Greene County Biographies
Greene County Biographies
From the Pictorial and genealogical record of Greene County, Missouri : together with biographies of prominent men of other portions of the state, both living and dead. Chicago: Goodspeed Bros., 1893 RICHARD F. SAYE. This gentleman, who resides in Walnut Grove Township, owns a fine farm of 198 acres, which attests by its value and productiveness the excellent qualities of thoroughness and system which mark the owner. He was born in Bedford County, Tenn., in 1826, to Richard and Elizabeth (Robberson) Saye, both of whom were born in Georgia, the former July 14, 1801, and the latter November 28, 1801. Both were taken by their parents to Bedford County, Tenn., where they married and lived until 1830, then came by ox team to Polk County, Mo., settling in the woods in the southern part of the county, which by industry they succeeded in clearing of timber. Later they removed to near Bolivar where Mr. Saye served in the capacity of county sheriff for eight years, being elected in 1846 and again in 1850. In 1853 be crossed the plains with three of his sons to California, taking a drove of stock with them, and in that State spent the rest of his life, dying about 1866. He did little or no mining while there but devoted his attention to the stock business, but death cut short what promised to be a successful business career there. He was one of the first justices of the peace of Polk County and for some time was its assessor. He was very public spirited, a Democrat in politics, a member of the Methodist Church the greater part of his life, and being very industrious and prudent became wealthy. He had a sister named Mary who died in Greene County before the war, the wife of William Robinson. Their father was William Saye, who was probably a native of Georgia, from whence he removed to Bedford County, Tenn., early in the present century and lived there until 1830 when he came to Greene County, Mo., where he died a year later at a very advanced age. His wife died in Polk County, both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the time of their deaths, the father having been an industrious farmer all his life. He was probably of English descent. The wife of Richard Saye died in 1852 in Polk County and her father in Tennessee, leaving a large family, the most of whom came to Greene County, settling on what was afterward known as Robberson Prairie. This family became one of the best known in Greene County, for they were one of the oldest, most public-spirited and wealthiest. Richard F. Saye is one of nine sons and two daughters, the names of the others being: Dr. William, of Texas, who practiced his profession in Polk, Cedar and Greene Counties before the war, and during that struggle served in the Confederate Army; Allen, who died in boyhood in Tennessee; Bennett H., who died in Polk County, leaving a family, having also been in the Confederate Army; Elizabeth, wife of John Dissard, of Polk County; Thomas Paine, of Polk County, who was an officer in the Missouri State Militia during the war; George Marion, who has been a resident of California since 1853, is a farmer, is married and has a family; Edwin who died in Texas in March, 1893, was a private in the Confederate Army all through the war; Jasper, who has been a stockman of California since 1853; John went south during the war as a member of the Confederate Army and was killed somewhere in Louisiana, and Mary Ann, wife of James Edwards. Richard F. Saye was reared in Polk County from the time he was four years of age and unfortunately received but meager educational advantages. At the age of sixteen he left home and drove stage from Bolivar for one and a half years. In 1847 he joined Company K, Third Missouri Infantry, and was in the Mexican War fighting the Indians in New Mexico until peace was declared when he returned home. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, the journey taking over five months, and was there engaged in mining. During this time he and a friend from Polk County, Mo., John Campbell, made a trip together in 1853, back to Salt Lake City, Utah, after stock with which they returned to California. He was principally engaged in mining and in the spring of 1855 he returned to his old home in Missouri. Soon after this he accompanied what was known as the Pool Expedition through the southwest to the Wachita River and was absent several months. In, 1857 his roving and adventurous spirit again led him to California, leaving his family, and there be spent about two years, returning to Missouri via the Isthmus of Panama and New Orleans. In 1855 he was married to Martha, daughter of Allen and Polly Edmondson who came to Greene County from Tennessee at a very early day, settling on Grand Prairie where they lived until 1851. Mr. Edmondson was a well-to-do farmer and died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Saye, in 1875, his widow's death occurring at Walnut Grove in 1889, both having been members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of many years' standing. Mr. Edmondson was a soldier in the Federal Army at the time of the late war. Their children were: Julian, of Grand Prairie; Sophronia, wife of James Gilmore, of this county; Alfred; Addie, the deceased wife of John Lawrence, Martha J. (Mrs. Saye); Philander, of Polk County; Alonzo,, of Colorado,. and Luvenda, wife of James Bradshaw, of Walnut Grove. After the war Mr. Saye located in Polk County where he resided two or three years, then came to his present fine farm, all of which is under excellent cultivation with the exception of about twenty acres. He raises a good grade of stock, to which he gives considerable attention, and he is justly considered one of the thorough and skillful farmers of the county. His wife is a native of this county and has long been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have ten children: Laura, wife of Fayette Wilson, of Greene County; Allen Tilton, of Texas; George, of St. Louis; Frank, of Greene County, Mo.; Frederick; Edwin, of St. Louis; Miriam (deceased); Jesse and Paul, at home, and an infant deceased, unnamed. DR. R. A. SAYERS, Republic, Mo., is one of the prominent physicians of Greene County. He springs from English and German stock and from an old Colonial family of Virginia. H. W. Sayers, the father of our subject, was born in Virginia, Tazewell County, and married there Mary E. Munsey. In 1842 Mr. Sayers came to Missouri and settled in Greene County, in Washington Township, and resided some years and then settled in Benton Township, Webster County, where he is a prosperous farmer. Dr. R. A. Sayers, son of above and our subject, was born on his father's farm in Webster County November 26, 1860, and received the district school education and attended Morrisville College at Morrisville, Mo., and began his medical studies with Dr. W. D. Delzell, of Henderson, Mo., with whom he remained about three years. He attended the Missouri Medical College 1882, 1883, 1884 and graduated from that institution, receiving his diploma March, 1884. He began the practice of medicine in April, 1884, at Halltown, Mo., where he built up a successful practice, and was physician to Lawrence Countv Almshouse, during the entire time residing at Halltown until December, 1890, when he came to Republic, where the Doctor has established a wide practice and has made a host of friends by his faithful devotion to his profession. He is a member of the Greene County Medical Society and Southwest Missouri District Medical Society. Socially the Doctor is an I. O. O. F. and has filled all the offices in the subordinate lodge, and is also a member of the Encampment. He has been a member of the order since July 4, 1885. Politically, stanch Democrat. On May 26, 1885, Dr. Sayers married Frances E., daughter of James and Teressa J. (Powell) Lemmon. Dr. Sayers has a wide acquaintance among the people of southwest Missouri and takes a high rank among the medical fraternity. The Doctor is a man who has hardly approached the prime of life and has earned his enviable reputation by his ability and diligence in his profession. M. SCHARFF & BRO. The subject of this sketch comes of a thrifty, industrious and fore-handed Hebrew family, well known in Bavaria where the father of the subject of this sketch, Simon Scharff, was a broker of prominence, but is now a retired citizen of the town in which his operations were conducted so successfully-Landan. He was married to Barbara Gall, and in time a family of six children gathered about their board: Bertha, Edward, Nathan, Max, Theodore, and Isadore, all of whom were born in the village of Essengen, three miles from Landan, to which latter place the family moved in 1861. The children were reared in that place, which consisted of 12,000 inhabitants, and there they were given excellent educational advantages and fitted in other ways for the practical duties of life. The father of these children is living at the age of 75 years, is in good circumstances and is highly regarded in the community in which he lives, for he is of a genial and kindly disposition, affable and cordial to all. He is proud of having reared a respectable, intelligent and well-to-do family of children, three of whom are residents of America: Max, Theodore and Isadore. The two first mentioned are successful business men of Springfield, but are also connected with interests in St. Louis, and are wide awake, pushing and intelligent men of affairs. Isadore is a professor of music, and is the principal and proprietor of a Conservatory of Music in the city of New York, and takes a high rank in his profession. Theodore Scharff, a member. of the firm of M. Scharff & Bro., remained in his native land until 1881, then came to America, and in company with his brother, Max, who had come to this country in 1872, he engaged in the general mercantile business at St. Joseph, La., but three months later they were unfortunately burned out, after which, with characteristic energy, they took charge of four stores belonging to the large cotton firm of V. and A. Meyer & Co., of New Orleans. One of these stores was located on Cora plantation, one on Anandale plantation, one on Doreville plantation, and the fourth and last on Araby plantation. For ten years the brothers managed those stores successfully, and during this time accumulated sufficient means to enable them to engage in a wholesale liquor business at Springfield, Mo., in 1891, but they soon discovered that there was not enough business to be done in Springfield to maintain a wholesale house, they converted their business into a retail trade, principally, although they still do a small wholesale trade also. They are connected with the large wholesale liquor firm of L. & A. Scharff, of St. Louis, cousins of the subjects of this sketch. M. Scharff, of St. Louis, is manager of the Cheltenham Mercantile Co., of which the brothers became proprietors six months since. Like the majority of their countrymen the brothers have prospered in business, and carry a large and select stock of imported and domestic wines and liquors of all kinds, for family and general use. These gentlemen belong to that class of citizens who manifest a decided aptitude for business enterprise, and who rise in a few years from a position of poverty and obscurity to one of prominence, and possession of considerable wealth. They have made many friends during their residence in Springfield, and are considered wide-awake and honorable men, anxious to serve their patrons in an acceptable manner, and keep a creditable and quiet house, which is patronized by the elite of the city. Theodore Scharff is a member of the A. F. & A. M., the I. O. O. F., and politically is a Democrat. JOHN SCHMOOK. Mr. Schmook is one of the respected citizens of Springfield, Mo., not only on account of his having been the promoter of all useful enterprises, but from the manly and honorable course which has marked his career through life. He is the son of Michael and Fredricka (Zinner) Schmook, and was born in Berlin, Prussia, August 29, 1825. He received the education of the public schools and learned of his father the cabinet-maker's trade, at which he served as an apprentice four years. From April 1, 1846, to April 1, 1849, he served in the Prussian army in the engineer corps. In the month of September, 1850, he crossed the Atlantic and landed at New York, in which city he remained for a year and a half. From there he came West and first stopped at Iowa City, where he worked at his trade until 1856, and then visited New Orleans. Later he visited Leavenworth, Kansas City and St. Joe, but not liking the business outlook in these places, he returned to Iowa City and made his home there until 1859, when he came to Springfield in the latter part of April and worked at his trade for Ebert Hursh & Co., furniture dealers and manufacturers. In September of the same year he engaged in the furniture business for himself and followed it in connection with the carpenter business until 1865. During this time he was also a contractor and erected many buildings. In 1863, besides his other enterprises he engaged in the lumber business and built and operated a planing mill, also a small grist mill. Withdrawing from his other enterprises gradually Mr. Schmook devoted his attention to his grist mill, and greatly increased his business. In 1879 he formed a stock company and built the Queen City Flouring Mill, which has next to the largest capacity of any mill in the city. In 1882 he sold out his interest in the milling business and built the Central Hotel, which he still owns. In 1886 he built a steam flouring mill at Ozark, Christian County, Mo., and this he sold in 1891. In the spring of the following year Mr. Schmook bought valuable lead and zinc mines at Aurora, Lawrence County, Mo., which he has developed and which are now being worked with success, producing more valuable mineral ore than any mines in Aurora and yielding handsome returns. From time to time Mr. Schmook has invested in Springfield real estate and now owns valuable business properties, upon which be has erected substantial buildings. In political views Mr. Schmook is a Republican, but in city affairs he votes for the man irrespective of party. On September 1, l865, he was married to Miss Anna M. Kerber, and they have six living children: Paul, John, Otto, Harry B., Frederick and Carrie A. Mr. Schmook is a believer in education and gave all his older children college educations. The younger ones will receive the same. His son Paul was educated in St. Louis, and is now in business in San Francisco, Cal. John was educated in the Military Academy at Highland Park, Ill., and is a practicing lawyer at Elreno, Oklahoma. Otto was educated at the Kemper Military College, Boonville, Mo., and is now superintendent of his father's mines at Aurora, Mo. The remaining children are being educated at Springfield. Mr. Schmook has always been a public-spirited man and contributed liberally of his means to assist the educational institutions of Springfield, and has given freely to the different churches. He is in favor of progress and has never refused to aid any good enterprise that he thought would benefit Springfield. Always modest and unassuming he has pursued a quiet and steady course and by his different enterprises has been of valuable, practical benefit to Springfield, as his efforts gave employment to others and added to the material wealth of the town. It is such men as these actual workers who practically build the towns and cities of the United States. Of Mr. Schmook it can be truly said lie is a self-made man. Commencing the battle of life in a strange country where he spoke a foreign language, he has, by dint of thrift and industry surmounted every obstacle, and is today one of the substantial and much-esteemed citizens of the city. He passed through the entire period of the Civil War in Springfield, and has a fund of amusing anecdotes of those days. He was a member of the Home Guards during that eventful period and assisted in the defense of Springfield against the Confederate General Marmaduke. Mr. Schmook is a man who has always valued his good name and today takes pleasure in feeling that lie has won the respect of his neighbors and fellow citizens by his course in life. HON. CARL SCHURZ. The village of Liblar, near Cologne, Germany, was the birthplace of the well-known politician, Carl Schurz, where he was born March 2, 1828. He came of a highly respected and well-to-do family, and received his preparatory education in the Gymnasium in Cologne, after which he entered the celebrated university at Bonn, where be took a course of classics, history and philosophy. During the revolution of 1848 in his country, he, like many other students, took great interest in the agitation of the times, and with Prof. Gottfried Kinkel, started a liberal or revolutionary paper, for which they were forced to flee from their homes, and for some time were refugees in the Palatinate. Here he took service as adjutant with Gustav Nickolaus Tiedemann, commander of the revolutionary forces, but at the surrender of Rastadt he was made prisoner, and although Tiedemann was condemned and shot August 11, 1849, Schurz previously escaped from the fortress, concealed himself three days and nights in a sewer, through which he reached the river Rhine. All this time he was without food or drink. He made his way to Switzerland and remained concealed in Zurich until 1850, then determined to rescue his friend Kinkel, who had been sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment in the fortress of Spandau, and for this purpose he made his way to Berlin, where he remained three months, endeavoring to form suitable relations with the guards, and finally Kinkel's cell was opened November 6, 1850. He was taken to the roof of the prison and was lowered from the top of the outer wall to the ground. The two friends fled across the frontier to Mecklenburgh at night, thence to Rostock, thence by schooner to Leith, and from that place Mr. Schurz went to Paris. He remained there as a correspondent for German newspaper's until June, 1851, when be went to London, where be supported himself by teaching languages and music until July 1852,. at which time he married Miss Margaret Meyer, a daughter of a wealthy merchant of Hamburg, Germany, and very soon after came to the United States, and during the three years that be resided in Philadelphia he studied the English language and the history and laws of the United States. He -next became a resident of Watertown, Wis., and there for some time resided on a farm which he purchased. In 1856 he espoused the cause of the Republican party in Wisconsin, and became noted as an orator in his native tongue, and in 1857 became candidate for lieutenant-governor of the State, but was defeated. He made his first public speech in English at Chicago, in 1858, in support of Mr. Lincoln, and this speech was published by the press far and wide and attracted great attention. The spring of the following year he delivered a very able address at Faneuil Hall, Boston, on Americanism. Previous to this be had moved to Milwaukee, had been admitted to the bar and had commenced the practice of law. He was a prominent delegate in the national Republican convention which nominated Mr. Lincoln for the Presidency at Chicago, in June, 1860, entered into the canvass with great zeal and delivered many eloquent addresses throughout the Northern States in both English and German. He spoke with great fluency, eloquence and force, was masterly in his handling of the English language and thousands flocked to hear him. In 1861 Mr. Lincoln appointed Mr. Schurz Minister of the United States to the Court of Spain, and in the summer of 1861 he went to Madrid. In December he requested to be recalled, as be wished to enter the military service, against the rebellion; his desire was granted, and he returned to this country, entering the field as brigadier-general in Sigel's corps. He served with distinction in the campaign of 1862, at the second battle of Bull Run, and in 1863 at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, where he won the rank of major-general. He delivered a powerful and eloquent speech in favor of emancipation, in March, 1862, and in August, 1863, joined Gen. Sherman and took command of a division which he held until the war closed. He went North on a leave of absence in 1864, and made many speeches in support of Mr. Lincoln's re-election, and after Johnson became President was sent South by him to report upon the course to be pursued in order to bring about a more friendly feeling in that region. His report did not please the President, although it was generally supported by the people. In 1866 be took charge of the Detroit Daily Post, and in 1867 purchased an interest in the Westliche Post, of St. Louis, and removed to that city, becoming principal editor of the paper. He became an active politician, and in January, 1869, was elected United States Senator, which greatly pleased his many German friends and admirers. His career as a senator added greatly to his reputation as a statesman and soldier, scholar and orator, and although he was not at all times able to vote with the body of Republican senators, he at all times frankly gave his reasons therefor. He was not in accord with the President on many measures, but his views were almost identical with those of his intimate friend, Charles Sumner. In 1870 he declared in favor of the removal of disfrachisement of the citizens of Missouri who had engaged in the Rebellion, and for this was bitterly denounced by radical Republicans, but pursued the course he considered right and just. In 1812 he joined the National Liberal party; was president of the convention at Cincinnati which nominated Mr. Greeley for President and made many speeches in favor of that gentleman's election. After making a tour of Europe with his family, he returned to this country in the spring of 1875, and during the campaign of that summer and fall in Ohio he espoused the cause of the Republican party, and did much to bring about the election of Gen.. Hayes to the governorship. In the Presidential campaign of 1876 he again supported the Republican ticket, and upon the inauguration of Mr. Hayes, he called Mr. Schurz to his cabinet as Secretary of the Interior, which high position he filled with distinguished ability. He introduced many reforms especially in the Department of Public Lands and Indian Affairs, which commanded the general approval of the country, without regard to party. Up to that time he was in all essentials a Republican, but since that time he has been found on many sides of many questions, but without doubt is one of the ablest and most distinguished citizens of this country of foreign birth, and few of our native statesmen and scholars can excel him in the precision, fluency and power with which he uses the English. language, either in writing or speaking. In 1876, in the month of March, he lost his accomplished and beloved wife. SAMUEL SCOTT. The steady advance of Springfield in population and commercial and manufacturing importance has made the real estate interest a most inviting field for the exercise of business talent of the highest order. One of the most successful operators in realty in this city is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. His father, John Scott, was a product of Monroe County, Ind., but about 1841 he came to Missouri and settled in Ozark County, where he made his home for a few years. From there he moved to Carroll County and thence to Springfield, where his death occurred in 1865, when sixty years of age. The nine children born to his marriage with Miss _______ McNeely were named as follows: Nancy, Sarah, Rebecca, Susan, Elizabeth, Mary, Samuel, and two who died young. The maternal grandfather of these children, Mr. McNeely, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Samuel Scott, our subject, was born in Monroe County, Ind., March 12, 1838, and as he was but three years of age when he came with his parents to Missouri, all his recollections are of this State. He attended the common schools of the county, and August 10, 1862, when twenty-four years of age, he enlisted in Company J, First Regiment Arkansas Cavalry, United States service, and later was transferred to Company G, participating in several skirmishes. He was in the hospital from October, 1863, until the winter of 1864, at Springfield, after which he rejoined his regiment near Fayetteville, Ark., and served until cessation of hostilities. Afterward he came to Springfield and worked at the carpenter's trade. On May 30, 1878, he married Miss Fannie Gray, daughter of Thomas and Minerva (West) Gray, and a native of Clinton County, Mo., born August 19, 1854. After marriage Mr. Scott bought his present farm, then consisting of ninety-five acres, and on this has made his home since. In politics he is a Republican, and in religion he and Mrs. Scott are Methodists. He has ever been public-spirited and progressive, has aided all worthy enterprises and taken a deep interest in educational matters, having been school director for some time. In 1889 he laid out Scott's Addition to Springfield, and has sold about seventeen lots. He is a man of unblemished integrity, has ever been industrious and persevering, and has a host of warm friends. The father of Mrs. Scott, Thomas Gray, was born in Tennessee and is of English origin. At an early date he came to northern Missouri and settled in Clinton County. He was married in Kentucky to Miss Minerva West, but later moved to Indiana and thence to Missouri. Thirteen children were born to them as follows: Sarah, Catherine, Vienna, Harriet, Matilda, James, Thomas Jefferson, John, Charles, one died in infancy, Henrietta, Fannie and _______ Three of the sons; were in the war of the Rebellion, James in Company G, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and served three years; he was in many skirmishes and died from the effects of hard service. Charles was in the same company and served three years. Thomas J. was in a Missouri Volunteer regiment and also served three years. All the above mentioned children are deceased except Henrietta, now Mrs. Gresham, and Mrs. Scott, wife of our subject. Both he and his estimable wife were members of the North Methodist Church, and in politics he affiliated with the Republican party. His wife is still living and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Scott. Although eighty-seven years of age, she enjoys comparatively good health and is highly esteemed by all. She was born in Wayne County, Ky., and her father, Alexander West, was a pioneer settler of that State. He was a soldier of the Mexican War and held the office of major. For many years he was a slave owner and he was also a wealthy merchant. When a little past eighty years of age he passed to the silent majority. His father, James West, lived to be one hundred and eleven years of age, and his second marriage occurred when he was one hundred years old. G. M. SEBREE. It has been said and truly said, that "some men are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them, and some achieve greatness," and to this last and most important class belongs the subject of this sketch--G. M. Sebree-who was born in Fayette, Howard County, Mo., in 1862, a son of John P. and Louisa M. (Daley) Sebree, the former of whom was born in Scott County, Ky., and was among the early and eventually the