Military Bounty Lands War of 1812
Military Bounty Lands for the War of 1812
This list is a work in progress, it should be in no way construed as a complete and total list of all bounty lands. If you have information to add, please email me! If you are interested in seeing the original land patents, you can search the Bureau of Land Management website. Click on "Search Land Patents" and you can find some amazing documents. A list of persons receiving land in Missouri: Abbey, Charles H. Abbott, Peter Ackley, Ezekiel Ackman, William Adams, David Adams, Henry H. Adams, Thomas Adams, William Adcock, Solomon Addis, Robt. Agan, James Agan, John alias Hagan Agnew, William Aimes, Amos Albertson, Joseph Albright, John Aldrick, Isreal Aldrick, Philadelphia Aldridge, Betty Aldridge, John Alexander, Andrew Alexander, Jesse Alexander, John Alexander, John C. Alexander, Jonas Alexander, Joseph Alexander, Letitia Alexander, Quarters Alfred, John Algier, George Allabada, Peter Allen, Campbell Allen, Campbell Allen, Charles Y. Allen, David Allen, John Allen, John R. Allen, John S. Allen, Lewis L. Allen, Lewis L. Allen, Lucy Allums, William Alsaver, Casper Alter, Adam Alverson, Moses Alvis, Edmund Ames, Charles Amich, John Ammons, Andrew Anderson, James Anderson, John Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Larkin Anderson, Nathaniel Anderson, Robert Anderson, Samuel Anderson, Shardy Anderson, Solomon Anderson, Thomas Andey, Jacob Andrew, Brinthinger Andrew, James Andrews, Michael Andrews, Phinehas Andrews, Phl. Andrews, Stephen Angel, Mathias Anglin, Aaron Angst, George Annadell, William Annadown, Heny. Annadown, John Annibal, James Anthony, Hardaman Apperson, Richd. Applegate, Jacob Applegate, Nicholas Armistead, Bartholmew Armstrong, Jacob D. Armstrong, Thomas Arnes, Mary Arnes, Saml. Arnet, Samuel Arnett, Samuel Arnold, Hiram Arnold, John Arnold, Lindsey Arns, Mary Arns, Saml. Arriwood, Zachariah Ashbrooke, Thomas Ashbrooke, William Asherton, John Askew, Josiah T. Aslin, John Atkins, John Atkins, William Atkinson, Benjamin Atwell, Charles August, George Austin, Robert Aux, Henry Avery, Amos Ayre, John Ayres, Henry Babb, Jethro Babcock, Billings Babcock, Henry Bachelor, Latimore Backus, John Bacon, Artemis W. Bacon, Ebenezer Bacon, Josiah Bacon, Stephen Bacon, Wm. Badger, William Bailey, Appleton Bailey, Enoch Bailey, Isaac Bailey, William Bailey, Wyatt Baker, Fredk. Baker, Isaac Baker, Moses Baker, Susannah Baker, William Baldwin, William Baliff, Joseph Ball, Abner Ball, Silas Ballard, Andrew Ballard, Edward Banister, Jonathan Banks, John Barkem, Ira Barlow, Burn Barnard, Erastus Barnard, Thomas Barncastle, James Barnes, Rodman Barnes, Solomon Barnett, William Barney, Bela Barney, Jonathan Barnhill, Nathan Barron, William Barrow, William T. Bartlett, Abraham Bartlett, John Barton, Aaron Barton, Henry Barton, Jonah Barton, William Basdell, Walter R. Basford, James Basford, Sarah Bass, Edward Bass, Francis Bass, John Bass, William Bassett, William Bateman, Geo. Bates, Archd. B. Batrand, Joseph Baumgardiner, David Baumgardiner, John G. Baxter, Isaac N. Baxter, John Bazewell, John Beache, John Beache, William Bealer, David Beall, Nicholas Beam, Charles Bean, James Bean, Jonathan Bean, William Beans, Robert W. Bear, Jacob Beard, Isaac Beard, Stephen Beardsley, William Beas, David Beasley, Charles Beasley, William Beatty, George Beck, Vevan Beckman, Jacob Bedel, Hazen Beeson, John Belcher, John Bell, Richd. Bellow, John alias Blue Belote, Edmund Belrose, Lewis Belstead, William Belt, Hiram Belt, Humphrey Bender, John Benedict, Amos Benedict, Chancy Bennett, Samuel Benson, John Benson, Thomas B. Benson, William B. Benton, Warren Berger, Evert Berkwith, James Berrian, Thomas Berry, Bayne S. Betting, Peter Bevans, John Beville, Lewis Bibo, Peter Biddle, Richard Biggers, Brumfield Billings, Bolling Bills, Calvin Birch, Daniel Birch, James Bird, Nathaniel Bispham, John Biter, Nicholas Black, George Blackburn, James Blacksbee, John Blair, Elizabeth Blake, William Bland, John Blankinship, John Blasdell, Nathn. Blevins, Daniel Blew, Allen alias Blue Bloomingdale, Jacob Blount, Frederick Blue, John alias Bellow Bobo, Lacy R. Bockman, Uldrich Boden, John Bodwell, Joseph Boern, John Boggs, Solomon Boice, William Boice, William Bond, Burnell