Greene County Biographies
Greene County Biographies
From: Past and Present of Greene County, Missouri
Early and Recent History and Genealogical Records
of Many of the Representative Citizens
by Jonathan Fairbanks and Clyde Edwin Tuck
HUGH B. INGLER. There is something admirable in the German character,
something of wondrous gentleness and keen appreciation in the beauty which
life holds, something fine and high. In music the Germans have given the
world a magic gamut of sound, from the soft lullaby of the young mother
crooning to her pink-cheeked babe to the mighty thunders of dynamic
masterpieces. In art, the German school is easily first, at least so
considered by many of the world's competent critics, with the wonderful
galaxy of painters and sculptors whose frame is as broad as the earth,
while in science and in literature, in poetry and in the sweet pastoral
beauty of their folk lore the sons and daughters of the Fatherland stand
almost without an equal. And what fathers and mothers they make! What
homes they build! What garden-like farms they till! "This is a German
settlement," we say, and behold! on every hand are clean, fertile fields,
neat hedge-rows, great barns bursting with plenty, grunting droves of fat
swine, great herds of sleek cattle, and everywhere a scene of bounty and
fruition, to say nothing of homes resplendent with good will, good health
and honest contentment.
A large number of Germans live in Greene county, a number in the vicinity
of Republic, and of this nationality the Ingler family is deserving of
mention, one of the best-known members of which is Hugh B. Ingler, the
present efficient postmaster at that place. He was born in Jo Daviess
county, Illinois, July 7, 1870. He is a son of John and Lucinda (Saxon)
Ingler. He has a sister, Addie, who married A. A. Pierce, a farmer of
Christian county, Missouri, and they have one child, Leo.
John Ingler, father of our subject, was born in Germany, and when five
years of age he immigrated with his father's family to the United States,
the family locating in Baltimore, Maryland, where the grandfather of our
subject followed his trade of tailor, however, he purchased a farm near
that city, on which he located his family. John Ingler grew to manhood
there and received a common school education. When a young man he went to
Carroll county, Illinois where he followed general farming for many years,
then removed to Greene county, Missouri, purchasing a good farm near
Republic, which he sold later and is now living retired from active work.
He has a well-improved place and has made a success as an agriculturist.
He was married in Carroll county, Illinois, and he and his wife are now
advanced in years, but are comparatively hale and hearty.
Hugh B. Ingler spent his boyhood days on the home farm in Illinois and
there he remained with his parents until about eight years of age, when
they moved to near Republic, and at, the latter place he received his
education in the public schools. He worked on the farm until he was twenty
years of age. Learning the trade of decorating and painting, he became
quite expert and followed the same for a period of twenty years. He worked
as an expert in a canning factory for a number of years, also worked in
Louisiana for the Chicago Building and Manufacturing Company. Finally
returning to Republic he served as deputy sheriff of Greene county for two
years, 1911 and 1912. He was appointed postmaster at Republic May 6, 1913,
and is still incumbent of this office, the duties of which he has
discharged in a manner entirely satisfactory to the department and the
Politically, Mr. Ingler is a Democrat. Fraternally, he belongs to the
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the Woodmen of the World, and Knights of
the Maccabees, and he and his family are members of the Christian church.
Mr. Ingler was married in Lawrence county, Missouri, November 14, 1894, to
Alice Ragsdale. She is a daughter of Branson Ragsdale, who died when she
was four years of age. His family consisted of four children, two sons and
two daughters. He devoted his active life to farming. Mrs. Ingler grew to
womanhood in her native community and was educated in the common schools.
Nine children, six of whom are deceased, have been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ingler. Those living are named as follows: Charles W., born September 14,
1896; Ayo Recktor, born October 4, 1903; Louese, born June 1, 1909.
GEORGE W. JACKSON. Endowed with a liberal share of good common sense and
possessing sound judgment, backed by a well-founded purpose to succeed,
George W. Jackson, well-known farmer and amateur botanist of Republic
township, Greene county, has labored with the object primarily in view of
making a good home for himself and family and acquiring a competency for
his declining years. This laudable desire has been realized, and he is in
what we sometimes call "easy circumstances," with a sufficient surplus for
the proverbial "rainy day," which sooner or later comes to every
individual, and which, when not provided for, results in at least much
inconvenience and unhappiness if not downright suffering. After farming
successfully in this vicinity for over forty years he is now living in
retirement, spending quietly the mellow Indian summer of his years, and
having an eye for the beautiful in nature, is happy with her wonders
spread about him, which he seeks to interpret.
Mr. Jackson was born near Knoxville, Tennessee, November 27, 1843. He is a
son of John and Christiana (Chenabury) Jackson, both parents natives of
Tennessee, where they grew to maturity, were educated in a limited way in
the old time subscription schools and there were married. The father was
of Scotch-Irish descent and the mother was of German descent. The paternal
grandfather of our subject was a Virginian and he spent his early life in
the Old Dominion, removing from there to Knox county, Tennessee, and
establishing his future home on a farm. After their marriage the parents
of our subject took up their residence on a farm in Knox county and
resided there until 1870, when they removed to Greene county, Missouri,
where three of their sons had preceded them, and here they spent the rest
of their lives, the father dying in 1872 and the mother in 1879. Their
family consisted of five children, four sons and one daughter, namely:
James is deceased; George W., of this sketch; John S. C., a sketch of whom
will be found on another page of this volume; Edward L. and Mary Jane were
George W. Jackson grew to manhood on the farm and worked there during the
crop seasons, and in the winter time attended the district schools. He
remained in Tennessee until 1867, when he and two brothers came to Greene
county, Missouri, and purchased railroad land, and here they have since
resided and prospered by their industry. His brother, John S. C., has
accumulated four hundred acres, and our subject's finely improved and
productive farm consists of one hundred and sixty acres, on which stands a
good home in the midst of attractive surroundings, and he has numerous
substantial outbuildings. Some time ago he retired from the active work of
the farm and is now renting his farm, which is one of the best in Pond
Creek township.
Mr. Jackson was married on September 14, 1871, to Charlotta O'Neal, who
was born in 1851 in Carroll county, Arkansas, and she received a common
school education. She is a daughter of Charles and Martha (Hillhouse)
O'Neal, natives of Kentucky, where they grew up and were married and
resided until 1850, when they came to Carroll county, Arkansas, living
there a while, then came to Greene county in about 1865. The O'Neals are a
well-known family, and Mrs. Jackson is a sister of Judge A. J. O'Neal, and
George O'Neal. To Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal eleven children were born.
Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, namely: Mattie
married Luther Wade, a farmer of Pond Creek township, this county, and
they have three children; Jason G., also farming in Pond Creek township,
married Della Batson, and they have four children; Minnie married Benjamin
Squibb, a farmer of Pond Creek township, and they have four children;
Nellie, who married Lawrence Coggins, died November 13, 1906, leaving one
child, Gladys.
Mr. Jackson has long made a study of botany and has spent much time with
plants of all kinds common to this locality, raising almost all the herbs
and plants used in materia medica, and has had a very satisfactory income
from this source. He has won a wide reputation in this field of endeavor,
and is regarded as an authority in this line. Politically he is a
Republican, and religiously belongs to the Baptist church. He is a man of
fine mind and exemplary character and is popular.
JOHN S. C. JACKSON. Horticulture is one of the most profitable as well as
pleasant vocations, and Greene county has won a high place among her one
hundred and thirteen sister counties as a favored section of Missouri for
the successful carrying on of this calling. But it requires brains as well
as industry to succeed As a horticulturist; one must study, observe
closely, experiment, investigate, and know a little about many things;
must exercise patience and caution, must know how to select the proper
soil and right kind of nursery stock, when and how to fertilize, must
watch for frosts, freezes, insect pests and diseases of plants, and know
what they are when they appear and how to properly combat them. But the
results are worth the cost in money and pains, and it is a healthful,
independent and interesting business. One of the successful
horticulturists of Greene county is John S. C. Jackson, of Republic
township, a man who is well up in the various phases of his work.
Mr. Jackson was born in Knox county, Tennessee, August 1, 1845. He is a
son of John H. and Christiana (Chanabary) Jackson, both natives of
Tennessee, where they were reared and married. His father moved from
Virginia to that state in a very early day. The mother's parents were of
German and Irish descent. The parents of our subject devoted their active
lives to farming in Tennessee and Greene county, Missouri, and died in the
latter place. They were the parents of five children, four sons and one
daughter, namely: James is deceased; George W., a sketch of whom appears
elsewhere in this volume; John S. C., of this sketch; Edward L. and Mary
Jane, twins.
John S. C. Jackson was reared on the farm and he received his education in
the district schools. He left his native state in 1867, and he and two
brothers came to Greene county, Missouri, locating in Republic township on
a prairie farm, purchasing railroad land, where they still live, the place
consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, which they have kept well
tilled and well improved during their residence here of nearly a half
century. But our subject has prospered and now owns four hundred acres.
Their parents came to this place after the sons had settled it, taking up
their residence here in 1870, and here they spent the rest of their lives,
the father dying in 1872 and the mother in 1879, and were buried here. Our
subject makes a specialty of horticulture, in which he is regarded as an
authority. He is growing no less than nine varieties of blackberries, and
is now making a feature of a berry new to Missouri the "Himalaya," also
the "Star of the World."
Mr. Jackson was married on March 5, 1871, to Nancy J. Liles, a native of
Kentucky and a daughter of Green and Nancy (Collins) Liles, who spent
their active lives engaged in farming. To Mr. and Mrs. Jackson nine
children have been born, namely: Marshall, a farmer of Republic township,
married Ira Guiott and they have three children; Glapha married William
Robertson, a farmer in Republic township, has been twice married, first to
May Brown, and after her death he married Gertie Finley, and he had five
children by his first wife; Quinn Kelly, who is farming near Plano,
Missouri, married Miss Claude Taylor, and they have one child; Alfred, who
is engaged in merchandising at Plano, married Pearl Batson, and they have
one child; Molly, who received a business college education in
Springfield, is at home; William, who is farming in Republic township,
married Kate Crum, and they have one child; Carlos lives at home; Hattie
is also with her parents.
