1878 Springfield and North Springfield Directory
1878 Directory of Springfield and North Springfield
The plan of numbering is that adopted by the City Council in the ordinance
recently enacted. To find a number on the Public Square, commence with No.
100, at the northeast corner, and count around, via the north, west, south
and east, to the place of beginning.
To find a number on any of the four principal streets leading out from the
Square, commence with No. 200, and every time you cross a street begin a
new hundred, remembering that all even numbers are on the east and south,
and all odd numbers on the north and west. All other streets number from
these four principal streets according to the same rule, and all parallel
streets are made to correspond as nearly as possible with those upon which
the numbers are given on the map. The space allowed for a number is from
20 to 25 feet in the business portion, and from 40 to 100 feet in the
dwelling-house portion of the city.
Residences and business houses in North Springfield are not numbered, but
will be distinguished by the letters N. S. placed after the name.
Ave. stands for avenue; al. for alley; bet. for between; bds. for boards;
clk for clerk; col'd for colored; cor. for corner; nr. for near; prop'r
for proprietor; op. for opposite; res. for residence; st. for street; and
n. s. e. and w. for the points of the compass.
Lack, Charles, res 609 Boonville.
LaClair, John, machinist, Railroad Shops, bds wfth Mrs. Sully, Jefferson nr Pacific, N S.
LaDue, Jay, (LaDue & Co., hair restorative, &c.,) 209 South, res 406 Harrison.
Lair, E. H., Sexton of Maple Park Cemetery, res 800 S Campbell.
Lair, Geo., res rear 545 W Phelps.
Lair, Peter, Pastor Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church, res 213 Hampton ave.
Lair, Finis, col'd, blacksnrith, res rear 545 W Phelps.
Laker, F. W., fireman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Robberson ave., nr Pacific, N S.
Lamb, Miss Hattie, works at 509 State.
Lambert, Jesse, carder at Springfidd Cot. Mills, res 400 Monroe.
Lambert, Mrs. Mary, Seamstress, res as above.
Lambert, Miss Louisa, seamstress. res as above.
Lambert, R. J., shoemaker, res 1010 N Grant.
Lamoreaux, C. H., (Sawyer & Lamoreaux, editor Springfield Times,) office 217 South, res 310 E Elm.
Langenberg, Geo. F., (Doling & Langenberg, merchants.) Commercial nr Freight Depot bds with Mrs. Sully, Jefferson near Pacific N S
Langston, B. H., Deputy Collector U. S. Internal Revenue, office 204 Booiiville. res 402 Harrison.
Lapham, A. M. (Lapham & Co., real estate agents,) office 107 Public Square, res 401 E Elm.
Lawrence, T. H. B., Probate Judlge, office at Court House, res 801 Boonville.
Lawrence, Benj. D. plasterer, bds 311 South.
Lawrence, Mrs. M. J. dressmaker, 221 South, res same.
Lawson, Mrs. Ellen D., res cor Jefferson and Pacific, N S.
Leach, D. C., (Leach & Tracey, editors Patriot-Advertiser,) office 208 St. Louis, res 700 E Elm.
Leach, Miss Emma L., music teacher, res as above.
Leach, Miss Hattie, student Drury College, res as above.
Leathers, W F., contractor, res 614 E Elm.
Leathers, Thomas, clerk, 123 Pub. Sq., bds 305 South.
Leavitt, C. F., (Newton & Leavitt, attorneys at law,) 203 Boonville, res 1 mile northwest of city.
Leckie, W. G., carpenter, Railroad Shop, bds with John Zeigler, Commercial, N S.
LeCount, J. E., harness maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Public Square, res 609 Mt. Vernon.
Lee, A. R., (A. R. Lee & Co., merchant tailors,) 231 South.
Lee, W. E., same as above.
Lee, F. R., mahinist, Railroad Shops, res Robberson ave, north of State, N S.
Lee, W. H., bricklayer, bds North Springfield House.
Leedy, W. J., clerk, 108 Public Siluare, bds 219 College.
Leedy, Mrs. Margaret, res 701 Benton.
Leedy, Miss Sue, res 703 N Jefferson.
Leedy, Miss Kate. res 801 Boonville.
Leek, Mrs. Eppa, res 411 Franklin.
Leeper, Jacob, col'd. laborer, res nr Ebenezer road, N S.
Leeper, Maria, col'd, res as above.
Leftwich, Mrs. Lena, res 511 College.
Leneau, Balaam, col'd, teamster, res 708 E Water.
Lenington, J. B., teamster, res 1219 N Jefferson.
Lester, Edwin, tailor, with B. F. Huntington, 215 College, res. 411 Franklin.
Lewin, Harriet, col'd, washerwoman. res 305 N Main.
Lewin, Abbie, col'd, washerwoman, res as above.
Lewis, J. W., carriage maker, 222 W.," South al., res 506 N Main.
Lewis, Mrs. J., nurse, res 317 South.
Lewis, Mrs. Sophia, res State nr Washington ave, N S.
Levis, S. P., col'd, Principal Washington Street Colored Public School.
Lewis, Samuel, col'd, laborer, res east of Railroad Shops, N S.
Lewis, Young, col'd, laborer, res 502 Weaver.
Lewis, Philis, col'd, res rear of 535 W Center.
Lewy, Miss Carrie, res 407 W Center.
Leysaht, Louis, machinist, Railroad Shops, res Robberson ave. nr Locust, N S.
Lick, Henry, printer, office of Southwester, N S, res 110:3 N Jefferson.
Light, S. N., carpenter, res 508 S Jefferson.
Likens, J. H.. farmer, res 800 Boonville.
Lilley, Miss Emma, teacher, room No. 3, Jefferson Street Puhlic School, res 315 E Elm.
Lilley, Miss Alice E., res 315 E Elm.
Lillie, J. H., (Evans & Lillie, bakery and restaurant,) 219 College.
Lillis, John, laborer, Railroad Shops, res Benton avenue, near Pacific, N S.
Lillis, P. H., laborer, bds as above.
Lillis, Miss Kate, works at 1203 N Jefferson.
Lindsey, D. D., farmer, res 212 Kimbrough
Lindsey, Miss Nannie, res as above.
Lindsey, Miss Lou, res as above.
Lindsey, Miss Emma, res as above.
Lippman, Jacob, tailor, with B. F. Huntington, 215 College, res 410 N Jefferson.
Lisenby, Mrs. Susan, res 320 Cherry.
Lisenby, John W., (Milner & Lisenby, real estate agents,) 126 Public Square, res as above.
Littlefield, W. D., Supt. Telegraph, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, office at Passenger Depot, bds with B. A. Fay, Commercial, N S.