most prominent pioneers of Missouri. The family took root on American soil during the Revolutionary period and the name later became well known throughout Kentucky. The subject of this sketch was one of seven children, the other members being Lucy, who died after having become the wife of a Mr. Turner; Urner, who was lieutenant commander on the ship "Baltimore" which was at Chili during the trouble with that country; Mary Y.; John P., who is chief clerk in the auditor's office at Jefferson City, Mo.; Frank P., who is a successful attorney of Kansas City, Mo., was formerly a resident of Saline County, Mo., which he represented twice in the State Legislature; Lawrence D., is at Yuma, Ariz., where he is practicing medicine, having graduated from the St. Joseph Medical School in 1883, after which he practiced for some years, and Alice, who is living in Howard County, at Fayette, the wife of John _________. The father, John P. Sebree, died in 1882, having been a resident of Howard County for fifty years. He was not connected with any church, but his wife was an earnest and consistent member of the Baptist Church. He was a Mason of many years standing, and in politics was a Democrat. He became the owner of a good home in Howard, and was the owner of a fine tract of 500 acres of land, which is still in possession of his widow. During the great Civil War he was a Union man, but bad a brother who was in the Confederate Army. He took a prominent part in the affairs of the county. was judge of the same for some time, and in 1813 was appointed warden of the state penitentiary, which office he held four years. He was well known in political circles and was much respected by all who had the honor of his acquaintance. He died at the age of sixty-five years. His wife is a member of the old Daley family, of Kentucky, and throughout the greater portion of her life has been an active church worker. The grandfather Sebree was an old pioneer of the State of Kentucky, and in that State was married. G. M. Sebree, the immediate subject of this sketch, was educated in Central College at Fayette, but in 1882 left school and returned home to cultivate the old place, having learned the details of farming as a boy and acquired the rudiments of his education in the district schools. In 1883 he commenced the study of law by reading at home for six months, but in 1884-85 he attended the St. Louis Law School, after which he was examined by the Circuit Court of St. Louis in 1885, and went immediately to Marshall, Mo., for the purpose of opening an office. He was thus engaged as a partner of his brother for eight months, then went to Higginsville, Lafayette County Mo., where he established himself in the practice of his profession, and during the two years that he remained there, he was elected city attorney. In May, 1888, he came to Springfield, and here he has figured prominently in many of the most important cases that have come up. He is associated with W. D. Talwell in the practice of his profession, is attorney for the Frisco railroad and for several large wholesale houses of the city. He is an able and experienced attorney and has brought many cases to a successful issue for his clients. He has always been in sympathy with the Democratic party and has taken an active interest in political matters, being a delegate to numerous conventions. He is a member of Salome Lodge, No. 228, of the A. F. & A. M. His office is in Room 15, Baker building, and he makes his home at the Metropole Hotel. He has already become well known in his professional capacity throughout Missouri, Arkansas and the Indian Territory, and has already become eminent. PROF. EDWARD MARTIN SHEPARD. For the past fifteen years Edward Martin Shepard has been a professor in Drury College, and at the present time is the acting president of that institution. He comes of sterling New England stock, and the founder of the family on American soil was Edward Shepard, an English sea captain, who brought his family to this country in 1637. They were among the first settlers of Cambridge, Mass., and there spent the remainder of their days, Mrs. Violet Shepard dying January 9, 1648 or '49. After her death he took for his second wife Mary Pond, a widow of a sea captain of that name. His first union resulted in the birth of the following children: John, born in England, in 1627, Elizabeth, born in England in 1629, Abigail, born in 1631. Deborah, born in 1633; and Sarah, born in 1636. Edward Shepard became a man of property in Cambridge, and his will is still in existence. John Shepard, his eldest son, was a freeman in Cambridge in 1650, and moved to Hartford, Conn., about 1666. He was a sergeant in the militia, and Hinman says he was an important man in the colony. He lived on what is now Lafayette Street, Hartford, and died there June 12, 1707. He married his first wife October 1, 1649, her maiden name being Rebecca Greenhill, daughter of Samuel Greenhill. She died December 22, 1689. His second marriage occurred August 3, 1691, Mrs. Susanna, widow of William Goodwin, Sen., becoming his wife. After her death his third marriage (to Martha, widow of Arthur Henbury), occurred September 8, 1698. He was the father of eleven children, all by his first wife: Rebecca, John, Sarah, Violet, Elizabeth, Edward, Samuel, Thomas, Deborah, Abigail and Hannah. John, the eldest son, was born January 22, 1653, and was a deacon in South Church at Hartford. He was first married May 12, 1680, to Hannah, daughter of Deacon Paul Peck, and a second time to Mrs. Mary Benton, widow of Jonathan Benton. His will dates August 1, 1728, and was proven April 6, 1736. He was the father of seven children: John, Samuel, Hannah, Joseph, Rebecca, Timothy and Rebecca. He died about 1719. Samuel, the son of John, was born February 2, 1684, and died June 5, 1750, first marrying May 17, 1709, Bethiah, daughter of John and Meletiah (Blanford) Steele, a descendant of George Steele, of Essex County, England. She died in 1746, after which Mr. Shepard married a second time, Eunice ________ who is supposed to have died at Hartford, Conn., October29, 1772. Mr.Shepard, was the father of nine children by his first wife: John, James, Bethiah, Hannah, Sarah, Samuel, Stephen, William and Amos. John, the eldest of this family, was born April 28, 1710, and his will was probated July 7, 1789. He married Rebecca _______ and to them eight children were given: John, Rebecca, Jerusha, Aaron, Eldad, Anna, Eunice and Huldah. The son Eldad was born at New Hartford, (?) in 1740, and died at East Granville, Mass., August 13, 1807. He married Rebecca Seymour, who was born in 1747, and died at Winsted, Conn., September 21, 1807, after having borne her husband ten children: Oliver, Rhoda, Anna, James, Betsey, Rebecca, Amelia, Levi, Ruth and Polly. The father was supposed to have been a soldier of the Revolution. James, the son of Eldad, was born December 21, 1774, at New Hartford, (?) Conn., and died at Norfolk, Conn., January 31, 1844, where he had been a hotel proprietor and major of the State militia. He was married to Abigail Andros, who died at Norfolk, Conn., September 2, 1861, and by her became the father of six children: John Andros, Laura L., James H., Jerusha, Samuel and Eliza A. He was a member of the Congregational Church, as were all his ancestors. His son Samuel was born at West Winsted, Conn., December 10, 1813, and died at Norfolk, Conn., January 16, 1872, aged fifty-nine years. He received an academic education at Norfolk, Conn., and afterward became a merchant at Norfolk, which business he followed there for several years. His wife, Mary I. Dennis, was born at Newton, N. J., January 14, 1821, and May 25, 1853, was married to Mr. Shepard. She was a daughter of Ezekiel Dennis, who was a surveyor and merchant by occupation, and belonged to the religious sect of Friends. He was descended from Scotch-Irish ancestors who came to this country with William Penn. He was a man of wealth and prominence, and reared his children in comfort and gave them excellent advantages in their youth. Edward Martin was born May 15, 1854; Eliza Dennis was born October 8, 1857, at Winsted, Conn., and died February 20, 1860, and Mary Isabella was born April 24, 1859, at Winsted, Conn. Their father was a man whose good name was above reproach, was amiable and quiet in disposition, and was an earnest member of the Congregational Church, as is his widow who survives him, at the present time making her home with the subject of this sketch. Prof. Edward Martin Shepard, son of the above mentioned worthy couple, first saw the light on May 15, 1854, at Winsted, Conn. He was given educational advantages of an excellent nature, and received the practical part of his education at Williams College in the class of 1878, and received the degree of A.M. in l881. He soon after became a special student in biology at Peabody Academy of Science, at Salem, Mass. He was soon after appointed curator of the museum of Roanoke College at Salem, Va., and professor of natural history at Waynesburg College, Pa., in 1878. He was later chosen professor of biology and geology at Drury College in 1878, since which time he has filled this position in a very acceptable and creditable manner. He has had published various scientific papers, and one volume on mineralogy in 1881, by A. S. Barnes & Co., New. York-a text-book now used in a number of colleges. He has also tables for plant analysis, and schedules for qualitative chemical analysis, published at Springfield, Mo., in 1883. In 1890 he was appointed special assistant on the State geological survey of Missouri, in charge of Greene, portions of Polk, Webster, Christian and Dallas Counties, and has in press the State geological report for this area. For years Prof. Shepard has been interested in the early history of the aboriginal tribes and early explorers of Missouri and the Southwest, and has made many valuable investigations. For many years he has made a special study of the origin of the lead and zinc deposits of southwest Missouri, and is considered an expert in mining matters. Prof. Shepard was married June 28, 1881, to Harriett Elma, ninth child of Stephen Van Rensselaer Ohlen and Nancy Record Clark, of Florida, N. Y. The professor and his wife have two children: Isabella Violet, who was born August 23, 1888, in Springfield, and Edward Martin, born August 27, 1889. Prof. Shepard and his wife are members of the First Congregational Church, in which he is a trustee, and politically he is a Democrat. He is a man of scholarly attainments, is graphic and clear in his delineations. and possesses the rare faculty of imparting information qualities which have made him eminent in his profession throughout the State. HUGH M. SIMCOX. The intelligence and ability shown by Mr. Simcox, as a progressive tiller of the soil, and the interest he has taken in the advancement of measures for the good of Greene County, Mo., caused him long since to be classed as one of the leading citizens of his section. All that he has achieved or gained has come as the result of his own efforts, and he deserves much credit for the determined way in which he faced and overcame many difficulties. His ancestors came from Ireland and his great grandfather settled in Washington County, Maryland, where they resided for several generations. There William Simcox, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born June 14, 1794. and from there he enlisted as a soldier in the War of 1812. In 1820 he was married to Jane Marshall of Venango County, Penn., who was born on the 14th of February, 1804. Her father, Hugh Marshall, was a Scotchman and in Hugh M. Simcox is imbued many of the sterling qualities of the Scotch and Irish. To William and Mrs. Simcox the following children were born: Ellen, born November 6, 1821; Nancy, born February 23, 1826; Martha, born March 11, 1823; Mary, born October 28, 1824; William, born March 14, 1830; James, born February 29, 1832; Jane, born June 26,1834; Philetus, born February 18, 1836; John L., born October 12,1838; Hugh M., born May 22, 1841; and Lester, born December 23, 1844. Mr. Simcox was a substantial and wealthy farmer, and lived in Venango County from the time of his marriage until his death. He was an old time landlord and kept an old-fashioned tavern where accommodations were furnished to man and beast in the old fashioned style, and "mine host" and his inn became known for 100 miles around and were decidedly popular with the traveling public of that time. The cattle drovers made it their stopping place on their way from Ohio with their great herds of cattle, and the early Western emigrant here rested on his journey. Mr. Simcox was a Democrat in politics, and was all his life an honored and respected citizen. He assisted his children a great deal and at his death owned 300 acres of good land. He had two sons in the Civil War; John, who served throughout the war, and Hugh M., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Simcox died September 5, 1850, his wife, Jane, dying June 12, 1860. Hugh M. Simcox first saw the light in Venango County, Pennsylvania, May 22, 1841, and there he received a common school education and learned the calling of a farmer when young. At the age of twenty, on the 17th of July, 1861, he enlisted in Company, K., Sixth Regiment of Cavalry of the United States Army, with which he served for three years, being honorably discharged at Cold Harbor, Va., July 17, 1864, with "excellent" written in the blank for character on his discharge. He was in the battles of Williamsburg, Va., May 4-5, 1862; Slaterville, Va., May 9, 1862; Mechanicsville, Va., May 23, 1862; Hanover Court House, Va., May 27, 1862; Black Creek, Va., June 29, 1862; Malvern Hill, Va., August 6, 1862; Fall's Church, Va., September 5, 1862; Sugar Loaf Mountain, September 13, 1862; Charleston, Va., October 7, 1862; Hillsboro, Va., October 27, 1862; Philomont, November 1, 1862; Uniontown, November 2, 1862; Upperville, November 3, l862; Barbour's Cross Roads, November 5, 1862; Amosville, November 7, 1862; Sulphur Springs, Nov. 15, 1862; Fredericks, December 13,1862; Stoneman's Raid, April, 1863; Beverly Ford, June 9, Middlebury, June 18, Upperville, June 21, Fairfield, Pa., July 3, Williamsport, Md., July 6, Funkstown, Md., July 7, Boonsboro, Md., July 8, Antietam, Md., July 9, and Brandy Station, Va., Oct. 11, 1863. Here the record of this patriotic and faithful soldier ceases for he has no record of the other many engagements in which he participated. He was then under Gen. Grant and was in the famous Wilderness campaign. During his career as a votary of Mars Mr. Simcox served under Gens. Stoneman, Pleasanton and under Gen. Sheridan from the time the time he took command of the cavalry until his term of service expired. He was an Orderly on Gen. Sheridan's staff for one year and saw that famous cavalryman almost every day. Although he was in numerous engagements he was never wounded, but on numerous occasions men were mowed down around him. He was always ready for active duty and did not receive a furlough or pass during the three years that he was in the service of his country and was never ill enough to go to the hospital. After his discharge he went to Kentucky, in 1864, as an oil prospector where he remained until 1866, the following year being spent as a farmer of rented land in Iowa. He then came to Springfield, Mo., and soon after settled on 240 acres of land in East Center Township, which adjoined his present farm on the north. During the fifteen years that he resided on this place he made many valuable improvements in the way of farm buildings, fences, etc., and then disposed of it to a good advantage and in 1890 purchased the farm of 160 acres on which he is now living. By industry and thrift he had prospered and he now has an abundance of this world's goods, in the accumulation of which his amiable and intelligent wife has lent no inconsiderable aid. He has always been a hard worker, the life of the farmer has always been congenial to his tastes, and he found it no hardship after the close of the war, to take up the peaceful pursuit of agriculture. He has always been a Democrat in politics, and his wife, whom be married October 15, 1868, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her maiden name was Sarah A. Dale and she was born in Clarion County, Pa., on her father's farm, October 23, 1848, and has borne her husband one daughter, Ada L., who is the wife of Dr. Greenberry Dorrell, a successful physician of Republic, Mo. Mrs. Simcox is a daughter of Solomon and Catherine (Zink) Dale, the former of whom is descended from Dutch ancestors who settled in Clarion County, Pa., where they became wealthy farmers. Solomon Dale and his wife were the parents of ten children: Margaret E., Isaiah K., Mary M., Sarah A., Edith, Harris K., Emma L., Katy L., Cora C. and Monroe W. Mr._____ removed to Greene County, Mo., in 1867 and there he was called from life, his widow, who still survives him, being of Welsh descent. They were earnest members of the Methodist Church and Mr. Dale was highly honored by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. THE SPRINGFIELD PLANING MILL AND LUMBER COMPANY. Among Springfield's lumber merchants and saw mill men there is perhaps not one who has been more successful than R. E. Everett, a gentleman whose bustling abilities are well recognized in this city, in which he ranks as a most worthy representative of business life. The business, which is now one of the leading ones of its kind in this portion of the State was established in 1868, he being the successor of the Chicago Lumber Company. The business is conducted on a very extensive scale, and the buildings and yards cover about half of a block, the main building being a substantial two story brick. The work done by this firm has been very extensive, for the rapid growth of Springfield has called for exceptional activity on the part of the lumber merchants and they have responded nobly to the demands made upon them in the past few years. The Springfield Planing Mill and Lumber Company has been one of the most prominent in its line of work, and as all the machinery in use is of the latest improved and most costly kind, it has always been found equal to the demands upon it. From this mill has come a very large part of the material which has entered into the construction of the leading private residences and prominent and extensive business blocks which have been erected of late years in this city. From this plant also have come most of the hardwood fittings for the Springfield banks, depots and other well known buildings. Mr. Everett has done nearly all the woodwork on the shops of the Gulf railroad at Springfield, and furnished the material and done all the building for their line from Memphis, Tenn., to Birmingham, Ala., and from Willow Springs to Grandon, on the Current River branch from Ash Grove to Clinton, Mo. In his yards he keeps a full line of lumber of all kinds, and his planing mill is fitted out to furnish anything usually manufactured in a planing mill. The plant was originally established in 1868 by Knott & See, was afterward purchased by L. W. McLaughlin, then by the Chicago Lumber Company and finally fell into the hands of its present owner. The yards extend from Phelps Avenue to the Gulf railroad tracks thus giving the company excellent shipping facilities, and there from seventy-five to one hundred men are given constant employment. He was born in Fairfield County, Conn., November 20, 1856, a son of William and Nora Everett, the former of whom died in that State in January, 1893, the latter still surviving him. R. E. Everett attended the common schools of Connecticut in the town of Darien, and in 1881 first entered the arena of business life for himself. He emigrated to Missouri in 1877 and for one year thereafter was a builder at Ash Grove, erecting the High School building of that place, and a number of the most important business houses. For three years thereafter he was pattern maker for the Springfield Foundry & Machine Company, at the end of which time he embarked in his present business. For the past fifteen years he has been a builder of prominence and some of the principal structures which he has caused to he erected during this time are the public school buildings, the Board of Trade building, the electric power houses, the water works, and the following residences: L. Elenberger, D.D. Denton, R. L. Goode, the Episcopal Church parsonage and the residence of J. W. Lisendy. Mr. Everett served a thorough apprenticeship at his trade in his youth, then for one year was in the United States Navy being a joiner on the ship "Colorado." He is a Democrat politically, has been prominent in city affairs and has been connected with the city fire department for fifteen years, having served in the capacity of chief for the past seven years, and during this time, under his able supervision, the department has greatly improved and now ranks third in perfection in the State. Mr. Everett is a member of the K. of P., Atlas Lodge, No. 213, and Uniform Rank, Springfield, No. 21, also prominent in the Royal Arcanum, Ozark Council, No. 418. He was married in Springfield to Miss Lizzie M. Titus, daughter of Joseph Titus. She received her education in the public schools of Springfield and was one of the youngest pupils that ever graduated from the High School. She has borne her husband five children: Leo, Karl, Irene, Eugene, and Richard E., Jr. That he is a wide-awake business man has been seen in the success which has attended his efforts in the lumber and planing mill business, both of which he purchased on limited capital despite the warnings of many old croakers who predicted for him utter ruin. Mr. Everett not only has the respect of all his social and business acquaintances, but has the good will of every man in his employ, a fact that speaks eloquently as to his generosity, consideration and good judgment. RICHARD C. STONE, is one of. the prominent business men of Springfield, and an extensive mill builder and flour-mill owner in southwest Missouri. He springs from good old Pennsylvania Dutch stock on his father's side, and on the maternal side from English descent. The family is an old Colonial Maryland one. The grandfather, Adam Stone, served in the War of 1812. He became a citizen of Baltimore and a property owner. He settled in the early part of the present century in Beaver County, Penn., where be became a large farmer and erected large and substantial brick buildings on his farm, which were afterward sold for county purposes. Jacob Stone, son of above, and the father of our subject, was born at Baltimore and taken to Beaver County, Penn., when a child of about two years of age. He received the common- school education of his day and became a ship carpenter. He married Eliza Ayers, daughter of Thomas and Eliza (McCreary) Ayers. To Mr. and Mrs. Stone were born four children: Thomas W., Richard, Ida A. and Charles W. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were members of the old-school Presbyterian Church. Mr. Stone's family bought the old home property and sold it to the county, which still owns it. In politics he is Republican. He came to Missouri in 187_ and settled on a farm in Platt County, but returned to Pennsylvania after Six years. He was a man of integrity and lived to be sixty-seven years of age, and died October 25, 1888. Richard C. Stone, our subject, was born October _, 1858, at Vanport, where his father passed nearly all his life. He received a good common-school education and at eleven years of age came with his father to Platte County, Mo., where be attended school for some years; the education he received was good for practical business. He learned the use of tools from his father and then learned the trade of millwright and drafting and gradually became a milling expert. He worked at his trade for two years and became foreman for his employer for two years, constructing mills, and then served two years in the capacity of foreman in milling construction. In 1884 he began taking contracts for the construction of mills and putting them in working condition and has since that time built many of the largest and best mills in Missouri, especially in the Southwest. His business increased rapidly and he opened an office and has since managed a large business in constructing mills and equipping them with first-class milling machinery. He is the exclusive agent for the Barnard & Lease Manufacturing Company, of Moline, Ill., for three States. They are the largest manufacturers of special milling machinery in the United States. Mr. Stone owes his success to the satisfaction that his mills have given to his patrons and the wide and practical knowledge that he possesses of milling engineering and machinery. He built and owns the mill at Republic, Mo., which is one of the best in the State and is well fitted with the best milling machinery. It has a capacity of 200 barrels of flour per day and will be increased to 300 in a short time. This mill cost $35,000 and it requires the same amount of capital to run it. Mr. Stone also owns a half interest in the mill at Monett, the former being managed under the name of the Monett Mill & Elevator Company and also does a general shipping business in milling products and grain. Mr. Stone also has a large flour and feed store in Springfield and owns his tasteful residence on Benton Avenue, and other real estate. In politics he is a Republican. He is a young man and is entirely self made, having made his success by his ability, energy and industry. He is one of the substantial men of Springfield, with many years of usefulness before him. On November 3, 1887, he married Eva, daughter of W. T. and Frances (Bennett) Barnes, of Fort Scott, Kan. Mr. Barnes is a merchant of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Stone have one daughter, Maude E. SWINNEY'S BANKING COMPANY. The banking business is a clean and honorable one and the most astute and able minds of the country find in that line the most congenial work. No branch of business can make a stronger showing of solid thinkers, brilliant financiers, or more subtle organizers. Greene County, Mo., can show its quota of strong and capable bankers and a sufficiency of banking capital to meet the demands of business. Swinney's Banking Company merits special mention because of its prominence in the community, notwithstanding its very. short career. It was established in October, 1892, under the State law with a capital stock of $10,000, which was increased in September, 1893, to $20,000. The first president was J. F. Silver, the vice-president L. Swinney. Their handsome bank building was erected at the time of its organization, on Main Street, Ash Grove, it having a frontage of twenty-five feet, with a depth of sixty-five feet. This bank is one of the most complete and substantial of its kind in the northern part of Greene County and its vault is a fire and absolutely burglar-proof affair. The bank is doing a general business; assesses, loans money on real estate and personal securities, and the deposits will amount to about $12,000 to $17,000. The present president of the bank, J. S. Silver, is a resident of Clinton, Mo., but was born in New Jersey, where his youth and early manhood were spent. He is an engineer on the Kansas City, Chester & Springfield R. R., having followed that occupation for many years. He was married to Miss Lulu Swinney, daughter of Dr. Swinney, late of Ash Grove. The vice