Politically, Mr. Jackson is a Republican. He was school director of his
district for a period of twelve years. Religiously, he is a member of the
Christian church. He is well and favorably known throughout the western
part of Greene county, where he is regarded as one of our most extensive,
substantial and progressive farmers, stockmen and horticulturists. He has
gained and retained the undivided respect of all who knew him. He is
always to be found on the right side of all questions looking to the
betterment of his community.
THE JAMES FAMILY. This is one of the earliest pioneer families in Greene
county, where, for a period of three-quarters of a century its members
have been active in various circles, doing their full parts in the
upbuilding of the locality and leading public-spirited and exemplary
lives, so that they have ever borne the best of reputations and have in
every way deserved the material success they have been blessed with, as
well as the high esteem in which they are universally held.
We first hear of David James, a native of Wales, who, when a child,
crossed the Atlantic ocean to the New World in an old-time sailing vessel,
the trip requiring many weeks. He located in Virginia, from which state he
moved to South Carolina, thence to North Carolina, from there to
Tennessee, later to Kentucky, then to western Tennessee, where his death
occurred. It is believed he was married in South Carolina to Nancy
Atchison. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, was wounded in battle
and he carried the bullet in his arm the rest of his life. He was a
blacksmith by trade. One of his near relatives settled in Ohio, and he
also had a brother, Enoch, and it is believed that the Mr. James of
President Garfield's cabinet was one of the Ohio branch of the family. It
was in Henry county, Tennessee, that David James spent his last days and
died in 1842. His wife, Nancy Atchison, was born in Ireland, but when an
infant, was brought to South Carolina and there grew up and married. Her
brothers were Sirgenner, John, Robert and William Atchison. In later years
most of the Atchison family moved to Arkansas, some going on to Texas.
Mrs. Nancy (Atchison) James died on the old homestead in western
Tennessee, about 1840. To David and Nancy James these children were born,
Thomas; Polly, who married a second cousin by the name of James, from the
Ohio branch of the family; Mrs. Parmelia Wadkins of Kentucky; Mrs. Malinda
Hall of Kentucky; Mrs. Aurelia Good, Joseph, John and Robert, all of
Tennessee; David was killed when a boy, in Kentucky, by lightning, which
struck a tree under which he took refuge during a storm which came up
while he was out hunting.
Thomas James was born in South Carolina, December 21, 1792, but he grew up
and was educated near the Kentucky and Tennessee line. He served as
justice of the peace in Madison county, Tennessee, before removing to
Missouri. He was a life long farmer, clearing and developing a good farm
from the wilderness. It was in 1835 that he removed with his family to
Greene county, Missouri, and his death occurred in Missouri while
returning from his old home in Tennessee, on November 9, 1837, when a
comparatively young man. He married Nancy Gately and their family
consisted of nine children, all of whom are now deceased, namely: Mrs.
Parmelia Wallace died in Greene county: Irwin David died when young in
Tennessee; Levi also died in early life in Tennessee; Mrs. Minerva Putman
died in Greene county; Winfrey died in Oregon after the family moved to
Greene county; Aurelia died in this county, November 6, 1844; Jason
Robert, born February 25, 1827, in Madison county, Tennessee. Jason R.,
seventh child in order of birth, was about eight years old when he removed
with the family in December, 1835, to Franklin township, Greene county,
Missouri, and here he grew to manhood and was educated and when only ten
years of age assumed charge of and farmed the homestead after the death of
his father. His mother also died on the homestead here, April 11, 1863,
aged about seventy. During the Civil war, Jason R. was a soldier in the
Union army under Captain Jenkins, in the Missouri State Militia, and took
part in the battle of Springfield, January 8, 1863. After the war he
continued farming here until his death at an advanced age, March 21, 1908.
The eighth child in order of birth of Thomas and Nancy (Gately) James was
Susan Jane, whose death occurred in Greene county, February 1, 1845;
Thomas, the youngest child, died April 14, 1858; he was a minister in the
Methodist Episcopal church, South. He married Elizabeth Patterson, by whom
one child was born, Nancy Arbelia, who now lives on the old James
homestead in Franklin township, this county, operating the entire James
estate of two hundred acres, and she has one hundred and two acres of her
own which she farms with the assistance of her cousin Robert James, the
son of John and Martha (Futrell) James. Nancy James was educated in the
township schools and has lived on the home place most of her life. Winfrey
James, mentioned above, was a Methodist minister, having preached all over
Greene County, where he was widely known in pioneer days, but later moved
to the state of Oregon, where he continued preaching and where his death
occurred September 17, 1897. He became a presiding elder of a conference
of his denomination in that state. He married Sarah Jenkins, first, and
later married Jane Williams, after the death of his first wife. The first
union was without issue, but four children born of the second marriage,
namely: Charles Wesley, who lives in Oregon; John Fletcher lives in that
state. Sarah Jane, who married Thomas Bailey, is deceased; for his third
wife he married Malinda Baisley and by this union had two children, both
living in or near the state of Oregon. Thomas died in early life. Parmelia
James, mentioned above, married John Wallace, by whom one child was born,
Henry James Wallace, who married Tina Harkness, of Franklin township,
Greene county, and three children were born to this union, namely:
Blondville, Mrs. Flora Vaughn is deceased; Mrs. Lellian Bryan. Blondville
Wallace married Pearl Logan and they have two children, Chesney and Flora
Lee. Lellian Wallace married Bert Bryan and they have one child, Helen.
Minerva James, mentioned above, married Mansel Putman, a farmer, late of
Franklin township, and to this union one child was born, Mary Jane Putman,
who married Ammon Knighten, a sketch of whom appears on another page of
this volume. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Putman are deceased.
Little is known regarding the Gately ancestry. The great-great-grandfather
Mercer seems to have been stolen when a child from his home, possibly in
the British Isles, and reared by seafaring men, taught when a child, to
assist on a sailing ship, especially in tying knots in the rigging. When
he was supposed to be about twenty-one years of age he was given his
freedom and a fine cup (silver, lined with gold) was presented him, and he
took his own name. It is believed that he eventually located in the state
of Tennessee. His daughter Jemima, married John Gately, an Italian. In
North Carolina, the great-great-grandfather Mercer was living with
great-grandfather Gately sometime after the year 1793. The former hid a
considerable sum of money and could not remember where he put it, and
thinking his son-in-law, John Gately had stolen it, finally killed him,
but afterward found the money where he (Mercer) had hidden it. Mercer had
a son who was at one time a Congressman. The son helped his father out of
his trouble without punishment. Great-grandmother Gately later moved to
Kentucky, where she settled. Her children were John, James, Polly, Susan,
Nancy, Crecy, Jemima and Phoeba.
John married Rebecca Watt and one of his sons was named John Gately also.
Polly married William Atchison, a brother of great-grandmother James.
Susie married William Jenkins. Nancy married Thomas James. Crecy married
William Tedford. Jemima married Sam Bradshaw. Phoeba married Jesse Grace.
WILLIAM C. JAMES, M. D. In the history of Springfield and Greene county in
connection with the medical profession, the name of Dr. William C. James
must necessarily occupy a prominent place, for although he was summoned
from the field of action in the prime of life, through a number of years
he was one of the representative general practitioners of the Queen City
of the Ozarks, progressive, enterprising and capable. Such qualities as he
possessed by nature always win success sooner or later, and to Doctor
James they brought a satisfactory reward for his well directed efforts and
at the same time won and retained the high esteem of his fellow citizens
by his honorable record and obliging nature. He was one of the native sons
of the Golden state, a class that has done so much in the general
development of the Pacific coast country, but few of whom have found it to
their advantage to remove from the far West and cast their lot among
Doctor James was born near Napa City, in the Sacramento Valley,
California, November 7, 1858. He was a son of William H. and Lucy A.
(Wade) James, both parents being Southerners, the mother going from the
South to California when a child and there grew to womanhood and married.
William H. James, who was in his earlier years a merchant, but later
studied and practiced medicine remaining in California many years, finally
removing to southwest Missouri., where he became a well-known physician.
His family consisted of seven children, five of whom are still living,
namely: J. T., J. B., Dr. E. F., Mrs. J. P. Hubbel, Mrs. Mary Burford, Dr.
William C., of this memoir, and Lucy, who is deceased.
Dr. William C. James was young in years when he came to Missouri with his
parents. He received a common and high school education in Carthage, this
state, later attending medical college at Nashville, Tennessee, from which
he was graduated with the class of 1880, later taking a post graduate
course in New York City. He began the practice of his profession at
Marshfield, Webster county, Missouri, in the early eighties, but remained
there only a short time when he removed to Springfield, where he remained
until his death, maintaining an office on Commercial street, and was
regarded as one of the leading general physicians of the city, especially
popular on the north side, and he was successful from the first his
practice gradually increasing with the years and he was a man who kept
well up with the trend of his profession, and although always busy, found
time to keep up his studies.
Doctor James was married August 8, 1883, to Georgia A. Rush, a native of
Pennsylvania, and a daughter of James L. and Frances, C. (Nichols) Rush,
the former a native of Pennsylvania of Dutch ancestry, and the mother was
born in Webster county, Missouri. She met an unfortunate death in the
great cyclone that devastated the town of Marshfield, Missouri, in 1880.
James L. Rush came to Missouri when young and settled in Marshfield. He
was a lawyer and became one of the leading members of the Greene county
bar. Politically, he was a Democrat and was quite active in politics. His
family consisted of nine children, six of whom are still living, namely:
J. N., Mrs. G. A. James, William H., James L., Margaret and H. B. Mrs.
Georgia A. James grew to womanhood in Marshfield and received her
education in the schools of that place. She is a member of the Catholic
church, and she has a comfortable home on Benton avenue, Springfield.
