Pittsburg Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery Transcription
Pittsburg Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
Walked and transcribed by Johnna Quick in April, 2004
Pittsburg, Hickory County, MO
From Pittsburg, go north on 64 Hwy to county road 306,
then east about a half mile.
Church is on the right.

ALEXANDER- William 11-10-1821 2-25-1898 Husband of Martha T
- Martha T 10-16-1831 1-30-1916
- Andrew 8-4-1871 11-3-1937
- Martha 3-13-1873 4-7-1962 Wife of Andrew
- Talbert H 6-5-1888 7-7-1920
- Martha D 2-3-1869 9-22-1901
- William B 8-14-1869 7-18-1897
- Leona C d. 11-7-1879 age 4y 1m 22d Daughter of Wm and MT
ARENDT- Creighton Newton 5-20-1929 9-15-2002
- Joyce Mary (Land) 3-2-1933-
Married 1-3-1953 Forever and ever
BIGLER- Thomas 9-11-1872 8-25-1958
- Eva 10-26-1877 2-12-1953
- Don 7-22-1925 8-11-1925 Son of Thomas and Eva
BONDS- James M 2-25-1869 12-12-1877 Son of JM and ML
- John W 1-8-1880 9-8-1880 Infant son of JM and ML
- Mary M 9-24-1872 9-16-1873 Daughter of JM and ML
BRADSHAW- Earl Eugene 5-14-1928 9-1-1991 Pfc US Army Korea
- Alta “Goldeva?(Garrison) 7-10-1933 10-10-2003
Wife of Earl Bradshaw Mother of Ralph, Gary, Bobby
- Alta M 5-18-1885 11-1-1914 Wife of JC
- James C 1872-1962
- Amanda L 1892-1969
- Leo James Cpl US Army Korea 4-14-1925 9-26-1994
- Bobby D 1-26-1955 8-19-1972
BRESHEARS- Fannie 12-24-1884 2-25-1962 In memory of our loved one
BURTON- Charles Co K 8th MO S M Cav
CARTER- Maggie Jane 12-16-1880 11-22-1881 Daughter of D and SJ
CASE- Henry C 7-30-1912 2-20-1985 Father
- Betty J 12-13-1924 9-4-2003 Mother
- Favian 10-12-1959 Daughter of Henry and Betty
CHAMBERLAIN- Hal V 7-4-1947 11-26-1981 Son
- Dora L 9-25-1919- Mother
- Dan 11-1-1914 1-11-1994 Father
CHANEY- Derhl O 8-4-1914 1-18-1978
- Marjorie A 2-17-1920
CHAPMAN- Frederick R 1927
- Peggy D 1936-1988
CHILDERS- Eva Leona (Samples) 3-5-1908 8-6-1998
COURTNEY- Elizabeth 2-27-1871 2-14-1880 Daughter of A and C
- Abraham d. 2-5-1894 Age 53 yrs 9mo 3da Co H 13 IND Cav
DAVENPORT- Bertha M 8-1-1897 8-5-1898 Daughter of WL and NJ
DAWSON- David J 7-31-1960 3-16-1983 Son of Dave and Norma
DEGRAFFENREID- Carolyn Sue 3-15-1942 12-29-1946
Daughter of Albert and Bonniegene
DENNIS- John Wm 11-7-1916 5-8-2001
- Bessie Kay (Phillips) 12-3-1920 3-16-2001 Married 5-4-1946
- Alfred L 1875-1886
- Callender L 1832-1887
- Phoebe J 1838-1912
- John P 8-10-1877 10-15-1956
- Helma L 8-30-1881 3-13-1977 Married 12-19-1912 Loves last tribute
- James 1832-1905 Co E 5th Regt TENN Vols
- Martha E Pitts 12-9-1840 2-21-1925 All is well
DORMAN- Dovie Age 5 Granddaughter of Wm and Demire Samples
- Cordelia 5-1-1864 11-8-1889
- Lillie Ann 3-22-1873 9-31-1873 Daughter of EM and PC
- William M 7-23-1876 9-7-1880 Son of EM and PC
- PC 9-19-1850 5-11-1883
- Racy W 4-3-1874 11-26-1960
- Maggie V 1-22-1885 7-11-1959 Mother and Daddy Together always
- William B “Buck? 1-8-1914 4-26-1964
- Wayne 1-9-1913 1-18-1913 Son of Racy and Maggie