president of the bank is Laura Swinney, daughter of Dr. Swinney. The cashier, W. H. Swinney, is a young man of superior business qualities. He is a native of Ash Grove, born in 1864, and was educated in the schools of that place. Upon reaching manhood he started in business as a clerk and organized the Bank of Fairplay in 1891, and in this line of business has always made a specialty of money loaning. He is a member of the Masonic Order, Lodge 436, Ash Grove, and also the I. O. O. F. of that place. Mr. Swinney has a large amount of real estate, owns valuable property in Pittsburgh, Kan., and also valuable farm property at various points. He was at one time one of the directors of Christian College, is public spirited and active, and although now a Populist in politics was formerly a Democrat. The Swinneys came to Ash Grove in 1868, from Stanford, Ky., where Dr. W. O. Swinney was born, his wife being also a native of that State. Three children were born to them: W. H., Lulu M. and Laura. The mother is still living at Ash Grove, where the family are well known, highly respected and have the utmost confidence of the citizens. Dr. Swinney was a son of Robert and Lydia Swinney, who were natives of Rock Castle County, Ky., the family having originally come from Ireland. They first settled in North Carolina and later removed to Kentucky. Dr. Swinney received his medical education in the Louisville Medical College and practiced his calling in his native State until his removal to Missouri in 1867. He was a heavy dealer in stock and real estate and an energetic business man who made a fine property which he left to his family at the time of his death, in 1886. He had been a Democrat in politics and has shown his approval of secret organizations by becoming a member of Ash Grove Lodge of the A. F. & A. M. and the A. O. U. W. He was a man who made medicine a life study and was the inventor of the preparation known as the Swinney Family Cough Syrup, and other useful medicines which are still on the market. He lent valuable aid in raising money for the establishing of the Christian Church in his neighborhood, and mainly to his efforts is due the establishment of Christian College, a noble and well-conducted institution of learning. He also built the large and handsome college building in Ash Grove, but for some it has not been prosperous. During the Civil War he was a resident of Kentucky but did not take an active part in that struggle, during which he lost a large amount in slaves, of whom he had many. He possessed keen business discernment, became the owner of a large amount of property, but shortly before his death disposed of a considerable amount of his real estate. He was remarkably successful as a physician and a skilled surgeon and was a member of the Greene County Medical Association and the State Medical Association. He was very benevolent in disposition and liberal in his views and his death was deeply felt by the citizens of Ash Grove. In connection with his brother, R. H. Swinney, he was interested in the drug business, the firm being known as Swinney Bros. up to his death. He was one of the following children: N. A., W. C. and B. L. (twins), J. M., F. M., A. C, J. J., R. H. and N. D., and two girls. Those living are: W. A., B. L., J. M., A. C., and R. H. The father died at the age of seventy-three years and the mother at the age of ninety. The grandfathers on both sides lived to be about one hundred years old. The grandfather, William Swinney, took part in the War of 1812. R. H. Swinney spent his early life in Kentucky, where he attended Gilman Seminary and the Kentucky University, graduating from the former institution. After teaching school for some time in his native State he came to Missouri and turned his attention to the drug business in Bois d'Are, in 1880, but since 1883 has been a resident of Ash Grove. He carries a fine general line of drugs and is an extensive dealer in Dr. Swinney's Cough Syrup and Corn Salve, the merits of which cannot be denied. He is a business man of undoubted ability and has built up a large patronage in the town and surrounding country. He has always taken an active part in the councils of the Democratic party and for some time has been a member of the City School Board, his interest in matters pertaining to education being spontaneous and from the heart. Like the majority of the members of the family, he is a member of the Christian Church, in which he is an elder. He belongs to the A. F. & A. M., the I. O. O. F., and also the A. O. U W. He is district grand master of the southwest district of Missouri in the I. O. O. F. and has always taken a deep interest in the doings of that order. He is a member of the State Pharmaceutical Association, of which he has been vice president, and he is now serving as a member of the city council. He was married first in Kentucky to Miss Susan E. Lawrence of that State, daughter of Thomas G. Lawrence. She died in Ash Grove in April, 1886; an intelligent and finely educated lady and a teacher in both Kentucky and Missouri. She became the mother of four children, two of whom are living: O. F., who is a clerk in his father's drug store. married Miss Lelia Williams, of Kentucky, and Henly H., who is now thirteen years of age and is attending the schools of Ash Grove. Mr. Swinney was married a second time, to Miss Addie Gardner, a daughter of James Gardner, and by her has three children: Lelia, Morris M. and James S. JOHN D. JARRETT. Among the efficient and prominent officials of Greene County, Mo., Mr. John D. Jarrett takes a prominent place. Not only is he a conscientious and faithful public servant, but as a citizen and neighbor no man stands higher in the estimation of the people. His father, Higdor R. Jarrett, was originally from North Carolina but when young went to Tennessee, and was educated in the common schools of the same. Trained to farm life be chose that as his calling in life when starting out for himself, and settled on land not far from Lebanon, Tenn. There he married, but his wife died leaving no children. His second marriage was to Miss Adaline Runnells, who bore him six children: Eliza, Sarah, Elizabeth. Susan V., Laura and John D., all of whom were born in Greene County, Mo., where Mr. Jarrett moved immediately after marriage. He was a man of prominence, and was .captain of the old militia of Tennessee. He also held the office of sheriff and other public positions. In 1834 be came to Greene County, Mo., and settled on land that he had entered, seven miles northeast of Springfield. This he cleared up, but subsequently moved to a farm within one mile of the present limits of Springfield. This farm consisted of 400 acres part of which he cleared up, improved in every way, and resided upon until his death, which occurred in February, 1882, when in his seventy-eighth year. He was a great Union man during the Civil War, and mustered, organized and drilled the fast company of home guards of Greene County. Mr. Jarrett would have entered the army, but was prevented by his children. In politics he was at one time an old line Whig, but later he became a Republican. A great reader, he took all the leading newspapers, and was well-posted on all the leading topics of the day, particularly politics. He was a man of unusual intelligence, and excellent business acumen. A self-made man, all his accumulations were the result of hard work and economy on his part. He lost much of his property by going security. In his religious views he was a Methodist, and his wife, who at one time was a Presbyterian, later became a Methodist also. She died in August, 1852, and Mr. Jarrett was married in 1855 to Miss Martha F---, whose father, William F. was an old resident of Greene County. To the last marriage was born one child, a son, William, who resides in this county. John D. Jarrett, subject of this sketch, was born on his father's farm, northeast of Springfield, January 22, 1852, and was reared to farm life. His scholastic training was received in the-common schools, and on November 28, 1876, be wedded Miss Lucinda A. Woods, daughter of Samuel and Kiza Woods. Mr. Woods was born in Tennessee. and immediately after his marriage in that State, came to Greene County, Mo., about 1840, and settled on a farm about three miles northeast of Springfield. This farm he cleared up, and became a prosperous tiller of the soil. To himself and wife were born six children, all of whom lived to mature years: William, Sarah, Emily R., Lucinda, Tolbert M. and Dorsey F. Formerly a Democrat in politics he now supports the People's party. He was deputy sheriff under Sheriff Owens. Both he and wife are members of the Christian Church, and are highly esteemed citizens of the community. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett settled on a farm one mile northeast of the city limits, and there resided until 1893, when he was elected county superintendent of Greene County Almshouse. He has discharged the duties incumbent upon that position in a very capable manner, and the almshouse and farm are in excellent condition. A stanch Republican in his political views he is public spirited and enterprising and has taken deep interest in having good schools. For nine years he was school director in his district, and clerk after the first six years. Ever interested in good roads he was road commissioner for three terms, and accomplished much in that time. Among others he built, with prison labor, the road running north from the north city limits, the first road built with prison labor in Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett are the parents of five children: Elmer L., born January 19, 1879; Samuel E., born July 17, 1881; Lena M., born September 2, 1874; Anna B., born July 15, 1886, and an infant unnamed, whose birth occurred February 21, 1,893. For years Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett have been members of the Methodist Church, and he has been steward in the same. He is a man who has made his way to the front by industry and good management and as an honorable man, and one whose word is as good as his bond, he is well known. LEWIS D. JOHNSON. For generations the ancestors of the subject of this sketch have led agricultural lives and as a follower of this calling he has been successful from a pecuniary standpoint in the conduct of his affairs, and is a liberal, generous, high-minded gentleman, whose correct mode of living has gathered about him a. large circle of friends and well-wishers. Benjamin Johnson, the grandfather of L. D. Johnson, was born in North Carolina, March 10, 1773, of Scotch-Irish lineage, and in the State of his birth was married to Mary Magothey about 1795 soon after which he moved to Giles County, Tenn., where he passed the remainder of his days on a farm. He was a man of much native shrewdness, was well educated for his day, was of strict integrity of character, industrious and hard-working. He reached the ripe old age of four-score and two years. His son, John A. Johnson, was born in North Carolina March 14, 1811, and at the age of nine years became a resident of Tennessee, in which State he obtained a common school education and was brought up to a knowledge of farming by his father. He was married in Macon County, Tenn., to Miss Nancy Ferguson, a daughter of William and Isabel (Wakefield) Ferguson, and in time their union resulted in the birth of an old-fashioned family of twelve children: Clara C.; H. L. (who died at the age of ten years); William, who died when twenty years of age; James, who died at the age of twenty-one years; Lewis D.; Agnes R.; John A. C.; Mary V.; Neil B.; S. M.; Nannie V. and an infant unnamed. In 1859 Mr. Johnson moved with his family to Texas, one year later removed to Arkansas and in 1863 to Greene County, Mo., and here settled on land now owned and occupied by his children. At the time of his location but very few improvements had been made, but by thrift and industry he eventually converted his land into a fine farm. During the great strife between the North and South, he was a strong Union man and stanch Republican, and during tile progress of the war suffered much at the hands of the bushwhackers, but upon the whole escaped remarkably well. He and his wife were for many years members of the Christian Church, in which he was a deacon and a liberal contributor. The cause of education found in him a hearty supporter and he gave each of his children every opportunity within his power to obtain a thorough and practical knowledge of the "world of books." He stood high in the community in which he resided and of him it was truly said that his word was as good as his bond. Lewis D. Johnson, his son, and the subject of this sketch, was born November 11, 1845, was brought up on his father's farm and was early sent to the district schools where he became well versed in the common branches. In 1862 he went to Arkansas as a clerk for E. C. Powell, of Van Buren, Ark., a brother-in-law, with whom he remained until 1867, when he engaged in the general mercantile business in company with O. L. King, the firm name being Johnson & King, and this business he followed successfully until 1879. In 1880, his father having died, he returned to his old home to take charge of the affairs of the estate, and has since remained in Greene County, making his home on the old farm which he is successfully engaged in tilling. During this time he has clerked in Springfield two years and has been in the grocery business two years. He is the present administrator of the estate of E. C. Powell, deceased. He has always been a Democrat in his political views and is clerk of the Christian Church in which he is an active member. He is a business man of ability and possesses the confidence of all who know him. His brother, Silas M., and sister, Mary V., remained also upon the old homestead. McLAIN JONES. The career of a lawyer is a succession of contests, and the successes made in the legal field are probably more than in any other calling in life, examples of the "survival of the fittest." To become distinguished at the bar requires not only capacity, but also sound judgment and persevering industry, and these qualities are admirably combined in McLain Jones. This gentleman has been a resident of Springfield, Mo., since 1874, but his native State is Illinois, his birth having occurred in Decatur, February 28, 1857. His parents, John E. and Mary E. (McLain) Jones, were natives of Madison County, Ohio, in which State their ancestors were early settlers. Both are now deceased, the former dying in Illinois and the latter in Missouri. The father was a successful agriculturist and followed that occupation all his life. During the Rebellion he enlisted in the Twenty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and held the rank of quartermaster. McLain Jones, the only child now living born to this worthy couple, received the rudiments of an education in Illinois and later entered -----college, when it was first opened. He graduated from that institution in the class of 1878, but previous to that, in 1877, he had started to read law. He was admitted to the bar in 1880, and began practicing his profession in this city. In 1880 he was appointed United States councilman of the West District of Missouri, by Judge Arnold -----, and when the court was established at Springfield, be was appointed United States district clerk. This was in 1887, and in 1889 he was appointed United States district attorney, which position he holds at the present time. He has always been identified with the Republican party, and has been prominent in the political affairs of the State. For about fourteen years Mr. Jones has been engaged in the practice of his profession, principally in the United States courts, and is one of the few members of the Springfield bar that possesses in the highest degree the gift of moving oratory. Poets are born, not made, and so are orators, and among those who are swayers of the human emotions by the genius of natural inheritance must be classed this able lawyer of Springfield. He combines with his forensic genius the talent of painstaking and accurate analysis and careful arrangement of facts in almost impenetrable order and solidity, a talent which not all orators have. In fine, while a born orator be does not solely rely upon the rhetorical finish of his sentences, upon his fervid declamation or upon his rich imagery, but he has a substantial foundation upon which to build, and result is not only charming to mental sensibility but convincing to the reason of his hearers. Mr. Jones was married to Miss Mary E. Abbott, and now has a pleasant home at 529 East Walnut Street, Springfield. His office is in the city hall building. He and family attend the Presbyterian Church and are highly esteemed in the city. CAPT. ALFRED M. JULIAN. Among the many prominent, enterprising and successful citizens of Springfield, Mo., whose biography it is a pleasure to give among the honored ones of that city, is the pioneer attorney, Capt. Alfred M. Julian, who has been a resident of Springfield since the year 1838. Over eighty years have passed over the head of this venerable man, leaving their impress in the whitening hair and lined features, but while the outward garments of the soul show the wear and tear of years the man himself is richer and nobler and grander for the experience that each successive decade has brought him. Honorable and upright in every walk of life, his long career has been without blemish or blot to mar its whiteness. Capt. Julian was born in Knox County, Tenn., August 7, 1813, and was a son of John and Lucretia Julian, who where natives of North Carolina and England respectively. The Julian family is of French origin and settled in America during the seventeenth century, in South Carolina. John Julian, father of subject, was a representative man of his county in North Carolina, and took a prominent part in all matters of moment. In politics he was a Whig. The mother was of Scotch descent and her ancestors came to America at a period antedating the Revolutionary War, some of them taking a prominent part in that struggle. The Julian family resided for many years in North Carolina and Virginia, but finally moved to Tennessee where the parents of our subject passed the closing scenes of their lives. The early life of Capt. Julian was spent in Tennessee and he learned the trade of mechanic when but a boy. After following this until 1836 he served for two years in the Florida Seminole War, in Company Thirteen, commanded by Jacob Peak, with the rank of orderly sergeant. He took part in a number of battles and in 1838 was mustered out at Fort Cass. He then came to Springfield, Mo., which was then but a village, and engaged in the wool carding business, afterward erecting a factory. He had very limited educational advantages and while in the army studied what books he could find-and these constituted Blackstone and an arithmetic. He remained engaged in carding wool until the breaking out of the Civil War, when he took the Union side and was with the Federal Army until May, 1862. He was made captain near Springfield, and was with Col. Fremont for some time. After May, 1862, he was made commissioner of the Board of Enrollment of Springfield. Early in the history of Springfield he studied law, was admitted to the bar and began practicing. At an early day he bought land and was engaged in farming in connection with his law practice until 1878, when he retired, having lost his wife who had been his most efficient helpmeet for many years. Her maiden name was Susan Owens, daughter of S. H. Owens. Eight of the eleven children born to this worthy couple are now living, and seven make their home in Springfield. Mr. Julian has always been a stanch Democrat in his political views, and has ever been interested in public affairs. Socially he is a Mason, a member of Chapter No. 15. As an attorney he was well known at an early day, and practiced his profession all over the country. He met with many incidents of note, and being a fine conversationalist, can relate them in an interesting and pleasing manner. JOHN W. JUMP. The Jump family is of German origin and came to this country at an early date. The grandfather of our subject, John Jump, served in the War of 1812 under William H. Harrison. He was a native of Kentucky, in which State his ancestors had settled when coming to this country, and continued to make his home there until 1845, when he came to Pike County, Mo. His son, I. N. Jump, father of subject, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., but when small moved with his parents to Pike County, Mo. There he finished his growth and married Miss Susan Stark, who was born in Pike County, and who was the daughter of Judge James Stark, a prominent man and one of the first settlers of Pike County. After his marriage Mr. Jump followed agricultural pursuits, accumulated considerable means, and later engaged in banking. He and his worthy wife are now residing in Pike County. They are the parents of four children, as follows: James N., a resident of St. Louis; Emma J. (deceased), was the wife of E. Duncan; John W. (subject), and Mary B., the wife of J. D. Hostetter of Missouri. The parents are members of the Christian Church, The youthful days of our subject were spent in labor on the farm and in attending the district school, where he obtained the rudiments of an education. Later he attended the Christian University of Missouri and graduated at the Yale Law School in 1885, when twenty-four years of age, his birth occurring July 7, 1861. Immediately after graduating he began practicing his profession in Springfield, Mo., in the Commercial Bank building, and has carried it on successfully alone. He practices all branches of the law and is one of the brilliant young attorneys of the city. His mind is clear, concise, analytical and well poised and he impresses one at once as a man of great strength, depth and grasp of mind. He has a pleasant residence at 420 State Street and this is presided over by his wife, formerly Miss Anna R. Miller, daughter of Phillip Miller. Two daughters have been born to this union: Mary S. and, Anna O. Mr. and Mrs. Jump attend the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Mr. Jump is deacon in the same. He is a member of the Gate of Temple Masonic Lodge, No. 422, Chapter No. 54, St. Joseph Commandery No. 20, all of Springfield, and is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. In politics he is a Democrat and ever takes a deep interest in political matters. His office is in the ____ Block, Rooms 9 and 10. DANIEL CURRAN KENNEDY is the founder of The Leader, the oldest newspaper in Springfield, a breezy sheet, which enjoys a good circulation and is published in the interests of the community, especial attention being paid to local affairs, making it a history of the events that transpire in this locality. Moreover it reviews intelligently the public issues of the day, and its advertising columns are well filled and show that the business community of Springfield and neighboring towns appreciate it as a medium for making themselves known to the people at large. The intelligent and. able editor of this journal is a product of Dublin, Ireland, where he was born February 14, 1842. His father, Michael Kennedy, was obliged to flee from Ireland on account of political complications, and in 1843 came to America with his family and settled on land in Alabama where he became a tiller of the soil. Later he came west to Missouri, settled at St. Louis and engaged in steam-boating on the Mississippi River, rising to the rank of captain. He prospered in this business and continued it until his death, which occurred about 1853. He was a Democrat, politically, and he and his wife, Elizabeth Candron, whom be married in Dublin were devout members of the Catholic Church, and in that faith reared their children, Catherine, Anthony, Mary, William and Daniel C., all of whom were born on the Isle of Erin. Daniel Curran Kennedy was educated in the public schools of St. Louis, after which he attended a commercial college for some time, where he acquired a sound and practical education. Upon leaving this institution, he, in 1858, began the study of law, and in 1867 was admitted to the bar, the interruption in his legal studies being caused by his enlistment in the Confederate army at the breaking out of the war. He was first a member of the Missouri State Guard, and on May 6, 1861, his regiment was encamped at St. Louis. On the 10th of that month an attack was made by the Federal under Gen. Lyon, and the entire brigade under Gen. D. M. Frost were taken prisoners, and Mr. Kennedy was paroled and exchanged in December, 1861. He then enlisted in Guiber's Battery, Green's Brigade, with which he served from the battle of Pea Ridge through the Vicksburg campaign, where Gen. Green was killed and Col. F. M. Cockrell was promoted to brigadier-general. He was in the battles of Camp Jackson, Pea Ridge, Ark., after which he was transferred east of the river, and was at Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka, the second battle of Corinth, Grand Gulf, Champion's Hill, Big Black, thence to Vicksburg, in which engagement he was taken prisoner and sent to a parole camp, where be remained until December, 1863, after which he was in the battle of Franklin and the Atlanta Campaign. He first held the rank of sergeant, then quarter-master-sergeant, and after the battle of Vicksburg was promoted to lieutenant. On April 9 his brigade was disbanded near the city of Mobile, and be returned to St. Louis with a view of becoming a lawyer, but owing to the Missouri Constitution of 1865, which debarred any person who was engaged in the Confederate service from practicing law, preaching the Gospel or holding any office of honor or trust, etc., he was unable to resume his legal career. By the advice of friends he came to Springfield in 1867, and established the Springfield Leader. Some time after the law of prohibition having been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States, Mr. Kennedy was examined and admitted to the Missouri bar, St. Louis, in 1867. He, however, continued his newspaper enterprise, and The Leader has continued to be published to the present time, as it was established on broad Democratic principles. In the years immediately following the war the paper experienced great opposition, the bitterness of war partisanship freely expressing itself, at times to such an extent as to endanger the personal safety of the editor and employees of the paper. The Leader was fearless and outspoken and advocated its principles so freely, as it saw fit, that in those days a man was considered disloyal who was one of its patrons. At one time, after an exceedingly bitter political campaign, the office building was destroyed by fire, the work of an incendiary. In 1890 a substantial and commodious brick building was erected as the home of The Leader, and the facilities for publication were increased. In size and editorial ability it compares favorably with its contemporaries, and is recognized as the leading Democratic organ in that section of the country, if not in the Southwest. Whatever cause he sustained he espoused because he believed it with his whole heart, and being a man of strong convictions, whatever he believe in he clung to with tenacity. He is a versatile writer--decidedly original, sometimes unique, and always interesting and entertaining. Nothing is suffered to lag that he takes hold of, and the success of the paper which was started with very small capital and in the interests of an unpopular cause, has been due to his push and perseverance. It has been a great benefit to the town of Springfield, for it has always advocated all public improvement and is decidedly public spirited in its tone. Mr. Kennedy has been liberal with his means in behalf of public improvement, and assisted in the erection of the St. Louis & Santa Fe Railroad, being one of the delegates of Springfield men who visited the State Legislature in 1868, and secured the passage of an act for its establishment. About the same time Mr. Kennedy advocated in his paper the construction of a railroad from Kansas City to Springfield and Memphis, which resulted in the building of the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad, to which Greene County subscribed $400,000. Mr. Kennedy has also given liberally of his means for the building of mills, foundries, the Metropolitan Hotel and the Gulf Railroad shops, the Sewerage Water Works, street car lines, besides many other enterprises of a like nature. In 1887 he was appointed by Gov. Marmaduke, without solicitation, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Insane Asylum, No. 3, at Nevada, Mo., and was reappointed by Govs. Morehouse, Francis and Stone. While at all times active in politics, and arduous in his devotion to his political friends, he has never been an office seeker. Socially he is a Mason of Solomon Lodge, No. 271, Springfield, and in the chapter has held the offices of high priest, captain of the host, master of the vail, and in St. John's Commandery has held the office of captain-general. He is also a member of Ararat Temple of the Mystic Shrine, and a nonaffiliated Knight of Pythias and Odd Follow. He was married November 20, 1866, to Miss Lulu Boyd, daughter of Hon. Marcus and Lucinda (Price) Boyd, and to their union three children have been born: Robert L. Daniel C. and Norman. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy are members of the Episcopal Church and have many and faithful friends, consequent on their correct mode of living. JAMES KENT. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is an expert worker in stone, a calling for which he seemed to have a natural aptitude and liking even when a boy. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, October 12, 1837, a son of James Kent and a grandson of Dr. John Kent, of County Kent, England. The early members of the Kent family were prominent in the history of Scotland and one member of the family was an oflicer in the Royal Navy and another in the Scots Guards. The mother of the subject of this sketch was Miss Anna McCallum, a daughter of Alexander McCallum, who was an officer in the Scots Guards. The early life of James Kent was spent in England and Scotland and the principal part of his education was acquired in the Highland and Scotland Society School, in the city of Glasgow, in which institution he received a practical business education. When quite a young lad he manifested a talent for the cutting of stone and in his youth a considerable portion of his time was spent in learning this trade. In the month of June, 1860, he came to the United States, landing at the city of New York. The following notice of his skill appeared in a recent publication: A WONDER IN MASONIC ART—EMBLEMS CARVED ON A ROUGH ASHLAR.—One of the most interesting and skillfully executed pieces of art work which will be seen in the Missouri exhibit at the Columbian Exposition, is a Masonic table, cut from a rough ashlar, taken from the limestone quarries of South Greenfield, Dade County, Mo. James Kent, of 230 Division Street, Springfield, Mo., under whose skillful chisel the history of ages has been repeated and the language of all nations spoken, has shown himself to be a master workman, not only in theory, but an operative as well. There is nothing so remarkable in the simple stone, but that which makes it of interest to all nations, kindreds and tribes, is its ability to speak, in silent emblems, a language known to every nation under the heavens. Operative masonry, in its history dips back into the very twilight of civilization, ante-dating in its antiquity the rise and fall of kingdoms and empires. Before the days of Ereck, Accad and Caluth, the principles and language of masonry became familiar to the people in the valley of Shinar. Before the magnificence and glory of Nineveh and Rehoboth, Masonic signs and emblems were known to the Assyrians. Mitzriam, before the days of the pyramids, introduced into Egypt the "Mystic Art " whose emblems and working tools were deposited in the base of Cleopatra's Needle, twenty-three years before the Christian era. Before the days of Chush in South Arabia, and Phuts in West Africa, the principles, signs and symbols of masonry were known to their people. In southeast Asia as well as in the Assyrian Empire, the language of the mystic rite was as familiar to the people centuries ago as it is to us to-day. But masonry reached the acme of its practical utility in the erection of Solomon's Temple, which was begun and completed without the.sound of an axe or hammer. But it was not my purpose to write a history of Freemasonry, but rather to call attention to this piece of master workmanship which will be of interest to every Freemason who attends the World's Fair and of which every Mason in Missouri will be laudably proud. No description that can be given in the space of a newspaper article can convey to the reader an adequate conception of this lofty idea, chiseled in a solid piece of stone, beginning, as it does, with the rough ashlar, and advancing, step by step, through all the degrees and symbols of Masonry to the Sword and Crescent of the Mystic Shrine. Every measurement is symbolic and every symbol an unspoken language which will be understood as well by the Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian or West African as by the Master Mason who presides over the lodges of this country. Hundreds of Masons called at the house of Mr. Kent to see this wonderful piece of Masonic workmanship before it was shipped to Chicago, where it will be seen and recognized as a familiar friend to the people of all nations, for the beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory and symbol will illustrate to them the truth that the "universsal chain of friendship encircles the entire human family." THOMAS W. KERSEY. It matters little what vocation a man selects as his life occupation so long as it is an honorable one. If he is an honest, upright man, courteous in his intercourse with his fellow men and possessed of the average amount of energy and sagacity, he is bound to make his business a financial success. Because the subject of this sketch is the possessor of all the above mentioned requirements, is the chief reason that be has succeeded; because he is far above the average in point of intellect, is the reason he to-day stands among the brightest legal lights of Springfield. Thomas W. Kersey, son of Benjamin and Amanda (Van Gilder) Kersey, was born near Galesburg, Knox County, Illinois, June 28, 1851, and is the elder of two children. His sister Minnie is now Mrs. Druley of Springfield. The father of our subject was a native of the Buckeye State but moved to Springfield in 1874 and was some time a merchant. The Kersey family came originally from Ireland, a country that our people have heard more or less of, a land that seems to be a breeding place for the production of the brain, the energy and muscle that move the rest of the world. The first branch of this family tree took root in America about the year 1800, in North Carolina. The grandfather of our subject was born in that State but when grown went to Delaware, thence to Ohio and from there to Illinois, where he settled in 1833. His son, father of our subject, is now a resident of Springfield and a most worthy citizen. His wife died February 3, 1892, at Springfield. The original of this notice passed his youth and boyhood in Knox County, Ill., and attended the State Normal University, also the Eureka college. In 1872 be began the study of law and was admitted to the bar in Illinois. Two years later he came to Springfield and opened a law office. Previous to the time be began practicing, Mr. Kersey taught school, but later he entered actively upon his practice and continued it alone for some time. From July, 1875, until 1878 he was in partnership with W. D. Hubbard and was also in company with R. A. Druley for three years. The balance of the time he has been by himself. He has practiced all branches of the law and has met with unusual success. A clear thinker and a sound reasoner, he is accurate in his judgment and prompt to act upon it. He has now practiced for nearly twenty years and has had some very important cases. Socially he is a member of Solomon Lodge, 271, Springfield, A. F. & A. M. and is a Master Mason. In politics he is a Democrat and has ever been interested in the welfare of his party. He was married to Miss Lizzie Powell, daughter of A. H. Powell, and three children have been given them: Clara, Mary and BuElla. Mr. Kersey has a handsome home at 433 South Main Street, and is one of the prominent men of the city. AUGUST KOENIGSBRUCK. In all the wide range of industrial enterprise there is no industry of greater importance than that of wagons, buggies and agricultural implements. In this line there are several of the leading merchants and citizens of Springfield engaged, among which we have a popular and representative establishment in that conducted by Messrs. Koenigsbruck and Boehmer. These gentlemen carry a full line of agricultural implements, for the inventive genius of this progressive age has found one of its most fertile fields in devising implements designed to lighten the labors of the farmer. Ever since its foundation this house has enjoyed a large and steadily increasing trade, for Mr. Koenigsbruck possesses all the push, energy and persistent application necessary to business success. He was born in Berlin, Germany, December 31, 1841, to the marriage of Michael and Henrietta (Schuman) Koenigsbruck, both of whom died in their native country, the father in about 1875 and the mother in 1881. The father was a linen merchant of Berlin and was a successful business man. Their children, three in number, were named in the order of their births as follows. Michael, resided in Copenhagen, Denmark, for some time, but is now deceased; Theresa, who now resides in her native country, and August. The latter was reared in his native city, attended the public schools and received a thorough business education in this country. When fourteen years of age he left school, learned the cabinet-maker's trade and worked at that until 1860. when he entered the German army, serving in the same five years. He was in the war against Austria and took part in a number of hard-fought battles, one of the most prominent being Koenigsgratz. He went through without a wound, was never taken prisoner, and was honorably discharged after the close of the Prussia-Austrian war in 1866. After leaving the army he followed his trade until 1870. when he embarked for England and from there to this country. He first settled in Chicago, remained there one year, and then made his way to Columbus, Ohio, where he made his home for five years, but not being satisfied there he came West in 1876, in order to grow up with the country. In 1878 he engaged in the business of buying and shipping produce--wool, hides and furs-in company with Mr. Thomas Williams, and carried on business with that gentleman for over a year. After that he carried on the business alone and met with the best of success. In 1890 he and Mr. Charles Boehmer formed a partner- ship for the purpose of conducting an implement and buggy business, and built a large three-story brick building 50x102 feet, and began dealing in buggies, wagons and farm implements. In connection they also keep a supply of grain, feed and hay in a building in the rear of the main one and on Campbell Street. For the past three years this firm has taken the lead among implement dealers of this section of Missouri, and its members are men of excellent business acumen. Although Mr. Koenigsbruck began for himself with very little means, he inherited the excellent business principles of his father, and is one of the substantial men of Springfield. He is the owner of a large amount of city property and a farm four miles south of Springfield. There are 160 acres in the farm all of which is in a high stage of cultivation. In politics he is a Democrat but his vote is cast for the best man irrespective of party. Public offices have had no charm for him for he is a thorough business man. He was married in the old country to Miss Minnie Clauss, a native of Berlin, born April 5, 1847, and they have one of the most complete and pleasant homes in the city, located on Campbell Street in the south part of the city. They have an adopted child, Sydow, who is Mrs. Koenigsbruck's niece, her sister's child. Socially Mr. Koenigsbruck is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, member of United Lodge No. 5, and takes much interest in the same. He is a public-spirited citizen, interested in all worthy enterprises. GEORGE F. REED. The modern architecture of this country is something of which all its residents have reason to be proud, and it speaks well for the gentlemen who are engaged in drawing the plans and superintending the construction of the innumerable handsome residences and business blocks that are springing up like mushrooms all over the country. As much time and care are expended in the making of the first-class modern architect, as in the making of the portrait or landscape painter or the sculptor, and about as much genius is required in one who would excel in architecture, as in either of the other arts mentioned. There is no department of so much importance to a city as the building interest, and it is with these that the architect is allied. A prominent architect who forms an important factor in the industrial relations of the city of Springfield is George F. Reed, who has been a resident of Missouri for the past ten years and of Springfield for the past five years, his arrival in this city dating from, September, 1887. He is a product of Orleans, Ind., where he was born in 1856, and his literary education was acquired in the public high school of his native town. He always possessed an artistic temperament, and this quality found a pleasing vent in the study of architecture which even at that time had come to be considered a matter of paramount importance, and could be successfully followed only by men of culture, of taste, of experience, and endowed by nature specially for the work. These qualities Mr. Reed undoubtedly possessed, and he consequently followed it successfully in Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas and Colorado, devoting in all about fourteen years to this important calling. He has designed many handsome buildings and has not only devoted his talent to the benefit of the wealthy, but the cottages of the poor show the application of his art and skill. He has done much to cultivate and improve the taste of the people of Springfield, and many of the most elegant and beautifully designed buildings of the place are the work of his genius. He has always been an active worker in the cause of Democracy, and socially belongs to the A. F. & A. M., and the Woodmen of the World. He has a pretty home at 628 State Street, Springfield, where he and his wife hospitably receive their many friends. He is thoroughly respected by all with whom he has business relations, and his office is the objective point of those who desire to build, and is located at 623 on the south side of the public square. JAMES REILLY, whose name and fame are so familiar in railroad circles, and also has been prominently connected with the welfare of Springfield, Mo., where he has made his home for many years, is a native of the Green Isle of Erin, born in the year 1833. No better class of citizens have come to Greene County, than those who emigrated from that country and who brought with them as their inheritance, the traits of character and life which have ever distinguished the race. He crossed the ocean in 1849, landed in New York City, and after remaining there a short time, went to Delaware County, that state, where he connected himself with the railroad business. For some time he resided in New York State but later moved to Lancaster City, Penn. where he .assisted in the construction of the railroad. He gained a thorough knowledge of all the exacting and difficult branches of modern railroad building, assisting to build a number of railroads in the East. In 1857 he came to Missouri and is now known as one of the most prominent railroad contractors in southwest Missouri. In l870 he contracted in grading and laying road on the Frisco railroad. He also was one of the contractors on the Iron Mountain railroad, the Hannibal & St. Joe, the Chicago & Alton R. R., through Missouri, the Wabash, the Wichita & Western, the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis, Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield, Leavenworth & Galveston and many other railroads. Mr. Reilly has been a very successful business man and has earned more money in his day than any other man in his part of the State. Aside from being a railroad contractor he has erected a large number of bridges, viaducts, etc., and all kinds of general contracting. He came to Springfield to live in 1881, and is deeply interested in real estate in the city, both in fine resident and business property. He built the bridge on the Frisco railroad at Rolla, Mo., which is a fine work of art. Mr. Reilly has had an extensive experience in handling men and carrying on successfully the line of work that he does. He has had a great deal of work in the city of Springfield, such as street building and grading and excavating. He put in the foundation for the new post-office at Springfield, has been deeply interested in the Springfield Zoological Gardens, and Interstate Fair Association, he being one of the principal owners of the same. He has associated himself with F. S. Heffernan, one of the ablest attorneys in Springfield, and has built and improved the large park which is about three miles from the public square. This park covers many acres, is a very handsome place, and has large buildings with all kinds of animals, from all countries. Mr. Reilly was president of the Electric Light Company in this city, and helped to build the plant. He was also interested in the ice factory and has ever been one of the foremost to establish all the public improvements of the city. He is a stock holder in the American National Bank, and has other interests in the city. His office is on Phelps Avenue and Campbell Street. A Democrat in his political views, he has ever upheld the principles of his party. He is a member of the Catholic Church and is a liberal giver to all worthy causes. DAVID M. RITTER. No matter how disagreeable the outlook in life, or how little encouragement is received, there are some who will succeed in whatever they undertake, while others, placed in the same position, will give up in despair. Among those who have won universal respect by push and energy, and who are classed among the first in whatever they undertake, is the above mentioned gentleman. Notwithstanding numerous reverses and discouragements, Mr. Ritter has ever come boldly to the front, and with the aggressive spirit and progressiveness of the native Indian, his birth occurring in St. Joseph County, of that State, February 8, 1842, on his father's farm. He comes of good old Pennsylvania Dutch stock, but his grandfather, Ritter, was a farmer of Wayne County, Ohio, of which section he was a pioneer. About 1830 he moved to St. Joseph County, Ind., and settled on a farm in Warren Township, within four miles of South Bend, where he passed the remainder of his days, dying at the age of eighty-eight years. He was a member of the Dunkard Church, and in that faith reared his nine children: Jacob, Michael, David, Martin, Samuel, John, Sarah, Susan and Benjamin. Jacob Ritter, the oldest son, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, and was reared among the pioneers of that locality. He followed in his father's footsteps and became a farmer, and in his labors to acquire a home for himself and family he was ably assisted by his worthy wife, Elizabeth (Miller) Ritter, by whom he became the father of _____ children: Lucinda, Barbara, Aaron, Amanda, Emeline, William, David, John, Franklin, Lorinda, Clarinda and Elizabeth, all of whom were born in St. Joseph County, Ind. Mr. Ritter settled in St. Joseph County, Ind., four and one-half miles northwest of South Bend, and there experienced many of the dangers and hardships which beset the pioneer. He became the owner of 240 acres of land, which is now valued at about $30,000. He is a Universalist in religious belief, is a Republican in politics, and was a strong Union man during the Civil War. He has since become a Democrat. Two of his sons were Union soldiers: William H. H., who was in the Twenty-first Indiana Volunteer Battery, with which he served three years and participated in many bloody engagements, and David M. The father is yet living at the advanced age of eighty-eight years, is much respected in the section in which he resides, and for many years was justice of the peace of his township. His sons are mostly prosperous farmers and are scattered throughout the great West as far as Oregon. David M. Ritter received his early education in the common schools near his rural home and afterward finished his education in Northern Indiana College at South Bend. August 15, 1862, at about the age of twenty, he enlisted in the Twenty-first Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Battery, at South Bend, for three years, and was mustered in on the following 9th of September. He went by way of Covington, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn., and while on his way to Murfreesboro, which place he reached on the 3rd of June, he took part in the action at Rome. On the 25tit of June he was in the engagement at Hoover's Gap and on the 25th of October was at Columbia, Tenn. He was in the engagement at Nashville, December 15, 1864, but his command afterward went back to Columbia, from which place he was ordered to Indianapolis, Ind., where he was honorably discharged June 25th, and mustered out June 26, 1865. He held the rank of corporal for eighteen months, and throughout his long service was a true and tried soldier, was never sick enough to be in the hospital and was never wounded although a participant in numerous engagements. In 1867 he engaged in sheep raising on Leeper Prairie, driving 1,000 head from Michigan, and afterward engaged in the cattle business, his partner being Hiram E. Herdman, one of the soldiers of his battery. May 30, 1871, Mr. Ritter married Josephine Martin, daughter of Joseph and Lenando (Beets) Martin, a Pennsylvania family of Irish descent. The father was born in "Penn's woodland" March 28, 1822, and during the Mexican War was a lieutenant in an Illinois regiment, and took part in the battle of Monterey and several other engagements. He was the father of eleven children: Elizabeth, Jane, Josephine, James, Lucinda, Jerome, Andrew, Kenneth, Joseph, Lee and Samuel. Mr. Martin first settled in Illinois, then went to Texas and resided on a ranch, and enlisted from that State as a soldier in the Confederate army. He was married twice, his second wife becoming the mother of all his children. He now has a fine farm of 200 acres adjoining that of Mr. Ritter. After his marriage Mr. Ritter located on a farm one-half mile north of where he now lives, his present farm consisting of 260 acres, on which fine improvements have been made. Mr. and Mrs. Ritter have three children: Howard J., Clara L. and Ethel E. Mr. Ritter is a Republican, and has always taken a deep interest in the cause of education, has been a school director in his district, and has purchased a house and lot on Campbell Street, Springfield, in which he lives while the public schools are in session, in order to give his children the best educational advantages. He is one of the most thorough and capable farmers of Grand Prairie, and has a magnificent apple orchard of 100 acres. He gives considerable attention to the raising of fine stock and has many fine animals on his place. He is in every respect one of the useful citizens of the country and is highly honored by all. CAPT. LUCIUS ROUNDTREE, Springfield, Mo., son of Joseph, the original pioneer, was born in Orange County, N. C. February 27, 1814, and was about six years of age when he went with his parents to Maury County, Tenn. He had small opportunities for getting an education and afterward received his education from his father, and was sixteen years of age when he came with the family to Missouri and well remembers the trip. John P. Campbell, William Fullbright and John Fullbright, were settled near the Fullbright Spring. F. Shannon was settled on Wilson's Creek, near the Roundtree settlement; Joseph Weaver was settled at the old Indian Delaware town; Joseph Miller was settled on Indian Creek, near his brothers; David B. Miller was settled north of Springfield, at Miller's Spring; Isaac Wood was settled near Springfield; Joseph Price and a Mr. Thompson were settled on the James, and Larkin, Payne and John Mooney, who were settled here among the Indians before the settlers came. There were two French traders--Gillis and Joseph Fillibar--settled at Delaware town; trading with the Indians, and a Mr. Marshall, another Indian trader who reared an Indian family. The Indians were peaceful and traded freely with the whites. Mr. Roundtree was thus brought up with the hunters and pioneers and became an expert hunter and has shot many a deer, wild turkey and two bears. Game was so plentiful that any man who could hunt could keep his family supplied with meat. In 1839 Mr. Roundtree entered 120 acres of land in what is; now Campbell Township, which he improved and sold. On September 25, 1845, he married Rebecca, daughter of Samuel E. and Elizabeth (Talliferro) McClelland, and to Mr. and Mrs. Roundtree were born five children: Jennie, Mattie E., Joseph E. (deceased at six), Josephine E. (deceased at two), Clara L. (deceased at six). After marriage Mr. Roundtree settled on land on the Mt. Vernon Road, two and one-half miles west of Springfield, consisting of eighty acres at first, and to this he added until he owned 340 acres. Mr. Roundtree sold his old homestead and is now settled on a smaller place, owing to declining years. Upon this property he has built a tasteful residence, beautifully situated in a pleasant grove. Mr. Roundtree has been two terms a member of the State Legislature. In June, 1861, he was elected captain of the Home Guards, which were organized by Gen. Lyon. After the battle of Wilson's Creek Capt. Roundtree enlisted in Company F, Twenty-fourth Regiment U. S. Volunteer Infantry, as a private and was promoted to lieutenant. He served nine months and was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Dug Springs and in several skirmishes. After this service he volunteered in Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment, U. S. Volunteer Infantry, was commissioned first lieutenant and was