Lloyd, Sam'l, brick layer, res 805 College.
Lloyd, Miss Marietta, res as above.
Lloyd, Miss Emma A., res as above.
Long, Miss Melinda, works at 409 Lynn.
Long, Susan, col'd, works at 503 Dollison.
Lopp, John, conductor, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Campbell nr Kennedy's lumber yard, N S.
Lord, L. I., (Werth, Lord & Howell, insurance agents,) 107 Public Square, res 430 St. Louis.
Lord, Mrs. H. res 401 St. Louis.
Loretto Young Ladies' Academy, 501 N Campbell.
Loudenslager, E. F., moulder, Railroad Shops, res cor Pacific and Webster, N S.
Loudenslager, J., cigar maker, with F. A. Heacker, bds with F. Baltz, Benton ave, N S.
Loungueville, Leopold, cook, res 621 E Walnut.
Lowry, Sam'l, produce dealer, res Campbell nr Kennedy's lumber yard, N S.
Lucky, J. F., farmer, res 609 Billings.
Luss, John W., col'd, striker at Springfield Iron Works res 622 St. Louis.
Lyle, Phoebe, col'd, washerwoman, res 300 N Evans.
Lyman, Sam'l, General Roadmaster, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds with B. A. Fay, Commercial, N S.
Lyman, W. H., blacksmith, 202 Mill, res 306 N Pearl.
Lyon, J. S., Hygienic Physician, Springfield Hygeian Home, 402 Mt. Vernon.
Lyon, Miss Nettie, Matron Springfield Hygeian Home, as above,
Lyon, D. L., clerk, 211 St. Louis, res as above.
McAdams, Wm., (Wm. McAdams & Co., saddlers and harness makers,) 122 Public Square, res 210 W Walnut.
McAdams, Wm. H., (Wm. McAdams & Co., as above,) res 317 S. Market.
McAdoo, Joseph, merchant, 210 College, res 1003 Union.
McAdoo, M. F., clerk, 210 College, res as above.
McAdoo, Miss Mary E., res as above.
McAdoo, Rankin, traveh'ng salesman, bds 716 N Campbell.
McAdoo, Miss Mary, bds 716 N Campbell.
McAfee, C. B., (Massey & McAfee, attorneys at law,) 107 Pub Sq., res 503 Dollison.
McAfee, Mrs. Judith, res 716 Boonville.
McAfee, Miss Sallie, res same as above.
McAllister, William, brakeman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds Lyon House, N S.
McAnnespie, Jas, blacksmith, Railroad Shops, bds same as above.
McBride, J. G., Sexton, Hazelwood Cemetery.
McBride, D. H., carpenter, bds Harding House, N S.
McBroom, Peter, col'd, carpenter, res 229 Benton avenue.
McBroom, Florence, col'd, servant, at 801 Boonville.
McBroom, Harriet, col'd, washerwoman, res 702 Washington.
McBroom, Lizzie, col'd, washerwoman, res as above.
McCabe, James, Foreman Machine Shops, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Webster, nr Commercial, N S.
MCabe, Mrs., res 311 Pine.
McCauley, G. E., Foreman Round House, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res cor Jefferson and Division, N S.
McCann, George H., tobacconist; 235 St Louis, res East Walnut nr city limits.
McCann, William, traveling salesnian, res 411 N Jefferson.
McCarthy, Jno. C., brakeman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, boards with J. J. Brunaugh, Comm'l st, N S.
McCaskill, C. C., physician and Surgeon, res 502 Benton ave.
McCaskill, C. A.,-(McCaskill & Robberson. merchants,) Com'l st, near Freight Depot, N S, res 502 Benton ave.
McCaskill, Miss Helen, res as above.
McCaskill, Miss Marian, res as above.
McClure, J. H., farmer, res 402 College.
McClure, Harry, clerk, 211 St Louis res 402 N Main.
McClure, Miss M. A., teacher, res 402 College.
McClure, Miss Florence B., res same as above.
McClure, Henry, col'd. servant, 414 St Louis.
McCoin, Ellen, col'd, washerwo:aan, res 820 Washington ave.
McCord, Miss Nancy, res with Mrs. Price, cor Comm'l and Clay streets, N S.
McCormick. B. W. (Stoughton & McCormick, stock dealers,) W. Commercial, N S., res 1318 N Jefferson.
McCracken, Samuel, teacher, res 412 W Lynn.
McCrackcn, Jesse E., col'd, laborer, bds 310 Benton ave.
McCracken, John, col'd, barber, 217 College, res 310 Benton ave.
McCracken, Samuel, col'd, laborer, res 404 E Phelps.
McCracken, Isaac, col'd, laborer, res 814 Franklin.
McCracken, Robert, col'd, cook, res rear of 603 W Phelps.
McCracken, Annie, col'd, servant, 303 W Walnut.
McCrady. James, peddler, bds 206 Mill.
McCullah, J.W., mail route ag't, 106 Pub. Sq., res 506 S Jefferson.
McCullough, James, col'd, servant, 700 E Elm.
McCullough, Jane, col'd, servant, 406 N Grant.
McCune, James, col'd, shoemaker, shop and res 600 Boonville.
McCune, Milly, col'd, res 709 Boonville.
McCune, Lizzie, col'd, servant, 512 Washington ave.
McCurdy, Alonzo M., (Collins & Mc'Curdy, blacksmiths,) 231 St. Louis, res 403 E Water.
McDaniel, W. J., President Greene County National Bank, 106 Public Square, res 409 South.
McDaniel, Lucinda. col'd, washerwoman, res 514 Cherry.
McDaniel, Susan, col'd, servant, res 509 Boonville.
McElhany, R. J., President First National Bank, 102 Public Sq., res 508 Boonville.
McElhany, R. L., Cashier First Natioral Bank, as above, res 500 Boonville.
McElhany, Mahala, col'd, works at 315 W Chestnut.
McElroy, James, dresser, Springfield Cotton Miils, resides 412 E Walnut.
McFarland, James, col'd. farmer, res rear of 615 E Walnut.
McFarland, Andrew, col'd, res same as above.
McFarland, Miss Sallie, works at 210 E Walnut.
McGaghen, hostler, at Kinney's stable, 208 E South alley, bds 215 W Olive.
McGaughey, K., teamster Anchor Mills, res Pacific street, near Campbell, N S.
McGee, Miss Mary, works at 716 E Phelps.
McGee, Wm., lumber salesman, with J. G. Raithel 301 Boonville, res 610 Lincoln.
McGee, Mat, col'd, laborer, res rear of North Springfield House.