- Emma 4-22-1875 1-21-1907
- Eliza 8-12-1901 9-25-1920 Daughter of Emma and Racy
- George M 10-24-1897 11-8-1899
- John A 5-2-1857 4-6-1878
- Unknown 9-25-1882 5-25-1884 stone broken off
- Ellnora (Crawford) 9-28-1873 1-26-1914 Wife of UC
Mother is sweetly resting
- Grant 11-4-1868 1-7-1938 In loving memory by wife Viola
- Jimmie T 8-20-1897 10-12-1898 Son of JC and Ella
- Fena Lou 12-28-1899 10-20-1902 Daughter of JC and Ella
- F Ella 3-11-1867 4-18-1929
- M W 9-2-1820 12-18-1902
- Sarah Jane 1834 1923
DUNCAN- John 11-5-1857
- Rinda 12-24-1818 8-9-1890
FERGUSON- Lillie Ann 7-27-1885 9-12-1886
Daughter of JT and Susan F
- John Calvin 1-22-1879 6-14-1879 Son of JT and Susan F
GENTRY- Frankie 3-5-1881 Daughter of WG and SC
GREEN- Rufus “Bill? 7-23-1923 6-2-1992
GRIFFITH- Glenn Harold 5-24-1900 12-10-1990 “Griff?lt;br>
- Mary Louise (Dennis) 1-31-1914 3-10-1985
I know who holds tomorrow who holds my hand
GRISHAM- Garret L 1-30-1907 3-23-1969
- Leda B 4-4-1903 10-22-1998
HICKS- Alta (Samples) 1889-1909
HOOPER- James A 1867-1949
- Ethel R 1881-1967
- Infant son of Mr and Mrs JA Hooper 1903
- Ina M 9-10-1878 2-4-1963
- Charles 2-9-1872 11-26-1932
- Art L 9-26-1882 1-2-1954
- S C 9-26-1849 11-21-1935
- F J 10-10-1848 12-13-1897
- B H “Bud? 1-7-1885 6-1-1970
- Myrtle E 10-12-1890 6-16-1973
HOUSER- Grover 1-4-1886 10-11-1886 Son of WH and EJ
HULSTON- Fred C 6-15-1914 4-5-1975 S Sgt US Army
- Bonniegene 5-5-1921
IGOH- Mary A 12-25-1832 1-4-1916
INGRAM- Mary C 5-3-1861 2-21-1912
- Aaron C 4-13-1883 5-14-1883 Son of Wm J and KE
- Kindness E 8-1-1833 10-25-1911
- William J 8-7-1845 2-12-1912
- Mrs. C S Wife of J H Matlock
JOHNSON- Tobitha J 10-2-1874 2-21-1902
- William F 9-1-1900 2-21-1902 Son
- John M 3-20-1869 11-13-1942
- Charles L 10-10-1897 6-2-1961
- Bertha M 4-15-1900
JONES- Lucy (Samples) 5-29-1880 9-11-1972
- Glenn P 6-6-1899 1-14-1974
What we keep in memory is ours unchanged forever
KELLEY- Christena C 8-17-1868 8-8-1947
- Frank E 3-15-1859 3-4-1933
- Roy Lee 4-15-1899 6-24-1900
- Willard R 5-8-1924
- Archie R 11-26-1896 4-15-1978
- Tennie I 8-19-1899 4-8-1971
KIMBROUGH- Elsie 8-27-1903 1-3-1907 Age 3y 4m 7d
KINCAID- Jewel Gay 1912-1913
KIRKPATRICK- Elizabeth J 8-19-1826 1-21-1902
- James 7-18-1818 12-22-1888
- William H 5-22-1847 2-3-1875 Son of James and Elizabeth
- Henry 4-29-1897 11-6-1898
- John S 1853-1938
- Sarah Jane 1856-1938
- S E 3-24-1861 12-11-1928
- T H 3-22-1859 3-17-1946 At rest
- Nora 8-8-1879
- Cora 8-8-1879
- Lethie 8-24-1882 2-23-1883 Daughter of TH and SE
- J D 9-21-1881 8-1-1919
- Ethel 6-20-1880 2-28-1904
- Virginia S 2-24-1854 2-17-1901 Wife of AL
- A L 3-27-1850 7-21-1914
- Jimmy 1-18-1878 Age 10m 29d Son of JS and SJ
- Willie 9-26-1873 10-17-1884 Son of JS and SJ
LEA- Infant 1-14-1898 1-20-1898
LIGHTFOOT- Lula M (Pitts) 10-18-1908 12-19-2001
- Virgil F 8-20-1909 2-18-1992 At rest
- Charles M 12-21-1916 2-9-1930
- Wilburn N 10-22-1891 12-3-1951
