1878 Springfield and North Springfield Directory
1878 Directory of Springfield and North Springfield
The plan of numbering is that adopted by the City Council in the ordinance
recently enacted. To find a number on the Public Square, commence with No.
100, at the northeast corner, and count around, via the north, west, south
and east, to the place of beginning.
To find a number on any of the four principal streets leading out from the
Square, commence with No. 200, and every time you cross a street begin a
new hundred, remembering that all even numbers are on the east and south,
and all odd numbers on the north and west. All other streets number from
these four principal streets according to the same rule, and all parallel
streets are made to correspond as nearly as possible with those upon which
the numbers are given on the map. The space allowed for a number is from
20 to 25 feet in the business portion, and from 40 to 100 feet in the
dwelling-house portion of the city.
Residences and business houses in North Springfield are not numbered, but
will be distinguished by the letters N. S. placed after the name.
Ave. stands for avenue; al. for alley; bet. for between; bds. for boards;
clk for clerk; col'd for colored; cor. for corner; nr. for near; prop'r
for proprietor; op. for opposite; res. for residence; st. for street; and
n. s. e. and w. for the points of the compass.
Earley, James, machinist, Railroad Shops, res State, bet Benton and Washington, N. S.
Earley, James, student, Drury College, bds 1105 N. Jefferson.
Eastman, Pastor German Protestant Church, res 208 Boonville.
Eaton, Henry, dealer in pumps and lightning rods, res 900N. Main.
Eaton, John, stock-grower, res 900 N. Main.
Echelherry, E. J., clerk, 206 Boonville, res 218 N. Jefferson,
Echelberry, Miss Laura, res 218 N. Jefferson.
Echelberry, M., (L. M. Rainey & Co., merchants) 104 Pub. Sq., res 504 S Jefferson.
Eckas, Conrad, furniture dealer, Commercial st., nr Freight Depot, res Boonville, cor Division.
Eddy, R. S., Sup't Springfield Iron Works, res 403 N. Grant.
Eddy, Charles, machinist, Springfield Iron Works, bds 305 South.
Eddy, W. H., machinist, Springfield Iron Works, bds 305 South.
Edmiston, Mrs. C. H., teacher, private school, 503 N. Jefferson, res same.
Edmiston, Miss Anna, music teacher, res 503 N. Jefferson.
Edmiston, Wm. L., student, Drury College, res 503 N. Jefferson.
Edmondson, M. J., bar tender, with A. B. Dodson, Commercial st, nr Passenger Depot. N. S.
Edmondson, B. H., res 619 Lincoln.
Edmundson, Nicholas, col'd, laborer, res 1200 Washington.
Edmundson, Lucy, col'd, res 820 Washington.
Edmundson, Martha, col'd, res 1100 Earle.
Edmundson, Louis, col'd, porter, with W. C. Booth, 136 Public Square, res 515 Harrison.
Edmundson, Newton, col'd, shoemaker, res 516 Cherry.
Edmundson, Jane, col'd, servant, 303 Market.
Edmundson, Cicero,.col'l, laborer, res 702 State.
Edmundson, Albert, col'd, laborer, res rear of 614 E. Water.
Edmundson, Maria, col'd, res 418 E. Elm.
Edwards, Mrs. Mary, weaver, Springfield Woolen Mills, res 607 St. Louis.
Edwards, Mrs. Louisa, weaver, Springfield Cotton Mills, res 614 E. Water.
Egbert, Mrs. Sarah, res 215 E. Water.
Egbert, Mrs. Adeline, weaver, Springfield Cotton Mills, res 215 E. Water.
Eldridge, George, col'd, farmer, res 709 State.
Ellett, Charles, col'd, striker, at Springfield Wagon Factory, res 903 Earle.
Elliott, Mrs. Anna, res 311 W. Chestnut.
Ellis, Dan'l, res 315 E. Elm.
Ellis, Mrs. Mary, res 1104 N. Campbell.
Ellis, John, laborer. res 407 N. Clay.
Ellis, Wirt W., U. S. Commissioner office 204 Boonville, res 315 E. Elm.
Ellswortb, Miss N. J., res 805 W Walnut.
Estreagle, Augustus. miller, res 600 N Main.
Estreagle, Miss Emma, res 600 N Main.
Estreagle, Miss Nellie, res 600 N Main.
Elzey, M L., traveling salesman, res 406 S Campbell.
Elzey, Miss Sophia, res 406 S Campbell.
Emery, Gee. D., (Emery & Comstock, furniture dealers,) 222, 221,226 South. res 214 E Walnut
Emmerson, Lucy. Col'd, res 701 South.
Emmerson,, Lizzie, col'd, washerwoman, res 514 E. Center.
Epperson, T.J.res 322 S. Campbell.
Episcopal Church, 400 E Walnut.
Erp, R-.,bert, teamster, res 1114 N Jefferson.
Evans, Chas. H. baker, 219 College, res same.
Evans, James M., house and barn mover, res 603 Billings.
Evans, Joseph W., teamster, res 603 Billings.
Evans, Miss Mary, res 603 Billings.
Evans, Miss Nancy, reeler at Cotton Mills, res 300 N Jefferson.
Evans, Mrs. Mary, res 800 N Jefferson.
Everett, Henry, wagon-maker, Springfield Wagon Factory, bds 219 College.
Eversol, C. M., Eagle Flouring Mills 248 Boonville, res 309 S. Jefferson.
Eversol, Theodore, miller, 248 Boonville, res 309 W Phelps.
Eversol, Arthur, miller, 4 miles northeast of city, bds. 412 Washington ave,
Everson, C. H., agent for Common Sense Bee-hive, bds 815 West Walnut
Ewers, Mrs. Orilla, res Boonville, nr public school, N. S.
Ewers, Miss Hattie A., teacher, res. Boonville, nr Pub. School, N S.
Ewing, F. Y., res 804 W. Walnut
Ewing, Miss Katie, res. 804 W. Walnut.
Fagg, A. J., cigar maker, res 600 Monroe.
Fagg, Thos, gardener, bds with Henry Carle, Benton ave, n of Atlantic st, N. S.
Fahy, John, (Fahy & Caskey, merchants,) 108 Public Square,bds 317 South.
Fairbanks' Hall, Drury College, 1000 Benton ave.
Fairbanks, Jonathan, Sup't Public Schools, res 613 Sycamore.
Fairchild, K. H. S., jeweler, res 209 Mt. Vernon.
Faichild, Mrs. A. O., res 209 Mt. Vernon.
Fairfield, Miss Laura, housekeeper at 609 Boonville.
Fairlamb, Nicholas, tailor, res 1001 N. Jefferson.
Fairman, Frank, res 606 College.
Fairman, J. H., clerk, res 606 College.