McGinty, A. C., merchant, 100 Public Sq., res 411 E Walnut.
McGinty, William, clerk, 100 Public Sq.res as above.
McGinty, Miss Viola, res same as above.
McGregor, John, (McGregor, Noe & Keet, hardware,) 215 Saint Louis, res 603 Boonville.
McGregor, A. D.. clerk, 215 St Louis res same as above.
McGregor, Miss Emma, student, res same as above.
McGrew, Mrs. A., res Commercial, near Boonville, N S.
McIntyre, C. B., blank book manufacturer, 221 South, resides 600 East Elm.
McIntyre, Miss Nellie F., res same as above.
McKaig, R. M., carpenter, res 311 College
McKenna, Peter, Sup't National Cenietery, res at same.
McKenna, James, painter also dealer in books and stationery, Commercial St, near Jefferson, N S.
McKinney, W. H.. teamster, res 1003 N Main.
McKinney, G. W, hostler at Perkins' stable, 213 Olive, res 308 E Water.
McKinney, James B., hostler as Miove, bds 215 W Olive.
McKinney, J. B., laborer, res Comm'l St, near Benton ave, N S.
McKinney, Mrs. E. M., res 308 E Water.
McKinney, Mrs. Nancy J., res same as above.
McKinney, Leva Ann, col,d, res 312 Madison.
McKnight, A. C.. Deputy Constable, res 404 N. Pearl.
McLane, E. S., clerk. with H. T. Rand, Commercial st, N S
McLaughlin, S. W.. lumber dealer. office 307 N. Campbell. res 410 W Phelps.
McLaughlin, L. H., carpenter.309 Mill, res 320 S Campbell.
McLean, Thos. B., engineer, S. L. & S. F Railroad, res Benton near Division st., N S.
MeLelis, Mrs. Anna, bds 208 Mill.
McLellan, Miss Mary, waiter, Lyon House, N. S.
McManess, James C., laborer. res 409 College.
McMaster, C. J. grocer, Campbell St, near Freight Depot, res cor Commercial and Boonville, N S.
McMeen, R. B.. brakeman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds with A. B. Dodson, Benton ave. N. S.
McMurry, R. D., blacksmith. Springfield Wagon Factory, res 608 Washington ave.
McNamara. J.W. agent for agricultural implements, 303 College. bds 305 South.
McNerney, Thomas, machinist, Railroad Shops, res cor Pacific st and Washington ave. N S.
McNitt, W. C., farmer, res 721 S Jefferson.
McPherson, Walter. carpenter. res 604 St Louis.
McPherson, Dr. A. W.. res 500 W Walnut.
McPherson, Alex., res same as above.
McPherson, Miss Nannie, res same as above.
McPherson, H. W. res 508 College.
McPherson, Miss E. R.. res 309 Brower's ave.
McPherson, Nancy, col'd, Servant, 409 N. Campbell.
McSweeney, Dennis, Street Commissioner, res 905 Union.
McSweeney, Dennis, jr., res same as above.
McSweency, Peter, res same as above.
McSweeney, Miss Mary. res same as above.
Mack, James, clerk, 110 Public Square, bds 212 N Jefferson.
Macomb, Miss Mary, works at 506 S Jefferson.
Macomb, Miss Martha, works at 502 S Jefferson.
Madison, Wm., Librarian Springfield Pulilic Library, 107 Public Square, res 220 N Pearl.
Magee, Peter, farmer, res 514 N Grant.
Magee, Peter col'd. laborer. rear 808, Nameless.
Mahew. Louis, carpenter, res 303 Market.
Mahoney, John, wiper in Round House, bds with T. Hayden, cor Clay and Pacific, N S.
Mainland, C. H., clerk, 211 St. Louis, bds St. Louis Street House.
Majors, Payton, laborer, with J. G. Raithel, 301 Boonville st, res 822 Washington ave.
Mansfield, W. W. engineer, S. L. & S. F. Railroad. res Pacific st. bet Washington and Benton aves, N S.
Mansfield, Miss Clara,res as above.
Mansfield. W. H., dealer in stoves and tinware. 131 Public Square. res 309 E. Walnut
Mansfield. Miss Kate, res as above.
Mark, Miss Anna, milliner, 205 Boonville, bds 412 E. Water.
Markham, Lewis, cabinet maker, 507 State, res 715 S. Main.
Marks, Jacob, (Geo. A. Cohn & Co., merchants,) 105 Public Sq., res 313 E. Phelps.
Marlow J. R.. prescription clerk, 139 Public Sq., bds 305 South.
Marple, Joseph, bridge builder, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res 818 N Jefferson.
Marshall, J. T., res 312 W Chestnut.
Marsteller, J. H., carriage maker, res 412 N Grant.
Marston, Solon, teamster, res 408 Cherry.
Martin, Mrs. Rose, res 807 N Grant.
Martin, Mrs. Fannie, res 307 W Calhoun.
Martin, Wm., col'd, res 210 Dollison.
Mason, Tlionipson E., traveling salesman, res 701 N Main.
Mason, Mrs. Emeline, res 615 Franklin.
Mason, Belle, col'd, washerwoman, res 300 Washington ave.
Mason, John, col'd, teamster, res as above.
Mason, Sukey, col'd, res 709 South.
Mason, Wm., col'd, laborer, res as above.
Mason, John, col'd, teamster, res 501 E Water.
Massey, B. F., res 504 W Walnut.
Massey, F. R., clerk. 120 Public Square, res as above.
Massey, Wm., res 306 South.
Massey, Eugene, painter, Springfield Wagon Factory, bds 504 Mt. Vernon.
Massey, B. U., (Massey & McAfee, attorneys at law,) 107 Public square, res Same.
Massey, Jennie, col'd, servant at Capt. Jones', east end of Chestnut street.
Massey. George, col'd, laborer, res 600 St. Louis.
Massey, J., col'd, laborer, res rear of 614 E Water.
Massey, Nancy, servant at 415 W Phelps.
Massey, Sampson, co1'd, laborer. res 609 St. Louis.
Massey, Jennie, col'd, res 709 South.
Masters, Edward, welI digger, bds 206 N Jefferson.
Mathie. Wm., painter cor Robberson ave and Commercial st, res cor Robberson ave and State st, N S.
Matlack, J. B., plasterer, res 635 W Walnut.
Matlack, Miss Ida, teacher, res as above.
Matlock, Henry, res 217 W Clay.
Matthews, Wm., machinist, at Railroad Shops, N S, re 712 N Campbell.
Matthews, Miss. Martha, res as above.
