Benton County Missouri GenWeb
Civil War, Benton County Mo Home Guards Roster
Roster of Benton County Missouri Home Guards Infantry
(German Regiment, Missouri Volunteers)
13 June 1861 - 13 September 1861
A - E
Name---Rank---Company---Age---Birthplace---Residence---Roster Notes---Pension Data---Death Date
("died ca" indicates year widow's pension application was filed, and may be later than actual date)
Ahrens, John--Pvt--C--29--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1890--died 1900
Albers, Henry--Pvt--C--37--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1893 Smithton
Aldag, Cord--1Lt--D--46--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died ca 1872
Aldag, Henry--1Sgt--D--53--Hanover--Benton Co--"wounded"--no pension data--died 1889 Sedalia
Alpers, John--Pvt--A--43--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension application 1891--died 1902
Bahner, Edward--Pvt--F--26--Rhineland--Pettis Co--pension 1904--died 1909
Bahrenburg, Frederick--Pvt--A--18--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1893--died 1928
Bahrenburg, John--Pvt--E--21--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1899--died 1914
Bahrenburg, John F--1Lt--E--49--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--pension 1864--died 1896
Bahrenburg, Martin--Cpl--A--17--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1883--died 1935 Warrensburg
Balke, Henry--Sgt--E--60--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1885
Balke, Henry D--Pvt--A--33--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1891--died 1907
Balke, Henry P--Pvt--A--33--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1902
Balke, Herman--Pvt--A--17--Benton Co--Benton Co--pension 1906--died 1917
Balke, Jacob--Pvt--A--24--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--killed C.C. Battle
Barcus, Charles E--Pvt--B--24--Indiana--Benton Co-- widow's pension--died 1892
Barteman, Mathias--Pvt--B--unknown; not found in census and no pension application
Bauer, Frederick--Pvt--A--24--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1879--died 1913
Becker, Claus--Pvt--E--26--Hanover--Benton Co--(see pension footnote)--killed C.C. Battle
Beckman, Henry--Pvt--B--18--Hanover--Benton Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1862
Behrens, Frederick--Pvt--E--50--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1883
Behrens, William--Pvt--B--45--Hanover--Benton Co--(see pension footnote)--died after 1894
Bellmann, Henry--Pvt--E--20--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1892--died 1910 Franklin Co
Bellmer, John C--Pvt--F--33--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1892--died 1901 Dunkerton, Iowa
Bellmer, John F--Pvt--F--27--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension applic 1891 denied--died Sedalia?
Benz, August--2Lt--B--30--Wurtemburg--Benton Co--pension 1890 Kansas--died 1902 Benton Co
Bergmann, Christian--Pvt--D--32--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1902
Bergmann, Theodore--Pvt--A--29--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension 1864--killed C.C. battle
Berkenbeul, Peter--Pvt--B--44--Prussia--Morgan Co--no pension data--died before 1876
Bethke, John--Sgt--E--40--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1892
Beyer, Daniel--Pvt--F--37--Rhineland--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1900 Benton Co
Birch, Cornelius--Pvt--F--29--Missouri--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1871 Syracuse Mo
Birch, James--Pvt--F--33--Missouri--Morgan Co--widow's pension 1873 (12th Mo Cav)--died 1864
Birch, Tolbert--Pvt--F--17--Missouri--Morgan Co--pension 1883 (9th MSM)--died 1910 Slater Mo
Bischoff, Diedrich--Pvt--B--22--Hanover--Benton Co--(aka Bishop)--no pension data--died 1875
Bischoff, Henry--Pvt--B--18--Hanover--Benton Co--(aka Bishop)--pension 8th MSM--died 1925 Calif
Bischoff, John--Pvt--D--25--Hanover--Benton Co--(aka Bishop)--pension 8th MSM--died 1918 Oregon
Bland, James--Sgt--B--unknown; not found census and no pension application
Blanken, Claus--Pvt--A--19--Hanover--Morgan Co--died 1863 Memphis of typhoid, 12th Mo Inf
Blanken, Herman--Pvt--F--24--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--fate unknown
Blanken, John--Pvt--F--41--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--killed C.C. battle (see footnote)
Blassingen, Thomas--Pvt--F--43--Kentucky--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Block, Diedrich--Pvt--C--47--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--died 1893 Kansas