Farley, Thos., harness maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Public Square, res 620 Lincoln.
Farmer, Albert, cloth boiler at Springfield Cotton Mills, res 406 N. Pearl.
Farmer, Edward, laborer at Springfield Cotton Mills, res 406 N. Pearl.
Farmer, Mrs. Susan, res 406 N. Pearl.
Farrar, David col'd, laborer, res 614 Franklin.
Farrar, Naomi, col'd, cook, St, Louis Street House.
Farrar, Andy, col'd, laborer, res rear of 701 Weaver,
Farrel1, Hugh, laborer, res 300 N. Jefferson.
Farrier, Mrs. Hannah, res 808 W. Walnut.
Faust, D. P., painter, bds North Springfield House.
Favor, G. M., engineer, S. L. & S. F. R. R., res Commercial st, bet Benton and Washington aves, N. S.
Fay, John, painter, bds 401 N. Main.
Fay, E. L., conductor, S. L. & S. F. R. R, res cor State st and Benton ave, N. S.
Fay, B. A., Bakery and -Restaurant, Commercial st, nr Benton ave North Springfield..
Fearn, A. R., bookseller, 143 Public Square, res 409 E. Walnut.
Fellows, H. F., Mayor of City, and Pres't Springfield Wagon Factory, res 210 E. Walnut.
Fellows, Miss Emma, res 210 E. Walnut
Fellows, N. W., salesman Springfield Wagon Factory, res 217 E. Walnut.
Fenner, A. G., conductor, S. L. & S. F. R. R., rooms cor Locust st and Benton ave, N. S.
Ferguson, B. W., conductor, S. L. & S. F. R. R., room as above.
Ferguson, John R., druggist, res 801 N. Main.
Feguson, S., (Titus & Ferguson, grocers,) 225 St. Louls, res 604 Benton ave.
Ferguson, Mrs. Mary, res 510 Mt. Vernon.
Ferguson, Ann, col'd, servant, 510 N. Jefferson.
Ferree, Mrs. Chloe, res. E. Elm, east of Dollison.
Field, S. B., tobacco presser, Porter & Sons, 439 St. Louis, res 621 Lincoln.
Fields, Mrs. Sarah, res 211 W. Phelps.
Fields-, Miss Vina, res 211 W. Phelps.
Fieldy, H., tailor, with B. F. Huntington, 215 College st, res 704 State.
Fieldy, Miss Emma, res 704 State.
Findley, H. B., wagon maker, Springfield Wagon Factory, res. 207 W. Center.
Findley, Miss Mary, student, res 207 W. Center.
Finney, H. M. A., clerk, res cor Pacific street and Washington
Finney, E. A., Carpenter, res Cor Wash'tn ave and Pacific St, N. S.
FinnigAn, Mrs., works for Mrs. McCabe, Webster, nr Comm'l, N. S.
Firestone, Joseph, laborer, Railroad Shops, res Pacific st., bet Boonville and Robberson, N S.
Fisher, James, physician, res 717 Boonville.
Fisher, Mrs. Alcina, dressmaker, res 702 N. Campbell.
Fisk, M. A., clerk, 128 Public Square, res 505 W. Phelps.
Fisk, R. W., marble cutter, res 505 W. Phelps.
Fisk, Miss Lucy J., res 505 W. Phelps.
Fitzpatrick, M., night watchman, R. R. Shops, bds Lyon House, N S.
Fitzpatrick, John, section hand, S. L. & S. F. R. R., res. Jefferson street, N S.
Fitzgerald, Miss Mary S., res 312 Grant.
Flanner, T. U., physician and Surgeon, 106 Public Square, res 608 Benton avenue.
Flatlay, Thomas, laborer, res 308 E. Phelps.
Flemming, Miss Emma, works at 504 South.
Fletcher, H., real estate agent, 205 South, res 300 E. Walnut.
Fletcher, Miss Junietta, res 300 E. Walnut.
Fletcher, Miss Josephine, res 300 E. Walnut
Fletcher, J., farmer, res Pacific, bet Robberson & Boonville, N S.
Flintham, John W., Sup't Springfield Gas Works, 400 Mill street, res 506 E. Elm.
Flitton, Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, 211 St. Louis, bds 508 South.
Flood, R. E., fireman, S. L. & S. F. R. R., bds with Jno. Zeigler, Commercial st, N S.
Fluth, George, cigar maker, res 400 S. Campbell.
Foley, J. F., book-keeper, Springfield Wagon Factory, resides 217 W. Clay.
Foltz, A. W. carpenter, res cor Comm'l and Robberson sts, N. S.
Ford, M, grocer, 212 College, res 901 Concord.
Fort, J. K., collar maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Public Square, res 505 Billings.
Fosley, E., cabinet maker, with Emery & Comstock, 224 South st, res over store.
Foss, A. M., traveling salesman, res 309 Brower's ave.
Foster, Samuel, mail carrier, res 1205 Washington ave.
Foster, Miss Jane, res 1205 Washington ave.
Foster, Talbot, col'd, laborer, res 709 Boonville.
Fowler, W. R., clerk, 401 Boonville, res 313 W. Phelps.
Fox, R. H., grocer, Commercial st, near Freight Depot, res Bell st, near Lumber Yard, N S.
Fox, Mrs. Nettie Pease, Editor Spritual Offering, office 215 South, res 608 W Walnut.
Fox D. M., Associate Editor Spiritual Offering, office 215 South, res same as above.
Fox, C. M., clerk, with Doling, Parce & Gray, Commercial street, bds with R. H. Fox, N S.
Frame, A. N., fireman, S. &W. M R. R. bds Harding House, N S.
Franklin, Joseph, col'd, farmer, res 815 Franklin.
Franklin, Wm., col'd, laborer, res 601 Franklin.
Frantz, G. K., tinner, with W. H. Mansfield, 131 Public Square, bds 212 N. Jefferson
Frantz, Henry, carpenter, res 307 S Jefferson,
Freeman, G. M., traveling salesman, res 410 N. Main.
Freeman, S. P., traveling salesman, res same, as above.
Freeman, L. H. D., clerk, 105 Public Square, res same as above.
Freeman, Miss Ella, res same as above.
Freeman, Miss Alice, res same as above,
Freeman, Barney, col'd, tobacco roller, with Geo. Anthony, 705 St. Louis, res rear of 713 same
Freeman, Lottie, col'd, res rear of 713 St Louis.
Freeman, Mary, col'd, res same as above
Fricke, G. W., grain dealer, res 724 S. Campbell.
Frint, Henry, engineer, S. L, & S. F. R. R., bds Lyon Honse, N S.
Fritts, P. M., teamster, res 1103 N Main.
Frost, A1bert, col'd, laborer, res 625 E Walnut
Frost, Henry, col'd laborer, res same as above.