Matthews, Miss Laura, teacher, res as above.
Matthews, Miss Tennie, res as above.
Matthews, Geo., hack driver Bolivar route, bds 315 Walnut.
Maupin. Mrs. Margaret, res 212 W. Phelps.
Maus, C. F., grocer, Commercial st, nr Washington ave, N S.
Maus, J. C., cabinet maker, 216 St. Louis, res 209 Benton ave.
Maxwell, E. A., res 513 E Elm.
Maynard, Edward, col'd, blacksmith, with W. H. Lyman, 202 Mill res 312 W Phelps.
Maynard, Laura, col'd, washerwoman, res 312 W. Phelps.
Means, J. T., physician and surgeon, 125 Public Square, res 309 W Walnut.
Means, Charles C., policeman, res same as above.
Means, Samuel B., painter, res same as above.
Meeker, Mrs. Helen, bds 215 W. Olive.
Meinhardt, J. H., (Dittrick & Meinhardt, merchants,) 211 Saint Louis, res 308 same.
Meinhardt, F. H., student, Drury College, res same as above.
Meissbach, Louis, barber, Commercial St, near Passenger Depot, ress Washington ave, nr Pacific st, N S.
Mellinger, Mrs. N. A., Washington ave, nr Comm'l st, N S.
Melton, Miss Mary, col'd, seamstress, res 618 St. Louis.
Merrill, Mrs. J. J., res 1108 Weaver.
Merritt. D. W., carpenter. res 813 Boonville.
Merriitt, Edward D., student, res same as above.
Merritt, H. P., fireman, St. L. & S. F. Raihoad, boards with Mrs. Mellinger, Washington ave., N. S.
Messic, T. C., peddler, res 317 W Center.
Miksiell, F. carpenter. bds 311 South.
Miller, J. N., (Hubbard & Miller, insurance agents,) 105 Pub. Sq., res 601 N Main.
Miller, Frank, peddler, res 206 N. Jefferson.
Miller, J. F.. carpenter, Railroad Shops, bds N. Springfield House.
Miller. W. J., sewing machine agent. and boarding house keeper, 701 Booii,'ille.
Miller, Mrs. E., res same as above.
Miller, Miss Stella, dressmaker, res same as above.
Miller Edward, clerk, res 209 W Phelps.
Miller, Emanuel, teamster. res 1007 Concord.
Miller, James, res 701 Boonville.
Miller, Mahala, col'd, res 707 South.
Miller, Mrs. Anna, col'd, washerwoman, res 300 Boonville.
Milligan, G. D., wholesale grocer, 137 Public Sq, res over store.
Milligan, Alfred, clerk, 137 Pub. Sq., bds 226 St. Louis.
Mills, James, cigar maker, with G. H. McCann, 235 St Louis st, res 620 E Water.
Mills, Mrs. Mary A., res 625 Lincoln.
Mills, John, stone cutter, res 620 E Water.
Mills, Mrs. Barthena, res same as above.
Mills, Miss Phoebe, warper at Sp'gl'd Cot. Milis, res same as above.
Mills, Miss Matilda, spinner at same, res as above.
Mills, Miss Mar y, Spinner at same, res as above.
Milner, J. R., (Milner & Lisenby, real estate agents,) 126 Public Square, res 601 N. Main.
Milner, W. A., (Milner & Co., druggists,) 209 South st, res 321 St. Louis.
Miniard, Hattie, coI'd, washerwoman, res 600 Boonville.
Mishler, Harry, carpenter res 600 Lincoln.
Misner, W. A., derk, 213 Boonville, bds 212 S Jefferson.
Mission Sunday School room, 413 Poplar.
Missouri Cosservatory of Music, 806 Benton ave.
Mitchell, Walter, photographer, 206 Boonville, bds 210 St Louis.
Mitchell, Allen, retired miller, res 509 N Main.
Mitchell, Mrs. Nancy, res 401 N Main.
Mitchcll, R. Wilson, res 307 E South alley.
Mitchell, Adeline, col'd, res 207 Hampton ave.
Mitchell, Harry. col'd, laborer, res rear of 1105 Earle.
Mitchell, Mrs. Nancy, col'd, washerwoman, res 302 N Evans.
Moberly, Miss E. M., dressmaker res 322 Cherry.
Moberly, E. S., clerk, res 601 E Elm.
Moffitm Mrs. Mary, seamstress, res 204 E. Walnut.
Moist, A. L.. brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, boards Harding House, N. S.
Monagan, John fireman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad. res Washington ave, near State St, N S.
Monier, Mrs. Bettie, res 320 S Campbell.
Montgomery Miss Anna, res 606 Boonville.
Moody, C. W.,carpenterr, St. L. & S. F.Railroad, boards with J. J. Zeigler, Commercial st, N S.
Moody, Wm. H., farmer, res 601 Billings.
Moody,________, farmer, res northwest corner of city.
Mooney, J. L., meat market, cor Commercial st. and Jefferson ave, N S, res N Grant.
Mooney, David, blacksmith, 204 N Jefferson, res 208 Benton ave.
Mooney, Miss Alice, res as above.
Mooney, L. N., traveling salesman, res 514 N Grant.
Moore, Samuel, Sr., res 500 State.
Moorere, Samuel, jr., traveling salesman for J. B. Townsend & Co.23 Public Square, res 504 Mt. Vernon.
Moore, W. C., carpenter, res foot of E Chestnut.
Moore, W. C., jr., cloth boiler, at Springfield Cotton Mills, res as above.
Moore, J. R., engineer, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res cor Pacific st and Benton ave, N S.
Moore, J. H., carpenter, Town Ckrk, res Commercial st, nr Robberson ave, N S.
Moore, Miss Maggie, dressnaker, res foot of E Chestnut.
Moore, John P., bds 215 Olive.
Moore, Miss Mattie, waiter, Young House, 317 South,
Moore, W. T., farmer, res 729 Cassville Road.
Moore, Ellen, col'd, res 814 Washington ave.
Moore, Cassy, col'd, seamstress, res rear of 515 E Center.
Morgan, Mrs. Mary, washerwoman, res rear of 535 W Center.
Morhiser, P. C., (Morhiser & Co., grocers,) 219 South res 313 E Elm street.
Morice, Leon, (E. J. Bourquenot & Co.,candy manufacturers,) 30 Soutb, res 614 S Campbell.
Morris, Joseph, butcher, res 411 W Phelps.
Morris, Miss Hattie, teacher, room No. 9, Jefferson Street Public School, res as above.
Morris, Miss Mary. res as above.
Morris, M. E., machinist, res 537 W Center.