To Dr. James and wife four children were born, three of whom are still
living, namely: Frances C., born July 18, 1885, is deceased; James R.,
born on October 7, 1890; William L., born on August 16, 1898; and
Margaret, born October 24, 1901.
Dr. James was a member of the Greene County Medical Society, the Missouri
State Medical Association, and the American Medical Association.
Politically he was a Democrat but was never an office seeker. Fraternally,
he belonged to the Masonic Order. The death of Doctor James occurred
January 5, 1908.
JESSE D. JAQUITH. The respect which should always be accorded the brave
sons of the North who left their homes and the peaceful pursuits of civil
life to give their services, and their lives if need be, to preserve the
integrity of the American Union is due Jesse D. Jaquith. He proved his
love and loyalty to the government on the long and tiresome marches in all
kinds of situations, exposed to summer's withering heat and winter's
freezing cold, on the lonely picket line a target for the unseen foe, on
the tented field and amid the flame and smoke of battle, where the rattle
of the musketry mingled with the terrible concussion of bursting shells
and the diapason of the cannons' roar made up the sublime but awful chorus
of death.
Mr. Jaquith was born January 8, 1845, near Paris, Edgar county, Illinois.
He is a son of Jesse W. Jaquith, a native of New Hampshire, where he spent
his earlier years. He studied pharmacy, and having cast his lot with the
people of the Middle West, became owner and operator of a drug store at
Urbana, Illinois, and he was the first postmaster of that town. Active and
influential in public affairs, he was elected a judge of the county court
of Champaign county, Illinois. He received a good education in his native
state, there learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed for a number
of years, also engaged in farming in New Hampshire. It was in 1839 that he
removed to Edgar county, Illinois, among the early pioneers, and there he
continued his trade for some time before locating in Champaign county and
turning his attention to the drug business. Finally leaving Urbana he came
to Holden, Missouri, where he engaged in the shoe business. There he spent
the rest of his life, dying in 1881 at the age of seventy years, and was
buried at Holden. Politically he was a Democrat. He belonged to the
Masonic Order and to the Methodist Episcopal church. His wife Catherine A.
Wilson was a native of Kentucky and a daughter of John and Maggie
(Buckner) Wilson. To this union the following children were born: Lottie,
now deceased, was the wife of John Allen, a farmer; Jesse D., of this
sketch; John located in San Francisco and engaged in the machine business;
Richard, now deceased, was a shoemaker by trade; Mate (Matilda) married
John Cass, a commercial traveler, and they live at Holden, Missouri.
Willard Jaquith, grandfather of these children, was born in New Hampshire,
from which state he emigrated to Detroit, Michigan, in an early day. He
was a farmer in his earlier life.
Jesse. D. Jaquith grew to manhood in Illinois and received his education
in the public schools of Urbana, leaving his text books at the age of
seventeen to enlist in the Federal army, in 1862, in Company G,
Seventy-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, at Kankakee. He saw much hard
service and took part in numerous battles and skirmishes, including the
great siege of Vicksburg and the many engagements incident thereto, also
the battles of Jackson and Mobile, and although he was in many close
places he was never wounded, neither had he occasion to answer to sick
call. For meritorious conduct he was promoted from time to time until he
became quartermaster sergeant, and was mustered out as such in July, 1865,
at Chicago. He was in the armies of Grant and Sherman. After the war he
returned to Urbana, Illinois, and learned the trade of tinsmith, first
working for J. M. Davies. Later he came to Warrensburg, Missouri, and
worked with J. L. Bettis, finishing his apprenticeship there, then he
worked as journeyman tinsmith at Warrensburg until 1870, in which year he
returned to Urbana and continued at his trade until 1877, then went to
Kansas City and secured employment with the Union Pacific Railroad,
working in the company's shops at Armstrong, Kansas, just across the river
from Kansas City, Missouri. He was a journeyman tinsmith. He resided at
Wyandotte, Kansas, and remained with that road three years. When the towns
of Kansas City, Kansas, Wyandotte and Armourdale were consolidated into
Kansas City, Kansas, he was the first clerk of the board of education.
Mr. Jaquith came to Springfield on February 18, 1887, and took a position
with the Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis railroad as tinsmith foreman in
their local shops, which are now known as the South Side Frisco shops,
having come under the control of the Frisco System in 1900, and this
position our subject held till 1915, his long retention in the same being
evidence of his faithfulness and skill and his ability to handle men so as
to obtain the best results. However, he was foreman tinsmith at the new
shops on the North Side for three years. He has been with these roads
continuously for a period of twenty-eight years.
Mr. Jaquith was a member of the city council of Springfield for four
years. Before leaving Urbana, Illinois, he was a member of the board of
education for two years and was also city clerk there for two years. As a
public servant his record has been a most satisfactory and commendable
one. Politically he has always been a stanch Democrat. He is a member of
the Baptist church. Back in the seventies he was a member of the Knights
of Pythias.
Mr. Jaquith was married in 1865, at Warrensburg, Missouri, to Rilla E.
Dulin, who was born, reared, and educated in Illinois. To this union two
children have been born, namely: Ira, who is a machinist by trade and
employed at the new shops in Springfield, married Carrie Burton, and they
have two sons and two daughters; Charles was for some time a soldier in
the Seventeenth United States Infantry, regular army, saw service in the
Philippines, where he was mustered out.
FLEMIN T. JARED. Success is only achieved by the exercise of certain
distinguishing qualities and it cannot be retained without effort. Those
by whom great epoch changes have been made in the political and industrial
world began early in life to prepare themselves for their peculiar duties
and responsibilities, and it was only by the most persevering and
continuous endeavor that they succeeded in rising superior to the
obstacles in their way and reaching the goal of their ambition. The life
of any successful man, whether he be prominent in the world's affairs or
not is an inspiration to others who are less courageous and more prone to
give up the fight before their ideal is reached or definite success in any
chosen field has been attained. Flemin T. Jared, of the firm of Jared
Brothers, well-known merchants of West Commercial street, Springfield, is
a man whose example has made for the good of his associates and
acquaintances, for his career has been an industrious and useful one.
Mr. Jared was born in Buffalo Valley, Tennessee, March 17, 1877. He is a
son of Moses A. Jared, also born in that vicinity, where he was reared,
attended school and engaged in farming until in 1896, when he removed to
Missouri, locating in Howell county, where he continued farming until his
death, in September, 1903, at the age of seventy-six years. In his younger
days he taught school for some time in his native state, and during the
Civil war he taught school in Ripley county, Missouri, from 1860 to 1864,
then went to Illinois and taught school in the southern part of that state
for a year. He was prominent in the affairs of his locality in Tennessee
and held a number of offices including that of judge of the County Court,
and he was a justice of the peace for a period of twenty-seven years. He
was a Democrat, belonged to the Grange and the Wheelers; also belonged to
the Methodist Episcopal church, South. His father, Alexander Jared, was
one of the early pioneers in Buffalo Valley, Tennessee, where he engaged
in farming, and was also a carpenter by trade. Moses A. Jared was twice
married, first to Amanda Price, who died many years ago. His second
marriage was to Sarah A. Thompson, who died May 1, 1906, at the age of
sixty-seven years, and was buried at Pottersville; Howell county,
Missouri. To the first marriage thirteen children were born, and seven
children were born to the second union, the subject of this sketch being
the eldest of the children by the last marriage.
This large family of twenty children were named in order of birth as
follows: Yateman died when fifteen years of age; Wade W., born July 1,
1849, was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church, South, and one
time was pastor of a church in Springfield, and was pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Malta Bend, Missouri, up to the time of his
death, December 10, 1891; Brice, who was engaged in the hotel business at
Nashville, Tennessee, died in 1912, at the age of sixty-one years; John W.
died in early life; Mary F. also died when young; Martha J., deceased, was
the wife of W. A. Holliday, a farmer of Gentry, Putnam county, Tennessee;
Samuel is connected with the Dixie College in Putnam county, Tennessee;
Tennie, deceased, was the wife of E. Holliday, a minister in the Methodist
Episcopal church, South, of Putnam county, Tennessee; James A. is pastor
of a Southern Methodist church at Warrensburg, Missouri; Peter is circuit
clerk of the court in Cookville, Tennessee; Simon, deceased, was a school
teacher and farmer of Putnam county, Tennessee; Augusta is farming in
Grayson county, Texas; Robert died when fifteen years of age; Flemin T. of
this review; Mary is the wife of H. L. Taylor, of Thayer, Missouri; Alice
is the wife of J. W. Cox, of the firm of Cox Brothers, of Commercial
street, Springfield, Missouri; Anthony, born December 12, 1881, who is a
member of the firm of Jared Brothers, merchants of Springfield, married
Elizabeth Heindrich, which union has been blessed with one child: Bettie,
familiarly known as Betsey, is the wife of C. A. Cox, who is engaged in
the furniture business with his brother in Springfield; Newton, born May
8, 1887, has remained single and is a member of the firm of Jared Brothers
of Springfield; Taylor died when fifteen years of age.
Flemin T. Jared received his early education in the common schools, then
attended the Normal school at Gainesville, Ozark county, Missouri, after
which he taught for five years very successfully in the rural schools of
Ozark, Howell and Saline counties, Missouri. After his marriage, June 1,
1902, he began farming, which he followed one year in Howell county on
rented land, then taught another term of school in that county, after
which he moved to Springfield, November 17, 1903, and bought out C. W.
Smith, who was engaged in the second-hand furniture business at West
Commercial street, where our subject has remained to the present time, and
today he does a good business and carries a large stock of furniture,
carpets, stoves, bicycles, rugs, linoleum, matting, portieres, lace
curtains, granite ware, pictures, lamps, watches, clocks, jewelry, bicycle
repairs, etc. He first started in business under the firm name of Sumner &
Jared, then for one year the name of the firm was Jared & Endecott. It was
Jared Brothers from 1905 to 1906. During the latter year he bought out his
brothers' interest, since which time he has been sole proprietor, but has
retained the firm name, but two of his brothers work in the store with
Mr. Jared married on June 1, 1902, R. Isabell Endecott, a daughter of
Gabriel C. and Lucinda (Grissom) Endecott, and to this union four children
have been born, namely: Froebel T. died at the age of four years; Emerson
S., Mabel V. and Brice Ernest.