Bond, Robt. Bonesteel, Henry Bonestell, Peter Bonner, James Bonner, John Booth, Eli Booth, Thomas Boothe, William B. Bosford, John Bosher, WIlliam Bosher, William Bosworth, Isaac Bosworth, James Botts, Henry Bowen, Andrew Bowen, John Bowen, Lewis Bower, Charles Bowie, Robert Bowlin, Reuben Box, Henry Box, Henry Boyce, Eleazor Boyce, Joseph Boyd, Jas. Boyd, Samuel G. Boyer, Benjamin Boyett, John Boyles, William Boynton, Richard Bracken, Hugh Brackenridge, Alexander Brackenridge, Saml. Braden, Mansfield Bradford, Edward W. Bradley, Harvey Bradley, John Bradley, Joseph Bradley, Levi Bradley, William Bradshaw, John Bradshaw, Solomon Brady, William Brand, George Brandham, Richard Brant, John Brazier, Greenbury Brazier, Thomas Brazier, William Brears, Benjamin Breeding, James Bresee, William Brewer, Archd. Brewer, John Brian, William Bridges, William Briggs, Richard Briggs, Robert Briggs, Shadrich Bright, James Brimer, Jesse Brimer, William Brinckley, Alexander Brinckley, William Brinthinger, Andrew Briston, Francis Britt, Shadrack Britton, Thomas F. Brocket, Sidney Brockhart, Jacob Brockhart, Jno. Brogdon, George Bronson, Hiram Brooks, John Bross, Henry Brown, Abraham E. Brown, Christian Brown, Daniel Brown, Elijah Brown, Henry Brown, Jacob Brown, James Brown, James B. Brown, John Brown, Joseph Brown, Mathew Brown, Mathias Brown, Reuben Brown, Samuel Brown, Samuel R. Brown, Thomas Brown, William Browning, Robert Brownson, William A. Bruce, Achilles Bryant, Joshua Bryant, William Brynson, John Bryson, John Buchannon, Thomas Buckanen, John Buckley, Samuel Bulfinch, Samuel Bulfinch, William Bullard, Brucer Bullock, Leonard Bunnel, Stephen Burbank, Danl. Burd, John Burgess, George Burk, Edward Burk, Stephen Burke, Ann Burke, John B. Burkett, Henry Burman, William Burn, WIllis Burner, James Burner, John Burnes, John Burnett, Micajah Burns, Andrew Burns, Samuel Burns, William Burnsides, David Burrill, Mansfield Burrow, Joseph Burrows, Abraham Burrows, John Burruss, John Burton, Hiram Burton, John S. Burton, Willand Burwell, Stephen Burwell, Zachariah Bush, Ezra Buswell, James Butler, Daniel Butler, Henry Butler, Mathew Butler, Micajah Butler, William Button, Benjamin F. Cadderman, Davd. Caderman, David Caderman, Jacob Cadle, Benjamin Cadwell, William Cahill, Michael Cain, William Caldwell, Robert Call, Calvin Call, Charles Call, Ezra D. Call, Orvis Call, Rufus Callis, Abel Callis, David Calvert, Jesse Calvert, Nash Cameron, John Camp, Betsy Campbell, John Campbell, Mary Campbell, Robert Campbell, William Canada, Moses Canfield, Thadeus Canfield, Thadeus Canny, Barnett Canny, John Cantrell, Elijah Cantrell, Elijah Capon, Ebenezer Capon, Nathanl. Cargill, Cornelius D. Carley, Jonathan Carley, William Carlisle, William Carlton, George Carlton, James Carmedy, John Carnahan, Thompson Carnham, Thompson Carol, Martin Carpenter, R. B. Carpenter, Wallace Carr, Cyrus Carr, Francis Carr, Redden Carrick, Obediah Carrol, Daniel Carrol, Hamilton Carrol, James Carrol, James B. Carson, Peter Carter, Abner Carter, Benjamin Abner Carter, George Carter, Thomas M. Caswell, Asa Caswell, Elmire Cawley, John Chadwell, Duff Chamberlain, William Champlain, John B. Chance, Henry Chandler, Abner Chandler, Jacob Chappel, Isaac Green Chard, Samuel Charlton, Thomas Chase, John Cheatham, Stephen Cheatham, William Childers, William Christian, Benjamin R. Christian, Westley Ciders, Solomon Cissna, Robt. Claborn, John Claibourne, Thomas Clark, Andrew Clark, John Clark, Samuel Clark, Timothy Clarke, Guy Clarke, Rueben Clarkson, Benjamin Cleveland, Warren Clifford, George Clifford, James Cline, Henry Cline, John Clisby, Sally H. Close, Elijah Cobb, Benjamin Cobb, Joseph Cobb, Stephen Cobert, David P. Cochran, Jesse Cole, Nathaniel Cole, Henry Cole, Morris Cole, William B Coleby, Enoch Coleman, Danl. Coleman, William Collier, Francis Collins, Spencer Collins, Durham Collins, Henry Collins, John Collins, Joseph E. Collins, William Colson, John Colson, Samuel Columbex, Nicholas Combs, Will Conchey, David Congden, John B. Conger, Samuel Connel, Stephen P. Conner, Torance Conner, George Conner, Josiah Conner, Levi Conner, Mathew Conway, Henry Coody, Hiram Cook, Jonathan Cook, Austin Cook, George K. Cook, John Cook, Paul Cook, Peter Cooper, Moses Cotterman, David