Morris, D. P., carpenter, Springfield Wagon Factory, res rear of 525 W Center.
Morris, Wm., barber, with C. A. Murphy, 230 Boonville, bds 701 Boonville.
Morris, Mrs. S. A., carpet weaver, res 537 W Center.
Morris, Tamon, col'd, servant at 711 N Campbell.
Morrison, Dr. N. J., Pres't Drury College, 814 Benton ave, res 825 Washington ave.
Morrison, John, hack driver, with A. F. Kinney, 208 E South al bds 215 W. Olive.
Morrow, Mrs. Phena, res 602 Boonville.
Morton, Letitia, col'd, servant at 408 St. Louis.
Morton, Booker, col'd, fireman, Springfield Wagon Factory, res rear of 607 W Phelps.
Morton, Philip, col'd. butcher, res 705 South.
Morton, Mary, col'd, washerwoman, rear of 614 E Water.
Morton, Jane, col'd, res 205 Hampton ave.
Morton, Tishie, col'd, res 614 St. Louis.
Morton, Henry, col'd, laborer, res 205 Hampton ave.
Mosley, A. S., peddler, res 1001 Boonville.
Mosley, Miss Lou., res as above.
Moss, C. C., tinner, res 215 W. Walnut.
Moss, Mrs. Sallie, res 716 Boonville.
Motley, Richard, col'd, laborer, res 500 Weaver.
Motley, Henry, col'd, stone mason, res 594 Weaver.
Motley, Noah, col'd, laborer, res 514 Harrison.
Motley, Doc., col'd, laborer, res rear of 515 Harrison.
Motley, Hannah, col;d, servant, with Mrs. Sibley, cor Washington ave and Commercial st, N S.
Motley, Rena, col'd, washerwoman, res rear of 1103 Earle.
Mowren, J. I:., gardener, res northwest corner of city.
Mueller, Fred. A., tobacco, cigars and confectionery, 113 Public Square, res 227 W. Olive.
Murphy, Robert, harness maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Public Sqitare, bds 311 South.
Murphy, Z. T, salesman for Wm. McAdams & Co., as above, res 319 S Patten al.
Murphy, J. H., attorney at law, res 609 E Walnut.
Murphy, Mrs. Julia A., seamstress, res 214 E Walnut.
Murphy, Mrs. M L., res 507 S Main.
Murphy, Clyde, student, res same as above.
Murphy, Dennis, laborer, res Commercial st, nr Benton ave, N S.
Murphy, Stephen A., printer, res cor Grant and Pine.
Murphy, Charles A., barber, 230 Boonville, res as above.
Murphy, Martha, servant at 523 W Phelps.
Murphy, Mrs., col'd, res 210 Dollison.
Mutz, Frederick, carpenter, res 1208 Benton ave.
Mutz, Miss Caroline, res same as above.
Myers, Andrew, watch maker, with J. H. Koch, 204 South, res 212 W Phelps.
Myers, I. N., carpenter, Doran & Myers, carpenters, E Water, res 407 Monroe.
Myers, Miss Mattie, res with Mrs. Schuler, Robberson ave, N S.
Myers, John, gardener, res 420 E Elm.
Myers, Frank, teamster, res 413 Mill.
Naegler, Wm., (Naegler & Pauly, butchers and packers,) 610 S Campbell, res same.
Nalley, Wm., laborer, res 1104 N Campbell.
Nash, Mrs. Sarah, res:505 State.
Nattrass, Dr. J. A., dentist, 230 South.
Neabler, John, machinist, Railroad Shops, res Washington ave, nr State, N S.
Nearing, H. E., (White & Nearing, meat market,) 217 ½ College, res 617 W. Walnut.
Nearing, J. H., gardener, res 718 S Campbell.
Neely, Joshua, col'd, laborer, res 1007 Earle.
Neese, Betsey, col'd, res 1106 Earle.
Neet, Fred. L., brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, boards Lyon House, N S.
Nelson, John W., engineer, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res State, nr Round House, N S.
Nelson, J. A. D., farmer, res 545 W. Phelps.
Nestor, Wm., laborer, res 1206 N Grant.
Nevius, R. L., clerk, 141 Pub. Sq,, res 507 E Elm.
Newheart, Wm., machinist, Railroad Shops, bds with Mrs. Sully, Jefferson, N S.
Newman, Robert, laborer, res Cor Pacific and Robberson, N S.
Newsom, B. J., (Newsom & Jarrett, produce and commission merchants,) 242 South, res 601 St. Louis.
Newton, Job, produce and commission merchant, rear 223 South, res 505 W Walnut.
Newton, Harry C., clerk for J. Newton as above, res as above.
Newton, L. A., (Newton & Leavitt, insurance agents,) 203 Boonville, res 711 N Campbell.
Newton, Isaac O., fireman at Eagle Mills, 250 Boonville, res 308 East Water.
Newton, Isaac, col'd, laborer, res 306 E Phelps.
Newton, Wm., col'd, laborer, res 306 E Phelps.
Newton, John, col'd, laborer, res 1102 Earle.
Nichols, D. H., Assis't Supt. St. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds Lyon House, N S.
Nichols, F. E., carpenter, Springfield Wagon Factory, res 210 East Phelps.
Noe, D. M., (McGregor, Noe & Keet, hardware dealers,) 215 St Louis, bds 212 N Jefferson..
Norman, John, wiper in Round House, res Webster, nr Commercial, N S.
Norman, George A, janitor, Jefferson Street Public School building, res 307 E South alley.
Norman, James, miller, res 1109 N Main.
Norris, E. B., (Thomas & Norris, proprietors Metropolitan Hotel,) 220 College.
Nuckles, E., laborer, Benton ave, north of Atlantic N S.
Oakley, J., col'd, laborer, res 620 St. Louis.
O'Bannon, Mrs. F., res Washington ave, north of Atlantic, N S.
O'Brien, Dennis, col'd, teamster for J. H. Moore, Commercial St, nr Robberson ave, N S.
O'Connell, Mrs. M., res Washington ave, nr State, N S.
O'Conner, J. J., machinist, Railroad Shops, res Jefferson st, opposite Congregational Church, N S.
O'Day, John, (O'Day & Bro., attorneys-at-law,) 107 Pub. Sq., res 507 Boonville.
O'Day, Thos., (O'Day & Bro., same as above,) res 507 Boonville.
O'Day, Miss Lettie, res same as above.
O'Day, James, attorney-at-law, res 805 N Main.
Odell, Samuel, carpenter, res 614 S Campbell.
O'Donald, Hugh, peddler, bds 206 Mill.