Fulbright, "Aunt Hannah," col'd, res 1104 Earle.
Fulbright, Susan, col'd, res same as above.
Fulbright, Clara, col'd, res same as above.
Fulbright, Judy, col'd, res same as above.
Fulbright, C., col'd, washerwoman, res 600 Mill.
Fulbright, Perry, col'd, laborer, res same as above.
Fulbright, Harriet, col'd, washerwoman, res same as above.
Fuibright, Irving, col'd, servant, 608 Benton ave.
Fulbright, Minerva, col'd, washerwoman, res 605 Washington ave.
Fulbright, Green, col'd, farmer, res 412 Franklin.
Fulbright, Lucy, col'd, servant, 700 E Elm.
Fulbright, David, col'd, laborer, bds 515 Harrison.
Fulbright, Jane, col'd, servant, Lyon House, N S
Fuller, Geo. H., traveling salesman, bds Metropolitan Hotel.
Fullerton, Miss Bertie, works at 413 E.. Walnut
Fulton, Prof. Jean, teacher, bds Lyon House, N S.
Fauts, D. E., painter, bds Sanford House, 226 St Louis.
Furnald, E. T., fireman, S. L. & S.F. R. R., bds Lyon House, NS.
Gage John H., merchant, res 701 Pearl.
Gainer, Lina, col'd, res 1106 Earle.
Gainer, Jerry, col'd, res 1108 Earle.
Gaines, John, col'd, farmer, 608 South.
Galloway, C. F., grocer, 288 South, res 810 S. CampbelL
Galloway, J. M., res 601 Evans.
Galt, P. F., Auditor S. & W. M. R R, res 512 College.
Gamble, H., shoemaker, Commercial, nr Jefferson, N. S.
Gardner, B. B., proprietor Young House, 317 South,
Gardner, J. L., wagon and carriage maker, 221 W. South al, res rear of 541 W. Phelps,
Gardner, L. A., wagon maker, with J. Hodnett, 300 Mill res 403 W. Olive.
Gardner, J. S., (Gardner & Sons, wagon makers,) 218 S. Patten al, res 712 S. Main.
Gardner, J. D., wagon maker, as above, res 716 S. Main.
Gardner, Miss Jane, works at 309 E. Center.
Gardner, Miss M. G., res 626 W. Walnut
Gardner, Wm., (Gardner Bros. saloon,) 206 College, res 626 W. Walnut.
Gardner, James, saloon as above, res 626 W. Walnut
Garwood, Wm., Baggage Master, S. L & S. F. R. R., bds Lyon House, N. S.
Garwood, Henry, fireman, S. L & S. F R. R., bds with B. A.Fay, Commercial, N. S.
Gates, T. J., saddler, with A. P. Routh & Co., 213 Boonville, res 218 Pearl.
Gates, Herman, brakeman, S. L. & S. F. R. R., bds with Wm. Gates, cor Webster and Pacific, N. S.
Gates, Miss Mary, res 1010 N Grant.
Gates, (Goez,) Wm. F., brass burnisher, Railroad Shops, res cor Webster and Pacific, N. S.
Gatewood, Dan'l, col'd, farmer, res 728 5 Grant.
Gear, James M., artist, res 805 W Walnut.
Gear, John M, brick layer, res 805 W. Walnut.
Gear, John M., jr., brick layer, res 805 W.,Walnut.
Geiger, W. F., Circuit Judge, office Court House, res 312 S Grant.
George, Joseph, blacksmith, res 311 N Main.
George, Miss Carrie, res 311 N. Main.
George, Mrs. M., dressmaker, res 503 N Grant.
Gibson, Wm. J., clerk, 215 Boonville, bds N Campbell.
Gibson, W. A., physician and surgeon, bds Lyon House, N S.
Gibson, Mrs. U., res Benton ave, n of Atlantic St, N S.
Gibson, Geo., mail carrier, bds 515 W. Phelps.
Gibson, James, bartender, 206 College, bds Benton ave, north of Atlantic, N S.
Gillespie, P. H., (Gillespie & Hegarty, grocers,) 253 Boonville, res 1108 N Grant.
Gillespie, Edward, grocer, as above, res 208 Mill.
Gillespie, Mrs. Mary, proprietor Pacific House, 208 Mill.
Gillespie, Miss Annie, res 208 Mill.
Gillespie, Miss Kate, res 208 Mill.
Gilmore, Mrs. Sallie, col'd, ,washerwoman, res 702 State.
Glenn, Michael, blacksmith, Railroad Shops, res Cor, Washington ave and State St, N S.
Goddard, F. M., insurance agent, with Hubbard & Miller, 105 Public .Square, res 405 W. Clay.
Goffe, Charles H., book-keeper, res 607 N. Main.
Goffe, Mrs. M A., proprietor St. Louis Street House, 210 St. Louis.
Goffe, T. N., printer, res 210 St. Louis.
Goffe Miss Ora, res 210 St. Louis.
Golder, Martin, laborer, S. L. &. S. F. R. R., res rear Passenger Depot, N S.
Goldsmith, T. G., engineer, S. L. & S. F. R. R., res Jefferson, bet Pacific and Locust, N. S.
Gooch, Wm. T.. saddler, Commercial st, nr Freight Depot, bds Delmonico Restaurant, N S.
Gooch, Miss Julia, works at 801 N Main.
Good, Dan'l, conductor, S. L. S. F. R. R., res Washington ave, south of Pacific at, N S.
Goode, R. L., Princfpal of High School, Jefferson Street Public School, bds 305 South.
Gorton, Wm. R., book-keeper, 211 St. Louis, res 509 W. Wallnut.
Goss, I. N., clerk for McCaskill & Robberson, Commercial st, nr Freight Depot, bds with Mrs. Sully, Jefferson st.
Gott, Jonathan, teamster, res 532 W. Chesnut.
Gott, Miss Sarah, res 532 W Chesnut.
Gott, Peter, bus-driver, Denton's livery stable, 225 College, res 528 W. Chestnut.
Gott, Peter B., farmer, res 600 Monroe.
Gott, Henry, clerk, with Thos. Williams, 216 W Walnut, res 601 College.
Gott, John E., teamster, res 408 Franklin.
Gott, Mrs. Mary, res 311 Brower's ave.
Gott, Mrs. E. P., res 708 N Main.
Gott, Joseph, carpenter, res 800 Boonville.
Gottfried, Conrad, furniture dealer, 234 Boonville res 413 Same.
Gottfried, Charles, cabinet maker, with Conrad Gottfried, 234 Boonville, res 413 same.
Gainstreet, Wm., col'd, farmer, res Pacific, nr Campbell, N S.
Granade, John A., carpenter, res 406 Poplar.