detailed as post quartermaster at Cassville, Mo., where he served to the close of the war. He then organized, in the spring of 1864, at Springfield, a company of cavalry and was commissioned captain of Company F, Fourteenth Regiment, U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, and served in Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, against the hostile Indians. During the most of his time he was in charge of the battalion and acted as major. His battalion was detailed to guard the council held with the Indians at the mouth of the Little Arkansas River, where Wichita, Kan., is now located. He was mustered out of the United States service at Leavenworth, Kan., and received an honorable discharge at St. Louis in 1865. Capt. Round- tree is a member of the G. A. R. Politically he was originally a Democrat, but after the breaking out of the war became a Republican. HISTORICAL NOTES. John P.Campbell arrived in March,1830; William Fullbright arrived about the same time, if not a short time before. Both Campbell and Fullbright raised a crop in an old Kickapoo Indian cornfield. This was a large field; the residence of Joseph Kirby now stands upon a portion of it. When the Roundtrees first settled in the county they bought cows and hogs from the Delaware Indians; the cows were small but proved valuable milkers. Among the early settlers for years afterward this breed of cows was plentiful. The broad in the settlement gave out in the middle of May, 1831, and for six weeks the settlers had no bread. When the new potatoes came and the green corn became eatable they were happy and always had an abundance of food thereafter. At the time of the scarcity there was no corn to be had nearer than one hundred miles on the Gasconade River. On July 6, William Fullbright cut a large field of wheat with sickles, by the aid of his neighbors, each settler bringing his sickle and gladly assisted. Some of this grain was threshed on July 7 and all the settlers were supplied with wheat. Lucius Roundtree, our subject, took his portion to a rude mill--the stones being roughly hewn out from limestone--and here his wheat was coarsely ground. His mother passed it through a sifter to remove the rough hulls, and Capt. Roundtree says it was the sweetest and best tasting bread he ever ate. Mrs. Roundtree is the daughter of Samuel E. and Elizabeth (Talliferro) McClelland.. The latter were of Scotch-Irish origin, the remote ancestors coming from Scotland and settling in Pennsylvania, Adams County, near Galesburg. They were Scotch Presbyterians. James McClelland, grandfather of Mrs. Roundtree, was born in Pennsylvania and there married Sarah Ewing, of the old pioneer family of that name, and to them were born eight children: Samuel, Thomas, Joseph, John, Mary, Rachel. Nancy and Martha. Mr. McClelland moved to Ohio and settled in Clermont County about 1798 and was one of the pioneers of Clermont County, his farm being on the Miami River. He became a substantial farmer. He lived on the National Turnpike, fourteen miles from Cincinnati, in a large two and one-half story brick residence, with fine orchards of pears, peaches and apples, and passed all his days on this farm. Both himself and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. He was a man of intelligence, an esteemed citizen, and lived to be an aged man. Samuel McClelland, his son, and father of Mrs. Roundtree, was born near Gilpie, Penn., September 15, 1797 and taken by his parents to Clermont County, Ohio, when an infant of one year. He received a good education and when a young man returned to Adams County, Penn., and taught school in the old neighborhood; but here turned to Clermont County, Ohio, and married Elizabeth Talliferro, in 1827, and to them were born three children: Sarah (deceased at eight years), Martha A. (deceased at eight years), and Rebecca, born April 27, 1828. After marriage Mr. McClelland settled on a farm and in 1833 moved to Peoria, Ill., and settled near there on La Salle Prairie and lived there four years. He then returned to Clermont County, Ohio, and remained a few years and then moved to Indianapolis, Ind., and lived on a farm near there for four years. In 1843 he moved to Missouri and settled in Greene County, on the Mt. Vernon Road. He traded his farm near Indianapolis (which was a fine property).for about 640 acres in one body and here he made his home. When the war broke out he was too old to go as a soldier, and during this conflict, not wanting to see the distress around him, returned to Ohio and engaged in merchandising at Blanchester, Clinton County, and remained about eight years. He returned to Greene County in 1871 and on the journey took a severe cold and died three months after. Politically he was a Republican and was postmaster at Moscow, Ohio, at one time. Both himself and wife were Presbyterians. He was an excellent farmer, a man of good business ability and a man of sterling worth. Mrs. Roundtree's mother is yet living, at the great age of eighty-nine years. Her faculties are well preserved, eyesight good and she reads without glasses. Her father was Richard Talliferro, a wealthy man of Clermont County, Ohio, and a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The Talliferros; were an old French family of distinction who came to America in old Colonial times, settled in Virginia and were people of prominence. MARZAVAN J. ROUNDTREE, Springfield, Mo., is one of the honored and respected citizens of Greene County, and one of the original pioneer settlers. He came when there was not one dozen families living in Greene County, and when there was not a sign of the settlement of Springfield, except the clearing of John C. Campbell and his log cabin which stood about 300 yards east of what is now the public square. Mr. Roundtree springs from Scotch-Irish stock his grandfather coming from Ireland before the Revolutionary War bringing his wife, a Miss Sturges, and it is believed some of the older children, and settled in Orange County, N. C., and was one of the pioneers of the State. He was a ship carpenter by trade, and the father of eight children: William, Charles, John, Andrew, Thomas, Joseph, Rachel and Lydia. Mr. Roundtree owned a fine and large tract of land, lived to be an aged man and died on his homestead in North Carolina, where his wife also died. He was a man of stanch moral character, sterling worth, and the founder of the Roundtree family in America. Joseph, youngest son of above and father of our subject, was born in North Carolina on the old homestead and received a good education for his day and became a school teacher. He was a good mathematician and a surveyor. He married in North Carolina at about twenty-three years of age Nancy Nichols of Welsh descent, and to them were born eight children: Junius M., Zenus M., Lucius A., Louisa A., Marzavan J., Almus L., Allen J., and Almiranda C.; this is the order of birth. In 1819 Mr. Roundtree moved to Maury County, Tenn., and settled on a tract of land, cleared it and made a good home and taught school also. Education was rare among the pioneers of Tennessee and Mr. Roundtree was in great demand to read the letters of the settlers and attend to business for them requiring an education. December, 1830, he moved with his family to Greene County, Mo., making the journey of 500 miles with a six-horse wagon, a two-horse wagon and an ox- cart drawn by a yoke of oxen; the family camped at night by the roadside. The journey was made in about thirty days, but was delayed two weeks more by the ice in the Mississippi River. They arrived at the spot afterward known as the "Old Roundtree Homestead," January 16, 1831, being attracted here by a fine spring of clear water, the magnificent timber consisting of black walnut, hickory, every kind of oak and other valuable woods, and a fine prairie to the west, and here Mr. Roundtree built an old fashioned log cabin with a stone chimney. He bad been out the fall before and selected his claim and built a rough log cabin 14 feet square, and upon their arrival, the boys and himself built a puncheon floor, cut a place for a door and fireplace with there axes and with flat stones from the creek they lined up the inside of the chimney and the next day were ready for house-keeping. The boys built huge fires out doors, the snow being about 16 inches deep, and thus the hardy pioneers were not only comfortable but happy, and here Mr. Roundtree passed all the remainder of his days. Joseph Roundtree was about forty years of age when he settled in Greene County, and being a man of intelligence, he took an active part in the organization of the county and held the office of county judge and justice of the peace. Mrs. Roundtree was a member of the Methodist Church. Judge Roundtree was a friend of education and assisted liberally with his means to establish schools in this new country. He was a slave owner and a typical representative of the American pioneer. He had a vigorous constitution, coming from a race of long lived people and he lived to the great age of ninety-three years. He was well and favorably known to all the old settlers and stood high among them for integrity of character. Marzavan J. Roundtree, our subject, was born March 24, 1820, in Maury County, middle Tennessee, in a church, in the President Polk settlement. His father had bought land on which there was no house and lived in a church which stood near his laud, for a few months. Marzavan came to Greene County, Mo., with his parents when in his tenth year. He bad attended school but little but was taught at home by his father and gained a common education. He remembers the journey to Greene County well and grew up among the pioneers. His playmates were the sons and daughters of pioneers and the young Delaware Indians both boys and girls, and he well remembers their sports, games and swimming matches. Mr. Roundtree states that the young Indiana of both sexes were as virtuous and moral as the young white people. The Indiana were strictly honorable with the whites and very friendly and the settlers had no trouble with them at all. Our subject, like all frontier boys of his day, wore buckskin breeches, the skins for which were mostly obtained from the Indians. Mr. Roundtree married March 7, 1841, Mary L. daughter of William and Mary (Mitchell) Winton. The Wintons were of Scotch-Iritsh stock and settlers of east Tennessee. William Winton settled in Polk County, Mo., in 1837, and after the war moved to Benton County, Ark. Himself and wife were the parents of nine children.- Betsy, Mariah, Jane, Josiah, George M., Clementine, Mary L., Sarah A. and James H. Mr. Winton was a substantial farmer of considerable wealth, and stood high among the people. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Church as were all his children, and nearly all his son-in-laws were either ministers in that church or local preachers. The Mitchells were of Irish descent and intermarried among the Germans. They were a very numerous family in Polk and Cedar Counties, Mo., which contained at one time 800 persons of the blood. After marriage, Mr. Roundtree settled on the edge of Round Prairie four miles west of Springfield on 100 acres of land also owning some timber, and lived here for some years. He finally moved six miles southeast of Spring- field on the James, and here by thrift, finally owned 280 acres of land. One year after the breaking out of the war, he moved to Springfield, engaged in the mercantile business and was elected justice of the peace, which exempted him. from military duty. One year after the war, Mr. Roundtree bought eighty acres of land east of Springfield, lived here six years and then returned to the city about 1871 where he still resides. He engaged in the nursery business immediately after the war, which was the first business of its kind established soon after that struggle. There was but one nursery in this county before the war. Mr. Roundtree is one of the oldest nurserymen in the State of Missouri, and has always been successful in business. He has also traded extensively in Springfield real estate and now owns six houses and lots besides his home. His nursery is now located on lot 4, Kickapoo Avenue, and is one of the most beautiful spots in southwest Missouri, and here Mr. Roundtree has also a fancy poultry ranch on which he raises fancy thoroughbred fowls. He is a Democrat in politics and has held the office of judge of the county court six. years and was mayor of Springfield one term He is one of the directors of the Zoological gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Roundtree are the parents of five children who lived to grow up: Sarah F. (deceased at nineteen years of age), Bentley, Joseph W., Lizzie and Thomas J. Mr. Roundtree is one of the best known men among the farmers in Greene County, and has always maintained an honorable position in life. Springing from old pioneer stock he possesses a sturdy constitution and at seventy-three years of age presents the appearance of a man of sixty. While he is entirely a self- educated and self-made man, he has a wide command of the English language which he speaks easily and well, having gained a great deal of knowledge by the persual of valuable books. He has contributed several papers of importance to agricultural journals and periodicals. The origin of the name. Roundtree occurred in the following manner: During the " Wars of the Roses," in England, between the Houses of York and Lancaster, and after a great battle in which many were killed and many homes made desolate and the families scattered, a young male child was found beneath an ash or Rowen tree. He was picked up, cared for and given the name of Rowentree, and hence Roundtree by corruption. The Grandfather of our subject was the youngest of seven brothers who came to America and settled in Pennsylvania, leaving him a child sick with the small-pox in the old country. The family were engaged in the Protestant Invasion of Ireland and were settlers. ROUTT BROTHERS. These prominent and successful grocerymen of Springfield have been in business at 326 South Street for the past five years, and handle a complete and most select line of groceries and confectionery. The house is conducted in a most business-like manner and they consequently command a large and paying trade. Their stock of goods is valued at about $3,000 and comprises all kinds of fancy and staple groceries and a fine and always fresh line of confectionery, well displayed in their commodious store, the dimensions of which are twenty-five by seventy-two feet, and the annual sales amount to about $20,000. The proprietors are B. L. and F. S. Routt, and they belong to one of the old and prominent pioneer families of Springfield. Their father, John A. Routt, came to Greene County about 1859, and he and his wife are now living at 761 East Walnut Street, Springfield. F. S. Routt was born in this city in 1862 on the 11th of December, and was graduated from the High School class of 1881. He soon after began his business career as a clerk in the Post Office, where he continued to remain until he embarked in his present business, in which he has met with a greater degree of success than he anticipated. He is popular with all classes and is especially so in the social circles of the city, having many friends among elderly people as well as those of his own age. He is a Republican politically and for some time has been a member of the First Christian Church. He is unmarried. B. L. Routt, the older member of the firm of Routt Brothers, was born in Lawrence County, at Mount Vernon Mo., April 4, 1857, and was a small lad when his parents took up their abode in Springfield. Like his brother, he attended the High School of the place, and when about fourteen years of age he began clerking in a grocery store. This he discontinued in 1880 to enter the United States Mail Service, receiving the appointment of postal clerk on the Gulf railroad between Springfield and Kansas City, a position he retained until 1888, when he resigned to embark in the grocery business with his brother, in which they have met with decided and flattering success. He has always been a Republican, has been active in political matters, and has the highest regard of his fellows as a citizens He has a pleasant and comfortable residence at 153 East Walnut Street where he and his intelligent and amiable wife, whom he married in 1885, and whose maiden name was Josephine S. Wood, a daughter of the old pioneer, James G. Wood, dispense a refined and generous hospitality. To their union four children have been given : Anna Wood, born in 1886; James A.; Leonidas, who died in early childhood, and Josie. Mrs. Routt is a member of the First Christian Church. QUEEN CITY MILLING COMPANY. When a grain of wheat is cut across the middle and examined under a glass;, the central parts are found to be composed of a white substance; if the grain is dry this interior readily becomes a pearly powder. Near the outside of the kernel the texture is more compact, and at the surface it becomes horny. This added firmness is produced by the increasing quantity of gluten as the analysis advances from center to circumference. Understanding the structure of the grain, it has been the object of the miller to separate the various parts so as to get different grades of flour. It is the gluten which gives flour its strongest property, and it is in the nice separation of this constituent that the roller process excels. As one of the finest examples of the application of this process and machinery generally to the manufacture of flour, the Queen City Mills, Springfield, command detailed attention. This enterprise was established in 1879 and incorporated under the laws of Missouri -with a capital stock of $25,000, the president being John Schmook; vice-president Charles Sheppard, and secretary and general manager, R. A. Clark. The plant was built and located on the site of the oldest mill in the Southwest, that being the small plant built by John Schmook at an early day. This be carried on until the time the Queen City Mills were established. At the time the company was organized the mill, which now stands on the Frisco track and Boonville Street, was built and assumed a very important place in the manufacturing interests of the city. A large business was carried on and a large scope of country was supplied with leading brands of flour. The building is a large brick structure, three stories and basement, and was well equipped with the buhr process until 1884. Since then it has been thoroughly remodeled with a full roller system, and the capital stock raised to $50,000. It has several times its original capacity, and at the same time a large and convenient elevator was built. This has a capacity of many thousand bushels of grain and is located on the Frisco tracks, giving the mill and elevator both good shipping advantages. Mr. Schmook and his partner Mr. Sheppard retired from the business, and Mr. E. H. Graybill was elected president. Mr. Clark had the management of affairs up to 1889 when his death occurred. After this Mr. Carr was elected general manager of the company and the officers at the present time are : E. H. Graybill, president ; John G. Russell, vice-president, and L. Carr, Jr., secretary and general manager. The mill has a capacity of 200 barrels per day, and a number of their brands are well known throughout the Southwest. The company has taken a great interest in the perfecting of the brands and has expended large sums in machinery, etc. It can now be said to be at the head of the milling interests in the Southwest. This mill manufactures the brands known as Queen Bee and Cream ----, well and favorably known throughout the community. Flour is shipped to all the Southwest and includes Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and has taken the premium at the St. Louis Fair as well as in other places. Mr. Carr, the general manager, is a native of Missouri and was educated at Cambridge, Mass. Since 1881 he has been a respected citizen of Springfield, a thorough business man, and is capably filling the responsible position he now holds. The most efficient miller of this vast industry, A. F. Leonhard, is a native of St. Louis, born February 8, 1858, and of German descent, his father, Fredrick Leonhard, being a native of that country. The latter came to this country with his father when five years of age. Grandfather Leonhard was a miller and followed that occupation in his native country until he came to America. He then erected a mill at St. Louis, one of the first in the city, and resided in that city for many years. His death occurred when sixty-nine years of age. He reared a family of three sons and one daughter. All the sons became millers. They were named as follows: Ernest W., a resident of St. Louis, engaged in milling at that place, is well along in years. John F., died in St. Louis; he was a miller and also ran a saw-mill in Perry County, Mo. Both Ernest and John F. had sons who became millers. Fredrick Leonhard, father of subject, resides in St. Louis and has been a miller for years. He is now engaged in the ---- business. At Evansville, Ind., he was, married to Miss Carrie Homan, a native of Greene County, Mo., and the daughter of John C. Homan. To Mr. and Mrs. Leonhard were born eight children.- Louis B.,. has been running a flour mill since boyhood and now owns one at ----- ------. Martin, died in infancy; August F. (subject); Alta, died in infancy.; Adolph, resides in St. Louis and is engaged in the real estate business; Emma, Matilda and Emily. The father and mother are connected with the Lutheran Church. The original of this notice first saw the light of day in St. Louis and attended the schools of the same until fifteen years of age. He then served a year's apprenticeship at piano making and later became ----- of a bank. When his father built a mill in Illinois young Leonhard served his time as miller, following that business for three years. In 1881 he came to Springfield and was employed in the Queen City Mills as head miller, remaining there ten months. From there be went to St. Louis and took charge of two large mills, remaining there until July, 1884, when he came to Springfield. He became head miller again in the Queen City Mills and has held that position since with the exception of five months when he traveled with a mill builder. He is one of the best millers in his section of the State and has had twenty years experience, being thoroughly familiar with every part of the business. He is so thoroughly posted on the subject that he has written a number of articles on it, and the Queen City Mills' wonderful success may be attributed to its making the finest flour in the market. The company employs a large number of men and is kept running day and night. Mr. Leonhard was married in his native town to Miss Emma L. Kalling, a native of St. Louis and the daughter of Fred C. Kalling. Their pleasant home at 870 North Jefferson Street is rendered still pleasanter by the birth of two children, Florence and Edwin, the former attending school. In his political, views Mr. Leonhard is a strong Republican and the only one of his family who supports the "Good old Party." He and family attend the Presbyterian Church. Since 1884 he has been a resident of Springfield, and during that time be has won a host of friends and has done much for the advancement of the city. E. D. PARSE. Springfield has never known a more efficient and capable mayor than Mr. Parse, who by his honorable, capable and upright career as a public servant, has won a place in the annals of the county. He has proved himself eminently worthy the confidence reposed in him by all classes, and that as an honorable, straightforward citizen his reputation is not merely local but extends over, a wide stretch of country. Genial, courteous and of exceedingly pleasing address, upright in his dealings, fearless in the discharge of his duties and of exemplary habits, he has the respect and esteem of all who know him. Mr. Parse came originally from the Empire State, born in Chenango County, near the town of Lincklaen, March 26, 1846, and was the eldest of a family of three children born to the marriage of Dwight and S. F. (Freeman) Parse. The father was also born in Chenango County, N. Y., and was the son of Jeslice and Rebecca (Smith) Parse, who were among the early settlers or Chenango Countv. Jeslice was the inventor of what is now called the Deland soda, or saleratus, which is the oldest brand of that goods known to the trade. The grandfather was an old-line Whig in his political views at first, but later became a stanch Republican. He held the office of justice of the peace for years and was a well-to-do practical business man. In Fairport, N. Y., this worthy pioneer passed away when eighty-six years of age, after a long life of usefulness. He was a descendant of an old Colonial family and our subject's great-grandfather changed the name from Pierce to Parse in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Jeslice Parse reared a family of six children, all of whom grew to mature years and are now married. Dwight Parse, the father of our subject, was born about 1824, and his early life was passed in the saleratus factory of his father. When a young man he made a trip through the West, but afterward married and settled down in Chenango County, where he remained until the breaking out of the Rebellion. He was engaged in manufacturing but in connection also dealt in tobacco, cigars, etc., and was possessed of excellent business acumen. During the struggle between the North and South he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment (N. Y.) and remained thus until taken prisoner. He died at Camp ----, Tex., while a prisoner of war. For many years he was a member of the I. O. O. F., was active in politics, and was a public-spirited citizen. The mother of our subject was born in Chenango County, 1826, and was the daughter of Samuel Freeman, who was one of the early educators of Chenango County and a man of much learning. The latter was born in Connecticut and was also of Colonial stock. Mrs. Parse was the youngest of seven children. Her death occurred on March 13, 1891. Besides our subject she was the mother of two children, Hattie and Ella, both of whom died in early womanhood. The youthful days of E. D. Parse were spent in Chenango County and he supplemented a common-school education by attending Norwich Academy, where be received a careful business education. Later he clerked in a store of an uncle and in 1873 came to Springfield, where he bought out Mr. J. M. Daling and started in the hardware business with J. T. Gray. Later they took in as partner Mr. Burlingame and the firm was then known as Parse, Gray & Burlingame. Afterward Mr.