Odor, O. G., foreman Patriot-Advertiser office, 208 St. Louis res 408 E Walnut.
Old Cemetery, 504, 506, 508 and 510 S Campbell.
Oldham, Thos., (Oldham Brothers, blacksmiths,) 220 West Olive, res 207 N Market.
Oldham, W.. F., (Oldham Bros. as above,) res 212 S Campbell.
Oliver, Charles, painter, bds with Wm. Mathie, cor Robberson ave and State st, N S.
Oliver, George, painter, bds same as above.
O'Neil, Thos., grocer, 205 South, res 234 W Chestnut.
Onstott, Mrs, Rebecca, res 306 South.
Onstott, John H., merchant, 208 College, res 4 miles west of city..
Orcutt, R. F., upholsterer, with Emery & Comstock, 222 South,. bds 232 same.
Ormsby, Sarah, col'd, servant, 300 W Walnut.
Orr, Robert J., law student with Thrasher & Young, 125 Public Square, bds 311 South.
Osborn, Mrs.E., res cor Commercial st and Benton ave, N S.
Ossenforth, John, blacksmitli, Railroad Shops, res State st, near Round House, N S.
Ostergard, Hans, blacksmith, R. R. Shops, bds Lyon House, N S..
Ott, E. D., Clerk Probate and Common Pleas Court, office Court House, res 212 E South alley.
Overstreet, John, bds 619 Mill.
Owen, Mrs. Rush C., res 714 S Jefferson.
Owen, Felix G., farmer, res as above.
Owen, Miss Fannie C., teacher, room No. 8 Jefferson Street Public School, res as above.
Owen, John C., printer, Leader office, 204 Boonville, res as above..
Owen, Miss Lucy C., student, res as above.
Owen, Pleasant B., res 1320 N Grant.
Owen, S. K., farmer, res 625 Lincoln.
Owen, A. M., farmer, res 612 Lincoln.
Owen, Mary, col'd, res 709 Boonville.
Owen, Isaac, col'd, plasterer, res as above
Page, William, teamster, res 1206 N Grant.
Page, William A., teamster, res same as above.
Page, Miss Mary A., res same as above.
Page, John A., bar tender, bds 308 E Water.
Paine, J. H., Circuit Clerk, office at Court House, resides 406 N. Grant.
Paine, Mrs. Harriet, res same as above.
Painter, Jacob, gunsmith, 221 w. Olive, res 225 same.
Painter, Fielden, gunsmith, with Jacob Painter, as above.
Painter, Henry, brick moulder, res 225 W. Olive.
Palmer, J. W.. jeweler and wagon yard, Boonville street, near Freight Depot, N. S.
Palmer, J. W., jr., porter, Freight Depot, res same as above.
Palmer, W.. L., fireman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, resides east of Machine Shops, N S.
Parce, E. D., (Doling, Parce & Gray, hardware, &c.,) cor Comm'l and Boonville sts, res cor Jefferson and Pacific, N S.
Parker, R. G., carpenter, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, resides Harding House, N S.
Parrish, Dr. H. M, surveyor, res 425 St Louis.
Parrish, J. E., student, Drury College, res as above.
Parrish, Miss S. E., teacher, Room No. 4, Jefferson street Public School, res same as above.
Parrish, Mrs. M. L., res 400 E Walnut.
Parrish, Mrs. A. M., res 711 Billings.
Parrish, Miss O. A., res Same as above.
Parsons, L. C., brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds with Mrs Sully, Jefferson st, N S.
Partridge, B. F., insurance agent, res 506 Benton ave.
Pate, Mrs. M. J., res 416 W Lynn.
Patten, Frank, moulder, Springfield Iron Works, resides 307 Brower's ave.
Patten, W. F., painter, res 401 W. Olive.
Patten, Mrs. Fannie, res same as above.
Patten, C. J., farmer, res 709 Boonville.
Patten, George, farmer, res same as above.
Patten, W. D., clerk, 328 Boonville, res 815 N Campbell.
Patten, Miss Dora E., res same as above.
Patten, Miss Harriet, works at 705 N Jefferson.
Patten, Miss Martha, works at 500 W Webster.
Patterson, John A., Dep. Sheriff, office at Court House, res 411 N Jefferson.
Patterson, J. A., attorney at law, 204 College, res 501 Monroe.
Patterson, J. M., attorney at law, res 215 S Jefferson.
Patterson, J. E., res 806 N Main.
Patterson, Miss Mary, teacher, res same as above.
Patterson, Miss Ada T., res same as above.
Patterson, C. H., (Whitehead & Patterson, painters,) 224 College, res St Louis st., nr. City limits.
Patterson, I:. T., carpenter, res 1011 N Main.
Patterson, W. R., cigar manufacturer, 1011 N Main, res same.
Patterson, Thomas, stone mason, res 308 E Pine,
Patterson, Mrs. L F., seamstress, res 607 Billings.
Patton, W. C., merchant, Commercial st, bds Lyon House, N S.
Pauly, Fred, (Naegler & Pauly, butchers and packers,) 601 South Campbell, res same.
Paxson, C., res 403 N Main.
Paxson, Ellis, painter, Railroad Shops, res Webster, nr Commercial st, N S.
Paxson, Mars, blacksmith, res 310 N Pearl.
Paxson, Miss Martha, student, res same as above.
Paxson, Ely, (Kassler & Paxson, undertakers,) 223 College, res 501 College.
Payne, W. F., sewing machine agent, 208 College, res 612 College.
Payton, W. M., (Payton & Sons, grocers,) corner Commercial and Boonville sts, res Cor Robberson and Pacific, N S.
Payton, R. B., Payton & Sons, as above.
Payton, Byron, Payton & Sons, as above.
Peacher, J. W., dealer in boots and shoes, 215 South, resides 504 South Grant.
Peck, Wm. C., (Peck & Clark, merchants,) 140 Public Square, res 222 Benton avenue.
Pedigree, Pompey, col'd, washerwoman, res 233 Weaver.
Pedigree, Fannie, col'd, washerwoman, res same as above.
Peddigrew, Mrs. Lucy, col'd, midwife, res rear of 605 Wash'n ave.
Peel, A. M., traveling salesman, with C. H. Heer & Co., 207 Boonville, bds 232 South.
Pemberten, Fannie, col'd, servant, 523 W Phelps.
Pemberton, Charles, col'd, laborer, res 505 S Main.
Perkins, John A., farmer, bds 800 State.
Perkins, Charles, carriage maker, 702 Boonville, res 700 same.
Perkins, Dewitt C., res same as above,
Perkins, Miss Cora J., student, res same as above.