Gravens, Miss Melissa, waiter, Lyon House, N S.
Graves, H. W., traveling salesman, 140 Public Square, res 510 Boonville.
Graves, John, gardener, res east of Jefferson road, N S.
Graves, Mrs. S. C.1 res 510 Boonville.
Graves, Miss Lilian, res 510 Boonville.
Gray, J. T. (Doling, Parce & Gray, hardware,) Commercial st, nr Freight Depot, N S.
Gray, Mrs. M., res cor Commercial and Campbell, N S.
Gray, Nathan, overseer at Springfield Cotton Mills, res 401 N Main.
Gray, Msis Fannie, hair dresser, cor Campbell and ComnerciaL sts., N S.
Gray, Mrs. Nancy, res 704 S Jefferson.
Gray, Angeline, col'd, washerwoman, res rear 705 South.
Gray, Aggie, ool'd, washerwoman, res rear 614 St. Louis.
Gray, Martha, col'd, servant, 814 N Campbell.
Grayson, Sarah, col'd, washerwoman, res 406 E. Phelps.
Green, Thomas J., stone mason, res 624 W Elm.
Green, Lewis, laborer, res 624 W Elm.
Greenlee, C., carpenter, res 503 S Jefferson.
Greenlee, Miss F. A., compositor, Patriot-Advertiser office, 208 St. Louis, res 207 E Walnut.
Greenlee, Miss M. M., res as above.
Griffith, John M., clerk, 142 Pub. Sq., res 600 College.
Griffith, D. L, traveling salesman, res 409 N Grant.
Griffith, J. H., farmer, res 409 N Grant
Griffith, Miss R., Anna, res 409 N Grant.
Grigg, John, farmer, res 428 St. Louis.
Grigg, Miss Emma teacher, Room No. 5, Jefferson Street Public School, res 428 St. Louis.
Grigg, Edward, farmer, res 428 St. Louis.
Grisham, Mrs. Emeline, res 614 E Water.
Grishsm, Mrs. Elizabeth, weaver, at Springfield Cotton Mills, res 614 E Water
Grisham, Miss Sarah, weaver, Springfield Cotton Mills, res 614 E Water.
Grissom, Miss Ellen, res with Mrs. Smith, Benton ave., nr Commercial st, N S.
Grissom, Miss Emma weaver, Springfield Cotton Mills, res 607 St. Louis.
Grist, Benjamin, conductor, St. L. & S. F. R. R., res Washington. ave., nr Pacific st., N S.
Griswold, R. B., carpenter, res 704 S Grant.
Groves, J., (J. LaDue & Co., hair restorative, etc.,) res 415 Poplar
Grubbs, H. B., brick-mason, res 212 E Chesnut.
Grubbs, Chester, clerk, 211 St. Louis, res 212 E Chestnut
Grubbs, Frank, clerk, 217 South, res 212 E Chestnut.
Gruner, Miss Mary, works at 512 N Campbell.
Gueringer, Mrs. C., res 407 Kimbrough
Gueringer, A. V., barber, 216 College, res 325 Cherry.
Gueringer, Toney, barber, 216 College, res 407 Kimbrough.
Gueringer, Edward, barber, same as above.
Guffin, O. H., dealer in musical instruments, 119 Pub., Sq.
Guffin, Rollin, dealer in musical instruments, 109 Pub., Sq., bds 317 Soutli.
Gwinn, James E., Collar-maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Pub. Sq., res 700 State.
Hackpath, Wm., teamster, res 311 N. Grant.
Hackney, Wilson, tinner, with W. II. Mansfield, 131 Pub. Square, res 205 W Walnut.
Hackney, Mrs., res same as above.
Hadden, J. J., wheelwright, with Stokes & Son, cor Boonville and Pacific, bds with same, near Public School, N S.
Hagood, L M., col'd, Pastor Colored M. E. Church, res 305 East Phelps.
Hague, John, blacksmith, with W. H. Lyman, 202 Mill, res 500 Franklin.
Haguewood, L. D., barkeeper, 124 Public Sq., res 218 E Water.
Haile, Mrs. Sarah A., dressmaker, res 323 Cherry.
Hale, J. H., wagon yard, Campbell street, southwest of Freight Depot, N S.
Hall, F. A., Principal Preparatory Dep't, Drury College, bds 305 South street.
Hall, Mrs. M. L., res cor Benton ave and Locust ist, N S.
Hall, A. P., teacher, res cor Benton ave and Locust st, N S.
Hall, Wm. A., druggist, 110 Public Square, res 508 N Main.
Hall, Wm., jr., clerk, 110 Public Square, res same as above.
Hall, Miss Lizzie, res same as above.
Hall, Robert, farmer, res cor Locust st and Benton ave, N S.
Hall, Armster, col'd, farmer, res 600 Boonville.
Hall, Archibald, col'd, porter, Metropolitan Hotel, res 600 Boonv,
Hall, Betsey, col'd, washerwoman, res same as above.
Hamilton, T. H., engineer, S. & W. M. Railroad, res 514 N Main.
Hamlin, C. C., carpenter, res 901 N Main.
Hancock, Wm., col'd, laborer, res Benton ave, north of Atlantic street N S.
Hancock, Mrs. Amanda, col'd, washerwoman, res rear of 306 Mill.
Hancock, Abbie, col'd, rear of 715 St Louis.
Hanna, A., stock dealer, res 216 E Pine.
Hanna, Frank, col'd, laborer, res 304 W Calhoun.
Hansford, Dr. L., proprietor Lyon House, N S.
Hanson, John, tinner, with C. Gage, 135, Public Square, bds 324 St. Louis.
Hare, C. L., laborer, Railroad Shops, bds N. Springfield House.
Hargreaves, Thomas, manufacturer of soda water, 323 W. Lynn, residence same,
Harmon, Peter, farmer, res rear of 707 South.
Harmon, Mrs. Jane, washerwoman, res same as above.
Harper, James, col'd, laborer, res 504 N Pearl.
Harper, Moses, col'd, laborer, res same as above.
Harrington, Napoleon, col'd, teamster, res 413 E Elm.
Harris, James A., book-binder, 126 Pub. Sq., res 414 E Elm.
Harris, James, cigar maker, with W. G. Porter & Sons, 435 St. Louis, res 208 S Dollison.
Harris, Sophia, col'd, cook, at 219 College, res rear 614 St. Louis,
Harris, Richard, col'd, laborer, res 506 N Pearl.
Harrison, Miss Margaret, works at 708 Boonville.
Hartman, Miss Josephine, waiter, North Springfield House.
Hartsel, John, carpenter, res 714 South.
Harvey, W. C., carpenter, Railroad Shops, res Boonville st, near Public School, N S.
Harrey, Thomas, carpenter, res 305 Brower's ave.