---- Bechtell came into the business and the title was changed to Parse, Bechtell & Co. The present company, known as Parse Buggy & Implement Company, was organized in January, 1891, and is doing a flourishing business. They have an interest in the Springfield Nursery and Fruit Farm and they also own large land interests, in Illinois, principally in Greene County. Mr. Parse has adhered to the principles of the Republican party from an early age and on this ticket was elected to the office of city treasurer in 1885. Previous to that he had held the office of justice of the peace for some time. In 1890 he was elected to the office of mayor of Springfield and he has now devoted three years of faithful service in the interests of that city, and is an energetic, enterprising and public-spirited citizen. He is president of the Equable Building & Loan Association and is also president of the Springfield Fruit & Nursery Company. Socially he is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, Gates of the Temple Lodge, No. 422. He has held all the offices in the Blue Lodge, and several in the Chapter and in the Commandery. He is also a member of the A. O. U. W. Mr. Parse and family attend the First Congregational Church. He was married in his native County in 1872, to Miss C. M. Gray, a daughter of A. H. Gray, of Chenango County, N. Y. She was born in 1848 and two children are the fruit of her marriage, Arthur A. J. and Alexander Dwight, the former now attending a select school and the latter in Drury College. Mrs. Parse is a lady of more than ordinary intelligence. ELY PAXSON. Forms of burial have differed from the days of Adam to the present time. The people of various ages run the entire gamut from the work of putting dead persons in the ground to lodging them in the tops of trees after the manner pursued by certain African tribes and North American Indian communities. The civilized manner of burial calls for the skill of an expert undertaker such as Mr. Ely Paxson, who for years has been one of the leading undertakers of Springfield as well as one of the city's best citizens. He is a product of the Buckeye State, born near Findlay, January 17, 1847, and a descendant of an old Colonial familyof English origin. Ely Paxson, grandfather of subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, and received his given name from the Ely family. He became a substantial farmer and a prominent citizen. As early as 1833 he moved with his family to Findlay, Ohio, and there made his home until about 1876 when his death occurred. His son, Morris Paxson, father of subject, was born in Burks County, Penn., September 26, 1825, and received the common education of his day. He learned the blacksmith trade and in 1833 went with his parents to Findlay, Ohio. There he met and married Miss Mariah Shipman and their union was blessed by the birth of seven children. In May, 1867, Mr. Paxson moved to Missouri, Greene County, and settled in Springfield. There this worthy citizen passed the closing scenes of his life, his death occurring in January, 1893, when sixty-seven years of age. Socially he was a member of the K. of P. and in religious belief a Methodist. Honorable and upright in every walk of life he was universally respected. Ely Paxson, the original of this notice, was educated in the common schools and later learned the cabinetmakers trade, also the undertaking business at Findlay, Ohio. In the year 1868 he came to Springfield, Mo., and for two years worked as a journeyman in the cabinetmaking and undertaking business for Julius Kassler on College Street, then went into partnership with him and in March, 1880, bought him out and has continued the business ever since alone. In 1875 and also in 1885 his establishment was burned. In 1883 he removed to South Street. In 1888 he erected his present building which is a substantial brick structure two stories high, 25x80 feet, and an excellent building for his business. As the services of the undertaker are only called in under the most trying circumstances, the utmost tact, coupled with decision and perfect unostentatious knowledge of the business is required. In these points Mr. Paxson is well grounded by nature and experience, having been engaged in the business for over twenty-five years. He is one of the most prominent business men in Springfield, and like his father before him, is highly esteemed. Socially he is both a Mason and a K. of P. In Masonry he is a Knight Templar, and is past master of the Blue Lodge and for seven years recorder of St. John's Commandery. In politics he is a stanch Republican and has held the office of coroner two terms. On March 20, 1873, he married Miss Anna Belle Keet, daughter of James Keet, a brother of J. T. Keet, a prominent merchant of Springfield. Both Mr. and Mrs. Paxson are members of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church and the former has been steward in the same for many years. He is one of the public spirited men of Springfield and has assisted liberally with his means to all worthy enterprises. JAMES W. PEACHER is one of the honored old settlers of Springfield and for many years a prominent merchant who has been identified with the building up and growth of the city. He springs from an old American Colonial family of Scotch descent. His father, Alexander Peacher, was born in Orange County, Va., and received the common education of his day. His brothers and sisters remembered are Edmund, Jonathan and Joseph. Alexander Peacher served as a soldier in the War of 1812. He became a farmer and married Nancy, daughter of Joseph Brightwell, who was of an old Virginia family and a man of wealth, owning a large farm with extensive orchards and slaves. He distilled his orchard products into wine and brandy, and did a good business. He lived to be an old man and was a respected citizen. He had four sons and three daughters-Wyatt, John, Petolamas, Waller, Eliza, Melissa and Sallie. Alexander Peacher settled on land and became a substantial farmer owning 600 acres and about fourteen negro slaves. His plantation was twelve miles from where the battles of Spottsylvania and the Wilderness were fought. Himself and wife were the parents of __ children: James W., Thomas H., John H., Elizabeth C., Mary and Eliza. Mr. Peacher passed all his days on his estate. During the war his plantation was pillaged by both armies as they fought back and forth. His slaves left with the soldiers and Mr. Peacher was left with his estate greatly reduced, and never recovered from the effects of the destruction caused by the war. He was a member of the Baptist Church. In political opinion he was an old line Whig, and afterward a Democrat. Mr. Peacher was a typical Virginia planter, industrious and honest, and a man of character. The good old days in which he lived have passed away, and are now only remembered by persons now passed middle life. James W. Peacher, the son of above, was born September 26, 1830, on his father's estate, and received a common education for his day, and was brought up to habits of industry and bred a farmer. At the age of twenty-one years he became a clerk in a country store and continued for two years, and then in 1856 he came to Missouri with the intention of locating land in Kansas, but the unsettled condition of the country and the border war then raging prevented him from placing his warrant. He returned home and in 1857 he came to Springfield and worked at his trade as a plasterer. He then, in 1861, bought a stock of general merchandise and continued this business for two years without much molestation from either the Union or Confederate soldiers. He then sold out and became a clerk in a general store for four years, and in 1866 bought out his employer, J. H. Sterman, and continued in this business, and in the boot and shoe and dry goods business until 1886, with but a short interval during which time he was on a farm. During his career as a merchant he did for some years wholesale, general mercantile business, under the firm name of Burton & Peacher. Throughout his business life in Springfield he has traded in real estate, more or less, extensively, and in this line has been successful. He built the brick building now occupied by the Murray Bros., and also a three- story brick building on Commercial Street and still owns a two-story brick building on Campbell Street, and on South Campbell a two-story double brick building, and on South a three-story brick building adjoining Williams' hardware store, and other business property, and his residence on Mt. Vernon Street. Since 1865 Mr. Peacher has carried on a farm near the city. In politics he is a Democrat, and was one of the city council two years--1875-6. Mr. Peacher is a member of the First Christian Church. Ho married in 1865, Julia Ingraham, and she died in 1872 leaving no children. Mr. Peacher married in 1875 James M. Campbell, daughter of Junius and Mary A. (Blackwell) Campbell Junius Campbell was one of the original pioneers of Springfield and came with his brothers in January, 1830, to Greene County. [See account given of Mrs. Rush Owen in this volume.] Mr. Campbell settled four miles south of Springfield where he entered 400 acres of land and here passed the remainder of his life with the exception of a few years spent in Springfield when he first came to the county, where he was in the mercantile business. He was the first postmaster at Springfield, appointed in 1833 when he was twenty- two years of age and when the mail arrived but twice a month. It was the first post office in southwest Missouri, and was kept in a hewed log house located one hundred yards north of its present location. He was one of the first sheriffs of Greene County, and resigned, in order to avoid the execution of Washam, in favor of Samuel Fullbright. He was also one of the early justices of the peace. For ten or fifteen years he furnished cattle to the Government for freighting purposes. Mr. Campbell was a substantial man, owning 600 acres of land and ten slaves. To himself and wife were born six children who lived to grow up: John P., Ophelia, Eliza, Hattie, James M. and Ezekiel M. Mr. Campbell died in 1877. His wife died September 3, 1893, at the age of eighty years. She was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, native born Missourians in the State. Eight years before the State was admitted to the Union Mary Blackwell was born in southeast Missouri. In 1831 she was married at the family residence, a mile and a half south of this city. To Mr. and Mrs. Peacher have been born three children, Nellie, Roy and Junius Campbell Peacher. The Peacher family descend on both sides from good old Colonial American stock. Their ancestors were soldiers and patriots in our war for independence, were noted pioneers, and were people of force of character and honest determination in the settlement of new countries,. Mr. James W. Peacher, our subject, is a man of great effort. By industry, thrift and prudence he has made his; way in life and has accumulated a goodly property for his children. His name and record stand untarnished through his long business career. GEORGE PEPPERDINE, like many other representative citizens of the county, is a native of. Illinois. He was born near Hillsboro, Montgomery County, March 9, 1860, but since September, 1889, has made Springfield, Mo., his home. He is a son of Robert and Elizabeth (Chism) Popperdine, .natives, respectively, of Tennessee and Kentucky. The name Pepperdine is of English origin and the first members of this family to settle in America came here at a very early day. Robert Pepperdine is now residing on a farm in Illinois, to which State he moved in 1845, and his entire life has been passed in arduous duties on the farm. In politics he has adhered closely to the principles of the Democratic party and has ever been interested in political matters. He is a worthy and exemplary member of the Christian Church, and his wife, who passed away in 1878, was a consistent member of the same, having held membership from an early age. The six children born to this esteemed couple were named in the order of their births as follows: Henry, a farmer of Illinois; John, a farmer of Kansas; Anna, wife of Joel Banning, of Illinois; Mary, at home; Gertrude, who died in infancy, and George, the subject of this sketch. George Pepperdine, the youngest of the above-mentioned children and the original of this notice, was early trained to the duties of farm life. During the summer season he worked on a farm and during the winter months he attended the district school, where he received his primary education. Later he entered Shurtleff College, in Illinois, and in 1882 began the study of law with Ex.-Gov. John M. Palmer, of Springfield, Ill. After remaining in that office one year he entered the office of Judge Jesse J. Phillips, who was recently elected judge of the Supreme Court of Illinois and remained with him until admitted to the bar, in March, 1886. He was then appointed by Judge Phillips master in chancery, which position he held two terms of two years each and subsequently was elected city attorney of Hillsboro. A Democrat in his political views, he took a deep interest in that party's welfare and became well acquainted with many of the prominent men of Illinois. In 1889 he decided to locate in Springfield, Mo., in order to have a new field to operate in, and began practicing his profession alone. In November, 1890, he formed a partnership with Mr. Harrington. Since then they have attended to a general practice. The firm is well known throughout the Southwest. In a few short years the subject of this sketch has won what in most cases is the outcome of years of unremitting effort. His wife was formerly Miss Florence Ralston, daughter of John A. Ralston, who died in Illinois about 1889. To Mr. and Mrs. Pepperdine have been born two children: May, who is seven years of age, and Grace, who is but three. Mr. Pepperdine and wife attend the Congregational Church and she is a worthy member of the same. GOV. JOHN S. PHELPS. This well known citizen of the State of Missouri was born in Sunburn County, Conn., December 22, 1810, and came of English stock, his early ancestors having come to this country from England and settled in the State of Massachusetts, sometime prior to the year 1630. In about 1635 they immigrated to Connecticut and founded the town of Windsor, where the family became well known and many of its members attained positions of prominence. His father, Elisha Phelps, was a distinguished lawyer who for many years held a front rank at the bar of Hartford and be was frequently honored with public trusts, having been at different times a member of the upper and lower house of the Connecticut Legislature, and twice Speaker of the House. He was also Comptroller of the State and was a Commissioner to revise the statutes of that State. He represented his district three times in Congress, where he distinguished himself as an able legislator. He was called from life in 1847. His father, Noah Phelps, served his country as a Revolutionary soldier in which he attained the rank of captain, and his eldest son was also a soldier in that war. Noah Phelps was a member of the committee that planned the capture of Ticonderoga and lent his country great service in the capacity of a scout and spy. He served his country in the State Legislature several times and for many years was a member of the Probate Court. Gov. John S. Phelps was reared in Simsbury, Conn., and there received his initiatory educational training which he finished in Trinity (then Washington) College, Hartford, Conn., in 1832. He then began the study of law with his father, continuing with unremitting diligence for three, years, and on the twenty-first anniversary of his birth he was admitted to the bar, after which he practiced in Hartford for two years. He then came to Missouri, and from that time until his death which occurred in St. Louis in 1886, he practiced his profession the greater portion of the time and became one of the leading attorneys and ablest statesmen of which Missouri could boast. At the time of his location in Springfield, in 1887, it was an insignificant village, but he at once secured a paying practice, and although but twenty-three years of age his store of legal knowledge enabled him to cope successfully with the most experienced members of the bar. However, his talents fitted better for public life, and in 1840 be was elected to represent Greene County in the State Legislature, and four years later was elected to Congress on the general ticket and his career as a Congressman only closed in 1863. From 1847 to 1849 he was a member of the committee on post-offices and post-roads, and at that time was a strong advocate for the reduction of postage to 3 cents. From 1851 to 1863 he was a member of the committee on ways and means, a portion of the time acting in the capacity of chairman. Such was the estimate placed upon his ability and sound judgment, that at the close of each Congressional session during his service, he was placed on the conference committees to settle disagreeing votes of the two houses, and it is a fact worthy of note that he never agreed to a report that was not adopted. At the called session of Congress in July, 1861, he was placed on the ways and means committee and he was chosen one of the committee of thirty-three in 1860 to devise some measure for the settling of the difficulties between the North and South. He was a strong Union man and he steadfastly opposed all measures not in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. He made an able speech against the Confiscation Act, and at the close of his Congressional service, in 1863, he returned to his home in Springfield. However, before the close of his public career he raised a regiment of Union soldiers, known as the Phelps Regiment, which gained distinction at Pea Ridge, being under the command of Col. Phelps himself. In July, 1862, he was appointed Military Governor of Arkansas, which position he reluctantly accepted and went to Helena, but his health failed after a few months and he re- turned to Missouri. In 1864 he resumed his practice at Springfield, but when Gen. Price led a Confederate force through Missouri, Gov. Phelps raised a force of militia for the protection of Springfield and its vicinity but the place was not molested. After the war he was appointed by President Johnson to adjudicate on the war claims of Indiana against the Government, and although his appointment was confirmed by the Senate, he declined to accept the position. In 1868 his eminent ability placed him at the head of the Democratic party for the office of Governor of Missouri, and although this honor was unsolicited by him, he made a vigorous canvass, but owing to the fact that a large number of Democrats were at that time disfranchised, he was defeated. Eight years afterward, in July, 1876, he was again nominated for Governor by the Democrats, and owing to the peaceful condition of affairs, he was elected by a larger majority than any preceeding Governor of Missouri. His administration was marked by ability, conservatism and economy. He was always a man of great steadfastness of purpose, based upon intelligent judgment and high principles, and fealty to justice, loyalty to principle and faithfulness to duty were his watchwords. In his home his political friends and enemies recognized in him a man of unimpeachable honor and strictest virtue. Although be had been honored by his State, he had also conferred honor upon it, and whether as an official or citizen, a statesman or a lawyer, a friend or an enemy, his manly bearing, lofty integrity and many virtues were apparent. In his noble and accomplished life be found a fitting helpmate and her name is indelibly imprinted upon the history of the State. Her maiden name was Mary Whitney, a native of Portland, Me., and in that city she became the wife of Gov. Phelps, after which she came with him to the, then, wilds of Missouri. While her husband was a State official, she was active in religious and educational work, and possessing a fine mind, rare business ability and great push and energy, her undertakings always reached a successful termination. After the battle of Wilson's Creek, she took charge of the body of Gen. Lyon, and -had it buried on the old Phelps homestead near the city of Springfield, but it was afterward removed. During the war her house was turned into a hospital and it also became a refuge for the orphan and homeless, and it may be said with truth that no one sought her aid in vain. She established an Orphan's Home in Springfield during the war, of which she was general superintendent and the principal teacher, although there were at one time 250 orphan children to be cared for. When the war was over she found homes for them or secured for them employment. She was often seen in camp and was on the battlefield of Pea Ridge where she helped to care for the dead and wounded, her kind, thoughtful and loving words and care soothing the last hour of many a poor fellow whose hours were numbered. She was an untiring worker and was an active organizer of sewing clubs for the purpose of making clothes for the soldiers. During the eighteen years that her husband was in Congress she became well known in political circles as well as in social circles, her brilliant mind and kind and ready courtesy winning her the friendship of all. She was well known to President Lincoln who entertained for her the highest admiration and respect and who appointed her agent for the sufferers of Greene County during the war. Her death, which occurred in 18--, was mourned, not only by her immediate and sorrowing family, but by all who knew her. She became the mother of five children, only two of whom are living: Col. John E. Phelps and Mary A., the wife of James B. Montgomery, of Portland, Ore. Thomas died in infancy, Lucy J. at the age of three years and Lucy at the age of seven years. Mrs. Montgomery has inherited many of her worthy parents mental and moral attributes. Although her home is in Portland, she is now living in Paris, France, with her seven children: May, Antoinette, Elsie, Phelps, C. ----, Russell and Marguerite. COLUMBUS PHILLIPS, Needmore, Greene County, Mo., is one of the farmers and an old soldier citizen of Greene County. Joseph, the father of our subject, was a farmer of Granger County, Tenn., and married in that State, Lucy, widow of William MeElhaney, the father of the pioneer to Greene County, Robert McElhaney. She was a Miss Pollard, born in Virginia. Her children by Mr. McElhaney were: Robert, William, Warry, John, E. L. By Mr. Phillips she was the mother of Nathan (deceased, about fifty-five years of age), Louisa (deceased, at fifty-three years of age), Thomas (deceased, at fifty-one years of age), Elizabeth and Columbus. Some years prior to 1888, Mr. Phillips came to Greene County and settled near Springfield and then moved to James River and finally moved to Brooklyn, Mo., and then bought the farm now owned by our subject, consisting then, in 1848, of 230 acres. Politically an old line Whig and afterward a Republican, he was an honest, industrious, and much respected citizen. Columbus, son of Joseph, and our subject, was born June 20, 1838, received a common school education in the pioneer schools, and in 1862 enlisted in the Missouri Home Guard service and was in one skirmish. He then enlisted in the State militia, Company D, Seventy-second Regiment, and was in the battle of Springfield when Marmaduke made his raid, also in a skirmish at Black Run, Ark., and at Lone Rock. He was taken prisoner in southeast Missouri and was paroled. He served three years. When in the Home Guard he was a scout most of the time and was appointed by Gen. Sigel as one of the guides for his army. After his services as a soldier Mr. Phillips returned to farming. He had married in 1860 Nancy Davis and he had one daughter who died, after which Mrs. Phillips died and Mr. Phillips married Sarah J. England, and by her had three children who lived to be grown up: Lucy, John, and Robert. This wife died, and Mr. Phillips married Marrilla McGinnis and they have six children - Emily, Nancy E., Joel, Mary B., Katie, and Zina. Both Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are members of the Baptist Church. Politically be is a Republican. Mr. Phillips is a member of the G. A. R., Green Bridge, Mo., Capt. Mack- Post, No. 319. He has a good farm of 230 acres and 100 acres in culture. He was a faithful soldier and has always been an industrious farmer and honorable citizen. Mr. Phillips was on the battlefield of Wilson's Creek the day after the battle and saw the fearful sights. The dead lay thickest on Sharp Hill, where Gen. Sigel lost his battery. Many of the Federal soldiers had been stripped of shoes and clothing by vandals. His statement in this respect agrees with Thomas Yeakley, who was can the battlefield the same day. GEN. B. M. PRENTISS, one of the chief actors in the War of the Rebellion, is, like many other, noted men of this country, a product of the State of Virginia, his birth having, occurred in Wood County, in 1819. His pathway in youth was by, no means strewn with roses and gave no hint of the honors that a strong intellect, fairly used, coupled with unwearying industry, were to bring him. In the common schools of his native State he managed to pick up a fair education, which he supplemented by hard study after the active work of his life had begun. In 1836, anticipating the famous advice given to young men by Horace Greeley, to "go West and grow up with the country," he came to Marion County, Mo., and engaged in the manufacture of cordage. In the spring of 1841 he moved from that place, to Quincy, Ill., and was there engaged in the same business with his father until 1847, at which time he began the study of law, although he did not practice that profession until the close of the great Civil War. During the Mormon excitement in Illinois he volunteered in the State service, and later, at the commencement of the Mexican War, was appointed adjutant of the First Illinois Infantry, which was raised at Quincy, with which regiment he served throughout that struggle with honor to himself and to the material benefit of his country. Until the opening of the Civil War he was a resident of Quincy, but in response to the call of President Lincoln for 75,000 troops, in April, 1861, Gen. Prentiss began the organization of a company, of which he was elected captain. Three days later he was commissioned colonel of the Tenth Illinois Infantry, and ordered to Cairo, which was the rendezvous for most of the Western troops, and of which he was placed in command just five days subsequent to being commissioned colonel. From there he was ordered by Gen. Fremont to Jefferson City, Mo., to take command of all North and Central Missouri. He was later ordered to the field by Gen. Hallock and proceeded to Pittsburg Landing, where he arrived on the lst of April, where he organized and took command of the Sixth Division. On the morning of the 6th he was attacked by the enemy, against whom he gallantly contended the entire day in what is known as the "Hornet's Nest," the hottest part of that bloody battle, but as his force was outnumbered by that of the enemy, he was surrounded at nightfall and captured. He was held a prisoner six months, during which times he was confined at Talladega, Selma, Madison and Libby prisons and experienced all the hardships and privations which fell to the lot of the Union prisoner of war. After an exchange of prisoners had been effected he visited Washington and was granted a leave of thirty days, but before the expiration of that time was ordered to sit on the court martial in the case of Gen. Fitz John Porter. After the close of this trial he was ordered to report to Gen. Grant at Milliken's Bend, by whom he was assigned to the Eastern Division of Arkansas, with headquarters at Helena. On July 4, 1863; he commanded the Union forces in the battle of Helena, gaining a decided victory over the enemy, whose forces more than four times outnumbered his. Previous to this engagement, for brave and gallant service at the battle of Shiloh, be was promoted to a major-general- ship, but