Politically Mr. Jared is a Democrat, and fraternally he belongs to the
Gate of the Temple Lodge, Masonic Order; Springfield Lodge No. 218,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Lodge No. 768, Modern Brotherhood; also
the, Modern Woodmen of America and Royal Neighbors. He is an active member
of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, Campbell Street church, of which
he has been a member of the board of stewards for the past eight years and
he is assistant Sunday school superintendent, in fact, is one of the
pillars of this well-known church.
ROBERT JENKINS. Not many Canadians are found within the borders of Greene
county, which is a fact to be deplored, for we who are conversant with
these sterling people know that no better citizens are to be found than
they, and that community is indeed fortunate who can boast of a colony of
them, for they are, without exception, thrifty, persevering, painstaking,
and, as a rule, law abiding and honorable in all walks of life. One such
is Robert Jenkins, a successful farmer of Jackson township.
Mr. Jenkins was born in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, January 6, 1849. He is a
son of William and Sarah (Gordon) Jenkins. The father was born in Paisley,
Scotland, and was reared in that country and received a good education.
When a young man he learned the iron molder's trade, which he followed
during his active life. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. His
wife was also a native of Scotland, where she was reared, and there they
were married and from that country emigrated to Canada about a year before
the birth of our subject, and the family moved to Michigan in 1850, and
there the death of the father occurred in 1854. The mother, who was a
native of the city of Glasgow, died in Sarnia, Ontario, in 1858, to which
place she returned after the death of her husband. To these parents four
children were born, namely: Robert, of this sketch; Mrs. Mary Gray, James
and William. The last named is deceased.
Robert Jenkins was reared in Canada and Michigan until he was fourteen
years old, at which age he joined the United States army, in the fall of
1863, and fought with the Federals in our great Civil war, under Captain
Steele, of the Eighth Michigan Cavalry. He remained in the army until the
close of the war, seeing considerable hard service. He was with Sherman on
the march to the sea through Georgia, took part in the battles of
Knoxville, Tennessee, and others, and was honorably discharged at Raleigh,
North Carolina. After the close of the war he went to St. Louis, and later
to Kansas, where he learned the bricklayer's trade. From there he went to
Texas, thence to Mississippi, then returned to Missouri and located in
Greene county in 1872, where he has since resided, owning a good farm in
Jackson township.
Mr. Jenkins has been twice married, first, to Mary Blankenship, by whom
three children were born, namely: Inez, Mrs. Mazie Baxter, and the
youngest died in infancy. The mother of these children passed away while
living in Springfield. Mr. Jenkins then married, on February 27, 1890,
Mrs. Ida M. (Underwood) Shinn, widow of Grovener A. Shinn. She was born in
Milton, Illinois, April 2, 1856. She is a daughter of F. J. and Daphna J.
H. (Bridgeman) Underwood. Mrs. Jenkins was reared in Illinois and received
a good education. She came to Missouri in 1871 and was married in 1873 to
Mr. Shinn, by which union three children were born, namely: John, Grovner
Leslie and Mrs. Nellie U. Gross. Mrs. Jenkins last marriage has been
without issue.
Politically, our subject is a Democrat. He belongs to the Knights of
Pythias, and is a member of the Episcopal church.
WILLIAM THOMAS JENNINGS. Among the men of southwestern Missouri who have
appreciated present day conditions and opportunities is William Thomas
Jennings, the present popular and efficient cashier of the Bank of Bois
D'Arc. He has profited by his ingenuity and persistency in the business
world as a result of the favorable conditions existing in the Ozark
region, where he has been contented to spend his life. In his earlier
career he was a successful teacher and has also been a public official,
but to whatever he has addressed himself he has made a success, being a
man of energy, correct principles and public spirit.
Mr. Jennings was born near Carthage, Jasper county, Missouri, July 17,
1875. He is a son of William and Sarah (Allen) Jennings. The father was
born in Lawrence county, this state, was reared on a farm and educated in
the common schools. He has followed general farming all his life and is
still living in Lawrence county on a farm. Politically, he is a Democrat,
and he belongs to the Presbyterian church, of which denomination he was an
active minister for some twenty-five years.
William T. Jennings, of this sketch, grew to manhood on the home farm and
assisted with the general work there during the crop seasons, and during
the winter he attended the public schools in his community, later spent
two years in the Marionville Collegiate Institute at Marionville, Lawrence
county. He began life for himself by teaching school, which he followed
six years with success in Lawrence county and one year in Stotts City,
Missouri. He served as deputy county clerk of Lawrence county from 1903 to
1907 in a highly acceptable manner, then came to Bois D'Arc, Greene
county, as cashier of the Bank of Bois D'Arc, which position he has since
filled in a manner that has reflected much credit upon his fidelity,
energy and honesty and to the satisfaction of the stockholders and patrons
of the bank, and has done much to increase the prestige of this sound and
popular institution.
Mr. Jennings was married August 21, 1901, to Hattie F. Wormington, who was
born near Pierce City, Missouri, May 21, 1878. She is a daughter of James
H. and Gaddy (Boswell) Wormington, a highly respected family of this
section of the state, where Mrs. Jennings grew to womanhood and received
her education.
To Mr. and Mrs. Jennings four children were born, namely: Bonnie N, born
September 1, 1902; Allena May, born September 21, 1904; Richard W., born
October 19, 1907; and William K., born April 6, 1914.
,Politically, Mr. Jennings is a Republican, and in religious matters he is
a member of the Methodist church. Fraternally, he has long been active in
the Masonic Order, being a member of the Bois D'Arc Lodge No. 449, Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons; Ash Grove, No._____, Royal Arch Masons; Zabud
Council No. 25, Royal and Select Masters. He has filled the chair of
senior warden two years. He is also a member of Lodge No. 452, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows.
It is a pleasure to meet a man like Mr. Jennings, who is uniformly
courteous and agreeable and whose integrity is unquestioned. He is in
every way deserving of the high regard in which he is held by all with
whom he has come in contact.
HARRY SANFORD JEWELL. The name of Harry Sanford Jewell is well known in
newspaperdom in Missouri for he has long been the motive force behind the
Springfield Daily Leader, one of the leading Democratic newspapers of the
state and one of the best known papers of the Southwest—an organ that has
done much for the upbuilding of the Queen City and the entire Ozark
Mr. Jewell was born in Wyandotte, Kansas, August 11, 1867. He is a son of
the late J. B. Jewell, a well-remembered publisher, who was engaged in the
newspaper business in Missouri for a period of forty years. He was also a
minister in the Methodist Episcopal church, having been ordained in 1869,
and engaged in regular work as pastor of various churches from that year
until 1880, in which year he retired from the ministry and resumed his
newspaper career, purchasing The Democrat at Carrollton, Missouri, of
which he was owner and editor from that year until 1893. Removing from
Carrollton to Springfield in 1895, he became editor of the Springfield
Leader-Democrat, the latter part of the name being later dropped. He was
connected With the Leader for many years, also had other interests in this
city. His death occurred March 23, 1907. He was a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and held the highest honor, grand master
of Missouri, during the year 1892, also served as grand patriarch of the
Encampment branch. He established the Triple Link, the official paper of
the order, in 1875 and was editor and publisher until his death. He also
represented the order at various meetings of the sovereign grand lodge of
America. His widow still lives at the old homestead here.
Harry S. Jewell, was nine years old when the family located at Carrollton
Missouri. There he received a public school education, and learned the
newspaper business under his father, associating with him in business in
the publication of The Democrat of that city in 1888. He removed to
Springfield in 1893 and became business manager of the old Springfield
Democrat, a morning daily paper, which was purchased by The Leader in May,
1895, and he has ever since been connected with the paper of which he is
now owner and publisher. He is also owner and publisher of The Ozark
Countryman, a monthly farm journal. He is president of the Springfield
Paper Supply Company. He built and still owns the Jefferson Theatre in
Springfield, a popular vaudeville house. The Leader occupies its own
substantial two-story brick building, which is equipped with modern
presses, type-setting machines etc., being one of the best plants of its
size in the Southwest, and a large force is employed here.
Mr. Jewell was married in 1889, in Carrollton, to Abba T. Kelly, a
daughter of the late William H. Kelly, of Carrollton, Missouri. She was
born at Strathroy, Canada, and moved with her parents to Carrollton, this
state, in 1870, and was there educated in the public schools and in a
convent of Independence, Missouri.
Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jewell—John, now twenty-three
years of age, was educated in the local schools and at this writing is
attending the school of journalism at the State University at Columbia,
Missouri; Marguerite, now sixteen years of age, is a student in Drury
Politically, Mr. Jewell is a Democrat and while he has never sought
political leadership has been a loyal defender of the party's principles
through his newspaper. Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the
Royal Arcanum and the Travelers' Protective Association. He also belongs
to the Springfield Club, the James River Club and the Country Club.
JOHN HUNT JOHNSON. When we refer to the late John Hunt Johnson as a true
Kentuckian all who are familiar with the people of that fine old state
will at once acquiesce in the statement that the biographer has bestowed
upon him a genuine compliment, for where would one find a more splendid
type of citizen than the Kentuckian of the old school, especially, with
his independent spirit, self-reliance, courage, hospitality, obliging and
courteous disposition? Mr. Johnson was no exception to the rule, and all
who knew him praise him for his many commendable qualities of head and
heart. His life was a long and busy one, his active years being spent in
merchandising and agricultural pursuits.
Mr. Johnson was born in Daviess county, Kentucky, July 1, 1824. He was a
son of Jack and Lucy (Huston) Johnson. Jack Johnson was a native of North
Carolina, from which state he came to Kentucky when a young man and was a
farmer on a large scale, owning a fine plantation in Daviess county and a
great many slaves. His death occurred in 1861. His wife was born in North
Carolina also, and her death occurred in 1863.