Harvey, Albert, cabinet maker, with E. Sander, 219 Boonville st. res 305 Brower's avenue.
Harvey, Mrs. Hannah, res same as above.
Harwood, Alfred P., res 1322 Benton avenue.
Harwood, Charles E., res 609 Benton avenue.
Harwood, Miss Isabel H., student, Drury College, resides same as above.
Haskins, Fred., policeman, 503 S Campbell.
Hasley, Thomas, fireman S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds with B. A. Fay, Commercial st., N S.
Haswell, A. M., clerk in Railroad Land Office, Commercial street, N S, res 1203 N Jefferson.
Hatcher, Granville, col'd, blacksmith, 224 W, South alley, resides 611 S. Campbell.
Hatfield, C. L., employe at Springfield Wagon Factory, res 609 Billings,
Hatfield, J. W., tailor, res 914 W Elm.
Haughawout, W. H., Deputy U. S. Marshal, office 204 Boonville res 503 Benton ave.
Havens, H. E., Sup't Springfield and Western Missouri Railway, office in depot building, res 324 Cherry.
Havird, Beverly, pump maker, bds 624 W Elm.
Hawkins, Miss Mattie, bds 401 N Main.
Hayden W. J., Missionary American Sunday School Union, office 104 Public Square res 409 S Jefferson.
Hayden, Jesse, carpenter, res 503 S Campbell.
Hayden, Thomas, fireman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res cor Comm'l and Clay, N S.
Hayes, Patrick, policeman, res 705 ½ Boonville.
Hayes, J. R., book-keeper, 215 St Louis, res 212 N Jefferson.
Hayes, Mrs M. C., res 212 N Jefferson.
Hayes, Miss Helen, res same as above.
Hayes, Miss Lella, res same as above.
Hayes, Miss Clara, res same as above.
Hayes, Miss Margaret, seamstress, res 702 N. Main.
Hayes, James, laborer, res same as above,
Hayes, Miss Eva, weaver, Springfield Cot. Mills, res 607 St. Louis
Hayes, Michael, laborer, res 702 N Main.
Hayes, James, livery stable, 218 Boonville, res 206 W. Phelps..
Hayes, John, teamster, res 511 N Grant.
Haymaker, Mrs. Anna M., res 500 W State.
Haynes, H. H., General Fuel Agent, St. L. & S. F, Railroad, res Jefferson ave., nr State st, N. S.
Heacker, F. A., Southwestern Cigar Factory, cor Commercial st and Jefferison ave., N. S., res same.
Heacker, F. L., cigar-maker as above, res same.
Headley, L., train dispatcher, St. L. & S. F. Raflroad, res Benton ave., bet Locust and Pacific sts., N. S.
Headley, A. C.., auctioneer, res 515 N Jefferson.
Headley, W. S., produce dealer, 221 South, res 515 N. Jefferson.
Headley, O. M., produce dealer, Lebanon, res as above.
Headley, F. E., (Sutter & Headley, grocers,) 215 Boonville, res same as above.
Heath, A. W., cooper, 204 N Jefferson, res 404 W Olive.
Heaton, G. N., shoemaker, res 503 S Campbell.
Hedges, A. G., land agent, res 820 N Jefferson.
Hedges, Mrs. B. C., res Pacific st, nr Robberson ave., N. S.
Heer, C. H., (C. H, Heer & Co., merchants,) 209 Boonville, res 511 Boonville.
Heer, Henry, clerk, with C. H. Heer & Co., as above, res as above.
Heer, C. H., jr., clerk, as above, res same.
Heer, Miss Agnes, res as above.
Heffernan, F., attorney-at-law, 107 Pub. Sq., res 506 Boonville.
Heffernan, W. H., engineer, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Jefferson ave., nr Pacific, N. S.
Heffernan, Mrs, Lizzie, dressmaker, res Jefferson, nr Pacific, N. S
Heffernan, Mrs. Aggie, res 514 N. Main.
Hegarty, Jaines, (Gillespie & Hegarty, grocers,) 253 Boonville, bds 208 Mill.
Hegarty, John, peddler, bds as above.
Hellwig, J. F. W., shoemaker, 212 ½ South, res 216 Boonville.
Helsinger, Miss Kate, works at 426 St. Louis.
Helsinger, Miss Mary, works at 401 N Campbell.
Henderson, Easter, col'd, res rear 611 S Jefferson.
Hendrex, J. K., farmer, res rear 507 Market.
Hendrick, W. R., printer, res 407 E Walnut.
Hendricks, Mrs. M. J., res cor Atlantic and Benton, N. S.
Hendry, E. E., marble dealer, res 810 College.
Heninger, Jobn, butcher, with H. L. Baldwin, Commercial st., bds Harding House, N. S.
Henshey, D. C., (Henshey & Woodbury, merchants,) 211 Boonville, res 221 Benton ave.
Henslee, J. B., teller, Greene County National Bank, 106 Public Square, res 403 South.
Henslee, B. W., tobacconist, res 703 Boonville.
Henslee, Miss Alice, res as above.
Herman, C., res nr Steam Pump, N. S.
Herndon, James, bricklayer, res 729 South.
Herring, Otto, miller, at Schmook's Mill, 400 Boonville, bds 408 Boonville.
Herring, Miss Annie, works at 2l1 E Walnut.
Hester, Samuel, col'd, laborer, res 302 Washington ave.
Hester, Lucinda, col'd, res same as above.
Hester, Amanda, col'd, washerwoman, res as above.
Heytman, Charles, brass moulder, Railroad Shops, res cor Washington ave. and State st., nr Round House, N. S.
Higgs, Will, col'd, laborer, res rear of 301 N Jefferson.
Higgs, Mary, col'd, servant, 418 E Walnut.
Higgs, Peggy, col'd, res 701 South.
Hightower, W. G., cigar maker, with James Anthony, 130 Public Square, res 401 W. Olive.
Hightower, Mrs. Mary, res as above.
Hightower, G. R., laborer, res as above.
Hightower, Mary, col'd, res rear of 601 St. Louis.
Hightower, Caroline, col'd, res as above.
Hightower, John, col'd, res 605 St. Louis.
Hightower, Albert, col'd, res 1100 Earle.
Hill, Charles W., printer, Times office, 217 South, res 705 Boonville st.
Hill, John M., teamster, res 301 N Grant.
Hill, Mrs. Catherine, res 614 E Walnut.
Hill, Miss Sophia, dressmaker, res as above.
Hill, Miss Kate, dressmaker, res as above.
Hines, J. H., traveling salesman, res 810 Boonville.
Hitchens, G. `V., engineer, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Pacific st, bet Benton and Jefferson aves, N S.
Hitchens, R. M., fireman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds with G. W. Hitchens, as above.
