1892 1986 Mother SCHIERBAUM Russell L 10/16/1902 8/23/1974 C Lucille (Thomas) wife of Russell 11/19/1904 11/18/2000 August Heinrich 5/13/1870 11/12/1951 Lee Roy 9/15/1905 4/17/1981 Sarah Olive (Morgan) wife of Lee Roy 9/11/1910 3/16/1995 SCHOTT Bertha aged 29 yrs SENDEJAS Alice 1865 1928 Mother SERVICE Peter W 1838 1922 Co C 10 KS Vol Inf SHANNON William S 1860 1944 Father Gertrude G 1860 1902 Mother SHARP Stephen Co F 50 ILL Inf SHIRLEY Harold Vernon 5/27/1922 6/22/1987 Patricia Ann (Shirley) Copeland 5/19/1948 5/17/2002 Sarah "Sallie" (Lane) 10/6/1888 7/5/1923 Leonard 7/5/1923 7/6/1923 Raymond L 1920 1921 Leonard W 1935 1936 SHRADER Edna I 3/31/1905 2/16/1979 Beulah May daughter of Mr & Mrs Shrader 6/29/1913 6/23/1917 SLIFFE Dorothy T 11/8/1916 5/19/1917 SMITH Bertha K 1901 1931 Mother Roy 1895 1920 Sibbia A 1876 1926 Mother William H 1866 1949 Father SNYDER P Elmina 1864 1920 Mother SPENCER W H 7/24/1832 4/27/1886 SPRAKER Arminda Jane 1870 1921 Gordie M 1865 1920 STAIR Jacob H 5/9/1856 7/6/1922 Arminda F 9/13/1856 5/2/1917 STEARNS Joel B 1870 1935 Eva L 1880 1952 STEELE Celia 1877 1918 Beverly 1901 1918 STEVENSON Mary Louise 5/1/1854 11/23/1943 William Co G 144 ILL Inf STRONG Otto 1919 1921 Baby Clarence M 1893 1933 SWALLOW Edward W 1862 1929 Lucretia R 1869 1916 TALLMAN Belle 1857 1941 Mother TALMAN Benjamin Co G 13 NY A THOMAS L N 9/16/1880 4/21/1962 Margaret Emma (Brooke) wife of LN Thomas 7/21/1879 1/13/1961 Loree E 1906 1914 Louis Noble 1/26/1908 1/5/1957 TROWBRIDGE Emily A 1846 1922 James F 1839 1916 Herbert R 1865 1933 Father Lillian M 1866 1930 Mother Florence 1873 1944 VANCE Bessie J 1855 1918 William L 1848 1922 VAUGHN William H 1896 1917 VINSOT Albert 1863 1933 Husband Hattie M 1865 1921 Wife VOELTZEL Frida E 9/16/1881 2/25/1883 Louis C G 5/30/1874 7/28/1904 Mother 7/6/1841 11/23/1921 Father 12/26/1843 4/20/1912 WAGNER Blanche 1878 1933 Mother Jesse W 7/14/1892 7/14/1964 Bessie M 11/4/1896 1/24/1973 Helen D 3/4/1914 10/21/1920 Dorcas 3/6/1864 12/19/1959 John 8/18/1848 2/1/1921 WALGREN Charles died 1/17/1908 aged 43 yrs WALTER Oscar F 1872 1905 Father WARRINER Ella Gregory 1888 1968 J Emmett 1898 1973 WEBB Laura B 1851 1921 Mother WELCH R Hugh 1881 1939 America 1/9/1863 2/23/1931 Mother WESTON Minnie L 1886 1918 WILLIAMS Willie 1892 1917 Brother WING Austin E 14 Indpt. Btry. Mich. L. Arty. WISCOSKIE Lena C 2/27/1872 10/12/1939 WOLF John R 1854 1915 WONDERLIN Edwin 1848 1937 Alice 1853 1907 WOOD Thomas C 10/2/1846 9/16/1918 Katura 7/19/1855 3/10/1917 WOODWARD John M 1848 1924 Co G 11 Reg KS Cav Clara K 1859 1940 WORKMAN Gertie 1894 1932 WORTMAN Martha J 1843 1932 Cydnor T 1846 1918
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