John H. Johnson grew up on the homestead in Daviess county, Kentucky,
where he worked when a boy. He had little opportunity to obtain an
education. He remained with his parents until he became of age, then
engaged in merchandising in Calhoun, his native state, but in 1857 went to
farming in McLean county, Kentucky, and lived there twelve years, and at
one time fire destroyed practically everything that would burn on his
farm. During the war between the states he had many thrilling experiences
but was not a soldier. In 1869 he went to Louisville and engaged in the
tobacco business there, moving there in order to give his children proper
educational advantages. He remained there eight years, his work being
principally on the road, however, during that time. Leaving the Blue Grass
state in 1877 he removed with his family to Missouri and located on a farm
near Lebanon, Laclede county, and engaged in farming and stock raising
until 1894, when he retired from active life and located in Springfield,
where he spent the balance of his days.
Mr. Johnson was married, April 28, 1853, to Anna M. Singleton, of Calhoun,
Kentucky. She was born in Hardingsburg, that state, June 8, 1831, and was
a daughter of Stanley and Mary (Daniel) Singleton. The father was born in
Breckinridge county, Kentucky, June 27, 1777, and died July 11, 1869. The
mother of Mrs. Johnson was born in Clark county, Kentucky, December 12,
1776, and died February 22, 1864. Mr. Singleton received an excellent
education, became a noted lawyer, in fact was for years one of the leading
members of the bar in Kentucky. Mrs. Johnson grew to womanhood in her
native state, was educated there, and she proved to, be a most worthy
helpmeet to our subject in every respect, and her admirable qualities have
always made her beloved by all with whom she comes in contact.
The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, named as
follows: Doctor Breckinridge, deceased; Dr. Samuel A. is conducting
sanitarium on North Jefferson street, Springfield; Clebourne, deceased;
Judge Arch A., a well known jurist of Springfield; Fon L. lives in Joplin,
Missouri; Mary is the widow of John Bigbee; Sue E. is the widow of Joe
Wilicke Anna V. lives at home.
Mr. Johnson was a Democrat and was very active in the affairs of his
party. In religious matters he belonged to the Presbyterian church.
The death of Mr. Johnson occurred on December 29, 1912, in his
eighty-ninth year, closing a commendable career of nearly five score
years. He was truly a grand old patriarch.
JOHNSON SANITARIUM. Dr. Samuel A. Johnson, who is superintendent of the
Johnson Sanitarium (for the treatment of mental and nervous diseases), was
born September 15, 1863, in Daviess county, Kentucky. He is a son of John
Hunt Johnson, deceased, and Anna M. (Singleton) Johnson. The father was
born in Daviess county, Kentucky, July 1, 1824, and the doctor's mother
was born in Hardinsburg, that state, June 5, 1832, and is still living,
being now eighty-three years of age; she makes her home in Springfield. In
1872 John H. Johnson moved to Louisville in order to give his children
better educational advantages, remaining in that city eight years. During
this period he engaged in the tobacco business. He removed with his family
to Missouri in 1878, locating on a farm near Lebanon, Laclede county,
where he engaged in general farming and stock raising until 1894 when he
retired from active life and located in Springfield where he spent the
rest of his days.
Dr. Samuel A. Johnson received his education in the schools of his native
state, later studied medicine in the Kentucky Medical College at
Louisville, Kentucky, from which institution he was graduated. Not long
thereafter he came to Springfield, Missouri, where he engaged in the
general practice of medicine for a period of six years, then was employed
in the state hospital for the insane at Nevada, Missouri, where he
remained six years. He came to Springfield in 1911, and founded the
Johnson Sanitarium for the treatment of mental and nervous diseases, this
being the pioneer institution of its kind in this part of the state. It
has been successful, from the first, largely because of the cooperation of
the physicians of the southern part of the state, and most gratifying
results have been obtained; the prestige of the institution is enhanced by
courteous treatment to .all and satisfied patients. The institution is
pleasantly and conveniently located at 807 Jefferson street. It is
modernly appointed and completely equipped in every respect for the work
which Dr. Johnson has outlined to do here, and its future is assured.
The institution conducts a training school for nurses where earnest
devoted girls are in attendance and constantly study to promote the
welfare and comfort of patients.
Dr. Johnson was married to Isadore W. Allen, of Harrisonville, Missouri,
October 8, 1901. She is a daughter of James T. and Isadore (Young) Allen.
She was one of two children and was born in Woodford county, Kentucky. Her
paternal grandfather, Capt. James Trimble, served in the Revolutionary
war, as captain of a company of riflemen under General Lewis. He remained
in the service of his country all through the struggle for independence.
He was born in Augusta county, Virginia, in 1756. Previously he had served
at the memorable battle of Point Pleasant during the Colonial war. He
married Jane Allen about 1780. She was born, March 15, 1855, in Augusta
county, Virginia. Her father, Hugh Allen, was killed at the battle of
Point Pleasant. After the close of the Revolutionary war, Captain Trimble
and wife moved to Woodford county, Kentucky, and were prominent in the
early history of that state. Mrs. Johnson's great-grandfather Trimble was
opposed to slavery and he made application in the courts at Lexington,
Kentucky, to manumit them. His request was refused several times, but was
finally granted through the efforts of Henry Clay, then a young lawyer
from Virginia. Mr. Trimble's sons became distinguished men. Three of them
held commissions in the war of 1812. Allen Trimble, one of the sons,
became governor of Ohio; William Trimble was a colonel in the regular army
and was also a United,States senator, his death ,occurring while a member
of the senate. James M. Trimble was a prominent preacher. Dr. Cary Trimble
was a member of Congress. James Trimble died in Kentucky in 1804. Mrs.
Johnson's maternal great-grandfather, Capt. John Peck, was on Governor
Hancock's staff at the time he was chairman of the committee that signed
the Declaration of Independence. Hancock, it will be remembered, was one
of the early governors of Massachusetts. James T. Allen, father of our
subject's wife, was a widely known stock dealer of Kentucky. He is at this
writing making his home at Harrisonville, Missouri. His wife died in
Woodford county, Kentucky, many years ago.
Politically, Dr. Johnson is a Democrat, and he and his wife belong to, the
Methodist Episcopal church, South.
SILAS M. JOHNSON. Silas M. Johnson was born in Tennessee, August 30, 1855.
He is a son of John A. and Nancy (Ferguson) Johnson. The father was a son
of Benjamin and Betsy Johnson, the former a native of Scotland, from which
country he immigrated to North Carolina in an early day, and in that state
his son John was born, and was four years of age when the family removed
to Tennessee where he grew up and married. Nancy Ferguson was a native of
Tennessee, in which state she spent her early life. Benjamin Johnson spent
the rest of his life in Tennessee, dying there, after an active life on
the farm. John A. Johnson spent his boyhood on the farm, and received his
education in the common schools at Pulaski, Giles county, Tennessee, and
began his career as a farmer in that vicinity. He married in Macon county,
that state. During the Seminole Indian war in Florida he enlisted in a
Tennessee regiment and served with credit. Politically, he was a
Republican, and he belonged to the Christian church. His family consisted
of twelve children, namely: Benjamin, deceased; William, who was a soldier
in the Union army, was killed in battle; James was also a soldier in the
Federal ranks during the Civil war; Mrs. Clarissa E. Powell was next in
order; Louis lives on the Carthage road in this county; Agnes is deceased;
John is railroading in California; Neil owns and operates a ranch in
Colorado; Mary makes her home with our subject; Silas M. of this review;
Nannie is deceased; one child died in infancy.
John A. Johnson, the father, left Tennessee in 1854 and lived in Texas a
year; then moved up Arkansas, where he lived until 1863, in which year he
located in Greene county, Missouri, purchasing a farm of one hundred and
sixty-eight acres and on this spent the rest of his life.
Silas M. Johnson grew to manhood on his father's farm and he received his
early education in the district schools, and he has devoted his life to
general farming and stock raising. He owns sixty-six acres in Campbell
township, where he has a substantial home with many modern conveniences,
large barns and well-kept surroundings.
Mr. Johnson has remained unmarried. Politically, he is a Democrat. He
belongs to the old brick Christian church in his vicinity. He is a member
of the Anti-Horse Thief Association. He leads a quiet life, and
personally, is a very accommodating gentleman and is therefore well liked
by all who know him.
A. J. JOHNSTON. A forward-looking, dynamic-energied citizen of
Springfield, a man of vision and purpose, who has in many ways aided in
Missouri's betterment, is A. J. Johnston.
Mr. Johnston was born in Washington county, this state, near Potosi, on
June 14th, in the year 1869, of English and German parentage. His father
was a minister of the Christian church, later joining the Baptist
communion. While still a mere child he was brought to Houston, Texas
county, and was reared on a farm near the county seat. His equipment for
the affairs of life in the way of an education came from the common
schools and the training of a model Christian home. Reaching manhood's
estate, in 1890, he and Miss Verta Cross were married and for twenty-five
years now have faced sunshine and storm together. Mrs. Johnston is the
daughter of T. A. Gross, of Marion, Ohio.
The four children who have blessed this union are, Ray Augustus, Floyd
Albert, Glen Paul and Beulah, but the little girl crossed over the river
many years ago.
Some six years ago, Mr. Johnston moved to Springfield and for the last
five years has been in the real estate business. He has made a number of
deals and always has on his books a list of good properties. When he came
to Springfield he determined to give of his talent, time and money in
aiding the upbuilding of Greene county and its capital, and has never
failed to do his part.
In his chosen business, Mr. Johnston has always stood high, for he is
honest and careful in all his dealings. Recently he has leased a suite of
rooms in the Landers building, which are perfectly adapted to the
business, fitted up with every modern convenience.
Mr. Johnston has been prominently identified with the development of
southern Missouri, in which he has extensive interests. No one has given
more time, thought and effort to bringing before the people of the United
States the great resources of the Ozark region and the opportunities which
are presented here for men of moderate means to get a start and secure a
competence in a few years.