Hoag, C. B., harness maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., Commercial st, nr Freight Depot, N S, res 1324 N Jefferson st.
Hoag, John, res same as above.
Hodgdon, F. P., machinist, Railroad Shops, bds with Mrs. Sully, Jefferson, nr Pacific, N S.
Hodges, Robert, tobacconist, with G. H. McCann, bds 620 E Water.
Hodnett, James. wagon manufacturer, 300 Mill, bds 208 MilL.
Hodson, George, machinist, Railroad Shops, N S, res 819 N Jefferson.
Hodson, Joseph, machinist, Railroad Shops, N S, res 714 Washington.
Hodson, Miss Elizabeth, works at 609 Benton ave.
Hoffelt, J. 1,1,, meat market, 303 Boonville, bds 212 Boonville.
Hogan, Mrs. Louisa, res 607 St. Louis.
Hoit, G. P., carpenter, res 510 S. Main.
Holden, Geo., carpenter, Railroad Shops, res Washington ave, north of Atlantic st, N S.
Holden, David, brakeman, S. L. & S.F. Railroad, bds on Jefferson road, nr machine shop, N S.
Holdman, Mrs., seamstress, res 400 W Olive.
Holland, C. B., (Holland & Sons, bankers,) 144 Public Square, res 319 S Jefferson.
Holland, W. C., (Holland & Sons, bankers,) same as above.
Holland, T. B., (Holland & Sons, bankers,) 114 Public Square, res 400 St. Louis,
Holland, Lee, teller First National Bank, res 309 E. Center.
Holland, J. L., retired merchant. res 211 E. Walnut.
Holland, Miss Viola, res same as above.
Hollister, J. W., gardener, res 511 College.
Holly, Myron, claim agent, res 1001 N Campbell.
Holman, D. S., Springfield Nursery, 807 S Campbell.
Holman. Geo. W., stone cutter, res 501 State.
Holman, Mrs. A. B., Seamstress,res 806 College.
Holmes, Louis, col'd, laborer, res rear of 601 St. Louis.
Houk, A. P., grocer, Commercial St. nr Robberson ave, N S.
Hood, Martin, laborer, Railioad Shops, res cor Pacific and Boonville, N S.
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, rooms 308 College.
Hook, G. B., brick maker, Benton ave, nr Steam Pump N S.
Hook, Wm., brick maker, same as above.
Hoover, Jerome, col'd, barber, with John Coker, 305 St. Louis, bds rear of 615 St. Louis.
Hopper, J. G., painter, with Wm. Mathie, N S, bds cor Robberson ave and State st, N S.
Horine, S. H., (S. H. Horine & Co., wholesale liquor dealers,) 172 St Louis, res 401 N Campbell.
Horine, Mrs, H., res same as above.
Horn, Squire, col'd, laborer, res rear of 704 St. Louis.
Horn, Nellie, col'd, washerwoman, res 514 E. Center.
Hornbeak, John, merchant at Linden, Christian county, res 402 N. Campbell.
Hornbeak, W. C., salesman with C. H. Heer & Co., 207 Boonville res 415 N. Campbell.
Hornbostel, Augnst, cigar manufacturer, 221 Boonville, res 413 Boonville.
Hornbuckle, R., col'd, teamster, res 501 N Jefferson,
Houghton, Mrs. Priscilla W., teacher in Washington street Colored Public School, res 311 Brower's ave.
Houghton, Miss Jeanette, teacher, res as abova
House, John, employee Springfield Wagon Factory, res 215 E Water.
House, Henry, painter, res 308 N. Pearl.
House, Wm., carpenter, res 604 N. Campbell.
Houston, Geo. M., machinest, Railroad Shops, bds with Mrs. Sully, Jefferson, nr Pacific, N S.
Howard, James, laborer, res 305 E Center.
Howard, Lucy, col'd, res rear of 306 E Phelps.
Howard, Richard, col'd, well-digger, res 613 S Jefferson.
Howard, John, col'd, laborer, res 706 S Jefferson.
Howe, Isaac, tobacconist, with G. H. McCann, 235 St. Louis, bds Sanford House.
Howell, H. E., attorney at law, 291 South, res 433 State.
Howell, J. H., (Werth, Lord & Howell, insurance,) 207 Public Square, bds Metropolitan Hotel.
Howell, Madison, farmer, res 413 W Clay.
Howell, Peter, col'd, teamster, res 229 N Jefferson.
Howell,Dennis, col'd, res-as above.
Hoyle, Miss Mary, reeler, Springfield Cotton Mills, res 308 E. Water.
Hubbard, W. D., County Attorney, office at Court House, res 306 State.
Hubbard, J. T., insurance agent, 106 Public Square, res four miles east of city.
Hubbard, J. H., clerk, 208 College, bds 219 College.
Hubbell, L. W., (L. W. Hubbell & Co, druggiists,) 139 Public Sq., res 429 E Walnut.
Hudson, Thomas J., painter, res 310 W Phelps.
Hudson, Ben., col'd, plasterer, res 624 St. Louls.
Hudspeth, Jennie, col'd, servant, 414 St Louis.
Huff, Henderson, well digger, bds 609 St Louis.
Huffsmith, Otto, fireman, S. L. & S. F. Raifroad, bds with Willis Augustus, cor Boonville & Park, N S.
Hulse, Wm., engineer, Steam Pump, Washington ave, N S.
Hunter, A. D., student, Drury College, bds Fairbanks Hall.
Huntington, B. F., merchant tailor, 215 College, res 402 W. Olive.
Huntington, C. G., expressman, res 319 E Elm.
Hursh, S., merchant, 207 South, res 402 E Walnut.
Hurst, T. W., marble dealer, 400 College, res 307 W Olive.
Hurst, Miss Ada, dressmaker, res 307 W. Olive.
Hurst, Miss Maggie C., dressmaker, res same as above.
Hurst, W. T., hack driver for H. F. Denton, 225 College, bds 229 same.
Hurst, Jordan, col'd, blacksmith, Springfield Wagon Factory, res 711 South.
Hutchinson, T. J., grocer, 211 ½ South, res 226 St. Louis.
Hyde, W. A., physician and surgeon, office 203 South, res 412 E Water.
Hyde, Benj. W., clerk, 140 Pub. Sq., res 412 E Water.
Hymer, Thomas, dealer in lightning rods, res 303 Pacific.
Imler, Peter, grocer, 328 Boonville, res 309 E Pine.
Ingraham, C. O., Foreman of Bridge Building, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res cor Boonvilie and Atlantic, N S
Ingram, S. N., Ingram & McCracken's Mill, 7 miles southeast of city, res 710 South.
Ingram, A. F., County Treasurer, office Court House, res 506 Mt. Vernon.