a year after the battle of Helena he deemed it his duty to resign, after which be returned to his home and family with the consciousness of having performed every duty which devolved upon him faithfully, enthusiastically and to the letter. Gen. Prentiss opened a law office soon after his return from the scene of battle, which he successfully followed for six years, and on April 1, 1869, was appointed by Gen. Grant pension agent for Fourth District of Illinois, which position he held with distinguished ability for several years. The General has always been an ardent Republican and a man of decidedly public spirit. He is well known throughout the country and greatly admired for his principles and his war record, and has often been urged by his friends to accept high political honors, but he has usually declined. In 1881 he located in Harrison County, Mo., and his home is at present in Sherman Township. He is the only survivor of the celebrated Fitz John Porter court martial, and as he enjoys fair health will probably live many years yet to relate his thrilling war experiences to an interested public. GEN. STERLING PRICE. This noted Confederate general was born in Prince Edward County, Va., September 14, 1809, and came of Welsh ancestors, who took up their residence on Virginia soil at a very early day. The father of Sterling Price, Hugh W. Price, was the youngest of a family of twenty-five children and was a posthumous child of the second wife of his father. Hugh W. Price had a brother named Hugh, two brothers named John and two named Daniel. After his twenty-four brothers and sisters had been duly appointed and settled in life he inherited as his share in the landed patrimony 1,400 acres of land in Prince Edward County, and some slaves. Gen. Sterling Price was the third of four sons and a daughter who lived to maturity. At a suitable age he was sent to Hampden-Sydney College, where, after completing his education, he, at the age of twenty years, entered the clerk's office at Prince Edward Court-house, with a view of' being bred to the bar. In the fall of 1831 he went to Missouri with his father and spent the winter in Fayette, Howard County, settling the following year near Keytesville, in which neighborhood he remained for a number of, years, engaged in keeping a hotel, in merchandising and in agricultural pursuits, after which he removed some five or six miles south and settled on a farm on Bowling Green Prairie, on which he remained until the war opened. In 1840 he was first elected to the lower house of the Missouri legislature, at which session he was elected speaker of the same. He was elected to both positions in 1842, and four years later to a seat in Congress, on the general ticket system. Soon after taking his seat in Congress the War with Mexico broke out and he resigned his seat in Congress and was commissioned by President Polk to raise a regiment of Missouri volunteers, and for this purpose be returned to Missouri and organized his command, and as its colonel marched into northern Mexico, For gallant and meritorious conduct he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in 1847, and was assigned to command in New Mexico, where he remained until the war closed. He fought in the battle of Santa Cruz, but after it became known that peace had been previously declared everything that had been captured was returned to the Mexicans. Gen. Price then returned to his farm in Chariton County, which had been managed with great prudence and skill by his wife during his absence, and he once more devoted himself to agricultural pursuits and the genial and elegant hospitalities of that time. From this delightful retreat he was called in 1852, upon receiving the nomination for governor, and upon his election he entered upon his duties. Railroads at that time were beginning to become formidable and sufficient encouragement had been given them during the administration of Gov. King to embolden them in the most extravagant demands, and although they were vetoed by the Governor, accompanied by the strong logic of his master mind and the prophetic warning that has since been so fearfully fulfilled, the bills were passed against his earnest protestations. . Finding the salary of the Governor inadequate to support that officer in a manner suitable to the dignity of the office, he called the Legislature's attention to the fact, recommending an increase for the benefit of his successor, and two years before the expiration of his term a law was passed in accordance with the recommendation, but to take effect from and after its passage, and for himself he persistently refused to take a dollar more salary than he was to receive at the time of his inauguration, consequently there is a large balance still due him from the State. In 1856 he returned to his farm, and was there engaged in agricultural pursuits and the breeding of fine stock until the nomination of Claiborne F. Jackson for governor, when Gen. Price was induced to take the office of bank commissioner, vacated by Mr. Jackson. He was also instrumental in securing a railroad through his county, which is now a part of the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Railroad, in 1857. In the contest for the Presidency, in 18601 Gen. Price espoused the cause of Stephen A. Douglas, and when the result of the election was known and the tremendous excitement consequent thereon caused the State legislature to call a convention of ninety-nine members, to consider the relations of Missouri to the Federal Government, Gen. Price, with others, was elected to represent his district, and upon the assembling of the convention, in February, Gen. Price was elected president of the body. The people of Missouri decided to occupy a position of "armed neutrality" and for this they were denounced as traitors and as such treated by the Federal authorities and their armies. Gov. Jackson tendered to Gen. Price the command of the State forces, with the rank of major general, which be accepted, and thereafter, when all hopes of averting a conflict were crushed by the capture of Camp Jackson, where Gen. Price's eldest son was, his energies were expended in the interests of the South. It is impossible to enter into a detailed description of his military career in these pages, suffice it to say that either from ignorance of his merits or from jealousy by the Richmond authorities he was subordinated to those who were greatly his inferiors and denied the prominence to which his talents and abilities entitled him, for which the Confederate cause was the loser. He endured all these slights so patiently, and exhibited such brilliant qualities whenever the occasion presented itself, that he became greatly endeared to the people of the South, and with the exception of Lee, and possibly of Jackson, no name among their cherished heroes is remembered with more ardent and sincere affection. After the surrender Gen. Price made his way to the city of Montezuma, with a party of exiles, with the view to forming a colony at Cordova, but the unsettled condition of the country, the waning fortunes of the empire and the unfavorable action of the climate upon his shattered constitution, rendered his return to Missouri a necessity. In the winter of 1866 they returned to St. Louis, where the General suffered with a chronic disease of the bowels, contracted while in the service of his country in Mexico, during the war with that country, but he engaged in business, as a commission merchant, and established a prosperous house. His health, however, continued to decline, and September 29, 1867, he paid the last debt of nature. Thousands took their farewell look at their beloved chieftain while his body laid in state in the church at the corner of Eighth Street and Washington Avenue, and on October 3 he was buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery, on the anniversary of one of his greatest battles. He was a natural soldier, was endowed with rare graces of mind and person, and was full of dignity, but was always the soul of kindness. He had the faculty of holding his troops under fire and inspiring them with his own high courage, and the love he inspired in the hearts of his followers was almost unbounded. In him were combined all the virtues of his sex, with none of its vices, and he was the chivalrous leader of a gallant and adoring people. May l4, 1833, he was married to Martha, daughter of Capt. John Head, of Randolph County, Mo., who had come to Missouri at about the same time that the Prices came. Four children were born to them: Gen. Edwin W. Price; Col. Celsus Price, of St. Louis; Martha Sterling Price, the wife of Peter J. Willis, and Quintus, a resident of St. Louis. JOHN PURSSELLEY, Mumford, Mo. This is one of the oldest settlers in the southeast part of Campbell Township. The great-grandfather of our subject, William Pursselley, came from Ireland with his brother David, before the Revolutionary War. William, the son of the above, settled eight miles above Knoxville, Tenn., when that country was a wilderness. He was a hatter by trade, a farmer, slave owner and became a wealthy man. He was the father of eleven children. He died on his farm in Tennessee, an old man. He was widely known as a prominent and able farmer. His father, the great grandfather of our subject, passed his last days with him and lived to be an aged man. William, the son of the above, and the third William in the family, and the father of our subject, was born on his father's farm near Knoxville. He married Martha, daughter of John Gallion, and to Mr. And Mrs. Pursselley were born seven children: Addison, John, Sarah, James, Martha, William and Washington, who died a soldier in the Civil War. Mr. Pursselley moved to Greene County, Mo., in 1838, bringing his family. He was then about fifty years of age and bad been a soldier in the Black Hawk War. The family came to Greene County with a large ox wagon drawn by two yoke of oxen and a four-horse team and settled on the old Pursselley homestead now owned by his son John and grandson Walter--son of William, who still lives on the old farm. This was a beautiful prairie, there being no timber except on the banks of the James River. Mr. Pursselley broke up the first year thirty-five acres and put in corn and raised a good crop. He had brought with him several slaves, men, women and children. He did not live long to enjoy his property, but died from the effects of an accident. He cut his knee seriously with an adze. Mr. Pursselley had the common school education of his day, and was one of the typical pioneers of Greene County, and his word was as good as his bond. In fact, most of the old pioneers of this county were men of sterling principles. John, our subject, was born in Roan County, Tenn., fifty mile below Knoxville, on Pond Creek. March 11, 1827, and was eleven years of age when he came with the family to Greene County, and well remembers the journey. The country was full of game--deer and wild turkey--and the boys used to hunt them. John had little chance to gain an education, but attended the old log school house which his father built on his farm, afterward attending the district school for two months during the winter, and thus gained a common education. He married at the age of twenty-two, in 1849, January 31, Rebecca, daughter of William and Martha (Roberts) McFarland. William McFarland was a Scotch Irishman, born in South Carolina, and settled in Greene County, Mo., in 1837 at what is now known as the Jones' Spring, where Mr. Roberts, his father-in-law, had a mill and distillery. Mr. McFarland was a prominent man, and owned 1,000 acres of land and several slaves. He was a member of the Missouri State Legislature, and was sheriff of Greene County one term. He died during the War at about sixty-five years of age. He was the father of eight children: Rebecca, Harriett, George, Martha, John, Nancy, Lucinda and James. He was thought highly of by the people and was honorable and upright. After marriage John Pursselley and wife settled on his present farm, then consisting of eighty acres, to which he added by thrift and industry, assisted by his faithful wife, until he now owns over 500 acres, about 300 in cultivation. To Mr. and Mrs. Pursselley have been born six children. Martha, William, Letitia, John, Leander and Florence. In politics Mr. Pursselley was formally an old line Whig, and is now a Democrat, but takes no interest in office holding. Himself and wife are members of the Protestant Methodist Church, and Mr. Pursselley has hold the office of church trustee, and has assisted with his means to build the church and Support the Gospel. He was school director for many years. Mr. Pursselley is one of our industrious, hardworking men, and is well known for his honest and steady course in life. The Pursselley family is one of the old Colonial families, than which there is no better. HON. EDWARD C. O'DAY. Many men attain distinction after reaching the meridian of life, but to few is it given to be crowned with success before they have passed the second score of the three score years and ten allotted to man. The subject of this brief biography forms one of these rare exceptions, and therefore is worthy of consideration in this connection. He is one of the prominent legal lights of Springfield and although young in years has represented his county in the State Legislature. Mr. O'Day was born near Madison, Wis., February 21, 1862, and became a resident of Springfield, Mo., in 1870. He received his collegiate education at Drury College and graduated with honors from, that institution in the class of 1886. AT an early agea he decided upon the legal profession as his chosen calling and when quite young began the study of law with his brother, John O'Day, one of the ablest attorneys of the Missouri bar. In 1885 he was admitted to practice and immediately after leaving college he entered upon his duties as a lawyer. Almost from the first be received recognition at the bar. Thoroughly master of himself, with an intimate knowledge of his case, of quick perceptive faculties, ready to take advantage of any error, master of any principle of the law involved in the case, an accurate reader of human character, able to discern the motives and purpose of a witness as if by inspiration, of inexhaustible resources, he is a formidable antagonist and whoever won from him a verdict was entitled to it. Mr. O'Day has been connected with many important cases, being especially equipped as a railroad lawyer, and for several years was assistant attorney for the Frisco railroad. He is now attorney for the American National Bank of Springfield and is largely interested in the banking and real estate interests of the city. He stands high as one of the leading commercial lawyers of southwest Missouri and has devoted his attention largely to commercial law. For some time he has been a member of the law firm of__________ which was established by his brother, John O'Day, in 1866, and this is one of the most widely-known legal firms in the entire Southwest, possessing an enviable reputation for legal sagacity and responsibility. Socially Mr. O'Day is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and politically a stanch Democrat in which party he takes a decided interest. In 1889 be was elected by his party as representative to the State Legislature, and for a number of years was a member of the Democratic State Central Committee. He is a very successful financier and has already accumulated a handsome property. Mr. O'Day is one of the well-known public-spirited men of Springfield, and has contributed largely to all enterprises of a laudable nature. JOHN O'DAY. This citizen is one of the prominent men of Southwest Missouri, who has not only been prominently identified with the legal profession for many years, but has been one of the chief promoters of the great railway systems which are now doing so much toward the development o this country. Beginning the practice of law in Springfield when a very young man, shortly after the close of the great Civil War and when Springfield was but a village and much of the surrounding country a wilderness; at a time when the people were struggling to adjust themselves to new conditions and the bitterness of partisanship was evident in many lawsuits and the real cause of much litigation, Mr. O'Day gained an experience and a knowledge of the people of Missouri which could hardly have been gained under other conditions. His practice extended throughout the entire southwest portion of the State, and he frequently made long journeys on horseback to attend court in the log house of some pioneer farmer. Thus he has seen almost the entire progress and growth of Springfield and southwest Missouri, and has taken part as a citizen and a lawyer in all public events worthy of record. Mr. O'Day was born in Ireland November 18, 1844, and was brought to America by his parents when an infant. His father, John O'Day, Sr., settled in Livingston County, N.Y., but in 1868 removed with his family to Springfield where he remained until his death, which occurred at the patriarchal age of eighty-four years. The early advantages for acquiring an education of the subject of the sketch were first those of the common district school and afterward that of the Academy of Lima, N. Y. At an early age the keenness of his intellect was shown and he made rapid progress in his studies. Upon leaving school he began the study of law with Judge Winsor, of Rochester, N. Y., with whom be completed his legal studies and with whom he came West as far as Juno, Wis., where Mr. O'Day remained three years, coming to Springfield in February, 1866. He immediately hung out his shingle to notify the public that he was ready to defend the cause of the injured, and unlike the majority of attorneys, had not long to wait for clients. He was admitted to the bar in Wisconsin, and the Springfield bar, was represented by Gov. Phelps, Col. Henry C. Young, Judge John Bryce, Judge John S. Waddle and C. B. McAfee, Esq., the sole surviving lawyer then practicing at the bar in this city, except Mr. O'Day. The latter was then but twenty-two years of age, but he possessed unmistakable ability, and it was not long before he was established in a large and continually growing practice. At that time Springfield contained about 1,500 inhabitants. There was no court-house in either Ozark or Taney Counties, and Mr. O'Day's practice extended over twenty-one counties, over which wide range of country there were no lawyers and the attorneys of Springfield attended to all the legal cases. Naturally there was a great deal of litigation growing out of the unsettled condition of the country during and immediately after the close of the Civil War, and there were numerous prosecutions for treason, murder and arson. In the sparsely settled, rough frontier country, Mr. O'Day steadily made his way, and overcoming all difficulties; by his manly, straightforward course, gained the confidence of the people and became a successful lawyer with all he could properly attend to in the way of legal work. He soon interested himself in the affairs of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, of which be was appointed attorney in 1869 in connection with Judge Baker. He was vice-president of this road from 1886 to 1890, and is now one of its large stockholders. He was one of the promoters of the Springfield Northern Railroad, the Springfield Southern Railroad, the St. Louis, Wichita & Western Railroad, Ft. Scott, Paris & Texas Railroad, and has been president of all these roads. From his long experience in building railroads and in their management, Mr. O'Day is one of the best informed railroad men in Missouri and is a thorough exponent of railroad law, on which he is considered an authority. His services to southwest Missouri in the advancement of means of transportation are of the greatest value, and are not exceeded in public utility. He has been in active practice at the Springfield bar for a longer time than and other attorney, with the exception of C. B. McAfee, and is one of its leading members. Socially he is a Knight Templar in the A. F. & A. M., and in his political views he is a stanch Democrat. He is a gentleman of large wealth, genial and courteous manners and stands deservedly high, not only for his ability at the bar, but for his sturdy independence and high character. REV. FATHER BASIL ODERMATT, O. S. B. For -the past year the name of Father Odermatt has been linked with St. Joseph's College, Springfield, Mo. He owes his nativity to Stans, Switzerland, where he was born March 25, 1867, and almost from the first was designed for the priesthood by his parents. His father, Xavier Odermatt, was a farmer in comfortable circumstances and all his life was a devout and faithful Catholic. The Odermatts; are a prosperous family in Switzerland and are well-to-do in this world's goods and highly respected by all who know them. Father Basil Odermatt received his initiatory training in the excellent district schools which were in vogue during his youth, but completed his literary course in the parish Catholic schools and in the college of Engelberg, but at the age of nineteen came to America, and for sometime thereafter was a resident of Conception, Mo., where he was ordained a priest of the Catholic Church on March 12, 1883. The same year he was appointed a prefect of studies at Conception, but at the end of two years hebegan doing missionary work, a calling which occupied his heart and mind until 1887. The work, however, was too great a tax upon his strength and his; health began failing him after which he retired to Conception, where. having partially recovered, he came to Springfield, in September, 1892, and since that time he has been one of the processors of St. Joseph's college, with an idea of remaining and devoting his attention to the success of the college. The excellent institution with which he is connected has been recognized as possessing high merit and is patronized by the best and most intelligent families of that section. CAPT. C. B. OWEN, Needmore, Mo., is one of the largest farmers and stock raisers in Greene County, and one of the old soldiers and pioneer citizens of this county. His farm contains 1,310 acres of mostly fine farm land and pasture. It is well watered, being on both banks of the James River and having six fine springs on different parts of the farm. There are about 500 acres cleared, and in either cultivation or pasture and the rest is covered with timber. The farm is stocked with 50 head of horses and mules, 75 head of cattle, 100 head of hogs and 75 head of sheep. This land was partially entered in 1838 by Solomon H. Owen, father of our subject, who was born in east Tennessee, December 12, 1797, in Sullivan County, near the Virginia line. Joseph Owen, his father, was reared in Pennsylvania, was of Welsh stock, and married a Pennsylvania Dutch woman, and moved to Sullivan County, Tenn., at an early day. He was a farmer and lived to be only thirty-five years of age, and was the father of Charles, Jesse, Solomon H., Hannah, Mary and Elizabeth. Solomon H., father of our subject, was married in Sullivan County, Tenn., to Mary E. Bushong, of Pennsylvania and German stock. After marriage Mr. Owen moved to middle Tennessee, where he owned a farm of 170 acres in Marshall County. In 1836 he moved with his family, a wife and five children, to this county, and settled on 400 acres, which be entered four miles northwest of Springfield. He entered in all about 2,000 acres in southwest Missouri, 200 acres of which is part of the farm of our subject. He gave all his children land. He was the owner of slaves like most of the early settlers from Tennessee. During the war much of his personal property was destroyed and he moved to Springfield in 1874 at seventy-seven years of age. Himself and wife were the parents of six children: Susannah A., George H. (died at the age of twenty-one), Pleasant B., Charles B., Jesse W. and William S. Both were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He was a Union man and Democratic in politics. Capt. Charles B. Owen, our subject, was born on his fathers farm in Marshall County, Tenn., February 28, 1827, and was nine years of age when he came to Missouri, was reared a farmer and received a common-school education. He married, Septemberl8,1856,Sarah E. Yarborough, and to them were born two children: John S. and Stephen A. Douglas. After marriage Mr. Owen settled on his present tract of land. He had previously been engaged in buying and selling Stock. In May, 1861, he organized a militia company of Home Guards in his township and was elected captain, and then he consolidated his company with another, and being younger than the other captain, accepted the position of first lieutenant. When the Union troops occupied Springfield Gen. Lyon appointed him as guide to the troops under Gen. Sigel to the battle field of Wilson's Creek, and was engaged in that fight. The Union troops having retreated to Raleigh, Capt. Owen at this place was enrolled with his company in United States service, and was commissioned by the governor of Missouri as first lieutenant in the United States Army. He was mustered into the service at Benton barracks. He was in a series of skirmishes. with the bushwhackers in southeast Missouri, and was afterward in service against Marmaduke in southeast Missouri and in skirmishes in different parts of Missouri and western Tennessee. At Columbus, Ky., his company did guard duty on the ordnance boat Gen. Grant, and then was on the March with Gen. Sherman through Mississippi; was on the Red River and at the occupation of Alexandria, also at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., where his regiment lost all of its officers except the major, captain and second lieutenant, in killed and wounded, and lost one-third of the men. His own company lost one-half of their number in killed or wounded, and was then in severe skirmish fighting from April 9 to May 16, where the battle of Yellow Brow was fought; was afterward in a battle near Mineral Point, in Missouri; was sick and in hospital nine weeks at Memphis, and was mustered out and honorably discharged at St. Louis, October 14, 1864, and returned home. His wife died March 18, 1862, and be married, January 31, 1865, Nancy C. McCrodey, and they were the parents of eight children: Charles J., Rachel M., Margaret S. E., Alwilda M. J., George D., Francis W., W. E. and Joseph L. Since the war Mr. Owen has farmed and raised stock, and owns 1,310 acres of land in one body and 395 besides. Politically he is a Democrat and was sheriff in 1870-72 and 1874-76. MRS. RUSH OWEN. It is seldom in the history of any county that the first pioneer can with any certainty be pointed out. The coming of men into a now settlement is usually so simultaneous that much confusion frequently exists, with many rival claimants for the honor. There is no doubt, however, that John P. Campbell, the father of the lady whose name heads this sketch, was the first white man to locate his claim on the site of what is now Springfield, with the intention of here making his frontier home. He was the son of John Campbell and was born in Mecklenburg County, N. C., and was five years of age when he went to Tennessee with his father. He received the common-school education of his day, but having an active mind and being fond of reading he became a man of more than ordinary intelligence and information. He began life as