Cowan, William Cowles, Darius N. Cox, John Cox, Swain Craft, Anthony Craft, George B. Cramlish, Daniel Crandell, Aaron Crane, John Crane, Amasa Crane, Chancy Crane, Luther Crane, Sally Crapo, Ezra B. Crawford, James Creelay, William Crowder, Joseph Crowder, William C. Crumb, Simeon P. Crumlish, Daniel Crushaw, Joseph Culp, Martin Cummings, Ephraim Cumpton, William Cunningham, John Cunningham, Jacob F. Curlett, James Currier, Samuel Currier, Rueben Currier, Samuel Sr. Curry, John Curry, William Curtis, George B. Curtis, Henry Cutler, Daniel Cutler, Daniel Cutting, Cyprean Dabbs, William Daffen, George Daily, John Daily, Michael Daily, Michael Dakin, Heirs of James Dalrymple, Dennis Dalrymple, Mahlon Dalton, William Daman, Abiah Damerson, Onis Daniel, Hiram Daniel, Robert Daniels, Timothy O. Daniels, Wm. R. Darden, James Dauson, Fredk. David, Mary Davidson, Daniel Davidson, Daniel Davidson, John Davidson, Robert Davis, Benjamin Davis, Eli Davis, Abraham Davis, Alfred Davis, Amasa Davis, Ananias Davis, Charles Davis, David Davis, Edmund Davis, Edwin Davis, Ephraim Davis, Jacob Davis, James Davis, Jeremiah Davis, John Davis, Lewis Davis, Moses Davis, Saml. Davis, Thomas Davis, Willis Davis, Wm. Day, George Day, John Day, John Dayton, Samuel Dayton, David B. Dearborn, David Debnam, Thomas R. Deboard, Jacob Deboard, Joseph Degrew, William Deland, Nathaniel Demony, Richard Denio, Frederick Denner, Joseph R. Denton, Joel Denton, Rowland Derby, Henry Deshon, James Devaughn, Jonathan Devore, David Dewitt, Abraham Dewitt, Charles Dexter, William Diamond, William Dibler, Mathias Dice, Wm. Dickenson, Thomas Dickenson, Wm. Dickson, Wilson Dill, Samuel Dill, Caleb Dilmore, John Dinally, Gillfield Dingley, Daniel Dishon, James Dixon, Amos Dize, Levin Dobbin, Arthur Dobbins, James Doe, David Doinburgh, Henry Dolby, Stephen Dolph, Dennis Dominick, John Donald, Issac O. Donaldson, William Done, John Doneway, Joseph Donoho, George Dorsett, Lyman Dosey, Clement R. Dosey, Thomas B. Dossey, Clement R. Doty, Abraham Doty, John Doty, Joseph Doty, Thomas T. Dougherty, Thomas Dougherty, Charles Dougherty, Dennis Dougherty, Edward Dougherty, James Dougherty, Peter Doughton, John Douglass, Jeremiah Dow, Benjamin Dow, James Dowell, Samuel Dowling, Joseph Dowling, Peter Dowling, Peter Downes, Jonathan Downing, Charles I. Downs, James Dowsett, Joseph G. Dowsett, Lyman Doyal, Willey Drake, George W. Drake, James K. Drennon, Ebenezer Dressier, Aaron Driver, Warren Drury, John Dubois, Elisha Duboy, John Duchan, Wm. Dudley, William Duett, Larkin Duffy, Patrick Dugan, James Dugan, William Duggins, Samuel Duke, Geo. Duke, John C. Dunbar, Sullivan Duncan, Coleman Duncan, Lewis Duncanson, John Dunham, Jabez Dunn, John Dunn, Thomas L. Dunnan, William Dunnivant, Walter P. Dunton, John Dunton, Peleg Durgen, John Durway, Rock Dwell, James Dyer, James Eamon, John Earl, Daniel Earsley, James Eason, Jesse East, Ezekiel A. Eastland, John A. Eastman, Henry Easton, John R. Eaton, George Eaty, William Eckford, James Eddy, William Ederty, Lettice Edick, Rebecca Edington, James Edington, Nicholas Edwards, Asa Edwards, Edward Edwards, Elisha Edwards, Elisha Edwards, Perry Edwards, Thomas Egelston, James Egelston, John Thomas Ekelston, James Ekelston, John Thomas Elam, Elisha E. Ellinger, Jacob Ellington, Daniel Elliott, John Ellis, Noah Elmendorf, Coemad T. Elwell, Joel Emery, Joseph Emmerson, Reuben Emmons, Samuel English, Solomon English, Gideon Eomer, Emanuel Erskine, David Erskine, Joseph Erwen, Rachael Erwin, John K. Essleiver, John E. alias Silver Evans, Cornelius Evans, Benjamin Evans, Daniel Evans, David Evans, Henry Evans, Joseph Evans, W. G. Evans, William Evans, Wright Eveland, Frederick Eveland, Moses Everett, Agnes Everett, John Everett, Philip Ewen, Elisha Ewen, John Ewing, James Ewing, Matthew Ezell, Balsam Fairfield, Jack Fait, Peter Fales, Oliver Farnsworth, W. B. Farrell, John Farrell, George Farrell, Robert Farrett, Everard Farry, Daniel Faulkner, Jacob Fauy, Daniel Fears, Heirs of Henry Felty, Henry Felty, Jacob Felty, Leonard Fergus, Conrad Ferguson, James C. Ferguson, Joseph Ferguson, Joseph Ferguson, Thomas H. Ferguson, Thos. H. Ferrel, Zachariah Ferrell, George L. Ferrell, James Ferrell, John O. Ferrison, John Fessenden, Gamuel B. Fields, George Fields, John Figg, John Filluet, Louis Finch, Leonard Finn, Greenbury Fish, Job Fisher, John B. Fisher, Francis Fisher, Frederick Fisher, Lemuel Fisher, Martin Fisk, Asa Fitzgerald, James Fitzjeffery, Richd. Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, Rees Flemming, Israel Flemming, James Flemming, Mary Ann Flesher, Eliza Flesher, John Fletcher, Pamelia Fletcher, Guin Fletcher, Oliver Flick, Gersham Fling, Richard Flinn, Jeremiah Flisher, Eliza Flisher, John Floid, James Flower, Harrison Flower, Beldad Flowers, Zion Floyd, Charles Floyd, James Floyd, Jonathan Foley, Wm. Fontain, Francis Foot, David Foot, Rodk. R. Forbes, William Ford, George Fossett, Alexr. Foster, Harrison Foster, Alexander Foster, James Foster, John Foster, Wm. Fountain, Henry Fowler, Thomas Fowler, William Fox, Francis Fox, John Fox, Samuel Fraill, John Francis, Cyrus K. Francis, Ephraim Francis, George Franklin, Thomas Franklin, John Franklin, Lewis Franklin, Olney Franks, Bruet Franks, John Frary, Benjamin Frary, Eleazer Freeman, Moses Freighner, Hugh French, John French, Rodney French, Thomas Frith, William Frost, Aaron Frost, Nehemiah Fry, James Fry, Philip Fryer, John Fuller, Henry Fulton, John Furgason, Jonas Furguson, Alexander Furguson, Alexander Furguson, Larkin Gage, Judah Gage, William Gail, Ambrose Gaines, James Gale, John G. Gale, Jonathan Gale, Simeon Galligher, Isaac Gamble, John Gammell, Nathan Gann, Wm. Gardiner, Hezekiah Gardiner, Daniel Gardiner, John G. Garlick, Reuben Garnett, Abraham Garrett, Levi Garrett, John Garrett, Jonathan Garring, Henry Garrison, William Garuin, Thomas Garvey, Eleanor Garvey, Joseph Gates, John P. Gates, Jasper Gates, Peter Gates, William Gatling, Joseph Gaurtney, James Gentry, William D. German, Thomas Gerry, Seth Gettis, David Gibson, James Gibson, James Gibson, John Gibson, Thomas Gilchel, Gilman Giles, Joseph Gill, John Gillaspie, James Gillegan, Arty Ginn, Sherwood Ginnings, Edward Gladhill, Thomas Gleeton, Moses Glenn, John Glisson, James Gloster, William Glover, Robert Glover, Roderick Gloyd, Peter Goble, Abraham Goble, Stephen Goodwin, Frederick Gordon, John Gordon, Lee Grace, Samuel Grandy, Bezaliel Grant, Adam Graves, Vincent C. Gregg, Andrew Grimes, James Grover, John Guffy, Henry Guyer, Jacob Haden, William Hagins, Zachariah Hahn, Fredk. Haines, Benjamin Hall, Andrew Hall, Jacob Hall, James Hall, William Hamby, Thomas Hamlett, John Hammond, James Hancock, Joel Hanna, William Harris, Overton Harris, Thomas Hart, John Hawks, Joshua Head, R. J. Heath, Samuel Henderson, Nathaniel Hendrick, John Hendricks, Samuel Hood, W. G. Howard, Benjamin Howard, Josiah Hudson, James Huff, John Hughes, Daniel Hunt, John Hutchings, Eliakim Hutchins, Henry Hutchinson, Samuel Hutchinson, Saul Hutchinson, Sewall Hutchinson, Thomas Hutson, John Hyde, Constant Ijams, Isaac Ingraham, Amaziah Inman, Levi Irones, Charles Irvine, David C. Ives, William Ivey, James Jacklin, Joseph Jackson, Gabriel Jackson, Green T. Jackson, James Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Moses Jackson, Samuel Jackson, Sheldon Jacobs, Elisha Jacobs, William James, Samuel James, William Jasmine, Joseph Jasmine, Peter Jasmyne, Peter Jay, Joseph Jefferes, Thomas Jeffers, Richard Jeffrey, John Jenkins, Drury Jenkins, Hannah Jenkins, John B. Jerrold, Gideon Jett, James Jewell, Crampkin Johnson, Amasiah Johnson, Amos Johnson, Enoch Johnson, Hanna Johnson, Isaac Johnson, James Johnson, John Johnson, Jonathan O. Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Nicholas Johnson, Samuel Johnson, William Johnson, William M. Joiner, Joseph Jones, Charles Jones, Henry T. Jones, Jarvis Jones, John Jones, Joshua Jones, Levin Jones, Robert Jones, Robert T. P. Jones, William Jones, Wood Joseph, Peter Jourdan, Benjamin Kalvay, Patrick Kanada, Ephraim Kavanaugh, John Kay, Polly Keith, Sihon Kelly, Patrick Kendal, Samuel Kendley, Samuel Kene, Jacob Kennison, Eliphalet Kester, Noah Keyes, Samuel Keyser, Flemming Keywood, Joseph Kilby, Christopher Kiley, John Kimble, William Kimbrough, Elijah Kiner, Abm. Kiner, David King, Conrad King, Elizabeth King, Ignatius King, John King, Thomas King, Thos. G. King, William Kingrey, William Kirkpatrick, Hugh Kitchen, Moses Kittrell, Drew Klingman, George Klipper, David Klipper, Joseph Kneedler, Bastian