LIPE- William B 9-21-1909 10-13-1991
- Imogene (Vaughn) 6-12-1915- Married 7-12-1930
- Albert 10-29-1882 8-20-1968
- Laura S 11-5-1885 11-30-1959
MAJOR- Reuben W Jr 7-17-1852 9-21-1895
MALLONEE- Mark Leonard 1-15-1955 7-31-1996 Son HM3 US Navy
- Bernice Lee (Lightfoot) 5-11-1933- “In God’s care?lt;/ul>
MCCOY- Nina 12-10-1902 10-25-1907 Daughter of N and W
- Willard 2-6-1859 6-1-1907
- Nannie 1-20-1864 12-14-1930
Wife of WR Rush “She was good?lt;/ul>
MCGRAW- Laura 1882-1977 “Granny?lt;br>
MILLER- George Civil War
MOULDER- Infant son of AN and S 1-28-1897
NIBLACK- EC 3-3-1883 Son of AE and JN
OWENS- WH 1-28-1872 3-17-1907
- Ernest 9-16-1887 3-20-1896 Son of GT and ME
PARKER- Andrew L 11-19-1908 9-21-1987
- Violet H 7-15-1913 5-29-1976
PETERSON- Helen (Johnson) 12-18-1922-
- Jack 7-19-1909 8-5-1992
PITTS- Roberta Ann (Williams) 9-10-1945- Married 12-21-1963
- Melvin Lee 7-3-1942 4-20-1997
- Coy 4-1-1896
- Ernest R 9-13-1884 10-24-1904
- Annie E 7-8-1860 1-20-1941
- Fountain H 9-6-1857 10-9-1942
- Arthur L 9-16-1882 8-20-1945 Husband of Rowena
- Monroe Soldier, Co G 8th MO S W Cav
- Retha A 11-20-1890 7-30-1927
Mother Gone but not forgotten
- Lonnie 7-27-1884 12-17-1929
Married 10-6-1907 Parents of Lula
- Etta (Richards) 8-7-1887 1-1-1981 At rest
- Margaret E 12-30-1864 12-27-1936
- Andrew J 9-19-1852 2-16-1937
- Nancy K 8-20-1855 12-15-1881 Wife of Andrew
- James M 5-22-1873 Son of Nancy and Andrew
- Albert 5-22-1873 Son of Nancy and Andrew
- Lillie 8-21-1889 10-10-1893
- Emma T 3-1-1864 6-15-1952
- Dee 7-4-1890 11-1952 OKLA CPL Btry E 75 Arty CAC WWI
- John Earl 6-5-1894 2-19-1932
- Lexie M 7-14-1896 12-21-1971
- Kathleen Mae (Durnell) 7-29-1922 10-3-1996 Mother
- Virgil Francis 5-13-1920 6-19-1992
Father Married 9-30-1939 Together Forever
- Harry Lee 9-18-1959- Son
- Alfred 1925
- Barney d. 1-27-1875
- Fount M 5-11-1849 12-4-1916
- Fannie D 11-8-1857 9-15-1931
- Leslie A 2-25-1898 11-5-1966
- Pearl G 4-25-1895 12-20-1995
- Thomas B 5-1810 12-9-1892
- Nancy (Holland) 1772-1876
- Burwell 1772-1855
TENN 3rd Lt. 2 Regt Mtd Inf War of 1812
- John M 5-11-1849 1-24-1859
- Mary P 12-22-1853 6-22-1895
- Rebah E 11-3-1899 10-5-1967 Mother
- Arcie 3-3-1895 7-29-1964 Father
- Marget Dean 12-4-1934
Daughter of Arcie and Rebah
- Leo 8-31-1937 4-11-1965 Son
- Douglas L 3-17-1883 11-25-1963
- Mary E “Macy? 4-10-1888 10-11-1982 Thy will be done
- Elmer T 10-21-1887 10-22-1954
- Icel Byler 8-27-1894 12-5-1930
- Lorna Frances 12-7-1920 Daughter of Leslie and Snowda
- Snowda B 8-13-1899 7-7-1924
- Lois C 3-12-1917 1-31-1997 Precious Lord take my hand
- Leo H 12-11-1921- Married 12-31-1942
RAINES- Dorothy 11-16-1810 4-12-1891
RESER- Infant daughter of Roma and Mary (McCoy) Circa 1930
RICHARDS- Mabel L. (Snow) 1-13-1909 9-4-1999 “Home with the Lord?lt;br>
- Alta 9-12-1886 8-20-1945
- Frank 8-16-1882 3-24-1919
- Charles L 1931 2001
- Mary 1-1-1833 10-21-1900 Wife of Sandy
- Roy 1-20-1895 7-22-1897 Son of BJ and Cora
- R C 2-16-1890 1-20-1964