Blohm, Henry--Pvt--C--50--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension application 1890, denied--fate unknown
Blohm, John--Pvt--A--17--Louisiana--Morgan Co--(see footnote)--pension 1864 "Blum"--died 1902
Bockelman, Frederick--Cpl--E--34--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1874
Bockelman, Peter--Sgt--E--28--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1873--died 1909
Boerger, Claus--Pvt--D--36--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1883
Boerger, Peter--Pvt--F--35--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1878
Boettjer, Frederick--Pvt--A--22--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1883 Sedalia Mo
Boettjer, Henry--Pvt--D--42--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1901
Boettjer, Herman--Pvt--D--32--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1895
Bohling, Diedrich--Pvt--E--47--Hanover--Benton Co--pension application 1891--died 1891
Bohling, Henry--Pvt--A--49--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension 1890--died 1890
Bohling, John--Pvt--C--32--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1891--died 1913
Bolte, John--BrevLt--B--23--Hanover--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Bomer, John--Pvt--B--24--Missouri--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1870
Borchers, Frederick--Pvt--D--35--Hanover--Benton County--pension 1891--died 1906
Borchers, John--Pvt--B--26--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--pension 1891 (8th MSM)--died 1901
Borchers, John Henry--Pvt--E--38--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1889
Borchers, Jürgen--Pvt--A--38--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1891--died 1896
Born, John Frederick--Pvt--F--44--Prussia--Morgan Co--(see note)--died 1893
Bradley, Jonathan--Pvt--B--38--Missouri--Benton Co--pension 1878 (8th MSM)--died 1888
Brandes, Christian--Pvt--A--36--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see footnote)--pension 1864--died 1903
Brandow, William--Pvt--F--23--Hesse--Benton Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Brandt, Carl--Cpl--C--26--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1904--died 1918
Brandt, Christoph--Unknown--28--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--died Saline Co 1916
Brandt, Claus--Sgt--B--55--Hanover--Pettis Co--no pension data--died 1872
Brandt, Henry--Pvt--B--20--Hanover--Morgan Co--no pension data--Lafayette Co 1880
Brandt, Jacob--Pvt--C--28--Hanover--Morgan Co--widow's pension 1891--died 1891
Brandt, John--Pvt--E--33--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1871
Brase, Christopher H--1Sgt--C--26--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1908 Illinois
Brase, Claus--Pvt--E--22--Hanover--Morgan Co--"Shot in leg"--pension 1888--died 1911
Brauer, Fred--Pvt--E--34--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1896
Brauer, Henry--unknown--13--Benton Co--Benton Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--died 1923
Brauer, John Henry--Pvt--F--31--Hanover--Pettis Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1904
Bremer, John--Pvt--E--25--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1916 Michigan
Bremer, John F--Pvt--F--20--Louisana--Morgan Co--pension 1883--fate unknown
Brockman, Peter--Pvt--A--37--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension 1890--died 1885
Bruehl, Carl--Cpt--F--40--Rhineland--Pettis Co--widow's pension 1864--killed C.C. battle
Bruehl, Christian--Pvt--F--28--Rhineland--Pettis Co--pension 1904--died 1919
Bruehl, John Gerlach--LtCol--F--58--Rhineland--Pettis Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1878
Bruenjes, Claus--Pvt--B--46--Hanover--Pettis Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Bruenjes, Diedrich--Pvt--D--31--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data (see footnote)--died before 1890
Bruenjes, Gevert--Pvt--C--31--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Bruenjes, Henry--Pvt--D--24--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1891--died 1924
Bruenjes, John--Pvt--D--27--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1896--died 1907
Brunjes, Henry--Pvt--D--31--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1879--died Pettis Co 1920
Brunkhorst, Diedrich--Pvt--C--unknown; not found census, no pension applicatio--(see footnote)
Brunkhorst, John Henry--Pvt--F--22--Missouri--Morgan Co--(see footnote)--died of wounds 6-25-1861
Brunkhorst, John Henry--Cpl--B--24--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1870s Morgan Co?