Kneedler, Bastian Kneeland, John Knight, Daniel Knight, James Knowles, Joseph Koile, Joseph Kreps, George Ladd, Reuben Lafayette, James Laird, Benjamin Laird, John Laird, William Lake, Heirs of Samuel Lakeman, Jesse Lakin, Moses M. Lamb, John Lambert, John F. Lampart, Michael Lamphier, Saxton Lancaskes, Jacob Lancaster, William Lancisicus, George Land, Joseph Land, Sumpter Landroche, Andrew alias Landroff Landroche, Pierre Lane, Daniel Lane, Elhanah Lane, Isaac Lane, William J. Lang, John Langael, Timothy Langrell, Thomas Languel, Peter Lanier, Clement Lanier, Edward Laning, John Lansford, James Lansford, Micajah Lappin, John Lappin, Robt. Lapping, Robert Larencell, Joseph Lark, Joseph Larkin, James Larrabee, Russel Laugherty, Charles Lawrence, James Lawson, Andrew Lawton, Harvey Layne, Robert Lea, John Leach, Wm. Leavitt, Michael Lee, James Lee, Lydia Lee, Richard Leech, Joseph Leeman, John Leferry, George Lefford, Frederick Leforge, Stephen L. Lenderman, Eli Lents, Jacob Lentz, Henry Lentz, Jacob Leonard, Alfred Leonard, David Leonard, David Lepper, Jacob W. Lester, Alexander Levi, John Lewallen, Elijah Lewis, Henry Lewis, Isaac Lewis, John W. Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Laurence Lewis, Thomas Licose, Gabriel Liggett, Baker Lillard, James Lincoln, Daniel Lincoln, Thomas Lindsey, Francis Lindsey, John Lingar, John Lingard, Noah Lingo, Elijah Linsey, Alpheis Linsey, Wm. Lishmore, John Liswell, Charles Liswell, Thomas Littlefield, Jacob Littlehale, Isaac Lockhart, John Lockie, Andrew Loftlin, John Logan, John Logan, Philip Loge, Peter Lokey, Pierce London, Giles Long, Joel Long, Reuben Longwith, James Longwith, Josiah Lontz, Samuel Lookingbill, Daniel Loomis, Danl. Loomis, Philander Loree, Samuel Louge, Samuel Love, James Love, John Lovegrove, George Lovelace, Eli Lovelace, David Lovering, Richard Lowther, George Lucas, Archibald Lucas, Ashael Lucas, Timothy Lucas, William Luckett, Wm. Lucky, James Ludlam, William Luffman, Daniel Lufkin, Stephen Lumberson, John Lumsden, Charles D. Lynch, Abner Lynch, John Lyons, John Lyons, Thomas Lysinzer, Jacob Lytle, Robert Macon, Gideon H. Macon, Spencer Maddan, William alias Madin Maddox, Samuel Maddux, Nathaniel Note: Land in Dallas County, source Marsha Maddux-North Magee, John Mahen, Mitchel Malin, Zachariah Mallory, Jesse H. Manchester, Abel Mandell, Samuel Manes, George Mann, John Mann, Stephen Manon, Leonard Mansfield, John Mapes, James Marable, John Marchent, Agur B. Marie, Louis Marks, John Marks, Nathaniel Maronex, Abraham Marsh, Ephraim Marsh, Joseph Marshall, William P. Marson, Christopher Marstellar, Eleanor Martin, Dory Martin, Edward Martin, Elijah Martin, G. W. Martin, Henry Martin, James Martin, John Martin, Rhodeham Martin, Samuel Martin, Thomas Martin, William Martine, Thomas Mashburn, William Mason, David G. Mason, John Mason, Laban Mason, William Mastick, Willard Matheny, Samuel Mathews, Drury Mathews, John Mathews, Thomas Mathias, Simon Mattoon, Levi Maxfield, Henry Maxfield, Patrick Maxfield, Patrick Maybrray, Orran McAllister, John McAnally, Jesse McAnally, Jesse McAnmon, Robert alias McCammon McBay, John McBride, James McBroom, Thomas McCaffel, John McCafferty, James McCall, Thomas McCallister, John McCannah, John McCarty, Isaac McCarty, John McCarty, John McCary, Lewis McClare, James McClary, John McClendon, Hally McCollester, William McCollough, William McConchey, David McConchey, David McCoy, David McCoy, Hugh McCoy, John McCoy, John McCra, Anguish McCrea, John McCready, James McCreary, William McCrumb, William McCurdy, Corns. McCurdy, Daniel McCurdy, Elijah McDade, John McDermott, Peter McDonald, Francis McDonald, Hiram McDonald, John M. McDuff, Daniel McDugell, John McDugell, William B. McElliott, Thomas McElroy, W. J. McEwen, Samuel McFadion, Alexander McFarland, Daniel McFarland, James McFee, James McField, Joseph McGallaspie, Matthew McGee, Thomas McGenity, Nicholas McGiffin, Charles McGinnis, Paul McGraw, Michl. McGuire, John McGuire, Robert McGuyer, James McHawes, Reuben McIlvain, Samuel McIntire, Robert McIntosh, Daniel McKain, James McKenna, Solomon McKenney, John McKenny, Patrick McKim, Wm. McKinley, James McKinley, Michl. McKnight, Anthony McKonoghy, David McLaughlin, James McLaughlin, William McLean, John McManing, George