Perrin, R., marble dealer, 238 Boonville, res 308 Brower's ave.
Perry, Miss T. L., housekeeper, 311 E Elm.
Perry, Milton, col'd, laborer, res 400 Washington ave.
Perry, Henry, col'd, laborer, res rear of 1000 Earle.
Perry, Rena, col'd, servant, 602 E Elm.
Perry, E. D., col'd, laborer, res 603 E Elm.
Persley, Mrs. Jane, col'd, washerwoman, res 503 E Water.
Petrie, D. M., cabinet maker, with E. Sander, 219 Boonville, res 412 N Main.
Petrie, Miss Lenora res same as above.
Petty, Archibald, farmer, res 609 St Louis.
Petty, Joshua, farmer, res same as above.
Peve, George, laborer, res 704 S Jefferson.
Phelps Mrs. Jennie, res 600 St Louis.
Phenix, Mrs. T. A., tailoress, Jefferson, bds Harding House, N S.
Phillips, Miss Emma, student Drury College, bds Fairbanks Hall.
Phillips, John, laborer, bds 215 W Olive.
Phillips, John W., laborer, res 1206 N Grant.
Phillips, James, laborer, res same as above.
Phillips, Mrs. Nancy, res 601 S Evans.
Phillips, Mrs. Sarah, res 232 Boonville.
Phillips, Joel, res 616 5 Grant.
Pierce, Ennis, miller, at Schmook's Mill, 400 Boonville, resides 302 Pacific.
Pierce, Jefferson, col'd, shoemaker, res 312 Madison.
Pierce, Cordelia, col'd, res same as above.
Piland, Mrs. Martha, seamstress, res 700 South.
Pipkin, J. D., book-keeper, with Doling & Langenberg, Comm'l St, bds Lyon House.
Pitts, Edgar, Colored M. E. Minister, res 301 Washington ave.
Pitts, Agnes, col'd, res same as above.
Pitts, Rachel, col'd, nurse, res same as above.
Pitts, James, col'd, laborer, bds 600 Mill.
Pitts, Lewis, col'd, laborer, res 409 E Water.
Pollond, John W., painter, Railroad Shops, resides State street, near Round House, N S.
Porter, William G., (W. G. Porter & Sons. tobacconists,) 435 St. Louis, res same.
Porter, Williarn, (W. G. Porter & Sons, as above,) res 606 St. L.
Porter, Thos. J., (W. G. Porter & Sons, as above,) res 435 St. L.
Porter, R. H., student Drury College, res same as above.
Porter, Robert G., student Drury College, res same as above.
Porter, Alice A., res same as above.
Porter, F. R., stock dealer, res 623 Lincoln.
Porter _______ res 212 E Pine.
Poston, Thos., colored, hostler Hayes stable, 218 Boonville, res 206 W Phelps.
Potter, A.J. Sheriff. office in Court House, res 207 College.
Potter, Mrs., washerwoman, res 1104 N Campbell.
Powell, Wm. B. clerk, res 727 South.
Powell, A. H., clerk. 142 Public Square, res same as above.
Powell,. J. M., farmer res 613 Billings.
Powell, John, col'd, laborer, res 305 Weaver.
Powers, Charles, physician and surgeon, res and ofice 309 South.
Powers, Miss Eva, works at 617 W Walnut.
Powers, O. S., Carpenter, res 612 s Campbell.
Pranter Fred, painter, res 503 Boonville.
Prater, Mrs. Jenny C., postmistress, North Springfield, res cor Commercial st and Washington ave.
Prater, Melinda, col'd. servant at 500 College.
Prater, Mary, col'd, res 1101 Earle.
Preston, Wesley, teamster, res 600 Monroe.
Preston, Mrs. Sarah, res 716 E Walnut.
Preston. Miss Dorcas, res same as above.
Price, Wm. C.. attorney at law. res 425 E Walnut.
Price, Miss Lydia res 425 E Walnut.
Price, G. W. engineer, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Cor Commercial and Clay sts, N S.
Price, Isaac H., Foreman Paint Shop, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res cor Commercial and Webster sts, N S.
Price, Mrs. Ann, res 305 E Walnut
Prince, Martha, col'd, washerwoman, res 231 Weaver.
Proctor, John W., painter, res 417 Poplar.
Proctor, Miss Alice, res as above.
Proctor, G. M., laborer, res as above.
Pryor, Thomas, baker, 219 College st, bds same.
Pullman, Andrew, col'd, res 1111 Earle.
Puller, J. J., dealer in fresh meat and ice, 255 Boonville, res 705 N Jefferson.
Puller, B. E.. meat market as above, res 1203 N Evans.
Puller, John M., res northwest corner of city.
Quick, Jonathan, brick maker, res 512 Dollison.
Quicksell, T. E., engineer, res 602 N Campbell.
Quinn, James, blacksmith, W Commercial st, N S.
Quinn. Thomas, col'd, molder, Springfield Iron Works, res 505 E Chestnut.
Race, Andrew, shoemaker, bds North Springfield House.
Rackliff, Charles, Baggage Master, S. & W. M. Railroad, res 1108 N Evans.
Raines, James, res 601 N Jefferson.
Raithel, J G., lumber dealer, cor Mill and Boonville, res Court st, North Springfield.
Rainey, Sarah, col'd washerwoman, res 231 Weaver.
Ramsey, G. B. carpenter, res 312 S. Campbell.
Rand, H. T., grocer. Commercial st, nr Benton ave, N S, res same.
Raper, J. H., brakeman, S L. & S.F Railroad, rooms over Baltz & Son's shoe shop, Benton ave, N S.
Raper, Mrs. M. H., dressmaker, res 814 N Campbell.
Rathbone, T. H., tinner, Commercial st, nr Freight Depot, N S. res same.
Rathbone, J. T., tinner, same as above.
Ray, Miss Lizzie, works at 324 E Walnut.
Raymer, Dee, col'd, laborer, res 205 Hampton ave.
Raymond, James P., shoemaker, with W. M. A. Townsend, 101 Public Square, res 508 South.
Raymond, E. B., tinner, res as above.
Raymond, Miss Mary J., tailoress, with A R. Lee & Co., 231 South, res 508 South.
Reed, Wm. A., clerk, 104 Public Square, res 602 S Jefferson.
Reed, Wm. A., (Robberson & Reed, druggists,) cor Commercial it and Benton ave, res n. of Passenger Depot N S.
Reed, Mrs. H. B., res 510 College.
Reed, Miss Hattie S., teacher, res as above.
Reed, Albert, colored, laborer, res 232 Weaver.
Reep, J. A., carpenter, res 407 N Main.