Brunkhorst, John--Cpl--A--19--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1899--died 1927
Buck, Gerd--Pvt--B--44--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890 "Gerhard"--died 1892
Bultemeier, Henry--Pvt--C--24--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1890--died 1917
Budde, William--Pvt--E--34--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--pension 1891--died aft 1900
Burns, M.D.L.--Pvt--F--28--Ohio--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Burns, Simon W--Pvt--F--22--Ohio--Morgan Co--pension 1890 (45th Mo Inf)--died 1903
Call, Francis--SgtMaj--42--Massachusetts--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Chilcoat, John--Pvt--F--27--Missouri--Morgan Co--"prisoner"--pension 1890--fate unknown
Clausen, John--Pvt--B--25--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1903 Pettis Co
Constedt, George Henry--Pvt--B--33--Hanover--Morgan Co--no pension data--died 1895
Cook, Abel H.W.--Cpt--A--41--New York--Benton Co--(see pension footnote)--killed Nov 1861
Cordes, Adolph--Pvt--A--45--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1891
Cordes, Arndt--Pvt--D--22--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--killed 1863
Cordes, Barthold H--Pvt--D--17--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1927 Meade Co Kansas
Cordes, Claus--Pvt--A--19--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1891--died 1917 Gilmore City, Iowa
Cordes, Gerd--Pvt--A--39--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension 1890--died 1888
Cordes, Henry--Pvt--C--36--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1871
Cordes, Jacob--Pvt--D--37--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1903
Cordes, John--Pvt--D--29--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1877
Cramer, Jonathan--Pvt--F--36--Ohio--Morgan Co--pension 1890 "Cramor"--died 1907
Damm, Henry--ComSgt--48--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1870s
Davis, David--Pvt--F--20--Ohio--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Davis, Jonathan--Pvt--F--51--Wales--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Deininger, John G--Pvt--D--41--Wurtemburg--Benton Co--pension applic 1890--died ca 1891 Illinois
Detjen, John Frederick--Pvt--E--38--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--killed in C. C. battle
Detjen, Peter--Pvt--D--44--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1887 Crawford Co, Kansas
Dickerson, James W--Pvt--B--20--Missouri--Benton Co--pension 1890 (6th MSM)--died 1897
Dieckman, Frederick--2LT--A--27--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1891--died 1911
Diedrich, Charles--Pvt--F--41--Wurtemberg--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Dieringer, Louis--2Lt--A--23--Alsace--unknown--pension 1881 (5th MSM)--died 1914 Boonville
Dillon, Samuel Jackson--Pvt--B--30--Virginia--Benton Co--pension 1891 (8th MSM)--died 1913
Doescher, John Henry--Pvt--D--58--Hanover--Benton Co--aka Desher--widow's pension 1890--died 1886
Dohrman, John Henry--Pvt--F--46--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--killed C. C. battle
Dreier, Diedrich--Pvt--B--27--Hanover--Benton Co-- no pension data--killed Concordia 1864
Duden, Claus--Pvt--E--36--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension 1891--died 1884
Dueber, Gustav--Pvt--F--23--Rhineland--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1935 Tipton, Mo
Ebeling, Henry--Pvt--D--48--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--died 1864
Ebeling, John--Pvt--B--22--Hanover--Benton Co--(see footnote)--pension 1893--died 1922
Ebeling, Nicholas--Pvt--D--20--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890 (5th MSM)--died 1914
Eckhoff, Claus--Pvt--B--17--Hanover--Benton Co--"prisoner 6-19, rel 7-2"--pension 1883--died 1933
Eckhoff, Gerd Henry--Pvt--A--37--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Eckhoff, Hans Henry--Sgt--D--49--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension application 1890--died 1886
Eckhoff, Herman--Pvt--A--28--Hanover--Benton Co--widow's pension 1909--died 1886
Eckhoff, Paul--Pvt--B--21--Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--died 1863 accident, 8th MSM
Eckhoff, Peter--Pvt--A--17--Benton Co--Benton Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1902
Eding, Cord--Pvt--D--43--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1897
Ehlers, Anton E--Pvt--A--21--Hanover--Morgan Co--pension 1891--died 1914
Ehlers, Claus--Pvt--C--30--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see footnote)--no pension data--died 1902
Ehlers, Cord--Pvt--D--34--Hanover--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1914
Ehlers, Gevert--Pvt--F--35--Hanover--Morgan Co--widow's pension 1890--died before 1890
Ehlers, John--Pvt--C--45--Hanover--Morgan Co--(see pension footnote)--died 1908
Ehrichs, John--Pvt--C--57--Hanover--Morgan Co--no pension data--fate unknown
Eichholz, Christian--Pvt--A--19--Nassau--Pettis Co--pension applic 1889 (5th MSM) denied--died 1928 Sedalia
Eichholz, Ferdinand--Pvt--F--42--Nassau--Pettis Co--no pension data--died 1880
Eickhoff, John J--2Lt--D--41--Hanover--Benton Co--Pension 1890 Kans (8th MSM)--died 1901 Okla
Eifert, John--Pvt--F--26--Hesse--Benton Co--pension 1890--died 1899
Elsinger, "Captain"--unknown--(see footnote)
Elsner, Henry--Musician--A--43--Brunswick--Morgan Co--no pension data--died 1877 Saline Co
Estes, James--Pvt--B--21--Missouri--Morgan Co--no pension data--died 1905
Albers, Henry: Not on rosters; applied for a pension 1890 but no certificate listed.