McMillan, John McMillen, John McMullen, Hugh McMullen, James R. McMullen, Neal McMurphy, David McNeilly, John McQuilkin, Daniel McWharter, Andrew Meader, James Means, Jacob Measer, John Mediste, Asa Medley, Basil Meeker, John Melder, John Meloy, Peter Melton, Absalom Melton, James Melton, Levi Melvin, Jacob Menard, William Mencher, Jno. alias Minshall Meredith, John L. Merrill, Salley Merrit, James W. Merritt, Caleb Messick, Nehemiah Metavia, Francis Miles, Allen Miles, William Milford, Ananis Miller, Elizabeth Miller, George Miller, Jacob Miller, James Miller, John Miller, Rebecca Millikin, Ezekiel Millikin, Sterling T. Millrany, Aaron Mills, Gideon Mills, James Mills, Joshua Mills, Menan Milton, Alexr. Minott, Robert Minshall, Jno. alias Mencher Minshall, Thomas Mitchell, Thomas Moise, Richard Moite, James Monroe, John Montgomery, Hugh Montgomery, James Montgomery, Noble Montgomery, Richd. Moon, David Moon, James Moon, John Moon, Thomas Mooney, James Moore, Alfred Moore, Allen Moore, Auguste Moore, Hugh A. Moore, John B. Moore, Joseph Moore, Martha Moore, Michael Moore, Thomas Moore, William Moorhouse, Charles Moorhouse, Timothy Moran, Wm. Morau, William Morehead, William Morehouse, Mary Moreland, John Moreland, Thomas H. Morgan, Charles Morgan, James Morgan, James W. Morgan, Jeremiah W. Morgan, John Morgan, Paul Morgan, Thomas Morley, Elijah Morr, Westley Morrill, Jacob B. Morrill, John Morris, Daniel Morris, David Morris, Ephraim Morris, H. J. Morris, Hezekiah Morris, Isaish Morris, Jacob Jr. Morris, Joseph Morris, Mayhew Morris, Morris Morris, Timothy Morris, William Morrison, David Morrison, Moses Morrow, David Morse, Newbury Morse, Newbury Morton, Patrick Mosher, Philip Mosier, Polly Mothershed, Thomas Mount, Harris Mulany, Thomas Munday, Ambrose Mundel, Andrew Murdel, Matty Murfey, Samuel Muroe, William Murphey, Samuel Murphey, William Murphy, Tarlton Murrow, Isaac Muse, Daniel Musser, Jacob Myers, Charles Myers, John Myers, Peter Neiter, William T. Nelson, James Nelson, Mary Nesbit, James Newsom, William Newton, James Nicholas, Francis Nichols, Alexander Nichols, Ephraim F. Nichols, John Nichols, John H. Nichols, Peggy Nichols, Samuel Nicholson, James M. Nicholson, John Nickerson, Seth Nix, George Nixon, William Noble, John Nock, Daniel Nock, Stephen Nolan, Randolph Nolen, Mordicai Nolin, Joseph Nonty, John B. Norman, Elkiakim Norman, James Norris, James Norris, John B. Northover, William Northrap, John Northum, Miles Northup, Asa Nowlin, Frederick Nute, David Oakes, Electus O'Bannion, William O'Brien, Luke O'Brien, Richd. O'Connor, Thos. O'Diorm, Comfort O'Donnell, Mathew Odum, Benjamin O'Fling, Patrick Ogden, Amos Ogden, James Olds, Eli Olds, Orandatus Oliver, Joshua Oliver, Wm. B. Olivet, Amos O'Neil, Henry O'Neill, John Orison, Jacob Ormon, Hugh Ormon, Hugh Orn, Ebenezer Orr, Hugh R. Osborn, Elenor Osborne, Wilson S. Osburn, Isaac Ostrander, Jacob Ostrander, John Ostrander, Tunis Otis, John Outerbridge, John Colear O'Vail, John Overton, Harriet Overton, Willis Owens, Evan Owens, John Owens, William P. Owings, Reuben Oxley, Henry Paetzman, Daniel Page, Benjamin Page, John Pain, Noah Palmer, Edward Palmer, Ephraim Palmer, Pharis S. Palmer, Richard Palmer, Zuriel Palmeteer, John alias Palmetier Parish, Azariah Parish, Zadock Parker, Anderson Parker, Burwell Parker, David Parker, James Parker, Lewis Parker, Stephen Parker, Stokely B. Parker, Stokely W. Parker, William Parkest, Henry Parkinson, Thomas Parks, James Parnell, Jacob Parozett, Francis Parrish, John Parrish, Samuel Parrott, Tho. Parsell, David Parsell, John Parsons, David Partin, Elijah Pascall, Jeremiah Patterson, Albert Patterson, James Patterson, John Patton, Alexander T. Patton, Matthew Paul, David Paul, Jesse Paul, Simeon Paxton, William Payne, Agnes Payne, Benjamin D. Payne, Moses Payne, Robert A. Peace, Absolom Pead, Thomas Pearce, Jeremiah Pease, John Peavy, John Peck, Andrew Peck, Jacob Peeples, Alexander Pell, Thomas Pennell, Edward Penny, Edward Penny, Ira Penturf, Jacob Peoples, John Peoples, Thomas Percells, David Perkins, Lydie Perry, Nicholas Perry, Thomas Perry, William Peters, James Peters, Warner Peterson, Henry Pettes, Mason Pettest, Benjamin Pettigrew, William Pettus, Thomas Pevey, John S. Phelps, Alvin Phillips, Jacob