Ingram, C. R., printer, Leader office, res as above.
Ingram, Herschel, farmer, res 710 South.
Ingram, Miss Sallie, teacher, res 506 Mt. Vernon.
Ingram, Miss Mollie, teacher, res as above.
Innes, Perrot L., insurance and real estate agent, 203 Boonville, res 1100 N Campbell.
Innes. Robert L., civil engineer, office 203 Boonville, res as above.
Innes, Miss Kate C., res as above.
Innes, Miss Mary H., res as above.
Innes, Miss S., res with Mrs. Kellett, Washington ave, north of Atlantic st, N S.
Inyard, Green. col'd, porter, 123 Public Square, res 407 E Water.
Irvay, Charles, stencil cutter, res 616 W Walnut.
Isbel, Aaron, col'd, stone mason, res 307 Washington ave.
Ish, Dr. J. C. B., millinery and notions, 225 South, res 500 South.
Israel, John A. F., peddler, res 707 S. Main.
Ivy, Nathan. wiper, Round House, res Washington ave, nr Steam Pump, N S.
Jack, Mrs. Lucy, col'd, washerwoman, res 231 N Evans.
Jackson, J. C., grocer. cor Jefferson and Commercial st, N. S.,and, proprietor North Springfield House.
Jackson. E. J., laborer, Raifroad Shops, res Division, near Campbell, N S.
Jackson, Wm., laborer, Spring'd Wagon Factory, res 214 N Main.
Jackson, Mrs. Nannie P., milliner, res 418 Boonville.
Jackson, Jehu, teamster, res rear of 505 S Market
Jackson, W. F., col'd, laborer, res 509 Weaver.
Jarrett, J. M., (Newsom & Jarrett, produce dealers,) 242 South, res .302 South.
Jarrett, Parker, col'd, farmer, res 824 Washington ave.
Jarrett. Jackson, col'd, farmer, res 605 Washington ave.
Jay, Robert W., clerk, Metropolitan Hotel, 220 College.
Jeffers, Robert, bds 215 W Olive.
Jeff,______, col'd, works at 211 E Walnut.
Jenkins, R. P., blacksmith, 414 Boonville, res 418 same.
Jenkins, John, laborer, res 1307 N. Campbell.
Jenkins, Robert, (Stoughton & Jenkins, saloon,) Commercial st, nr Freight Depot, bds Delmonico Restaurant, N S.
Jerry,________, col'd, laborer, works at 319 S Jefferson.
Johannsen, H. F., merchant tailor, res 232 Boonville.
John, Jeremiah, laborer, 309 N Campbell, res 415 W Phelps.
Johnson, M. M. City Marshal, office Council Room, 143 Pub. Square res 306 St. Louis.
Johnson, C. P., civil engineer, res 320 St Louis.
Johnson, W. E.. butcher. res 713 South.
Johnson, Miss Lula E., teacher, res 1100 Weaver.
Johnson, Mrs. C. L., dressmaker, res 705 Boonville.
Johnson, F. S., carpenter, res 1100 Weaver.
Johnson, Mrs. M., res State St, near Round House, N S.
Johnson, Mrs. Serena, res with Mrs. Gamble, Commercial St, N S
Johnson, Miss Sarah, bds with Wm. Mathie, cor Robberson and State, N S.
Johnson. Robert, laborer, res 603 N Grant.
Johnson, Frank, marble dealer, bds 307 W Olive.
Johnson, William M., carpenter, Springfield Wagon Factory, res 408 Mt. Vernon st.
Johnson, Miss, clerk, with Peck & Clark, 140 Public Square bds 219 College.
Johnson, Lewis, blacksmith, res 510 Mt. Vernon st.
Johnson, William, laborer, res 302 State.
Johnson, John, laborer, res same as above.
Johnson, Miss Mary, works at 606 Lincoln.
Johnson. Alex., col'd, res 510 Harrison.
Johnson, Tabitha, col'd. washerwoman, res 312 S. Patten al.
Johnson, Benj, col'd, laborer, 120 Public Square, res 312 S. Patten al.
Johnson, Thomas col'd, res rear of 615 E. Walnut.
Johnson, Emeline, col'd. res same as above.
Johnson, George, col'd. laborer. res same as above.
Johnson, Amanda, col'd. washerwoman, res 312 W Phelps.
Johnson, Ruth A. col'd, washerwoman. res same as above.
Johnson. Alice, col'd, cook, North Springfield House.
Jones, T. H.. attorney at law, ofice with Thrasher &Young. 125 Public Square, bds 311 South.
Jones, George M. farmer, res east end of Chestnut.
Jones, McLain, Law student, res 409 E. Walnut.
Jones. Clayton. carpenter, bds Lyon House. N S.
Jones, Joseph, bartender, 222 College, res 715 South.
Jones, Mrs. Sarah, res 715 St Louis.
Jones, Miss Jennie, res same as above.
Jones, Mrs. M. A., dressmaker, res 717 South.
Jones, Miss M. A., res same as above.
Jones, William, butcher, with Atzert & Sampey, 213 South, res 719 same.
Jones, T. A., hostler at Stoughton's stable, bds cor Commercial and Boonville, N S.
Jones, Thomas, machinist, res 626 W. Walnut.
Jones. Mrs. M. A., res 621 Lincoln.
Jones, F. S., stock dealer, res 514 N. Jefferson.
Jones, Miss Delia, res same as above.
Jones, Richard, col'd, laborer, res rear of 507 S Main.
Jones, W. H., col'd, teacher, bds 310 Benton avenue.
Jones, John, col'd, laborer, res rear of 306 Mill.
Jones, Eliza, col'd, res 406 E Phelps.
Jones, Brown, col'd, laborer, res Pacific, near Boonville, N S.
Jopes, Samuel H., shoemaker, res 427 St. Louis.
Jordan, Betsey, col'd, washerwoman, res 210 E. South alley.
Joslin, William, teamster. bds with T. J. Woodle, Pacific st,nr Jefferson ave, N. S.
Joslin. G. W., bds 215 W Olive.
Jost. Philip, brewer, with S. Dingeldein, 901 College.
Julian, A. M., attorney at law, 219 Olive, res 304 Boonville.
Julian, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, with Mrs. Durst, Phelps avenue, res same.as above.
Julian, Miss Jennie, teacher res same as above.
Julian, James R., clerk, with Mrs. S. A. Julian, 304 Boonville.
Julian, Mrs. S. A.,grocer, 304 Boonville, res same.
Kane, Robert, col'd, laborer, Springfield Iron Works, res 609 Washington ave.
Kaneen, Robert, plasterer, res 1109 N Jefferson.
Kassler, Julins, (Kassler & Paxson, undertakers,) 223 College, res 405 W Phelps.