Reese, Mrs. M. E., seamstress, res 221 N Patten al.
Reeves, H. B., horse trainer, res 303 Mill.
Reeves, William, col'd, striker, at Springfield lron Works, res 715 Washington ave.
Reid, W. H. M., Carriage and sign painter, 222 W South al, res 820 W Walnut.
Reihle, Thomas, cabinet maker, with E. Sander, Boonville, res rear of 702 Mill.
Renfroe, II., traveling salesman, bds Harding House, N S.
Renshaw, A. A., Local Editor Leader, office 204 Boonville, bds 305 South.
Reynolds, Bettie, col'd, res 1102 Earle.
Rhodes, J., stoker, Springfield Gas Works, 400 Mill, res 401 same.
Rhodes, Mrs. Margaret, res 625 Lincoln.
Rice,. J. T., commission merchant, 315 St. Louis.
Rice, James, teamster, bds 601 E Elm.
Rice, Irving, col'd, laborer, res 306 N Jefferson.
Rice, John, col'd, laborer,-res 500 N Pearl.
Rice, Lucinda, col'd, servant at 500 Boonville.
Rice, Belle. col'd, servant, 1322 Benton ave.
Rice, Mary, col'd, washerwoman, res 306 N Jefferson.
Richard, Frank, laborer, res 303 Market.
Richardson, S. H., grocer, Conimercial st, nr Lyon House, res Washington ave, nr Steam Pump, N S.
Richardson, James W., clerk, 207 Boonville, res 1007 N Campbell.
Richardson, J. B., clothier,129 Public Square, res 210 Kimbrough.
Richardson, George, col'd, laborer, res 306 Weaver.
Richardson, Mrs. Mary, col'd, washerwoman, res as above.
Riggs, Wm. S., carpenter, res 240 Boonvilie.
Riggs, Robert, teamster, res as above.
Rigs, Miss Margaret, res as above.
Riggs, Mrs. P., res 416 Lynn.
Riley, Philip, brakeman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds Lyon House, North Springfield.
Rittenhouse, G. W., brakeman, S. & W. M. Railroad, bds Hardimg House, N S.
Ritter, W. H. H., farmer, res 618 W Walnut.
Ritter, Robert, col'd, laborer, works.at 400 St. Louis.
Robberson, E. T., physician and surgeon, (Robberson & Reed, druggists,) cor Commereial st and Benton ave, N S., res 305 Center.
Robberson, Miss Belle, res as above.
Robberson, Rufus, farmer, res 315 W Walnut.
Robberson, Wm. S., saddler, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Public Square, res 210 E Phelps.
Robberson, Mrs. M S., dressmaker, res as above.
Robberson, Dick, col'd, res rear of 707 Weaver.
Robbins, Miss Lizzie, works at 414 E Walnut.
Robbs, Alexander, woolen manufacturer, res 417 E Elm.
Roberts, E. A., physician and surgeon, res 709 N Main.
Roberts, F. C., millwright, Springfield Iron Works, resides 402.Benton avenue.
Roberts, St. Francis, millwright, as above, res same.
Roberts, Marshall C., res same as above.
Roberts, E. M., engineer at Carson's grain elevator, 300 St. Louis, bds Sanford House.
Roberts, Hermann, Traveler's Saloon, Commercial St, near Robberson ave, N S.
Roberts, Miss Hester, weaver, at Springfield Cotton Mills, bds 308 E Water.
Roberts, Miss Aggie, works at 504 S Jefferson.
Roberts, Squire, col'd, striker at Springfield Wagon Factory, res 714 E `Water.
Roberts, George, col'd, laborer, res 402 Washington ave.
Roberts, Timothy, col'd, laborer, res rear of 515 E. Center.
Robertson, Daniel, blacksmith, Springfield Wagon Factory, res 222 N Jefferson.
Robinson, Mrs. I. S., res 530 E Elm.
Robinson, George A., wool dealer, res same as above.
Robinson, Charles S., clerk, res same as above.
Robinson, Miss Hannah, res same as above.
Robinson, Mrs., res 811 Boonville.
Rockwell, W. W., farmer, res 226 E Center.
Roff, F. C., farmer, res 716 N. Jefferson.
Roff, W. P., farmer, res same as above.
Roff, Miss Lou. A., res same as above.
Rogers, Jane, col'd, cook, res rear of 717 St Louis.
Rolander, Miss Jennie, res 324 Cherry.
Root, Asa, res 812 N Jefferson.
Root, Miss Eva, res as above.
Rorick, M., machinist, Railroad Shops, res Washington ave, near State st, N S.
Rorick, John, machinist, as above.
Rosback, F. P., foreman Springfield Iron Works, res 412 North Campbell.
Rosback, Peter, engineer as above, bds as above.
Rose, Wesley, col'd, teamster, res rear of 706 St. Louis.
Rose, Thomas, col'd, laborer, res 613 Lincoln.
Rose, Daniel, col'd, laborer, res 516 Cherry.
Ross, T. E., physician and surgeon, 206 Boonville, res 604 same
Ross, John, farmer, res 713 South.
Ross, Mrs. A. I., res Commercial st, N S.
Ross, S. E., peddler, res 707 S Main.
Roulet, Paul, Professor of Mathematics, Drury College, res Benton ave, nr Pacific st, N S.
Rountree, M J,., proprietor Concord Nursery, res 609 E Elm.
Rountree, T. J., nurseryman, res as above.
Rountree, Miss Lizrie, music teacher, res as above.
Rountree, N. M., (Keet, Rountree & Co., merchants,) 120 Public Square, res 407 Mt. Vernon.
Rountree, James, saddler, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Pub. Sq., res 329 Market.
Rountree, W. J., res 811 W Walnut
Rountree, Andrew J., teamster, res 416 Lynn.
Rountree, Bently, ag't for musical instruments, res 407 W Center.
Rout, Joseph, res 615 E Walnut.
Rout, John A., carpenter, res same as above.
Rout, Leonidas, clerk, 219 South, res same as above.
Routh, A. P., harness manufacturer, 213 Boonville.
Routh, John F., laborer, res 1007 Concord.
Rowe, Wm. N., Principal North Springfield Public School, bds North Springfield House.
Rule, J. C., saloon keeper, Commercial st, near Robberson ave, res cor Robberson and Court sts, N S.
Russell, John, blacksmith, Railroad Shops, bds Lyon House, N S.
Russell, Mrs. Sarah M., res 302 State.
Russell, Miss Anna, works at Fairbanks Hall, Benton ave.
Ryan. Elizabeth, washerwoman, res 511 N Campbell.