Phillips, William B. Phillips, Zaran Phinny, Daniel Phippen, William Picett, James Pickard, Benjamin Picket, Lester Pierce, Augustin C. Pierce, Eliakim Pierce, Israel Pierce, Joseph Pierce, Lyman Pierce, Moses Pierce, Simon Pierce, Stephen Pierce, William Piersoll, Jeremiah Piffle, William Pike, Dominich Pike, Heirs of Thomas Pine, George Pine, Joseph Pinney, Darius C. Pitcher, Charles Pitt, James Piver, Zachariah Pixley, John Plain, John D. Plumb, Joseph Plummer, Abegail Plummer, Josh Poland, Peter Polard, Joseph Pollan, Robert Pollard, Robert Pollard, Thomas Pons, John B. Ponts, John B. Pool, Eunice Port, Christian Porter, David Porter, Hugh Porter, Josiah Porterfield, Sarah Portico, Miles Potter, Andrew Potter, Nicholas Poultett, Lewis Powell, Augustus Powell, Richard Powers, Daniel Powers, James Powll, Martin Prather, Charles Pratt, Ebenezer Pratt, Jesse Pratt, Thomas Preble, Adolphus Prentice, John Prentice, Theo. B. Prescott, Ann Prescott, Nathan S. Price, Alexander Price, Constant W. Rainwater, William Ray, John T. Reese, George Rhea, John Rhea, Mathew Richards, William L. Richardson, Moses Roach, David Roberts, Paschal Robinson, Hugh Robison, Mathew Russell, Phillip Satterfield, James Sayers, Daniel Scott, Claiborn Shoemaker, Charles Smith, Benjamin Snell, Job Staples, David Stearnes, William Steen, George Steerman, William Step, Stephen Stephens, Davis Stephens, Giles Stephens, John Stephenson, John Stevens, Henry Stevens, James D. Stevens, John I. Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Francis R. Stewart, Isaac Stewart, Robert Stewart, Samuel Stewart, Thomas B. Stewart, William Stickney, William Stileson, John Stillwell, Nelly Stilts, Jacob Stinson, John Stocker, James Stockwell, Abel Stockwell, William Stoddard, Avery Stoddard, Nathan Stoker, Berriman Stone, Ebenr. Lock Stone, Nathaniel Stone, Wm. Storrs, Asahel Stotts, John M. Stover, James Stratten, Hosea Straughn, William Strickland, Carmill Strope, John Strover, John Stull, John Sturgeon, William Sugg, Isiah Sullivan, James Sullivan, Jos. B. Sullivan, Judith Summer, Jethro Sutton, Joseph Swain, James Sweeny, David Sweet, Nelson Sweet, Ona Talley, Anson Tanner, Stephen Tapscott, Harriot Tapscott, James Tasker, Simeon Tate, Elijah Taunt, Irvin Taylor, Ashbell Taylor, Benjamin Taylor, Daniel W. Taylor, Eliphalet Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Jacob Taylor, Jesse Taylor, John Taylor, Richard Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Thomas T. Taylor, Warren Taylor, William Teal, Wm. Teer, Moses Tennison, David Terry, Dickinson Tharp, John Thatcher, Amos Thatcher, Charles Thayer, Honor Thomas, Calvin Thomas, James Thomas, John Thomas, Johnson Thomas, Lewis Thomas, Samuel Thomas, William Thompson, Eliza Thompson, George Thompson, Griffin Thompson, Henry Thompson, Henry J. Thompson, James Thompson, Jesse Thompson, John Thompson, Joshua Thompson, Robert Thompson, Thomas Thompson, Thomas J. Thompson, Valentine Thompson, William Thorp, G. F. Thruston, Oliver Tiffany, Fredk. Tilley, David Tilley, George Tilley, Sally Tillorson, Ezra Timmons, Deborah Timmons, John Timmons, Samuel Tingley, Daniel Tinsbloom, Thomas Toller, William J. Tompkins, James Toner, Joseph Topping, Samuel W. Totty, Thomas E. Tower, James Towers, Micah Town, Edmund Toy, Andrew Toy, James Tracy, Silas Tracy, Thomas Travis, Joseph Traylor, George Treal, David Treighner, Hugh Tremble, John Tremble, Peter Trout, Jacob Troy, John Trumley, John Tucker, Benjamin Tucker, William Turgett, Larkin Turke, Ahas Turke, Benjamin Turner, Edward Turner, Ezekiel Turner, Jesse Turner, John Turner, Joseph Turner, Samuel Turnham, Fredk. Tuttle, Thomas Twin, Joseph Tyrrell, Rosewell Underwood, Littleton Upright, William H. Uptergrove, George Uptergrove, John Utley, Elisha Vager, Henry Valencourt, Henry Van Bomble, Christian Van Buren, John Van Campson, Henry Van Drewer, Daniel Van Drewer, John Van Pelt, Isaac Van Sant, Joshua Van Ville, Raymond Van Vrankon, Cornelius Van Vrankon, Jacob Vanburen, Peter Vance, Jesse Vance, Jesse Vance, Robert Vance, Robert Vanderbeck, Jacob Vanderburgh, Garret Vangeson, George Vannator, John Varner, Henry Varsham, Henry Vaughn, David Venable, Richard Venus, Richard Verrill, Nathaniel Victory, Memory Vincent, Jesse Viverett, James Viverett, Micajah