Prominent among the propositions which he has on hand at the present time
is the disposition of the Springdale ranch, the only body of land of its
kind remaining in this section. Eight thousand acres of virgin soil under
laid with mineral wealth and covered with a forest in which valuable
timber abounds, here await development. The position of this great tract
of land is in the midst of a portion of the country in which important
projects are on hand and rapid progress is being made. Springdale ranch is
interesting, not only in connection with prospective developments there,
but in the fact that it is a great reservation in which the natural
resources of the Ozark region are shown in a remarkable manner, exhibiting
to the people of this day and generation a view of the land as it appeared
to the pioneers who made their way into this country in the first quarter
of the nineteenth century, a reminder of the vision which excited the
enthusiasm of the French explorers of an earlier period, causing them to
write charming descriptions of this portion of the domains of the king of
France, then known as Louisiana. Samples of ore taken from the Springdale
ranch have been sent to a prominent assayer at Denver, Colorado, who
reports a value Of $78.90 of gold, silver, lead and zinc per ton.
JAMES B. JOHNSTON. One of the well-known citizens of the north side in
Springfield is James B. Johnston, the popular justice of the peace, who
has been a citizen of Greene county for nearly thirty years. Over three
decades of his life has been devoted to railroading on various roads and
in various capacities, and for some time with the Frisco system, his last
position being passenger conductor. He is a veteran of the Union army,
having fought gallantly for his adopted country during its greatest
crisis, although he was born under another flag. Since casting his lot
among us he has been regarded as a good citizen in every respect.
Mr. Johnston was born in Toronto, Canada, September 4, 1841. He is a son
of Benjamin and Ann (Davison) Johnston. The father was born in the same
city and province, March 14, 1809, and the mother was born in Nova Scotia,
May 30, 1813. They grew to maturity in their native Dominion and were
educated in the common schools and married there, establishing their home
in Toronto, where they lived until 1846, when they removed to Carroll
county, Illinois, making the overland journey by team, after crossing the
lake, and located on the wild prairie, where the father of our subject
secured land, which he developed into a good farm, and there spent the
rest of his life engaged in general farming. He learned to be a mechanic
when young and worked at his trade for a number of years. His death
occurred at Sterling, Illinois, February 3, 1873, and there the death of
his wife occurred in July, 1890, having survived him seventeen years. They
were the parents of nine children, three of whom are still living; they
are: James B., of this review; Mary E., and Eugenia.
James B. Johnston was five years of age when his parents removed with him
from his native province to Carroll county, Illinois, and there he grew to
manhood on his father's farm, which he helped develop, and he received his
education in the district schools in that neighborhood, later attending
the Rock River Seminary in Ogle county, that state, and he was still a
student in that institution when the Civil War broke out, and on November
5, 1861, he enlisted from Carroll county, in Company B, Seventh Illinois
Cavalry, under Col. William Pitt Kellogg. Henry C. Forbes was the captain
and Gen. Benjamin Grierson and he did a great deal of scouting and
raiding, including the well known Grierson raid. He was discharged at
Nashville, Tennessee, December 17, 1864, receiving an honorable discharge.
He returned home at once, and later entered a commercial college in
Chicago, where he spent one summer and remained in that city during the
summer of 1865, and in September went home, remaining on the farm, and in
February of 1867 went to Omaha, Nebraska, where he took a position as
brakeman with the Union Pacific railroad, at which he worked until 1868,
when he quit and went to Iowa, where he engaged in business for himself
until 1874, when he took up railroading again and worked as brakeman,
freight and passenger conductor on several different roads, and in 1886 he
came to Springfield, Missouri, and went to work on the Ozark division of
the old Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis road, later worked for the
Frisco. He continued railroading until the fall of 1898, when he was
elected justice of the peace, and he has been re-elected three times, and
is now serving his fourth term. His office is located at 212 1/2 East
Commercial street, Springfield. That he has given the utmost satisfaction
as a public servant is evident from the fact that he has been retained so
long in office. His decisions have ever been noted for a clear conception
of the law and for their uniform fairness to all parties concerned, and
they have seldom met with reversal at the hands of higher tribunals.
Mr. Johnston was married twice, first on October 15, 1868, at Boone, Iowa,
to Amelia L. Mastin, a native of Illinois, and to this union four children
were born, all surviving at this writing, namely: Benjamin R., John D.,
Ida M. and Verde D. On January 15, 1889, our subject married Rebecea
McRae, which union has been without issue.
Politically, Mr. Johnston is a Republican. He is a member of the McCroskey
Post No. 210, Grand Army of the Republic, the Order of Railway Conductors
and the Knights of Pythias.
CAPT. GEORGE MARTIN JONES. Each individual is merged into the great
aggregate, and yet the type of character of each is never lost. There is
much of profit and a degree of fascination in even a succinct life
portrayal of men, when the delineations, if only in a cursory way, are but
the tracings of a life memoranda, which has for its object the keynote of
a given personality. The accomplishments of a human being are, as a rule,
measured by his capacity and strength, and his ingenious tact in using
them. If a poets lines lack harmony, we are justified in concluding that
there is certain absence of harmony in himself. Hayden failed as an
artist; we see the, reason why, when we read his life; and the taste of
opium can be detected in the "Ancient Mariner" and "Christabel," with the
semi-acuteness in which their author enjoyed the poisonous drug. A man's
work or deed takes us back to himself, as the sunbeam back to the sun. It
is stern philosophy, but true, that in the collossal spot called the
world, failure and success are not accidents, but strict justice. Capt.
George Martin Jones, one of the best known and one of the most
representative citizens of Greene county has led a successful, useful and
honorable life because he understood the basic principles of cause and
effect and directed his efforts to worthy ends.
Captain Jones was born in Shelby county, Tennessee, October 19, 1836. He
is a son of Henry T. and Mary E. (Waller) Jones, and a grandson of James
and Jane (Slaughter) Jones. James Jones, as the name indicates, was of
Welsh descent, wag a native of King and Queen county, Virginia, and his
wife was a native of King William county, Virginia, but her death occurred
in the former county, October 1, 1810. James Jones moved to Giles county,
Tennessee, in 1816, where he died May 20, 1820. According to family
tradition he was a captain in the Revolutionary war. His family consisted
of the following children, all born in Virginia, namely: William D. C.,
born December 13, 1799, emigrated to Tipton county, Tennessee, and later
to Burleston county, Texas, where he died; Henry Tandy, father of the
subject of this sketch, was born April 3, 1801; Martin S., born May 5,
1802, died in Marshall county, Tennessee; George Washington, born March
15, 1806, spent most of his life in Lincoln county, Tennessee, where he
died; for fourteen years he represented his district in the congress of
the United States; he was never married; Richard M., born May 22, 1807,
emigrated first to Tennessee and later to Greene county, Missouri, where
he died; Mary Jane, born September 16, 1810, married George Small, reared
a large family, and died in Shelby county, Tennessee; Martha died when
about three years old. The four sons and one daughter who grew to maturity
separated in the latter part of 1820 and were never all together again
until April 4, 1872, a period of fifty-two years, when they met at the
home of Henry T. Jones, our subject's father, in Shelby county, Tennessee.
All of them lived to old age and died loved and respected by friends and
acquaintances. Henry T. Jones reached an advanced age, passing well into
his eighties, surviving his wife many years, her death having occurred in
1856. These parents were consistent Christians and members of the
Methodist church, and later the Methodist Episcopal church, South. Henry
T. Jones was a local preacher in that church and for a large part of his
active life had and kept regular appointments for preaching. He was also
an active member of the Masonic fraternity—his advice and counsel being
much sought after by members of that order. He was for years a member of
the county court of his county. Although he received but a limited
education in his native community in the Old Dominion, he became a well
informed man, being self-taught. He was young in years when he took up his
residence in Giles county, Tennessee, and there he married and spent a
number of years there and emigrated to Shelby county, where he passed the
remainder of his life. He was known as an honest, industrious and
hospitable man, a fine type of the older Southern gentleman. The maiden
name of Captain Jones' grandmother was Ann Holmes. She was married to John
Waller. They were natives of Virginia, probably King and Queen county, and
were of Irish descent. To them were born four daughters: Lucy, the oldest,
was born February 25, 1783 married John Hazelwood, and to them ten
children were born; Nancy, the second, was born February 2, 1786, married
Elisha Clark, but their union was without issue and they reared an adopted
daughter, Lucy; Martha was born October 12, 1790, married Thomas Abernathy
and to them seven children were born; Mary Edmonds, fourth and youngest
was born August 15, 1798, and lived to be fifty-eight years old; she first
married John Creath and three sons were born to them, namely: James A.,
born November 19, 1818, .and he first married Nancy Amonett, who became
the mother of one son, Samuel, who died when about three years old, his
mother dying a few years later. Martha, the sister of his first wife,
became the second wife of James A., and to them were born three children,
Nancy Irene, Joseph Henry and Mabel; he died May 21, 1885. John W. Creath
was born July 20, 1820, remained unmarried, and died March 15, 1942;
Thomas B., born April 4, 1822, married Elizabeth Jones (no relation of the
Jones family of this sketch), and to them nine children were born, all of
whom died before arriving at the age of maturity. All the four daughters
of our subject's grandmother grew to womanhood and were married in
Virginia and Mr. Creath died there. Later all of them and their families
moved to middle Tennessee, the mother of Captain Jones making her home in
Giles county. Later her father came to live with her and continued to make
his home with her after her marriage to Henry T. Jones, and he died
shortly after the birth of her son, Nicholas Jones. The daughters were all
married before the death of the Captain's grandmother, except the mother
of the Captain who lived with and kept house for her father until her
Henry Tandy Jones and Mary E. (Waller) Creath were married December 22,
1825, and to this union seven children were born, namely: Mary Ann, born
December 6, 1826; Lucy Jane, born November 19, 1832, who was adopted and
reared by her Aunt Nancy; Martha C.; Nicholas F.; Nancy Clark, born August
14, 1834; George M., of this sketch; Richard Waller, born May 6, 1839,
died when about eight years of age.