- Chris 2-1-1880 1-20-1964
- Etta 10-19-1882 12-24-1968
RIMBY- Ida Bell 10-10-1876 4-18-1890
ROBERTSON- Infant son of WJ and Lucy 11-12-1876
- Elmer 4-9-1870 1-19-1873 Son of WJ and Lucy
- Infant 6-5-1875
ROY- Ully 1883 1960
- Dollie C 1884 1970
- Infant 6-5-1875
SAMPLES- Joseph Raymond 9-29-1906 8-7-1990
- TJ 12-8-1879 1-29-1897 Son of Elvirah and EC
- Marion M 1-6-1885 1-18-1885 Son of Elvirah and EC
- Infant son of Elvirah and EC 7-10-1877 7-31-1877
- William 3-13-1822 10-4-1904
- Demira (Warren) 2-15-1832 8-9-1916
- E G 9-24-1888 Son of AB and Emmaline
- S C 10-22-1881 1-15-1883 Daughter of AB and Emmaline
- Avis 1906 1949
- John W 10-14-1872 2-8-1934
- Effie B 11-25-1874 11-21-1956
- Evert L 8-10-1897 10-28-1897
- Arnold W 7-31-1910 11-5-1911
- Elbert 1-6-1875 2-1-1907 Husband of Lucy
- Artie 1-14-1901 12-11-1906 Son of EM and Lucy
- Myrtle 2-18-1906 4-3-1907 Daughter of EM and Lucy
- Marvin 6-20-1904 10-28-1909 Son of EM and Lucy
- Minnie D 3-16-1884 12-13-1890 Daughter of BT and ME
- William L 4-18-1868 5-11-1896
- E 12-28-1842 7-29-1898
- R T 5-4-1833 7-13-1908
- Irwin E d. 3-8-1902 Age 2y 8m
- Mary E 5-25-1866 5-9-1906
Daughter of JT and SA Ferguson
- Judge F 1861 1933 Dad
- Lucy Ann 2-23-1871 12-27-1953
- William Jackson 12-24-1870 4-8-1961
- Elisha G 8-26-1855 2-11-1897
- John Thomas 1-21-1914 8-15-1988
- Lawrence 2-7-1911 10-7-1988
- Faye (Clymore) 3-21-1920-
Our children Carmetta Zee and Richard Carl
- Joseph R d. 8-7-1990 Age 83
SCHOOF- Rudolph 1850 1897
SEAMSTER- Alfred Cleo 11-22-1922 12-10-1922
SHIVELY- Rev. Merlin F 2-22-1927 2-13-1999 US Navy
SNOW- Annie F 11-1-1873 2-20-1956
- John H 6-8-1873 4-11-1951
- T F 11-7-1850 11-1-1932
- Mary W 7-10-1848 4-26-1923
- John W 4-29-1839 3-23-1875
- Thomas 3-13-1821 1-7-1899
- Eliza 3-1828 1-1899
SUKRAW- Jones Alpheus 6-3-1919 2-7-1923 Son of Myrtle and Frank
TAYLOR- Thomas E 4-15-1889 1-8-1891 Son of DD and SF
- Frona E 12-10-1853 12-15-1885 Wife of EN
- Elvirah 9-23-1832 6-23-1871 Wife of EN
- Wm F 5-11-1886 8-31-1870
Son of EN Taylor *First grave in cemetery
- Infant son of DD and SF 4-13-1883
- Nancy 9-26-1873 12-13-1873 Daughter of EN and F
TURNER- Pleasant 1847 1935
UMPHONOUR- J 12-27-1823 2-12-1899
WEED- James M 1861 8-12-1950 Age 89y 9d
WHITE- Robert Keith 2-13-1928 4-1-1988 Pfc US Army WWII
WILLIAMS- Mary Jane (Lipe) 7-2-1917 6-7-1998
- George R 6-24-1916 5-5-1993 Married 1-29-1936
- Bobby W 9-9-1952-
- Dianne D 8-10-1954 12-22-1998 Parents of Jason and Cydney
WILLIAMSON- John B 9-7-1860 3-3-1876 Son of John H and Cynthia
WILLIS- Roy F 4-12-1899 4-28-1961
- Ruth C 4-15-1903 9-7-1999 Married 7-5-1922
WILSON- ME 1-29-1863 10-31-1888 Wife of WD
- WD 5-31-1860 8-25-1898
WINFREY- Nancy A 1-27-1873 9-26-1874 Daughter of John and Harriett
WOOD- James M 1861 1950 Father
WOOTEN- John W 1905 1997
- Virginia E 1919- To know them was to love them
WRINKLE- Dorothy E 9-4-1869 9-24-1889
- Judith E 7-1-1843 2-5-1883
- Dennis 1833 1903