Bahrenburg, John F: "Rupture of brain causing disability;" 1890 Vets census "Shot in head & left leg."
Balke, Jacob: Single in 1860 census, and no record of a marriage or widow found.
Becker, Claus: Widow's pension 1864; listed as John in church record and by widow in 1890 Census.
Beckman, Henry: Pension granted to mother 1882; see comments on Widows page.
Behrens, William: Not on rosters; applied for a pension 1894 but no certificate listed.
Beyer, Daniel: Pension 1890 as "Daniel Boyer, alias Byer" and widow's pension 1900 Mary "Boyer."
Surname spelled Baier and Bayer in church records, Beyer on rosters, gravestones, and in biography.
Birch, Cornelius: Widow's pension 1879 (9th MSM) "Carnilius."
Blanken, Herman: "Lost rifle and blanket."
Blanken, John: Killed Battle of Cole Camp (church record) but is listed on rosters as
"Claus Blanke, killed, left widow, lost gun and blanket valued at $9."
Block, Diedrich: "disability discharge 20 July 1861."
Blohm, John: "Accidently shot, Jefferson City, 8-2-61, lost a hand." Surname "Blum" on pension.
Borchers, John: "Served additional month to guard government train to Lexington."
Born, John Frederick: Service listed 1890 Union Veterans Census, but not on roster, and widow's application denied.
Brandes, Christian: "wounded 6-19-61." Surname spelled "Brandis" on pension file.
Brandt, Christoph: Not on roster, but biog in 1881 Saline Co History states was in Home Guards and Battle of Cole Camp.
Brase, Christopher H: Widow's pension 1909; "Heinrich Brase" listed as alias.
Brauer, Henry: Listed as among living Cole Camp battle veterans in 1913, and in 1989 Cole Camp book.
Brauer, John Henry: Widow's pension 1904 "Henry"; John Henry Brauer on federal service record.
Bruehl, John Gerlach: No pension data; name omitted from roster at own request, per statement on file.
Brunjes, Diedrich: Widow is listed in 1890 vets census, but apparently did not apply for a pension.
Brunkhorst, Diedrich: Not thought to be the Diedrich Brunkhorst then 66, but possibly his son Henry--24--
Hanover--Benton Co--no pension data--fate unknown--using father's name to distinguish from other Henry?
Brunkhorst, John Henry: Widow's pension 1864 "Henry.".
Budde, William: Listed on rosters as "Kurde" and this shown as an "alias" on pension application.
Cook, Abel H W: "Elected Capt of Co A but did not command same." Organizer of the regiment and
the original commander, but Henry Imhauser was appointed commander after the Cole Camp battle.
An 1863 letter reported that Cook was killed later in Henry County, near Leesville,
and the pension application filed by his widow states he was "shot by rebels in Henry County, 7 November 1861."
Her application was rejected because "he was not in U.S. service at time of death, having been discharged on
13 September 1861." The widow received payment of $361.33 on 1 May 1865 for his June-Sept service.
His probate filed 15 Jan 1867 stated he died intestate, and listed an appraisal of property total of $197.
Cordes, Arndt: Shot by rebel troops in Cole Camp 1863 (Monsees Church records).
Cordes, Henry: Not on rosters, but widow listed him in 1890 veterans census and applied for a pension.
No certificate listed, so apparently denied.
Dohrman, John Henry: Widow's pension 1864 "Henry" apparently denied; minor's pension granted 1865.
Dueber, Gustav: "Disability disch 7-21-61." No certificate listed for 1912 pension application;
did not serve the minimum 90 days required.
Ebeling, Henry and John: Rosters list only Henry, but John's pension lists HG service and cites Henry
as an "alias" so probably only John served. However, Henry and widow died before most pensions were
filed, and Henry and John are listed in different HG Companies, so both may have served.
Eckhoff, Peter: Not on rosters; applied for pension 1892 and widow Sophia again 1904, both denied.
Ehlers, Claus: Not on rosters but listed in 1890 veterans census, no pension application found.
Ehlers, John: "Disability disch 7-20-61" - Pension apparently denied; did not serve minimum 90 days.
Elsinger, Captain: Cited in C. C. battle accounts but not on rosters or other records; possibly Henry Elsner, Musician.
F - J
K - O
P - Z