Voluntine, Ezra Von Hagen, Peter A. Vosburgh, John Vronan, Peter J. Wabround, Benjamin Waddle, George Wade, Edward Wade, Jno. Wade, Zachariah Waems, Henry Waggoner, John F. Waggoner, Michael Wagner, John F. Wagnon, Mark Waide, Jno. Wait, David V. Waldron, Jabez Walker, Chester Walker, Elisha Walker, James Walker, Jeremiah Walker, Samuel Walker, Spencer Walker, Thomas Walker, William Wall, David Wall, James Wall, Thomas Wall, William Wallace, Aaron Wallace, George Washington Waller, Daniel Waller, Edward Waller, Isaac H. Waller, Sterling Walsh, Bartholmew Walsinger, John Walther, Christian G. Walton, Vincent Waltriss, William Wamack, Wm. Ward, Enoch Ward, James M. Ward, Jasper Ward, Samuel Ward, Thomas Ward, William Warderman, George Wardrode, Daniel Wardwell, Daniel Wardwell, Joel Warner, Jesse Warren, Heirs of William W. Warren, Lot Warrin, Daniel Washam, John Washam, John Washbourn, Thomas Waterberry, Lewis Waterman, Luke Waterman, Samuel Watkins, Nicholas Watkins, Thomas Watlington, William H. Watson, Ansel Watson, Joseph Watson, Solomon Watson, Zariel Watts, Burgess Watts, Edward Watts, James Watts, John Watts, Ruben Wauger, John Way, Charles Weathers, Henry Weaver, Isaac Webb, Homer Wedington, Joshiah Weed, Grant Weed, Jacob Weed, John Weekly, Abraham Welch, Edward Welch, Jacob Welch, John Welcome, Mathurin Wells, Aaron Wells, Miles Wells, Peterson E. Wells, Robert Welsh, David Wesner, Thomas Wessen, Reuben Wessenhunt, Henry West, Eli West, James West, John West, Nimrod S. West, Robert D. West, William Westbrook, Thomas Weston, James Wetherell, Rufus Whalen, Jeremiah Whalen, Richard Whaples, Romanta L. Wharf, Daniel Wheeler, Henry Wheeler, Jerrod Wheeler, Peter Wheless, Lion Whelin, Martin Whelin, Martin Whidden, Michael Whipple, Martin B. Whitaker, Ira Whitaker, Thomas White, Benjamin White, Bennett White, Chas. White, Freeman White, George White, George W. White, Henry White, Ira White, Jacob White, John A. White, Joseph White, Martha White, Robert White, William Whitehead, Armistead Whitehead, Daniel Whitehead, James Whitehead, Tho. Whitely, James Whitfield, Gifford G. Whitfield, John Whitfield, Richard Whitfield, William Whitlock, Simeon A. Whitlow, Solomon Whitman, Alvin Whitman, Jeremiah Whitman, John Whitman, Martin C. Whitmey, Abijah R. Whitmore, Jonathan Whitney, Caleb Whitney, William Whitson, Joseph Whittlesey, Joseph Whitton, Jonathan Wiard, Sally Wiatt, Wm. Wickard, David Wickersham, Samuel Wickham, Robert Wickwise, Alpheus Wickwise, John Wickwise, John Wide, John Wiggins, Edward Wilbar, Charles Wilcox, Daniel Wilder, Titus Wilds, Michael Wiley, Isaac Wiley, John Wilhelm, Jacob Wilkerson, Allen Wilkey, George Wilkinson, Andrew Wilkinson, Daniel Wilkinson, Drury C. Wilkinson, Samuel Willes, William Willey, Henry Williams, Anderson Williams, David Williams, David Williams, Elijah Williams, George Williams, Giles L. Williams, Henry I. Williams, James Williams, John Williams, John B. Williams, Laban Williams, Littleberry Williams, Permenos Williams, Richd. Williams, Thomas Williams, Thomas Williams, William Williamson, George Williamson, George Williamson, James Williamson, John Williamson, Lucinda Williamson, Thomas Willis, Jonan. Willis, Joseph Wills, John Wilson, Abraham Wilson, Alexander Wilson, David Wilson, Gilbert Wilson, Giles Wilson, John Wilson, Jonathan Wilson, Moses Wilson, Robert Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Thomas Wilson, William Winslow, Nathn. Wirtz, William Wiswell, Daniel Wood, Asa C. Wood, David Wood, Isaac Wood, John B. Wood, John L. Wood, Lee Wood, William Woodbanks, Lewis Woodbury, Israel Woodcock, Aaron Wooden, Allen Woods, Curtis Woods, Jeptha Woods, Jonathan Woods, Silas Woods, Ziba Woodward, Charles Wooten, John Wooton, John Worden, Daniel Worley, John Worsham, John Wray, William Wright, Caleb Wright, Charles Wright, Christopher W. Wright, Jacob Wright, James Wright, John Wright, John E. Wright, Martin Wright, Nathaniel Wright, Samuel W. Wyatt, James Wyatt, William Wythe, Chas. Yancey, Ambrose Yarbrough, Benjamin Yarney, Benjamin Yearns, William Yeaty, John Young, Francis M. Young, George Young, Isham Young, John Young, Levy Young, Martin Young, Mary Zimmerman, Frederick This list is a work in progress.
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