Kaufholz, H. H., grocer, Farmers' Store, Commercial st, nr Robberson ave, N S res same.
Kaufholz, Henry, clerk, Farmers' Store, as above.
Kearney, M. Master Mechanic, Railroad Shops, res Benton ave, bet Locust and Division sts, N S.
Kearney, James, engineer, S. L,. & S. F. Railroad, bds Lyon House, N S.
Kearney, David, fireman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds Lyon House, North Springfield.
Keel, Wm., laborer, col'd, res 716 E. Phelps.
Keener, Martin, bakery and confectionery, 308 Boonville.
Keet, J. T.,(Keet, Rountree & Co., wholesale merchants,) 120, 122 Public Square, res 325 St. Louis.
Keet, James E., (Keet, Rountree & Co., as above,) res 211 E Walnut.
Keet, Thomas W., (McGregor, Noe & Keet, hardware,) 215 St. Louis. res 323 E Walnut.
Keet, John C., merchant, 125 Public Square, res 211 Kimbrough.
Keet. Charles. clerk, with Keet, Rountree & Co., as above, bds 501 College.
Keets, Rachel, col'd, cook. res 229 N Jefferson.
Keifer. John, section hand, S. L. & .S. F. Railroad, res Commercial st, bet Benton and Washington aves, N S.
Keiser, H. B. A., draughtsman, Springfield Iron Works, bds 219 College.
Keith, J. A., dealer in patent rights, bds Harding House, N S.
Keller, David, laborer, res 545 W Phelps.
Kellett, Mrs. R. I.,teacher, res Washington ave. n of Atlantic st, North Springfield.
Kelley, J. M., City Treasurer, clerk with Keet, Rountree & Co., Public Square, and proprietorTransient House, 305 South.
Kelley, R. B., telegraph operator, res 3o5 South.
Kelley, Miss M. E., student, Public School, res 218 N Pearl.
Kelley, Mrs. Anna, , res 510 N Campbell.
Kelley, John, col'd. machinist. Railroad Shops, res l316 Washington ave.
Kelley, Floyd, col'd, peddler, res 308 Weaver.
Kelsey, R. L.engineer, S. L. & S. F, Railroad, res Jefferson ave,nr State st, N S.
Kenlock, R. B., carpenter, Railroad Shops, bds with John Zeigler, Commercial, nr Boonville, N S.
Kenna, M. E., marble dealer, 300 South, res 428 E Walnut.
Kennan, Thomas, brakeman, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds Lyon House, N S.
Kennedy, Jos. C.,commission merchant, with J. M. Doling, nr Freight Depot, res Locust, nr Campbell, N S.
Kennedy, John L., (Kennedy & Druhe, lumber dealers,) Campbell, res Locust, nr Campbell, N S.
Kennedy, Augustus, clerk at Lumber Yard, as above.
Kennedy, Dan'l C., Editor Leader, office 204 Boonville, res 501 S Main.
Kentling, F., country store, res 335 Market.
Kenton, J. E., book-keeper, with C. H. Heer & Co., 207 Boonville, res 606 Lincoln.
Kerr, Columbus, mechanic, res 310 W Olive.
Kerr, Thomas G., printer, Times office, 217 South, bds 604 N Campbell.
Kersey Thomas, (Kersey & Druley, attorneys at law,) 212 College, res 614 W Walnut.
Kersey, B., retired merchant, res 701 Billings.
Kershaw, James, weaver, Springfield Cotton Mills, res 409 E Pine.
Killgo re, Miss Mary, works at 430 E Walunt.
Kimberlen, Miss R. J., works at 501 S. Main.
Kimbrough, Overton, col'd, blacksmith, res 215 Hampton ave.
Kimbrough, James H., col'd, farmer, res rear of 614 St. Louis.
Kimbrough, John, col'd, teamster, res 625 St. Louis.
Kimbrough, M. A., col'd, res 215 Hampton ave.
Kimbrough, Eliza, col'd, servant, 430 St. Louis.
Kime John, grocer, (Brower & Kime, grocers,) 609 N Campbell, res same.
Kincaid, J. M., blacksmith, Railroad Shops, res Jefferson ave, nr Locust st, N S.
King, C. L., physician and surgeon, 135 Public Square, res 602 Boonville.
Kinney, J. C., painter, Railroad Shops N S, res 607 Lincoln st.
Kinney, A. F., livery stable, cor South al and Pearl st, res 413 W Phelps.
Kinney, T. M., merchant tailor, 208 South, res 321 E Elm.
Kinney, Charles, bar keeper, res 413 W PheIps.
Kinney, Eliza, col'd, cook, 308 St. Louis.
Kinser, H. O., laborer on S. & W, M. Railroad, res cor Boonville and Division, N S.
Kintrea. John, traveling salesman, with C. H. Heer & Co., 207 Boonville, res 705 N Main.
Kintrea, Wm., clerk, 101 Public Square, res 606 N Campbell.
Kintrea, James, hostler, with H. F. Denton, 225 College, bds 229 same.
Kintrea, James, painter, res 606 N Campbell.
Kirby, Wm. M., Deputy County Clerk, office in Court House, res 400 E Walnut.
Kirby, J. M., Saloon, 124 Public Square, res three miles southeast of city.
Kirby, Miss Emeline, res 520 Weaver.
Kirk, Johnson, farmer, res 315 W Center.
Kirkham, John, saddler, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Public Square, res 505 S Grant.
Kise, Miss Annie, works at 229 College.
Kise, G. W., hostler, with H. F. Denton, 227 College, res 400 W. Olive.
Kise, Miss Olive, res as above.
Kise, Miss Ellen, res as above.
Kise, Miss Anna, res as above.
Kise, Miss Fannie, res as above.
Kissee. Mrs. M., res west of Franklin Square, N S.
Kite, Jolin, carpenter, res 501 Weaver.
Kline, John A., carpenter, res 515 W Olive.
Klyman, Geo. (S. H. Horine & Co., wholesale liquor dealers,) 217 St. Louis, bds St. Louis Street House.
Knapp, David, carpenter, res 716 Florence.
Knott, Mrs. L. E., res 305 E Walnut.
Knott, l, Miss Lizzie, res as above.
Knowles, H. Y.; clerk, 126 Public Square, res 501 N Grant.
Knox Alex, car inspector, S. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Washington ave, nr Pacific st, N S.
Koch, J. H., jewder, 204 South, res 413 E Walnut.
Koenigsbruk, August, cabinet maker, res 608 S Campbell.
Koontz, Miss Cora B., res 504 South.
Kraft, Charles, clerk, 403 Boonville, bds 212 Boonville.
Kunsman, Miss Sarah, waiter, Young House, 211 South.
Kussman, Rev. T. H., Priest Catholic Church, res 419 N Campbell.