Mary Ann Jones married W. C. Montgomery and to them five children were
born, namely: Mary Gertrude, Robert Waller, James Creath, Florence and
Mary Ann, who died in infancy. Lucy Jane married Orville M. Alsup, which
union resulted in the birth of nine children, as follows: Joseph Clark,
Nancy Isadore (Dora), John Henry, James Richard, Nicholas Mortimer,
William Waller, Jefferson D., and. Beauregard C., which two were twins,
and Martha Caroline, who died quite young.
Nicholas Fain Jones was educated for and became a lawyer, locating in
Springfield, Missouri, where he married Mary Ann Shackelford, daughter of
Dr. Gabriel Shackelford, and to them four daughters were born, Georgia,
Mary, Gabriella, and "Bitsie," pet name, who died very young. Martha
Caroline married Roscoe E. Cole, and to them three daughters were born,
Mary Frances, Ida Jane and Lucy Alzada.
Nancy Clark Jones never married, but she became the foster mother of Mary
Gertrude, oldest daughter of her sister Mary, who being reared and cared
for by her to womanhood was married to J. Claude Buster and gave birth to
one child, Gertrude, and shortly afterwards died, and her Aunt Nancy
became a mother to little Gertrude, who in after years married George D.
McDaniel, a well known banker of Springfield, Missouri. Florence, whose
mother died when she was about two years old, was also reared and given a
mother's care by her Aunt Nancy.
Captain George M. Jones grew to manhood on the home farm in Shelby county,
Tennessee, and received a common school education in that vicinity. When
seventeen years old he went to Memphis, Tennessee, and sold dry goods for
the firm of Cossitt, Hill & Talmadge, remaining with them three years,
receiving for his first year's service, seventy-five dollars and board;
for the second, one hundred dollars, and the third, one hundred and fifty
dollars. Being ambitious to get a start in the world and economical he
saved a part of his meager earnings. He came to Springfield, Missouri in
1857 to visit a brother who was practicing law here, but went back to
Tennessee after a short time. In the fall of the same year he returned to
Springfield and engaged in the general merchandising business, handling
dry goods, groceries and hardware, under the firm name of Miller, Jones &
Company. After remaining here a year he went to Rolla, Phelps county,
Missouri, and embarked in the commission business. At that time Rolla was
the end of the railroad running southwest from St. Louis. He continued
this business until the Civil war began in 1861. He was out on a
collecting trip when the Federal army first reached Rolla. He did not
return to that place to resume business, but came to Springfield and
enlisted in the Confederate service, becoming a member of Capt. Dick
Campbell's company, of Missouri State Guards. He was later transferred to
Company A, Foster's Regiment, McBride's division, Confederate army.
Shortly afterward he was made quartermaster, with the rank of captain. On
account of ill health, he was honorably discharged at Jacksonport,
Arkansas, in August, 1863. In 1864 he re-enlisted and was for sonic time
acting provost-marshal in southeastern Arkansas. He surrendered and
received his parole at Monroe, Louisiana, in the spring of 1865, having
fought faithfully and gallantly for the Southland, the long time home of
his ancestors and which he has always loved.
Captain Jones went back to Shelby county, Tennessee, in 1865, and there
remained until 1868. While there he took a contract to furnish the Memphis
& Charleston Railroad Company three thousand cords of wood for fuel. He
then returned to Greene county, Missouri, where he has since resided,
locating in the eastern part of the city in December, 1868. For two or
three years he was engaged in the real estate business here, then took up
general farming, owning a valuable place, a part of which was within the
corporate limits of the city of Springfield. He devoted his attention
successfully to this line of endeavor many years, his home place
containing three hundred and fifty acres, and he also owned a fine farm at
Campbell Station containing three hundred and sixty acres. He kept his
land well improved and under a high state of cultivation, and was rated
among the most substantial agriculturists in this part of the state. In
later life he went into the banking business and for some time was
president of the Greene County National Bank, later was president of the
Central National Bank, both at Springfield. He was eminently successful in
this field of endeavor, being by nature a business man of keen perception
and wise foresight, and possessing the personal characteristics of a
progressive man of affairs, enjoying to the utmost the confidence and good
will of all with whom he came in contact either in a business or social
way. He continued in the banking business until he sold the last named
bank to the people who operated it under the name of the Merchants'
National Bank, in 1895, since which time Capt. Jones has been living
retired, spending his declining years quietly in his attractive home,
surrounded by all the comforts of life as a result of his earlier years of
judicious activity.
Capt. Jones was married on October 15, 1868, in Lee county, Arkansas, to
Mrs. Elizabeth D. (Berry) Campbell, widow of Col. L. C. Campbell, and the
oldest daughter of Maj. Daniel Dorsey and Olivia (Polk) Berry, a highly
respected old family of Springfield, Missouri. To this union three
children were born, namely: Mary Elizabeth, born August 12, 1869, married
George McClellan Sebree, November 29, 1893, and to this union three
children have been born: George McClellan, Jr., Alice F., and Robert H.,
all of whom are at home; Clara Russell, second child of our subject, was
born June 29, 1872, married Frank P. Clements, December 20, 1898, and died
April 18, 1906, her union having been without issue; George Washington,
youngest child of the Captain, was born May 7, 1875, was married to
Catherine Holbrook, January 10, 1907; they reside in Des Moines, Iowa, and
have two children, Nancy and Catherine.
The wife and mother was called to her eternal rest on October 13, 1885,
leaving her three children comparatively young, but Capt. Jones gave them
every advantage for education and culture. Their mother's training had
laid for them a good foundation but for their future care and training
they are largely indebted to their aunt, Nannie. Mrs. Jones was a member
of the Methodist Episcopal church, South.
For a time Capt. Jones was one of the board of curators of the Missouri
State University, Columbia, Missouri, also a member of the executive board
of Drury College, Springfield. He was also for a number of years president
of the Confederate Cemetery Association at Springfield. He has always
manifested a great deal of interest in the organization known as the
United Confederate Veterans, and for some time was commander of the state
organization, and was head of the Springfield camp of the same. He has
been an active member here since the first organization of the camp. He
has attended frequently the national reunions of the Confederate veterans,
and was the prime mover in securing the transfer of the Confederate
Cemetery at Springfield to the United States Government for its care and
keeping. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Order, including the
Blue Lodge. He has long been influential in the affair's of the Methodist
Episcopal church, South, of which he has been a devout member since a boy,
and he is one of the pillars of St. Paul's, one of the largest churches of
this denomination in Missouri. He has been a trustee and steward in the
church for a period of forty years or more, and several times he has been
a delegate to the general conference of this denomination. Greene county
has never had a better citizen than Capt. Jones. His long residence here
has been of great benefit to the county and Queen City in material, civic
and moral ways, and he is eminently entitled to the high esteem in which
he is universally held.
HENRY B. JONES. A gentleman who has been considered one of the best
farmers and stock raisers in the vicinity of Elwood, Greene county, is
Henry B. Jones, who, as a citizen is intelligent and enterprising,
combining with himself those sterling qualities of manhood that make not
only a useful member of society, but a leader in whatever he undertakes.
He has been contented to spend his life in his native county, rightly
concluding that for the tiller of the soil and the livestock grower no
better place could be found.
Mr. Jones was born in Greene county, Missouri, March 21, 1860. He is a son
of Isaac and Martha (McClure) Jones, both natives of Monroe county,
Tennessee, where they spent their childhood and received a common school
training, which, according to the times, was meager. Isaac Jones was
twenty-three years old when he came to Greene county, Missouri, and by
home study he had added to his education sufficiently to teach school,
which he followed for some time in this county or until the commencement
of the Civil war. The latter part of his life was devoted to general
farming here. During the Civil war he was deputy sheriff under Elisha
White. His death occurred in 1883. His widow survived nineteen years,
dying in 1902. They were the parents of eight children, four sons and four
daughters, named as follows: Sarah E., Jas. L., Henry B., the subject;
Effie K., Alice, Dora, J. Lyman, and Geo; B. W.
Henry B. Jones grew to manhood on the home place and there worked during
the crop seasons when a boy, and attended the district schools during the
winter. When a young man he began farming for himself, which he has
continued to the present time, and is now owner of a well-improved and
productive place of two hundred acres near Elwood. He has always been a
very careful general farmer, rotating his crops at the right time, and he
has made livestock raising and feeding a specialty, always keeping good
grades and sparing no pains in their care. He has a good set of buildings
and modern farming implements.
Mr. Jones was married on August 12, 1885, to Florence Pickering, a
daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Gray) Pickering. She was born on her
father's farm in Greene county, Tennessee, and here grew to womanhood and
received her education, in the country schools. Mrs. Jones had two
brothers, both deceased, namely: Charles B. and James B; also one sister,
Mrs. Mary E.Graham.
Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, namely: Fred, born July
17, 1886, owns a ranch in New Mexico and intends devoting his life to
farming; Bert I., born November 18, 1888, owns a farm in Republic
township, Greene county, where he carries on general farming; he married
Ora E. Coggin, a native of this county, and they have one child, Ruth
Politically, Mr. Jones is a Republican, and he and his family attend the
Methodist Episcopal church.
JOHN JONES. As every one knows, methods of farming are changing and we are
learning many things that the husbandman of half century ago did not know
or at least did not attach much importance to. Among other things the
farmer of today has learned that the soil is a mixture of ground rock
fragments and mineral mixed with more or less organic material. Some one
has rightly said, "The soil is Nature's dumping-ground." All animal and
plant refuse not burned or carried away by streams, eventually reaches the
soil. Were it not for the fact that this vast amount of material is
constantly decaying and becoming soluble we would eventually become
polluted in Nature's waste products.