a farmer and surveyor and married in Maury County, Tenn., Louisa T. Cheairs, daughter of a wealthy slaveholder, and by her Mr. Campbell became the owner of slaves, although he did not believe in the institution and was a kind and merciful master. After the birth of his first child, in December, 1829, be came to Greene County, in company with his brother, Ezekiel M. They crossed the Missouri River at Walnut Bend, Ark., and were exploring the country for a home. They arrived in what is now Greene County in September and were much pleased with the country. Mr. Campbell located his claim, and, to mark it, blazed trees near the bottomless well, about where Sibley's warehouse now stands, intending to return and take up his claim as quickly as possible. On his return to Tennessee he stopped at the settlement of William Fullbright, on the Piney River, in Missouri, and told him of the fine appearance of the country. Mr. Fullbright, being interested in the description, came out at once, and when Mr. Campbell returned, in January, 1830, with his family, he found Mr. Fullbright already settled at what was afterward known as Fullbright's Spring, near where the Gulf Railroad shops are now located. Mr. Campbell selected a large body of land, much of which is now covered by the eastern part of Springfield. Being of a peaceful disposition, he had no trouble with the Delaware Indians, with whom he not only exchanged products but friendly greetings. Mr. Campbell was noted for his generous, old-fashioned hospitality, and lavishly entertained the old settlers, travelers and persons seeking homes in this new country. He was very genial, kind-hearted, and a friend to every one. He was finally, of necessity, obliged to open a place of entertainment, as the travel greatly increased, and he was the first tavern keeper in Springfield. Mr. Campbell was one of the founders of the Methodist Church in southwest Missouri. He made a profession of religion during a great religious revival, which spread through this country, and which culminated in the famous pioneer camp meeting at Ebenezer, and which was attended by the early settlers for many miles around. He became the fast friend of the Methodist Church and gave liberally of his means to its support. He gave the land on the corner of Walnut and South Street, where the Methodist Church now stands, and also land for a Methodist parsonage. Mr. Campbell and wife were the parents of the following children: Tolitha, born in Tennessee-the remaining children, John N., Mary F., Leonidas A., Sarah R., James P., Thomas C., Samuel J., William A. and one who died young--being born in Missouri. He had four sons in the Confederate army: Leonidas A.; John N., who was killed in the war; Thomas P., who died of exposure after the battle of Corinth, and Samuel J. The remaining children married as follows: Tolitha married E. D. McKinney, the pioneer editor of Springfield (they have but one child, a daughter, now Mrs. Frank Shepard, and the mother of eight children); Mary F. married Dr. Samuel Sprouel, a brother of Mrs. Dr. Bailey (she died childless); John N. married Mary, the daughter of Finley Danforth, an old pioneer (they have five children: Erskine A.; Lulu, wife of Thomas Merritt; John N.; Finley, and Mary, wife of Hugo Shaffer); Leonidas A. married Lulu McElhaney (they had one son-Robert Lee); Sarah R. married Jabez Owen, who died in 1862, leaving four children (Mary F., who married George T. Bryan and is the mother of two children; Felix G., now settled in Gainsville, Tex.; Lucy C., married John P. McCammon, and Jay a young man, unmarried). My. Campbell laid out the original plat of Springfield, which consisted of fifty acres of land. To this people afterward added as they saw fit, which accounts for the irregularities in some of the streets. Mr. Campbell is well remembered by some of the old pioneers who yet live and who speak of him, in the kindliest manner, as an upright and courteous gentleman who had the respect and confidence of every one who knew him as a man of sterling worth. He died in 1851. RUSH OWENS (deceased). Perhaps no name is more familiar or more favorably known to the people of Greene County, Mo., than the one above mentioned. This is not alone due to the fact that its members have been residents of the county for many years, but the name has been very intimately associated with the moral, social, intellectual and financial growth of the county. In fact the name of Owens is to Greene County and Springfield what an heirloom is to a proud and deserving family. The original of this; brief notice was born in Williamson County, Tenn., and was the son of J. Owens, who was born in the Old North State, Mecklenburg County. The latter moved to Tennessee, and from there to Oil Springs, Ind., where he held some office under the Government. There he died when comparatively a young man, not more than forty-eight years of age. He was a cousin of James K. Polk, and in politics a stanch Democrat. His wife died in 1866. He was the owner of considerable property in Missouri, Texas and Mississippi. Socially he was a Mason. The subject of this sketch came to Springfield, Mo., in 1854, and there died in 1862. In 1856 he married Miss Campbell, daughter of John P. Campbell, the first settler of Springfield, and the man for whom Campbell Township was named. The Campbell family is another old family of the county, and its members contributed their full share toward the progress and development of the county. No family is better respected. To Mr. and Mrs. Owens were born four children, all living but the oldest daughter, Mrs. George T. Bryan, who died in 1892. The other children are, Felix G., of Texas; Mrs. J. P. McCommon, of Springfield; and J. Owens, a young man residing at home. The old Campbell homestead is situated at 952 South Jefferson Street, Springfield. Mr. Campbell, the father of Mrs. Owens, was well known and very prominent in the politics of the county, holding many positions of trust in the county. He was the father of eleven children, only two of whom are now living, Mrs. Owens and one brother who resides in Mississippi. Three of his sons, James, Thomas and William, never married, but the remainder did and reared families. All were well and favorably known in the county. JOHN GLENN NEWBILL. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the only son of Greene County who fills an editorial chair in Springfield. He is well known as an active and unflinching advocate of Democratic principles, and the founder of one of the most reliable Democratic weeklies in southwest Missouri. Mr. Newbill springs from an old Colonial family, members of which were soldiers in the Revolution. His remote ancestors were of Anglo-Saxon origin, and came to America from London, England. Tyree Glenn Newbill, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a planter of Franklin County, Va., and the owner of a large plantation which was cultivated by slaves. He was also a merchant. His mother was Sallie Glenn, a daughter of Dr. John Glenn, professor of Therapeutics in King's College, London, England, and therefore the name "Glenn" was given Mr. Newbill, and has been perpetuated from father to son for four generations. To himself and wife the following children were given: Patrick H., Nathaniel P., Tyree Glenn, Samuel D. and Sarah R. Tyree Glenn Newbill, the eldest son of this family, was born on his father's; plantation in Franklin County, Va., May 17, 1822, received a good common-school education for his day, and when a young man became a clerk in his father's store. December 1, 1846, he was married to Nancy A., daughter of James M. and Elizabeth Johnson, and the following year came to southwest Missouri. Shortly after he located about two and a half miles west of Springfield, where he remained until December, 1860. He was a man of great energy and ambition and accumulated a handsome property, making a specialty of stock raising, and to him the credit is due of importing the first Durham cattle, Cotswold sheep and Chester white hogs into the county. In 1854 he crossed the plains to California with a wagon train of goods and a drove of cattle, and made the journey in safety. He was twice elected president of the Southwest District Agricultural and Mechanical Association, a position which he held two years prior to the war, at which time the society was in a very flourishing condition. He was also prominently associated with this society as a member of its board of directors from its inception. He was a Royal Arch Mason, a stanch Democrat politically, and in later years a strong advocate of Democratic principles as promulgated by Stephen A. Douglas. When the Civil War came up he joined his fortunes with the Confederacy and went to Texas. On visiting St. Louis he was arrested as a Confederate emissary and was kept a prisoner for a short time. After his release he again went South, engaged in cotton speculation, and there died in 1864. He was a man who possessed excellent business qualifications and was widely known throughout the entire southwest. John Glenn Newbill, his son and the immediate subject of this sketch, was born on the old farm near Springfield, March 16, 1848, and was first given the advantages of the common schools and then the famous college of Charles Carleton on College Street. Afterward he studied three years under the tutorship of Dr. William V. Allen, formerly of Bates County, Mo., and also attended other schools in Illinois as well as in Missouri. While gaining his education he worked on the home farm and learned those lessons of industry and per-severance without which success in the business world is impossible, and he also taught in the public schools of Greene and Bates Counties. In 1874 he went to California, where he spent two years, then returned to Missouri and engaged in newspaper work. On April 1, 1881, he established the Springfield Express, a weekly Democratic newspaper, and he has edited and published it continuously ever since. This paper is widely read throughout the southwest, and, as its editorials are able and the subjects treated are handled with ease and power, it wields a wide influence in molding public opinion. It is faithful to its principles, and, besides giving its numerous readers the news of the day, it provides literary features which render it a home paper which cannot be surpassed. Mr. Newbill is one of the most active and uncompromising Democrats in Greene County, and as a public speaker advocates the principles taught by Jefferson and Jackson in a vigorous and masterly manner. For nearly fourteen years he has been continuously Secretary of the Democratic Central Committee of Greene County, and besides looking after his editorial work he is a valued correspondent of some of the leading metropolitan journals and agent of the Associated Press. January 4, 1881, he was married to Carrie L., daughter of B. T. and Ottilie Rhoades, of Montgomery County, Ill., and their union has resulted in the birth of a son, Albert Glenn, who was born February 1, 1882. Mr. Newbill is au active member of the A. O. U. W., has filled the office of master workman, and is past commander of the Select Knights, Springfield Legion, No. 39, a higher branch of the same order. BRADFORD NORBURY. Bradford Norbury has made his home in Greene County, Mo., since 1862 and has become widely and favorably known to its citizens. He owes his nativity to Dane County, Wis., where he was born February 5, 1835, a son of Thomas E. and Anna (Dickson) Norbury, the former of whom was born in Ireland and came to America in 1834. He was married in his native laud and after coming to this country located near Lockport, N. Y., where he engaged extensively in the manufacture of woolen goods, but after a very short residence there moved to Wisconsin and began tilling the soil but died before his hopes of making a. competence for his family were realized. His widow still continued to live on the farm until 1841 when she also died, leaving a family of three sons and two daughters: Elizabeth, who became the wife of a Mr. Charlesworth, died at about the age of forty years: George who went to California in search of gold in 1849, has never been beard of since and is undoubtedly dead: William, became a resident of New Jersey and is deceased; Mary who died in her early girlhood, and Bradford, who is the only surviving member of the family. After the death of the mother the family separated, after selling the home farm and dividing the proceeds, and although Bradford was only six years old at this time he continued to make his home in Dane County with friends and obtained a fair education in the common schools of that section. At the age of twenty-one he went to Milwaukee and later to New York City, where he remained a few months, then returning to Milwaukee in which place he made his home for about a year. He learned the trade of a blacksmith when a boy and while in Milwaukee followed that occupation. Upon leaving that city he went to St. Louis where be remained some two years, after which he went to Rolla, Mo., in which place be made his home from 1859 to 1862, running a blacksmith and wagon shop and manufacturing plows. He has been a resident of Greene County since 1862 and soon after locating in Springfield was appointed master mechanic of the government shops at Rolla, and in 1861, transferred from Rolla to Springfield, a position he held until the close of the war. After the close of hostilities he was transferred to Ft. Reilly and served in the same capacity until October 1866 when be received his discharge. During the war be was located most of the time at Springfield, the shops being situated where Everett's planing mill now stands on Phelps Avenue. Since then he has been engaged in general blacksmithing and farming, following the first occupation two years and the latter the remainder of the time, becoming the owner of his present farm of 143 acres, situated four miles east of Springfield. Since then he has been engaged in general farming and has dealt in stock to some extent. Everything about his place indicates that he is a man of thrift and energy, for his buildings, fences are kept in good repair and his stock is as good as can be found in Greene County. Near his residence is a fine spring of clear and cold running water, and on other portions of his farm are good streams, which makes his place an admirable one for the raising of stock. Nearly all the land is under cultivation and in all respects it is one of the most valuable places in the county, due largely to Mr. Norbury's industry and good judgment in its improvement and cultivation. Mr. Norbury has always been a firm Democrat and takes a deep and active interest in political matters. He is a Master Mason and has made a success of his efforts to win a competency for himself and those dear to him. He is a member of the Christian Church, in which he is also a trustee, and of this church his wife, when he married May 15, 1864, and whose maiden name was Victoria A. Maupin, is also a member. She is a daughter of A. W. and Margaret (Adams) Maupin, both of whom were from Madison County, Ky., members of the first families in the State. He emigrated to Missouri and settled in Boone County in 1820, or about that time, but about 1835 became a resident of Greene County and until his death which occurred in 1858 was a resident of Springfield. He was a carriage maker and conducted a large business in his line on Boonville Street. He was a very prominent business man of Springfield in his day, and was an active member of the Christian Church. His wife died in Ozark County while there on a visit to a daughter in 1884, being quite advanced in years and one of the oldest residents of the county. She was born in Kentucky in 1813 and became the mother of nine children, three of whom are living: Phoebe married William Victor and died in 1860; Martha married Mr. Campbell and after his death Mr. Hightower, and died in 1861: Gorton died in 1866, having been a soldier in the Forty-sixth Regiment, and orderly sergeant of Company A. leaving a wife and two children: Lucy who died in 1885 was the wife of A. Fisher of Ozark County; James T. is living in the Choctaw Nation, is a farmer and a man of family, he was a soldier in the Sixth Missouri Cavalry; Victoria (Mrs. Norbury); Mary, who married F. Duffy, died in 1882, in Rich Hill, Mo.; Fannie is the wife of Andrew Myers and lives in Spriingfield; and Archie, who died when young. Mrs. Norbury was born in Springfield, May 14, 1843, on Boonville Street near the public square and obtained a good education in the public schools and in Carlton College. She has borne her husband three sons and three daughters. Winnifred, born April 28, 1867, the wife of W. C. McBee, of Marion County, Ark., of which place he is a merchant, they have one child, Lucy; Charles F. was born July 12, 1869, married Jennie Shockley and has one child, Mary Victoria; they live at Springfield and Charles is in the employ of the Springfield Grocery Company. Edwin was born March 8, 1873 and is still assisting his father on the farm. Anna E. was born in Jane, 1876, and is also at home with her parents. Two died in infancy. The family attend the Washington Avenue Christian Church and stand high in the estimation of the people of the county. Mr. Norbury carries on blacksmithing on his farm but for some years has given it but little attention. He has everything about him that heart could wish, a pleasant and comfortable home, and a fine orchard, grapery, etc. LIKINS MILLING COMPANY. This business has been in active operation since 1883, when it was established by C. H. Likins, G. S. Likins, C. W. Likins and M. F. Likins and the same year they erected the large and complete plant which is located on the Gulf railroad. The building is large and substantial, 40x48 feet, and containing four floors, the system being the full roller and of the latest and most improved make. The capacity is 175 barrels per day and the quality of their goods is strictly first class and has already gained an enviable reputation among the grocers and grain dealers of that section. Employment is given to six or eight hands, and the head miller, W. S. Jordan, who is about forty-five years of age, is the thorough master of his trade and has proven himself to be the right man in the right place. The gentlemen who established the business conducted it successfully up to 1892, and it was the first flouring mill ever built in Ash Grove, or indeed, in that part of the county. The business was incorporated in 1885 under the Missouri State law, with a capital stock of $50,000 and the first president was C. H. Likins, with G. S. and C. W. Likins as secretary and treasurer respectively, the latter being also general manager. In 1892 G. S., M. F. and C. H. Likins sold their interest to C. W. Likins and George C. Campbell, who are now the sole owners of the plant. They are doing a business of $80,000 to $100,000 annually and find a ready sale for their product throughout Missouri and adjoining States. Their chief brands are "Economy," "Magnolia," and "Champion," all of which are conceded to be of admirable quality. The product of the plant in 1892 amounted to 40,000 barrels and the firm has the satisfaction of knowing that it is not necessary to have any salesmen on the road in order to dispose of their product. The mill is propelled by a Corliss engine of sixty horse power and in every respect the mill is fitted up in the most complete manner. Mr. Campbell, one of the owners of the plant, was born in the Emerald Isle but for some time past he has been a resident of Ash Grove. He is a Republican in politics, a man of family and is a shrewd and careful business man. Mr. C. W. Likins, the general manager, is a native of Missouri, born in Lawrence County, December 20, 1857, a son of G. S. Likins, formerly vice president of the company, who is at present residing in Ash Grove. C. W. Likins obtained a good education in the common schools and his first business venture was in 1878 at Neosho, Mo., in the milling business. He only gave up business at that point to come to Ash Grove. He assisted in building the mill here and here has since made his home with the exception of two years spent in Greenfield, Mo., during which time he was a member of the Greenfield Rolling Mill Co. He was married to Miss Mary E. Campbell, of Jasper County, and to them four children have been given: Homer C., Ralph, Ross and Fred. Mr. Likins resides in the western part of Ash Grove where he has a pretty and comfortable home. He has always been a Republican and as a citizen is public spirited, enterprising and honest. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife is also a member, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 264 of Ash Grove, the A. F. & A. M. and the A. O. U. W. He is one of the best known men in his section. LORETTO ACADEMY. In the year 1879, Father Cushman, the pastor in charge of the church of the Immaculate Conception, seeing the necessity of having a school for the education of the Catholic children of Springfield, invited four sisters of Loretto from St. Louis, formerly from the Mother institution, the Convent of Loretto, Kentucky, and of these sisters, Sister Mary Oda was appointed mother superior. Thus the Loretto Academy was started in a humble way in a small frame building still standing on the grounds, and here the three sisters gathered thirteen children of Catholic parentage, and for the first five years they had a struggle with poverty, having nothing but the money received from tuition to support themselves. Many times it seemed impossible to carry on the school but by patience, self-denial and devotion to the cause, gradually built up the institution. In 1886 a loan was made by Joseph French of $5,000, and the south side of the present academy building was erected. This loan was paid by 1890, with interest at seven and one-half per cent and another loan was made in 1892, of $8,000, and the academy was enlarged as it is at present. Sister Mary Oda died in 1882, from over-work and privation. She had contracted consumption and died at St. Louis. At the time of this noble woman's death five sisters of the same order were connected with the Loretto Academy. She was succeeded by Sister Baptista, who was mother superior for several years, and the institution prospered exceedingly under her control. She had six sisters in the academy when she went to Pueblo, Colo., for her health, and there were sixty pupils. She was succeeded by Sister Clarsine who came St. Louis in 1887 as mother superior, and who has since devoted her attention with great zeal to building up the academy, making a capable and efficient manager. The school has greatly prospered in numbers and sixteen sisters of Loretto are engaged in teaching. The academy has now over 100 pupils and the musical class, numbering sixty pupils, is one of the most highly instructed of any in southwest Missouri. They are taught by five of the sisters who instruct them on all instruments, stringed and otherwise. The young ladies are carried through a regular academic course and much pains is taken to make them efficient and accurate. They are also taught the accomplishments of fine needlework and painting. Under Mother Clarsine the academy is growing with great rapidity and has a wide reputation as one of the best schools for young ladies in Missouri. Mother Clarsine is a lady of ability and understands well the executive management of the academy, as well as teaching herself. The Loretto Academy is one of the best institutions of its kind in Missouri, and richly deserves the patronage of the people. THOMAS B. LOVE. One of the rising and successful attorneys of Springfield is Thomas B. Love, who is the present efficient and conscientious city attorney. He was born in Webster County, Mo., June 23, 1870, being a son of T. C. Love, who is a retired resident of Springfield, having been a planter during the active years of his life. In 1842 he was also born in Webster County, his father having been Col. T. B. Love, who came to the State in 1842 from West Tennessee, his family having originally been residents of North Carolina. The Loves are of Scotch-Irish descent and Thomas Love, the great grandfather, came to this country during the Revolutionary period and took up his residence in the Old North State. The members of this family have always been great lovers of liberty and have taken an active part in the wars in which this country has been involved at various times, Col. T. B. Love obtaining his title while serving in the late lamentable Civil War. He enlisted as a private at the age of eighteen years of age and was quite severely wounded at the battle of Little Rock and was honorably discharged at Shreveport, La., while serving under Gen. Kirby Smith, After his return home from the war he resumed the peaceful pursuit of farming, which occupation he continued to follow up to 1882, and still continues to conduct the old home farm upon an extensive scale and with the best results imaginable financially. This farm is beautifully located in Webster County and is well known throughout that county as "Lover's Ridge." The maiden name of his wife was Sallie J., daughter of R. W. Rodgers, of Texas County, Mo. This family is also of Scotch-Irish descent and became known in the New World at an early day, and his son, the grandfather of Thomas B. Love, became a resident of Texas County, Mo., long before the opening of the Civil War and became an extensive lumberman and well known to the early pioneers of that section. T. C. Love and wife reside in Springfield, on Walnut Street. To them five children were born: Joseph, a successful young physician of New York City; Thomas B., the subject of this sketch: Robert, who is with Rodgers, Baldwin & Co., of Springfield; Oscar, who died in childhood, and Ralph and Edgar who are at school. Thomas B. Love attended the schools of Webster County, and later took a full course in Drury College, entering in 1884 and graduating in the class of 1891. During the last five years of his college life he took up the study of law, his studies being pursued in the office of Goode & Cravens. He then took a special course in the law school of the University of Virginia, and was admitted to the bar in September, 1891, after which he at once opened an office and entered the field which was occupied by many before him. In a short time he established a reputation as a brilliant young advocate, and his success in court has been exceptionally good and far superior to that of many eminent lawyers at his age. He is a young gentleman of scholarly attainments, energetic, yet dignified, persistent, but modest. When rising to address a jury he commands the attention of each member during his arguments, which are logical and convincing. His popularity was attested in April, 1882, by his election to the position of city attorney, the duties of which he has discharged in a very satisfactory manner. He has served on the County Central Committee for a number of years, and socially he is a member of the K. of P. and the Royal Arcanum. Mr. Love was married to Miss Mattie R. Goode, of Washington, Mo., and their residence is now at 461 South Main Street, Springfield. Mr. Love has taken an active part in the affairs of his section, but controls his own action with individual freedom, dictated by investigation and discrimination, and commands the greatest respect from his fellow citizens.
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