One of the farmers of Wilson township, Greene county, who has not been
slow in adopting advanced methods of tilling the soil is John Jones, owner
of "Shady Grove Farm." Mr. Jones was born in Taney county, Missouri,
September 4, 1847. He is a son of Jabis and Elizabeth Jones, natives of
Missouri. The father owned eighty acres and rented the same amount of land
in Greene county. He at one time lived near Lebanon, Laclede county. His
death occurred when the subject of this sketch, was seven years of age,
and a year later the mother passed away.
John Jones received a very limited education. After his father's death the
mother sold the home farm, and after her death our subject lived with his
uncle, James Cook, and later with an aunt. When eighteen years of age he
was married to Mary Graham, a daughter of James Graham and wife, both of
Christian county, this state, where they lived on a farm. After four years
of married life, the wife of our subject died. To this union two children
were born, one dying at the age of three years and the other in infancy.
Three years after the death of his first wife, Mrs. Jones married again,
choosing as a helpmate Mary Childress, a daughter of William and Ellen
Childress, formerly of Illinois, from which state they came to Greene
county, Missouri, after the Civil war and settled in Wilson township on
one hundred and sixty acres. Mr. Childress was born in Kentucky. Our
subject's second union has resulted in the birth of seven children, named
as follows: Johnnie, Ira, Robert, Madeen, Bessie (deceased), Mrs. Myrtle
Barber, and Vida, the last named being at home with her parents.
Mr. Jones owns sixty acres of good land in Wilson township, which he
operates together with twenty-two acres which he rents from his
brother-in-law, Mr. Childress. He is making a comfortable living as a
general farmer and stock raiser, and, considering his early environment
and the fact that he grew up without the protection, advice and guidance
of parents and has had to "hoe his own row" from the first, he is
deserving of a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished. On his
farm is one of the most splendid wells in the township, which is a
favorite among his neighbors. In connection with raising general crops,
Mr. Jones is doing a very good business raising horses and mules, also
handles other live stock.
Politically, he has voted the Democratic ticket since attaining his
majority. His jovial nature makes him many friends wherever he goes.
JOHN H. JONES. We are glad to note in this series of biographical articles
that so many of the progressive citizens of Greene county have been born
and reared here, for this is an indication of at least two things--that
they are men of keen discernment, being able to see and appreciate present
conditions as they are, and that the county is indeed one of the favored
sections of the great commonwealth of Missouri, else these people would
have sought opportunities elsewhere. As it is they did not need to heed
the call of the wanderlust that is heard at some stage or other in the
lives of all young men. One of this number who has been contented to spend
his life in his native locality is John H. Jones, the energetic druggist
at Fair Grove, Jackson township.
Mr. Jones was born in this county on November 4, 1877. He is a son of
James T. and Rachael A. (Norton) Jones. The father was born in Dallas
county, Missouri, November 14, 1846, and there he grew to manhood on a
farm and attended the rural schools. Remaining in that county until 1870,
he removed to Greene county and entered government land which he improved
into a good farm and on which he established a comfortable home and here
our subject was born. The place first consisted of eighty acres. As the
elder Jones prospered through good management, he added to his original
holdings until he now has a farm of two hundred and fifty-five acres,
which is well improved and productive. He has, however, retired from
active life and keeps his land rented, and is residing in Fair Grove,
where he moved ten years ago, buying a good home there. He devoted all his
active life to general farming and raising live stock and has been very
successful in his life work. He was married in 1868 to Rachel A. Norton,
who was born in Tennessee, May 14, 1846, and when young in years her
parents brought her to Missouri, the family locating in Webster county and
there she grew to womanhood on a farm and she attended the country
schools. She is a member of the Baptist church. To these parents four
children have been, born, namely: William G. lives in Greene county;
Messer F. is deceased; John H. of this sketch; and Mrs. Vada Bass, of this
John H. Jones was reared on the home farm in his native community and
there he assisted with the general work during the summer months, and
attended the district schools in the winter. He continued to work on the
farm until the fall of 1901. The following year he entered the St. Louis
College of Pharmacy, where he made a good record and from which he was
graduated with the class of 1906. Soon thereafter he went into the drug
business at Fair Grove, which he has continued with ever increasing
success to the present time, having built up an extensive trade. He has a
neat store which is stocked with a full line of drugs and drug sundries.
He has been very successful in a business way and owns several lots and
buildings in Greene county and a forty-acre farm in Dallas county, also a
town lot in Oklahoma.
Mr. Jones has remained unmarried. Politically, he is a Democrat.
Fraternally, he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the
Woodmnen of the World.
JOSHUA L. JONES. Farmers come nearer being their own business masters than
any other class of workers. It takes considerable capital these days to go
into farming properly, but a farmer nowadays does not need so much land as
he has been taught to believe he should have. Where one hundred and sixty
acres has been considered a necessity for a good farm, forty acres will
soon he regarded as plenty; and for some kinds of crops ten acres is all a
man can properly care for. Intensive cultivation with modern methods makes
a successful farm out of few acres of land. Ownership and proper
development of even a few acres will amply provide for the unproductive
period in the lives of farmers.
One of the capable farmers of Republic township, Greene county, is Joshua
L. Jones, who was born in this township and county, on the old Jones
homestead, March 23, 1872. He is a son of Isaac N. and Martna (McClure)
Jones, both natives of Monroe county, Tennessee, where they spent their
earlier years. Isaac N. Jones was twenty-three years of age when he left
his native state and immigrated to Greene county, Missouri. He received a
fairly good education for a country boy in those days, and he taught
school after coming to the Ozarks, continuing as a teacher until the
commencement of the Civil war, during which period of strife between his
fellow citizens, he acted as deputy sheriff under Elisha White. He was
also county surveyor at one time. He devoted the latter part of his life
to general farming in Republic township, where his death occurred in 1883.
His widow survived until 1902, outliving him nineteen years. They were the
parents of ten children, an equal number of sons and daughters, four of
whom are living at this writing, one son and five daughters being
Joshua L. Jones grew to manhood on the home farm and there he worked hard
when a boy. He received his education in the district schools of his
neighborhood, and he also studied at Marionville Collegiate Institute,
Marionville, Missouri. His brother, Ben G. W. Jones, who is in partnership
with him farming, and who is three years younger, was educated in the
local public schools and later was graduated from the Marionville
Collegiate Institute.
Joshua L. Jones began life for himself as a farmer when a young man and
this has continued to claim his constant attention. He and his brother,
Ben G. W. Jones, own a good farm of forty acres in Republic, township and
here they are obtaining very gratifying results as general farmers and
stock raisers, being very close students of modern methods of agriculture
and not afraid to experiment and adopt advanced ideas in husbandry. Both
he and his brother have remained unmarried.
Politically our subject is a Democrat and active in local party affairs.
WILLIAM J. JONES. We have stronger evidence with each succeeding day that
the bitterness and animosity resulting from the great Civil war and
preceding influences is passing away and that the solidarity of the nation
is becoming more and more a fact. To this many things have contributed,
among which may be mentioned the natural kindly spirit of the South, which
has invited the people of the crowded North to share its vast unoccupied
land spaces and invest in its promising possibilities, while enjoying its
delightful climate. And in the long lapse of half a century the war
trenches have been filled, the temporary forts demolished, and the plow
passes peacefully over their ruins. Many of the actors n the bloody drama
are dead and their graves with those of their comrades who fell in battle
are green and fragrant with grass and flowers, while the wounds, physical
and moral, of the survivors have long since healed and only scars remain.
One of the Confederate veterans, of Greene county is William J. Jones,
better known as "Hickory" Jones, a merchant of Walnut Grove, formerly
engaged in general farming near that place. He is one of the soldiers of
the sixties who is willing to "forget." Mr. Jones was born in this county
on May 22, 1846, and is therefore one of the oldest native sons of this
community, having passed his sixty-ninth birthday, and during that long
period of residence here he has noted and taken part in many great
changes, seeing the country develop in a general way. He is a son of
Richard M. and Mary Ann (Hartin) Jones, the father a native of Virginia,
and the mother was a native of Tennessee. The father died in this county
in 1898. The mother died here in 1896. Our subject's father was a cabinet
maker by trade. He was in the land office here for eight years, in the
fifties. In his latter life he did some farming but lived retired until
his death. Our subject was one of eleven children, only two living at this
writing: Mrs. Mary J. McDowell, who lives in Springfield, and our subject.
William J. Jones grew to manhood in his native county and he received a
good education in the common schools, attending school eight years in
Springfield. His early life was spent on the farm. He was quite young when
the Civil war began and did not enlist until in the fall of 1863, when he
entered the Confederate service from Arkansas, in Company F, Third
Missouri Cavalry, under Col. Colton Green, who was subsequently promoted
to brigadier general, being succeeded in his former command by Col. Lenten
Campbell, who was promoted to that rank. Our subject saw considerable hard
service and participated in a number of important engagements, proving a
very courageous soldier despite his youth. He was paroled at Little Rock
in the spring of 1865 at the close of the war. After coming home from the
army he resumed farming, which he followed for four years, then located in
Springfield, where he worked in a hardware store for D. J. B. Skinner and
W. H. Mansfield for some time, then, returned to the farm for several
years. In 1882 he moved to Walnut Grove and farmed in this township with
his usual success until 1896, when he went into the grocery business in
Walnut Grove, which he continued for seven years, then sold out and lived
retired for two years, then went into the furniture business in 1907 here
and is still thus engaged. He keeps a good stock of general furniture and
has a very satisfactory business.
Mr. Jones was married in 1872, to Josie B. Carter, of Greene county. She
is a daughter of Tillman Carter and wife, who were well-known early
settlers here. He was in the tobacco business for several years.
Four children have been born to our subject and wife, namely: George E.,
deceased; William H., Richard T. and Hattie B., all live in Walnut Grove.
Here they grew to maturity and received good educational advantages.
Politically, Mr. Jones votes independently. He is a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian church, and his wife belongs to the Methodist church. The
Jones family is well known and held in highest regard in Walnut Grove and